Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 990: Ice and Fire 2

Latest website: Wang Daoyuan pretended to be silly, and Zhou Luan glared at him.

"Don't try, my husband is the one who saved you.

However, you have also been paid, and neither owes each other.

I helped you kill the sharks this time because they got in the way, and saved you just by doing it easily. "

After finishing speaking, he pulled Wang Daoyuan's right hand and placed it on his waist, looking very intimate.

A smile appeared on Wang Daoyuan's face: "Fairy Xuanbing, Uncle Zhong, have been missing for many years, this is my Taoist companion Zhou Luan."

Fairy Xuan Bing bowed and saluted: "Little sister Wen Bingxian has seen sister Zhou Luan."

There was some ambiguity about this. Zhou Luan took Wang Daoyuan's look and asked, "The first time I met, I was worthy of my sister. Are you planning to be your concubine?"

I really didn't see it, you are quite capable. "

Wang Daoyuan's right hand was still holding Zhou Luan's waist, and he only felt a little hot. This was Zhou Luan's use of Chi Luan's Nirvana Fire to clean himself.

I would never dare to resist, I could only endure it, and I had to force a smile.

Zhou Luan is Zhou's family after all, and his courtesy is very thoughtful: "Sister, don't have to be courteous."

After all, the disguise was removed, and the true face was revealed.

Fairy Xuanbing also removed the disguise technique like a grudge, revealing his true face.

Both of them are stunning beauties.

Zhou Luan is graceful and luxurious, and has been in a high position for many years, with some majesty.

Fairy Xuanbing was frosty with some sadness.

The two seemed to be competing for their looks, and at the same time there was some spiritual power exuding.

In the small cave, there are two layers of ice and fire, half of which is hot and cold.

This silent battle is too fierce, and it is easy to hurt people around.

Especially Wang Daoyuan's hands are almost cooked.

In order to keep his hand, Wang Daoyuan quickly turned off the topic: "Uncle Zhong, you were hurt by the cold back then, so there should be no hope of getting a baby anymore.

I don't know if there is any adventure that can make up for the foundation and break the pill to form a baby. "

Uncle Zhong is also an old man, knowing that it's not a way to stay in such a stalemate.

"After the civil strife in the Wen family, some of the tribesmen who were loyal to the master escaped from Xuan Iceland.

I also got the help of one of the tribesmen to fix the foundation.

After regaining my foundation, my life is not much, so I want to fight hard and force the birth of a baby.

It may be that the talent of the old is too poor, and the thunder robbery is not strong. This is how it is today. "

"This is also not easy, but why did you enter the Sunset Abyss?

With Ms. Wen's cultivation base, it will take some time to break through and transform the gods, and it is still too early to find the yin and yang attributes.

Moreover, with the strength of the two of you, it is definitely not easy to survive in Jue Tian Yuan. "

Fairy Xuanbing no longer competed with Zhou Luan, Zhou Luan also put away the fire of Chiluan's Nirvana.

Seeing the atmosphere eased, Uncle Zhong said: "Our master and servant came here not to find any spiritual things, but to find the old master.

When the old master Yuan Ying peaked his cultivation base, he asked the elder of the Wen family to take out the sixth-order Yin and Yang spiritual object to break through the realm.

Unexpectedly, the sixth-order yin and yang spirits were destroyed. In order to break through the realm of the gods, the old master personally came to this sunset abyss to find the yin and yang spirits.

Unexpectedly, he would never return to Xuan Iceland, but his soul card has been intact, and he must still be there.

I haven't been back all these years, maybe I'm stuck somewhere.

Up to now, more than three hundred years have passed.

After I had a baby, I met Blood Shark Pirates and the Seven Star Alliance again.

There is no place for us in other places, so I accompanied the young lady to this Lone Star Island.

Usually rely on hunting monsters for a living, save some spirit stones, and buy spiritual objects such as crazy blood powder.

Use this to enter Sunset Abyss and look for the whereabouts of the old master.

I have been searching for more than 20 years now, but I have found nothing. "

Uncle Zhong is a full-fledged old fox, so pitifully, he just wants to help him find it.

Even if Zhou Luan was not around, Wang Daoyuan would not take this matter.

