Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 964: Prey appears

The latest website: Wang Daoyuan didn't know how to search for the soul demon for a while, and he planned to go to the Heavenly Secret Sect to borrow the Yin-Yang compass.

The yin and yang compass has a relatively comprehensive function, searching for various spiritual objects, finding flaws in the formation, and also has the function of fighting and trapping the enemy.

Using this thing to search for the soul demon can also play some role.

After receiving the letter from Wang Mingchen and knowing the function of the Soul Chasing Compass, he immediately asked the clone in the Lingzhu space to search for the Ten Thousand Beast Valley Heritage.

After getting the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley before, let the clone sort it out.

Different types of inheritance are classified and stored.

He didn't pay too much attention to such partial magical instruments as the soul chasing compass, so he didn't make a copy of it.

All the refining methods of partial magic weapons are stacked together.

Several clones searched together, and soon found out the refining method of the soul chasing compass.

However, the basic functions of all compass-like instruments are the same, and the refining methods are relatively similar.

Depending on the target you are looking for, the pattern of the organ that works is also different.

The soul chasing compass finds the target's tool pattern, which can sense the power of soul and divine consciousness.

There are many compass-like instruments with this function, but the function of the chasing compass is stronger.

Generally, the same type of magical artifacts can only detect some clues when the target uses the divine sense.

And the function of the soul chasing compass is much stronger, as long as there are souls within the detection range, they can be detected.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent does not have any special means to defend.

This soul chasing compass was made by Ten Thousand Beast Valley itself, and it has never been released.

What methods can interfere with it, even the Xuanwu Hall Master who created the Soul Chasing Compass doesn't know.

In the Lingzhu space, there is a fifth-order refining master clone named Blood Spring, which does not require the remote control of the king to deal with materials and forging.

The flow of time in the Lingzhu space was more than ninety times that of the outside world, and the blood spring had plenty of time to practice hands.

Three days later, a compass without an inscribed instrument pattern was created.

After all, the soul chasing compass is a relatively special magic weapon. It has a very strong ability to detect the soul, and it is more difficult to refine.

Wang Daoyuan tossed for two months, and after three failures, he refined a compass without major flaws.

After all, it is necessary to deal with the legendary soul demon, or to be as perfect as possible.

After the veins were inscribed, they were put into the spiritual orb space and kept in the forging celestial cauldron.

Five or six days later, the magic artifacts have been cultivated.

The soul-chasing compass that has been cultivated is a black disc with a diameter of more than five inches, and its raw material is yellow spring willow.

This compass is a fifth-order high-grade magic weapon, and the refining method also has a seventh-order soul-seeking compass refining method, but Wang Dao is far from knowing himself, so he doesn't pursue high levels of difficulty.

The ornamentation on the compass is also very simple, and there is nothing else besides the position mark.

He brought the soul chasing compass into the sea of ​​knowledge. After all, he had to deal with the ghosts who appeared and disappear, and he couldn't always hold the compass in his hands.

The people who created the Soul Chasing Compass in the past thought of this and made improvements to the pattern so that it could be included in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Spiritual power and divine consciousness are injected into the compass, and an extremely weak energy is released from the compass.

This energy has a very strong ability to penetrate, and it was not hindered by Wang Daoyuan's sea of ​​knowledge.

Soon, this energy covered an area with a radius of three hundred miles.

This energy is extremely concealed, and it is difficult to detect with Wang Daoyuan's spiritual consciousness cultivation.

If he could easily detect it, he couldn't hide it from the spirit demon.

The power of the magical consciousness of the general monster race is far from that of the rank human race.

The Great Demon King of the Arctic Icefield should not be able to discover this special energy at all, let alone other demon races.

After the energy spread three hundred miles away, a phantom with a diameter of one hundred meters began to appear on the compass. This phantom was the topographic map of Xuelong City and its surroundings.

The sea of ​​knowledge of people is originally an extremely special space, and the scope is endless.

Of course, most physical objects cannot be directly put into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Otherwise, Terran does not need any spatial treasures.

It doesn't matter how big it is like this kind of insubstantial phantom.

On the phantom of the topographic map, dense light spots appeared.

