Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 102 Family misfortune

Dugu Xin was indeed generous, sending five full cars of gifts at once, but quantity was not the point, the key was quality.

There are two hundred pieces of fabric, one hundred of which are ordinary plain silk, which can be spent directly. It is worth money, but Li Tai doesn't pay much attention to it now.

Half of the other hundred pieces are made of jacquard brocade, with complex and symmetrical colors. The other half is made of silk that has been dyed, including purple, crimson, black and green. When piled together, the colors are very bright.

Both of these are high-end fabrics that are not commonly seen on the market, especially brocade.

At present, Shuzhong still does not belong to the Western Wei Dynasty's sphere of influence. Although Guanxi also has a certain output, it is mainly used to transport officials and imperial officials.

The weaving process of brocade is too cumbersome and complicated. In order to ensure that the limited weaving productivity is not wasted on this luxury product, it was even listed as a banned item in the early years of the reign of Emperor Tatong, and private weaving and trading were not allowed.

In recent years, control has been relaxed, but output is still limited, and the black market price of a piece of good brocade can even reach dozens of pieces of silk.

Although silk thread is not as precious as brocade, because it requires double warp and double weft weaving, the cost is twice that of ordinary fabrics. If manual skills, dyeing and other processes are added, one bolt of silk can be exchanged for several pieces. Silk.

Shuofeng put on a crimson robe that put even Li Tai to shame. It was cut and sewn with silk. Although the textile industry in Litaizhuang has developed rapidly, it is still unable to produce silk fabrics. Firstly, the weavers cannot do it by hand, and secondly they are not willing to waste labor and materials.

Just these one hundred pieces of brocade and silk are worth one or two thousand pieces of silk, and this is just one of the gifts.

Next, there are a hundred pieces of lacquerware of various shapes and uses, enough to fill several large boxes. Each piece is very exquisite and seems to be worth a lot of money. It's a pity that Li Tai and his colleagues lacked enough knowledge to evaluate the specific value of these lacquerwares.

There are thirty pieces of gold and silverware, including ornaments, Buddha statues of various shapes, and even daily necessities such as gold cups and gold cups. Li Tai didn't know whether eating with these things was considered over the limit, but since Duguxin dared to send them, he thought it wouldn't be a big problem.

He also had no ambition to have these gold and silverware weighed. They weighed more than two hundred kilograms. Even if there were blanks inside to weigh them, this batch of precious metals was really worth a lot of money.

In addition, there are various kinds of utensils made of various kinds of pearls, jade, rhinoceros horns, feathers and animal skins, and there are more than a dozen of them. Although it is not used as food and clothing, it looks very expensive.

Li Tai also rummaged inside to see if he could dig out one or two pieces of coal so that he could make a thirty-two-sided seal for himself later, but he couldn't find it.

In addition to these fabrics and utensils, there are also spices and condiments, which are mainly commodities in the Silk Road trade.

Five measures of pepper and two measures of sugar. Of course, the sugar is not called sugar, but stone honey. Just looking at these two types of things made Li Tai's eyes a little straight.

It's not that he has never eaten pepper and sugar, but the meanings of these two things now and in later generations are completely different, and their values ​​are very different.

Especially pepper, which is not considered a condiment at all in this era, but a very precious medicinal material. Pepper has the function of reducing qi, which was of great significance in the medieval period when qi diseases were common.

The Emperor of the Western Wei Dynasty rewarded He Basheng with half a bushel of pepper at the beginning of the year. It was ground into powder and packed in a jade box. For daily consumption, he had to use a small silver spoon to measure it. The silver spoon was not much bigger than an ear pick.

As for sugar, it should be something I have heard of but never seen. Anyway, until now, Li Tai has never seen anyone use sugar for seasoning.

In short, the things Dugu Xin sent were already expensive if they could be measured by specific prices, but even more valuable if they couldn't be measured by prices.

Li Tai checked the items several times before exiting the warehouse. Li Zhusheng, who was even more inexperienced than him, had already begun arranging for strong men to guard the warehouse day and night, and no other people were allowed to approach at will.

Seeing how his family members were nervous about this heavy cargo, Li Tai had a sudden thought in his mind: Could this Duguxin learn from those domineering CEOs in later generations and ask him to get out of the house quickly with several carts of treasures, and not to harass him? Daughter?

If this is the case, then I have to say: Don’t bully young people into poverty!

Li, I am proud and can't bend my money, but what you gave me is too little. I will definitely eat this bowl of soft rice!

Not to mention Li Tai's various psychological constructions, Dugu Xin's residence in Huazhou City was not peaceful.

Dugu Xin sat in the hall with an angry look on his face, looking at the messy pile of ceramic shards in the hall, his face became even more angry, and he raised his fist and hit the table, making the waiters in the hall even more silent, and their breathing was suppressed. It's almost inaudible.

Ms. Cui, who had a swollen belly and was about to give birth, slowly walked up to the hall with the support of her maid. Seeing this scene in the hall, she looked a little sad. She whispered to the servants to tidy up the hall, and she went up to the hall and bowed her head beside Dugu Xinxi. And stand.

Dugu Xin glanced at Ms. Cui, who had a slightly swollen face. A trace of pity flashed across his face, but it was quickly replaced by anger. He just waved his hand and said: "I won't do anything to you, go back to her house!"

