Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 108 The Dead Immortal

"This sword..."

In the hall, He Basheng pointed at the dazzling sword on Li Tai's waist and asked curiously.

"It's a gift from Yuwensa and a gift from Emperor Xiaowen, my great ancestor. Uncle, your family doesn't even have it, right?"

Hearing He Basheng's question, Li Tai also took off his sword with a smile and handed it to He Basheng to show off.

He Basheng took the sword and looked at it for a few times before throwing it back casually: "That's true. It is definitely not a small family that can be given a sword. Yuwen Sabao may not necessarily have good intentions when giving this to you. !”

But no, this sword is a family heirloom of the Changsun family, and the Changsun family is the most famous family in the entire Xianbei society after the royal Yuan family. Even in today's Western Wei Dynasty, there are still a lot of power and connections.

Li Tai dared to wear the small golden seal given by Daxingtai and go out for a walk without fear of getting dusty, but he really didn't dare to wear this precious sword. No matter what means Yu Wenhu used to get it, hanging it on his waist when going out to show off was an emotional provocation to the Changsun clan members.

Yu Wenhu probably also wanted to use this to make Li Tai hate Xianbei's famous family, so as to strengthen his dependence on him. Although thinking this way is a bit of a conspiracy theory, if it was Yu Wenhu, Li Tai felt that he might really have similar thoughts.

So when he gave the sword to Lady Miaoyin just now, he had some evil intentions and wanted to divert misfortune to the east. My little arms and thin legs can't carry the eldest grandson's family, but if Dugu Xin is included, who are we afraid of?

"Then, little lady, I don't blame you anymore?"

Recalling how several people had entered the hall one after another with friendly smiles, He Basheng asked again with a smile.

After hearing this, Li Tai said proudly: "I am not an evil creature that gods and ghosts hate. I was ignorant and offended before, and now I sincerely apologize. This little lady Miaoyin knows etiquette and understands things, so she naturally forgives me."

"That's good. I'm going to persuade you to be more tolerant. When a little girl leaves her parents and enters this strange situation, she will inevitably feel confused and confused. It's not her nature to vent her depression. You are older than her, so please be considerate. , it’s not difficult to get along.”

He Basheng also laughed after hearing this, and was happy that the young people close to him could get along harmoniously. After a moment, he looked solemn and said: "But I still have to warn you, hold back! My Beizhen women are more frank, He has a clear sense of likes and dislikes, and is no more scheming than your Han family. If your daughter is given to me, of course I will take good care of her on his behalf."

When Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed about being caught. But he still said seriously: "Uncle, who am I? Although I don't have Liu Xiahui's calm character, I still have high expectations. , There has never been any absurd and self-degrading deeds!”

"Why, is it self-degrading to be close to a girl from my family? But you, the Li family, don't tolerate it?"

After He Basheng heard this, he raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to pat Li Tai.

"What do I mean? It's just that we must be polite and cautious, and never let others speak ill of each other! Uncle, your preference is a bit too much. You can't get close or far away. How should I deal with it?"

Feeling that the force of He Basheng's slap on his knee became weaker, Li Tai sighed secretly in his heart, but still cheered up and said with a smile.

"Apan is not bad, I know you are not a stale person. I was a bit reckless in recruiting this little girl into my family, and after getting along with her for a few days, it was hard to let go. If you value your family status, stay away from her. If you focus on reality , might as well be closer."

He Basheng looked at him again and sighed.

Li Tai was worried about what he said, but he was still a little shy: "It's a little early to say these things, isn't it?"

He is already an adult mentally, but the young lady is only ten years old. In the past, it was just a joke, but now that they know her, he feels a little sinful if he thinks about her again.

It seemed that the young lady had a slight liking for him, but it was just a love of beauty. What boy doesn’t have a harem, and what girl doesn’t love beans? The pure emotions of likes and dislikes in adolescence are just emotions and etiquette.

As far as Li Tai himself is concerned, his fantasy goal is only Dugu Xin.

After hearing the words, He Basheng sighed: "It's getting late. The reason why he left her here is just because he doesn't want to disturb the present. But I can't protect her for a long time. In the past, it was just that I didn't know her. But now that I have heard the call, Aye, it’s inevitable to take care of your elders. Looking at the relationship, I can’t think of a better person to entrust to you than Apan.”

"It turns out that I am so outstanding in my uncle's heart."

When Li Tai heard this, he also realized that Dugu Xin was in an uneasy situation. If it was Yu Wentai who proposed, there would obviously be no need to arrange such an arrangement to avoid the marriage. But when he saw that He Basheng looked tired, he just said jokingly: "Then I will propose marriage now? Do you want to tell Dugu to open the house?"

"Go ahead and let's see if you can go straight in and out!"

When He Basheng heard this, he glared at Li Tai angrily, and then sighed: "The truth is clear, you can take control of yourself, how long can I take care of you? There is another matter. I have been living with you for a long time, and I have to worry about family matters. They are all confused and may not be clearly separated after I leave.

Now that you have this little lady, you may have some persecution from those two sons, and you will not lack personnel to help. Apan, you are smarter than them. If you deal with it carefully, you can avoid making enemies. Don't let me go and be haunted..."

"No, if uncle is worried, then take a long-term view."

Li Tai held He Basheng's skinny palm with his backhand and said softly.

"That's enough. Thank you Apan for letting me go without any regrets! Young people in this world each have to make a living. My son in hell expects me to suffer a lot..."

