Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 958: Recruit

Latest website: Wang Mingchen looked at Xuanyu coldly: "Is the line of Xuanwu Bingyuan going extinct? Why are all people sent here?

My father is the number one powerhouse in the immortal world of Beiyuan, the great demon king of your demon clan, and when he sees my father, he has to give three points of courtesy.

You are a Tier 4 high-grade monster clan, what qualifications do you have to enable my father to do things? "

Xuanyu immediately realized that he had said something wrong, but he was from the Xuanwu line, and eating scales was an ancestral craft.

His stubborn temper came up, but he didn't admit his mistake.

Han Jiaosheng was afraid of something serious, and said quickly: "Xuan Yu has a clumsy mouth and can't speak.

Although the words offended the Supreme Emperor, it was also an unintentional mistake. I hope that your Majesty will not blame it. "

Wang Shouye snorted coldly: "The monsters don't understand etiquette, so it's not surprising.

It's just that the fourth-order demon race is not inferior to the human race in intelligence, the extreme cold ice field is vast and boundless, and the fourth-order demon race should not be in the minority, can't even find one who can talk? "

This question made Han Jiao very embarrassed, and there were many demons who understood etiquette.

But Xuanwu blood is scarce, and they are stubborn. It is very difficult to find someone who understands etiquette.

In the extremely cold ice field, the position of the Xuanwu line is very high.

How can there be no demon clan of the Xuanwu line present when discussing such a major event?

In desperation, Han Jiao had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "The character of the Xuanwu bloodline is relatively withdrawn, and it is inevitable that it is not well-mannered.

This is just his personal error, and does not represent the meaning of the Icefield Demon Race.

Xuanyu, I'll talk about the next thing, so don't speak up. "

Wang Mingchen waved his hand and said, "I will not affect the relationship between the two families for such a small matter.

It is not convenient for Yan State to disturb the internal affairs of the Yaozu, and the cooperation between the two parties can only be at the level of commerce, which can be handled by the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The next thing, let my emperor brother discuss with you. "

Han Jiao wanted to get more of Yan Guo to sell some precious spiritual objects, but now it is mixed by Xuan Yu, it is good that Yan Guo is willing to continue talking.

Regardless of the quality of things, if you can buy more, you can also increase the strength of the Icefield Demon Race.

He bid farewell to Wang Mingchen, and together with Xuanyu, he followed Wang Mingkang to leave the Imperial Palace.

Wang Mingchen breathed a sigh of relief after one person and two demons walked away: "They say that demons are not good at playing with their hearts. It seems that this argument is not reliable.

Can think of pulling us Yan Guo into the water to shield them from the knife, it seems that there is an expert among the monsters.

The Wishful Abacus on the Yaozu side played well, but it was a pity that those who had the ability did not dare to come forward.

Only second-rate stuff like Han Jiao can be sent, plus a perverted Xuanyu. "

Wang Shouye smiled and said, "It's also good to do business with Shanbei. You can set the price higher.

When the monster clan’s spirit stones are not enough, they can only sell a large amount of the souvenirs of the extremely cold ice field in exchange for our resources.

The elixir produced in the extremely cold ice field has great benefits for improving the spiritual consciousness cultivation. It is really difficult to find such elixir in other places.

The Ice Plains Monster Race gets our resource supply, and its strength can be improved somewhat.

The more they play and the more they consume, the more beneficial it will be to the development of our country.

When we thoroughly understand the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beast Valley, there will be a few more Nascent Soul cultivators.

You can try to completely wipe out the demon clan of the Sky Slash Mountain Range just like the Ten Thousand Beast Valley back then, and occupy the entire Sky Slash Mountain Range. "

In Hongyou Temple, the Zhengqing Wang Mingshan of Hongyou Temple and Wang Mingkang, the vice chairman of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, began to discuss with Hanjiao and Xuanyu about expanding their business.

Wang Mingshan doesn't care about commerce and Xuanyu now has no say, and the two of them have become foils.

The two parties had no opinion on the sale of the medicines, magical instruments, and charms of Tier 3 and below, and they all agreed quickly.

The Demon Race of the Arctic Icefield promised that they could eat as much as the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce could transport.

Formation plates and the like are useless, and Yan Guo will not sell Tier 5 formation plates, and Tier 4 formation plates are vulnerable to the fifth-order monster clan.

