The latest website: The Golden Tiger King Daoyuan has killed a lot. Although he is a tiger monster, he does not have a white tiger bloodline and his talent is not very good.

The general gold-stripe tiger can only grow to the second-tier top grade, and it is very rare to be able to cultivate to the third-tier.

The ten golden-patterned tigers they dealt with should all be inferior to Tier 3.

If the three half-monsters of the late Zifu stage had powerful magical weapons, it would not have much difficulty to deal with ten third-order lower-grade golden-patterned tigers.

The three half-monsters brag about each other, and Wang Daoyuan also heard a lot of news from them.

For example, the place where the conflict between the Monster Race of the Sky Slash Mountain Range and the Monster Race of the Arctic Ice Plain broke out, and the scale of the conflict between the two sides.

After learning the news, Wang Daoyuan thought about it.

I learned from the ancestors of Wanling that most of the places where the soul demon appeared were dying demon races.

They collect the souls of those monster races, for some reason.

If you want to find a dying monster, the battlefield is the most suitable place.

Where the Tianzhan Mountain Range Monster Race and the Ice Plain Monster Race are fighting, there is most likely a soul demon to appear.

Wang Daoyuan decided to follow these three guys for a few laps on the battlefield, maybe he could really attract the soul demon.

In any case, this is always a hope.

Among a group of half-monsters in the Purple Mansion, it is also difficult to inquire about the spirit demon.

After making up his mind, he took a jug of wine and came to the table where the three half demons were.

"Three fellow daoists, it's polite to be here."

Yin Jiao glanced at him and saw the dense dragon scales on his hand.

"It turns out to be of the same race, and the blood is quite pure, what's the matter with fellow Daoists?"

Wang Daoyuan arched his hands and said: "Little brother Jinlin, who has traveled around for many years, came to this Snow Dragon City not long ago, and didn't know how to earn cultivation resources for a while.

After hearing the words of the three Daoists, I thought I still had some strength, and wanted to slay the demon clan in the Sky Slash Mountain Range with the three Daoists.

I don’t know, can the three fellow Taoists accept the younger brother? "

The three half-monsters looked at each other, and then Yin Jiao asked, "The Daoist's bloodline is pure, presumably his combat power is not low, at least it won't drag us down.

It's just that you don't wear your head belt when you do this work, and you may lose your life at any time.

This time we were besieged by ten golden-stripe tigers, if we hadn't resorted to life-saving means, we might have confessed.

The three of us have no other strengths and no backing.

If you want to get enough resources, you can only fight for this life.

If a fellow Taoist has another way out, it's better not to interfere with this matter. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "If there is a way out, it won't come to the extreme cold ice field.

I was originally born in a half-demon tribe. Before the great chaos in the mountains and the north, the tribe was destroyed by war. I managed to survive.

It's a pity that I don't have a skill, so I can only wander around.

When traveling in the human territory a few years ago, he clashed with other half-monsters, and missed and injured a half-demon of the Qingjiao tribe.

As you know, the Qingjiao tribe has taken refuge in Yan State, and now its patriarch has become the prefect of Luoxing County of Yan State.

I offended the Qingjiao tribe and couldn't live there anymore.

I wandered around and didn't even have a complete inheritance. It takes a lot of resources and time to improve my cultivation. There is no time to learn a skill. "

Yin Jiao patted him on the shoulder: "We are all suffering from the same disease. Although we half-monsters have strong physical bodies, we still don't like the environment of the extremely cold ice field.

If you can live in the south, who wants to come here.

No matter, we will accept you. "

Wang Daoyuan looked surprised, and raised the wine jar: "Thank you three brothers for taking in, my brother respects the three brothers."

After the four of them finished eating and drinking, Yin Jiao said with a smile: "The three of us still have a small courtyard in this Snow Dragon City. If Brother Jinlin has no place to stay, we will come to live together.

Anyway, the yard is spacious enough, and there is no difference between living with three people and four people. "

Wang Daoyuan arched his hands and said: "So, the younger brother is disrespectful."

After he settled the bill, he followed Yin Jiao and the other three to leave and came to a small courtyard in the south of the city.

This small courtyard is only ten feet away, and there are five or six houses in the courtyard. Wang Daoyuan randomly chose an empty house to live in.