Each light spot represents a soulful creature, and the color and brightness of these light spots are different.

There are eight colors of light spots displayed by the Soul Chasing Compass, which are gray and seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

Gray represents ordinary beasts and human races below Qi training, and the seven colors correspond to human monks from Qi training to Mahayana realm, and monster races of the same realm.

The strength of spiritual consciousness cultivation is represented by the brightness of the light spot.

Wang Daoyuan's compass is only a fifth-level top grade, and can detect the soul of the cultivator at the highest level, showing a blue light spot.

There are no gray spots in the entire Xuelong City area, and even red spots are extremely rare.

There are also many orange light spots, but the most are still the yellow light spots representing the monks of the Purple Mansion.

Probably in the underground of the City Lord's Mansion, there was a cyan light spot.

It seems that this Snow Dragon City still has a Tier 5 monster in ambush.

After verifying the function, Wang Daoyuan closed the Soul Chasing Compass.

The search tools are all alive, and if you want to catch the spirit demon, you can only rely on the spirit orb.

Delaying the soul demon's escape into the underworld and buying time for the Lingzhu depend on the roar of Yunyi.

This guy stayed in the Lingzhu space for more than a year, and according to the flow of time in the space, more than one hundred years had passed.

There are many kinds of spiritual objects in the spirit orb space, and Yunyi's training resources will never be short.

It's just that this guy wanted to be lazy, so Wang Daoyuan ordered the immortal forging tool spirit to look at him.

Yun Yi's strength was completely vulnerable in front of the sixth-order immortal forging cauldron.

Forging the immortal cauldron wouldn't be used to him, so I would put it in the cauldron and roast it with a spiritual fire.

Now his cultivation base has reached the fourth-tier middle-rank, and it will take some time to cultivate to the fourth-rank high-rank.

Now this cultivation speed has exceeded Wang Daoyuan's expectations.

If it hadn't been in charge of the forging celestial cauldron, with Yunyi's lazy virtue, it would take ten years to cultivate to the fourth-order peak.

It now appears that it will only take two to three years at most.

Yin Jiao came to his door, and Wang Daoyuan's spiritual consciousness exited the Lingzhu space.

He came to the door and asked, "What's the matter with Brother Yin Jiao?"

"Lieutenant Right conveyed the order of General Bing Chi, and the right colonel must recruit the half-demon as soon as possible.

Moreover, starting from next month, the team of hundreds of people in the right school will go to the main line of the Sky Slash Mountain Range to slay the remaining Tian Slash Mountain Range Monster Race. "

"Is there any movement over the left school?"

Yin Jiao shook his head: "There is nothing moving on the left school, but the Tier 3 demon race is recruited step by step.

It's just that the newly recruited monsters have added a condition that escape skills must be included in the talent spell. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded without saying anything.

It seems that the last time in the hot spring valley, the demon clan suffered a heavy loss, and the half demon remained undamaged, which stimulated the ice moth.

The demon clan's methods only rely on blood talent, and the adaptability is far inferior to the half demon.

Half a month later, it was time for the right school to enter the Tianzhan Mountains to inspect.

Wang Daoyuan is the centurion of the 100th team of the right school, and the patrol area is in the east of Xuelong City.

Leaving Snow Dragon City with his subordinates for more than a thousand miles, Wang Daoyuan opened the soul-chasing compass in the sea of ​​knowledge.

The phantom on the compass shows within a radius of three hundred miles, and there are no other living creatures except the demon he leads.

This thing consumes a lot of spiritual power, but Wang Daoyuan doesn't care about spiritual power consumption, so he intends to keep it on.

Xiang Dong didn't get far, two dazzling light spots suddenly appeared on the compass, one of which was a blue light spot representing the Yuan Ying monk.

Moreover, this light spot is extremely dazzling, no less than his own light spot on the compass phantom.

The other light spot is green, which represents Jindan cultivation.

Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed and his prey appeared.

The soul of the demon race is far different from the rank human race. Among the cultivators on the bright side of the Beiyuan Cultivation Realm, there is no divine sense comparable to one's own.

Moreover, these two light spots appeared suddenly.

The cultivation base of the divine consciousness is comparable to one's own, and there are only ghosts.

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