There are some disputes between the two sides regarding the fourth-order spiritual relic.

The Yan State party agreed to sell a small amount of Tier 4 pills and magical weapons, and Tier 4 magical weapons had only simple offensive and defensive weapons.

More complicated or extremely valuable magical artifacts will never be sold.

The Han Jiao asked in a flanking manner whether he could sell Tier 3 flying boats.

Although Tier 3 flying boats cannot directly participate in battles like flying warships, their speed is much slower.

However, in terms of a large number of transfers of manpower, the function is no worse than that of a flying warship.

On the contrary, because the hull is lighter, it consumes less.

If the Monster Race had a large number of flying boats, it would be difficult for the Human Race to guard them.

Doing this business is tantamount to selling ancestral graves.

No matter what conditions Han Jiao gave, Wang Mingkang flatly refused.

After two days of discussion, only an agreement was reached, and Terran sold a large number of pill symbols of Tier 3 and below.

The fourth-order pill and magical items are only sold in a small amount, but there are no magical charms at all.

Han Jiao saw that Yan Guo had become determined, and he did not continue to grind.

The two parties reached an agreement to purchase the materials of Wanchuan merchants at a price twice as high as the market price.

The work of transporting materials is naturally done by the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce also decided to set up a branch in Xuelong City, and then dispatched effective personnel to serve as the branch president, in charge of the business between the Chamber of Commerce and the Icefield Monster Race.

Wang Mingchen is also worried that full cooperation with Yaozu will affect Yan's reputation.

The court of Yan Kingdom did not stand in front of the stage, but did business with the Icefield Monster Race in the name of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

After Wang Mingkang had negotiated with the monsters, Han Jiao and Xuan Yu took the flying boat of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and returned to Xuelong City.

Wang Daoyuan is still disguising in Xuelong City. Since getting a fortune from the last hunt, Yin Jiao and the others do not plan to make another move in a short period of time.

Wang Daoyuan stayed in the small courtyard all day for cultivation reasons.

At this time, a letter-passing jade talisman on his body lit up.

He took out the letter jade talisman and said with a smile: "When the business is negotiated, the Icefield Demon Race will definitely make big moves."

Not too many meetings, Yin Jiao and the other three returned to the courtyard drunkly.

Yin Jiao shouted as soon as he entered the courtyard: "Brother Jinlin, the three of us went out for a drink and heard good news."

Wang Daoyuan walked out of the room: "Brother Yin Jiao, I wonder if there is any good news?"

"The city lord issued a notice to establish the Xuelong Army and the Xuanwu Army, and recruit talented people to join.

The demon and half demon with the blood of the dragon clan, as long as the cultivation base reaches the third-order low-grade or the early stage of the purple mansion, they can join the Xuelong army without testing.

Moreover, if you join the Xuelong Army, you can become a small boss.

Needless to say, the salary, even if there is no war, there is a salary of five thousand spirit stones a month.

If you can make military exploits, you will be rewarded with a large sacred stone.

The hunted monsters can be sold at market prices.

In this way, when we join the Snow Dragon Army, we won't delay hunting monsters to earn spirit stones, and we can get an extra salary and rewards for nothing.

Non-dragon bloodline monks, as long as they are qualified, can also join the Xuelong Army.

The two of us enter the Snow Dragon Army, and when we become the bosses, we will be able to bring in the two brothers, Jin Jiao and Xiong Shan.

The four brothers are still together and can also have a caregiver.

By the way, don’t you have a problem with the practice?

As long as you can make merits in the Xuelong it is possible to reward the martial arts. "

Upon learning this news, Wang Daoyuan secretly said in his heart: The Icefield Demon Race is to recruit troops and expand their strength.

After discussing business with Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, we can obtain more resources.

This will recruit more troops and expand the strength under your hand.

When the Xuelong Army and the Xuanwu Army have recruited enough manpower, it is time to take a big shot against the Demon Race of the Tianzhan Mountain Range.

I came to the Extreme Cold Icefield not to help the demon race fight, but to catch the spirit demon, and the spirit demon likes to appear in places where there are dying demon races the most.

Once the two demon races go to war, there will be many dead and wounded demon races, and it is very likely that the spirit demon will be drawn out.

Thinking about it this way, I really should actively participate in it.

"There is still this good thing? If you can get a lot of spirit stones for nothing, and you may get a suitable technique, then I can't miss it."

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