After living in this small courtyard for more than a month, Yin Jiao and the three of them had almost recovered from their injuries.

The four gathered together, and Yin Jiao said, "Brothers, we have almost cultivated this month, and we have also prepared some magical instruments and pills.

It's no way to be so idle all the time. How about going out to hunt the demon clan in the Sky Slash Mountain Range together? "

Jin Jiao and Xiong Shan didn't have any opinion, Wang Dao was so eager to go out to hunt the beast earlier, and naturally didn't have any opinion.

The four set off immediately, and after leaving Snow Dragon City, they headed northeast all the way.

Flew more than 6,000 miles, came near the main vein of the Tianzhan Mountain Range, and landed in a small valley with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Although this place is within the range of the extremely cold ice field, it is affected by the Heavenly Slash Mountain Range Spirit Vein, and there is not much ice and snow.

There is no snow in the valley, a scene full of life.

Yin Jiao smiled and said, "To the west of the Sky Slash Mountain Range, the Icefield Demon Race has the upper hand.

Most of the demon races in the Tianzhan Mountains fled to the east, but the low-level demon races did not have this ability.

They didn't have the ability to cross the Sky Slash Mountain Range, so they could only stay here.

But the surrounding area was mostly covered by ice and snow, and those monster races with their cubs had to find places like this valley to escape the severe cold.

As long as we wait here for a few days, there will definitely be Tier 3 monsters coming to die.

Take down a few monsters at random, and each of our brothers can earn hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. "

Afterwards, the three of them used their own means of hiding, hiding in various places in the valley, waiting for the demon clan to show up.

After waiting for five or six days, a monster finally appeared.

This is a small howling wolf pack with five big and two small seven wolves.

When Xiaoyue Wolf reaches adulthood, he will have a third-tier middle-grade cultivation base, and some of them can break through fourth-tier.

Among the wolves, there are two Tier 3 high-grade howling moon wolves, which should be the wolf king and wolf queen.

The remaining three adult Xiaoyue wolves have only a third-order middle-grade cultivation base, and the two little wolves only have a first-order high-grade cultivation base.

Yin Jiao communicated to the other three: "The strength of this wolf pack is not weak, but with our strength, it can still be dealt with.

After the Golden Horn brothers and I dealt with the wolf king and the wolf, Jinlin and Xiongshan dealt with the three third-tier middle-ranks.

Don't ask you to win, just hold them for half an hour.

When I kill a howling wolf, I can destroy the entire wolf pack when I free my hands.

If the two little wolf pups can be caught alive, they will surely be able to sell for a good price. "

The trio immediately replied via voice transmission, expressing their agreement with his plan.

After that, Yin Jiao and Jinshan rushed out quickly, entangled the wolf king and wolf queen.

The other three adult Moon Howling wolves wanted to go up to besiege, Wang Daoyuan and Xiong Shan rushed out quickly, entangled the three Moon Howling wolves.

Wang Daoyuan didn't deliberately hide his clumsiness, he turned his hands into dragon claws, and cast the spells that came with the true dragon forging power.

Killing the third-order middle-rank Xiaoyue wolf is naturally a breeze.

With less than half a cup of tea, Wang Daoyuan easily solved the two howling wolves.

Xiong Shan was also the cultivation base of the late Zifu Mansion. His fighting skills were not weak, and he also solved a howling wolf.

Subsequently, the four men besieged the two howling wolves, and the battle was successfully resolved after more than a hundred breaths.

The two little wolf pups also failed to run away, and were caught by the Yin Jiao.

"I didn't expect Jinlin Daoist Fellow to be so powerful. UU Reading, especially this physical body, can outperform monsters of the same rank.

With five Tier 3 monsters, plus two live wolf pups, selling two or three million spirit stones shouldn’t be a problem, and it’s enough time for the four of us brothers to get away with it for a while. "

The four of them left this small valley talking and laughing and headed towards Xuelong City.

At this moment, two looming shadows appeared in the place where they hunted monsters.

One of the shadows asked: "That kid with dragon claws is not right. His dragon claws don't seem to be born, but rather like a special exercise."

Another shadow said: "It's really not right, his body is a bit ridiculously strong.

It is impossible for the human race or half-demon of Zifu's cultivation base to cultivate the flesh to such a degree.

There must be a big secret hidden in this person, do you want to catch them and solve them? "


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