He Basheng patted the back of Li Tai's hand hard. There was still a smile in the sunken eyes, but tears had already poured out of them.

Lady Miaoyin returned from a tour that Li Tai had pointed out to her along the path leading from the hall to the hillside. She was still holding a handful of wild flowers picked on the hillside. When she entered the hall, she saw the old and young people sitting across from each other in tears. They were originally in a happy mood. Suddenly it became heavy, holding the hanging curtain in the hall with one hand, and there was a bit of hesitation on his face, wondering whether he should go in or not.

After a while, she took a small step forward. Her little mouth was still depressed, but she forced herself to smile and held up the bouquet of wild flowers and said: "Ah, yeah, these are the flowers I picked on the slope. Ah, Yeah, if you like it, I'll go there tomorrow and the day after tomorrow..."

"Aye likes it, I like it, but this flower branch is not as beautiful as my wife."

He Basheng wiped away his tears, raised his hand to take the bouquet, waved his hand and said to Li Tai: "Go, go, don't disturb me from talking to the little lady."

After hearing this, Li Tai stood up and bowed to the young lady to say goodbye. The lady hurriedly gathered her skirt to respond, but when she lowered her head, she saw that the hem of her skirt was wet from the mountain spring, and she hooked her fingers to cover her shame. When she looked up, Li Tai had already strode out of the hall, her face stagnant, as if she was lost.

After all, He Basheng still couldn't survive the summer. One day in early June, Li Tai was taking stock of the inventory in the Taiwanese government office. Suddenly, an official came to tell him that his family members from another country were waiting anxiously outside the government office.

Li Tai panicked when he heard this, and hurriedly rushed out of the official office and ran towards the front of the mansion. Just as he turned into the main alley of Taifu, he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves behind him. Just as he was about to turn to the left, he heard Daxingtaiyu Wentai's screams. Call: "Li Boshan, mount your horse and go to your home!"

Li Tai hurriedly stepped forward, got on a free horse, and then galloped out together with Yu Wentai's soldiers.

June day, childish face, change at will. The sun was still shining brightly when they left the city. When the group arrived at Shangyuan, thunder was rolling in the sky, and soon it started to rain heavily.

Li Tai led the way, and Yu Wentai took the lead, heading straight into the valley villa. The cronies on the left and right rushed into the valley like shadows, and soon completely surrounded the villa, and the servants who were originally staying there were also expelled.

Li Tai was not allowed to enter the hall. He lingered inside the fence for a while. Seeing the rain getting heavier, he ordered his family to take out all the umbrellas and raincoats from the warehouse and distribute them one by one.

Listening to the increasingly noisy thunderstorm, his mood became ups and downs. He felt a sigh of relief in his chest and was upset.

More and more people entered the village in horse-drawn carriages. Many people poured into the valley despite the heavy rain, but they were all blocked by Daxingtai soldiers. Someone who knew Li Tai quickly came forward and asked loudly, but he knew nothing about the details.

It was not too early for Dugu Xin to arrive, and at this moment he had lost his previous graceful posture. Water was flowing down his face, and he didn't know whether it was rain or tears. Behind him were two burly middle-aged men, their faces blurred by the rain, but their trembling hands and feet showed their anxiety.

There was a deafening crackle of lightning in the sky, and after the thunder, everything seemed to be completely silent for a moment. Amidst the noisy raindrops, Yu Wentai's heartbreaking cry suddenly came from the hall: "Brother Po Hu..."

This cry was like a sharp knife piercing people's defenses. The arms that were originally raised above the head to protect them from the rain fell down, and tears poured out like a bursting bank.

Dugu Xin and the other three people also bowed to the ground, each choking and crying: "Grand Master..."

Cries came one after another from everywhere, and even the sound of the heavy rain was drowned out for a while.

He Basheng's trusted and adopted son He Basheng, who had been staying in the hall, walked out in a daze and tremblingly. After carefully distinguishing himself in the heavy rain, he walked towards Duguxin and the other three people, whispered briefly, and then came to Li Tai and said three words in a row. He bowed and said in a sad voice: "Aye, I have no regrets in leaving. Thank you so much, Mr. Zhou. It's hard to thank you for your great kindness in this life, but I will repay you in the next life!"

Li Taizheng was dull with grief and did not understand his meaning. When he realized what he meant after a moment, He Bahuan had already staggered away.

He drew the knife in his hand, cut through the rain curtain, and cried out sadly: "The sky has taken away my lord, how can a strong soul walk alone! The hell in the world will never leave, and he will come one day!"

As soon as the words fell, the sharp blade sealed his throat, and his heroic body fell to the sky.

"The living will carry on the ambition, and the dead will not die! The Grand Master is a great man in life, and a great ghost in death. Together with this great righteousness, we can wipe out the Eastern thieves!"

Li Taigang woke up from the shock of He Bahuan's death, but he was afraid that others would follow suit, so he hurriedly raised his arms and shouted.

At this time, He Basheng's close followers who were kneeling in front of the hall also felt their feelings. From Zhu Meng onwards, everyone took off their clothes and bit their arms, kowtowed and sobbed: "Although my lord is gone, the family feud is still over! A certain class of people lived with hatred, Vow to take blood revenge!”

As mentioned before, the first volume is about the protagonist's process of establishing himself in Kansai as a new guest from Dongzhou. Let's take the death of He Basheng as a node. The first volume ends here. Starting from the second volume of the next chapter, the protagonist will begin to get deeply involved in the political and military activities of the Western Wei Dynasty. Thank you all for your support and wish you a happy life! ! !

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