Ms. Cui originally just lowered her head in silence, but after hearing these words, her eyebrows suddenly raised, and she raised her head and looked directly at Dugu Xin. Although her tone was still soft and waxy, her tone was firm: "My husband is responsible for the creation, concubine." I am in charge of the family affairs. If the husband feels that the children are not well-educated and do not do anything about me, who can I blame?"

Dugu Xin was still suppressing his anger and didn't want to anger his pregnant wife. After hearing this, he couldn't hold it back anymore. He suddenly stood up from the table, glared at Mrs. Cui and said angrily: "No one has the glory in the world but I have it." , the house is full of wealth, who can surpass this? That woman has such a bad character, I really want to ask you how you manage the house!"

Ms. Cui took a step back and looked up at her furious husband with unavoidable eyes: "I don't think my little wife has a bad upbringing. Animal calves kiss their breasts and young birds love their nests. This is true for animals, let alone humans.

The husband and the master don't see each other often at home, but the little girl still loves the nest deeply and doesn't want to leave her parents, or her words and actions are rude and excessive. This is also due to impatience! If the young lady hears this and does not respond with a smile, I will go to the hall on all fours to plead guilty for teaching such a heartless thing.

But in this state, I am pleased that my family has a long-lasting friendship. I wonder where my husband’s anger comes from? "

When Dugu Xin heard this, his mouth was still half open, but he was speechless for a moment. After a moment of stalemate, he suddenly sighed and said: "Fools and young people in my family have nothing to say. You live in this building." , I have only seen this one day, how can I know how cruel the wind and frost are outside the house? If I don’t pity this little thing, why would I make such a plan?”

"I also deeply regret that I am not a great husband, who can list the confidants in the account to share the Lord's worries. It is true that I don't know much about the hardships and dangers outside the family. But within the family, my husband cannot laugh at me for my lack of upbringing! My wife is not wrong. He was disturbed by the evil dust outside just because his parents were unable to shield him from it.”

Mrs. Cui replied seriously. When she saw Dugu Xin becoming angry again, she quickly stepped forward and grabbed her husband's palm and pressed it on her abdomen. Her tone turned gentle: "That little lady is no longer a thing in the intestines. She understands right and wrong." So distant!

I still remember the time when I was a bride. The young lady and her young brothers worshiped me, and she cried and told the young man that his flesh and blood were immature. She would be the one to receive the cane when he made mistakes and needed to be punished. At that time, I was still scared and didn't know how to be a mother, but when I heard what the young lady said, I couldn't help but be moved to tears. I just wanted to warm her with my heart! "

"I-I don't know about this..."

When Dugu Xin heard this, he turned his head sideways, his expression became a little unnatural, and after a moment he said in a deep voice: "This arrangement was not made to harm her. Grand Master and I are brothers. Even if he suffered this adversity in his later years, even if I have no foreign affairs to harass me, so I should give up a woman to comfort him. What's more... in short, the matter has been decided and there is no room for regret!"

"That lady was not born in this country, so she and I can hug each other on the same bed and talk to each other in detail. She is my husband's closest blood and flesh, so why can't she be patient and speak clearly and clearly?"

Mrs. Cui stepped forward and leaned on Dugu Xin's shoulder. She whispered softly and arched her side slightly, signaling her husband to go talk to the young lady.

"Then let's talk about it again. If the true love is so shallow that we can't understand it, then we can only deal with it cruelly!"

But it was nothing more than the lady's soft plea. Dugu Xin was silent for a moment before speaking again.

Mrs. Cui pursed her lips and smiled when she heard this, and then took her husband out of the hall and went straight to the little lady's residence.

As soon as the couple walked around the inner wall, they saw several boys and girls standing outside the door of Lady Miaoyin's room, each holding wooden knives, bows and other toys.

The leader, a little boy of six or seven years old, was Dugu Shan, the second son of Dugu Xin. When he saw the couple walking hand in hand, he waved the wooden knife in front of his chest and shouted: "No one is allowed to take away my sister!"

"Don't take away my sister!"

Several children in the back were also filled with indignation and shouting at the top of their lungs. There was even a little boy aged four to five who was holding a toy bow and aiming it, and shouted: "Mom, get out of the way, I will shoot this evil person who beats my sister for crying." !”

Dugu Xin was already in a much calmer mood under Cui's comfort, but now he saw that his children were facing him as if they were a formidable enemy, and they even wanted to shoot him to death with their bows. He suddenly became furious and walked forward. .

Mrs. Cui didn't hold her husband back, and quickly waved her hand to the eldest Dugushan: "Erlang, please take your brother and sister away, you are here..."

"We have to protect my sister!"

Dugushan still waved his sword and refused to retreat, but he failed to prevent his father's leg from being whipped out, and he was immediately kicked to the ground.

And the youngest Dugu Mu, who was still taking aim with his bow, was grabbed by his collar, kicking his legs and shouting in fear: "This evil man is so vicious, sister, brother, come and save me... I want to Scared to the point of peeing”

This last sentence was not an exaggeration. Dugu Xin was caught off guard, and a pool of water stains appeared on his crotch-less robe.

The closed door suddenly opened, and Dugu Miaoyin rushed out of the room holding a small horn knife in one hand. She did not dare to point the tip of the knife directly at her father, but turned back to herself: "Put down my brother!"

"Evil spawn, a nest of evil spawn!"

Dugu Xin growled angrily, leaving his son who was still kicking his legs around, looking back at the slaves who ran towards him after hearing the news, and roared: "Back off!"

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