What's more, Zhou Luan was by his side, so he didn't dare to agree.

"When the old Patriarch of the Wen family left, it was the peak of Yuan Ying, and he may have broken through the transformation of God by now.

The place where you can trap him is of no use to you in the past.

It's better to practice hard, wait until you reach the peak of the Nascent Soul in the future, and then go to the sea to find it. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't mean to help, Fairy Xuanbing and Uncle Zhong couldn't keep staying anymore.

The situation in the cave now looks like the trouble of the outside room looking for the main room.

If it is passed out, Miss Wen Jia will not be able to see people in the future.

Uncle Zhong said, "Thank you for your help. Some gifts are not respectful."

"It doesn't have to be this way, I don't lack any cultivation resources, you should keep it.

Miss Wen is still the right way to improve her strength as soon as possible. This Lone Star Island is near the Xuan Iceland site, so she should be careful. "

After several pushes, Uncle Zhong took a gift and left the cave with Fairy Xuanbing.

As soon as the two of them left, Zhou Luan closed the gate of the cave mansion, opened his formation, and sacrificed his life magic weapon long sword, swaying in front of Wang Daoyuan.

"This fairy Xuanbing is really the beauty of the heavens and the country. If you want to be lustful and daring, I don't believe that there is nothing between you and her."

"I admit that the color heart, I really don't have the color guts.

It's fine if you don't believe me. Is Fairy Xuanbing finished? Can't you tell? "

Zhou Luan put away the long sword: "If it hadn't been a problem for her, this sword would have fallen on you a long time ago."

"That's right, Fairy Xuanbing's appearance can catch up with the Lord Shadow Master in seven or eighty percent, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary.

Other people's looks are not as good as hers, so I won't have anything to do. "

After hearing this, Zhou Luan's triumphant expression disappeared for most of his anger.

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "The sixth-order pure sun spirit in the sunset is hard to find, and it can only be found in the center of the sunset.

There was the place where the Golden Crow's corpse fell, and the surrounding space was shattered, forming many unstable small secret realms.

There are also a lot of space cracks, if you go down, it will be too dangerous.

How about you stay here first and go down by myself? "

"Don't worry, although the inheritance of the blood shadow is generally not as good as the four top powers.

But in terms of these rather weird methods, even Ten Thousand Beasts Valley is far inferior to Blood Shadow.

The blood shadow is no better than the five top forces of the year, and the pure yin and pure yang spiritual things have not been forgiving.

The ancestors of the past dynasties went deep into the West Sea many times to find this kind of spiritual objects, and there were many cracks in the space there.

The Patriarch created some magical instruments that can sense the cracks in space, and I also brought some over this time.

In addition, there are magical artifacts that sense pure Yang Qi.

When encountering a powerful enemy, I also have a lot of life-saving methods. Can it drag you down? "

"If you have this method, it will be easier to handle.

The seabed is under heavy pressure. We have been on the seabed for so long, and we are all very tired, so we will fix it for a while.

I also need some time to deal with that piece of bonelessness. "

The best way to recover from physical exhaustion is to sleep. Immortal cultivators are no exception. Zhou Luan often falls asleep because of excessive exhaustion.

After she fell asleep, Wang Daoyuan dared to check the condition of her right hand.

Fortunately, Zhou Luan's moves were more measured, but only injected a large amount of fire spirit power into the meridians, causing a burning sensation in the entire right hand.

He is very physically strong, UU reading www.uukahnshu. Some of Zhou Luan's fire spiritual power can't hurt meridians.

Use water spiritual power to dispel the anger, and nothing will happen.

In the spirit bead space, the forging immortal cauldron is next to the life spirit fire, constantly extracting the vitality from the spirit fire.

The bone-jiao unicorn in the cauldron has been removed, and the skull has been refined by the forging immortal cauldron.

A thick black qi is wrapped around the unicorn, and the amount of yin qi contained in it is not comparable to that of the skull.

Forging Immortal wrapped the unicorn with his vitality, and as soon as Hei Mist encountered the vitality, he let out a corroding sound.

Although there are many dead energy and dead energy in the bones, they are also water without a source.

And the vitality in the spiritual fire of life is continuous.

Half a year later, the corpse energy and death energy in the bones were exhausted.


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