Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 1208 After the Old Friend

After the Yuanyue Grand Court ended, Li Tai did not leave Chang'an immediately. He stayed in the imperial city for a day, chatted with the emperor and a group of royal family members, and then left the palace and returned to Longyuan Academy the next day.

Although he had not been back here for a long time, the popularity of the academy was still very high. Although the official schools such as the Imperial College and the Imperial College in Chang'an had also been restored, private schools like Longyuan Academy were still very prosperous.

For one thing, Longyuan Academy was backed by the Longxi Li family. Thanks to Li Tai, the textbooks in the academy were the same as those in the official schools, and most of the teachers who taught academic subjects also served as official positions such as doctors of official schools. Moreover, due to the lack of people in the court, most of the books transported back from the Southern Dynasty were also kept in Longyuan Academy, and there were always erudite people editing books here.

As for Li Tai's own appeal, there is no need to say more. From the eighty-year-old man to the child, no one did not admire the King of Tang. Under such a mentality, Longyuan Academy naturally became one of the ways for them to get close to their idols.

Another more important point is that official schools are mainly for the children of officials, and it is difficult for ordinary civilians to enter. Longyuan Academy is not only for the general public, but also as long as you can pass the examination to enter it, you can get various subsidies, not only to meet your own learning expenses, but also to support your family.

Compared with a number of official schools, the content taught by Longyuan Academy is also richer, not only including knowledge such as classics, history, etiquette and morality, but also including other mathematical laws and regulations and various common affairs skills. Being able to receive education and learn something in Longyuan Academy, even if not everyone can become a well-educated scholar, but they can also acquire a skill to make a living.

Although Li Tai founded Longyuan Academy, he did not run it seriously because he was not in Chang'an most of the time. And the one who paid the most attention to the academy was his father Li Xiao. It can be said that the various personnel regulations in the academy, including the arrangement of every tree and grass, have condensed a lot of Li Xiao's efforts. Li Tai strolled in the academy, and couldn't help but recall his father's voice and smile, feeling sad. He knew that his father operated this academy not only to increase the academic accumulation of their Longxi Li family, but also to cultivate various talents for him. Now that his father is gone, he has to run the academy with all his heart.

It is the New Year now, and most of the students in the academy have returned home. Some of those who stayed behind either helped maintain the academy buildings and earned some subsidies, or their hometowns were too far away and the round trip was too time-consuming, so they simply stayed in the academy to review the old and learn the new.

Li Tai strolled in the academy, and he didn't need the guards to clear the place and be on guard. Occasionally, he met some teachers and students in the academy. These people were tactful and didn't bother him. They just bowed from a distance, and Li Tai nodded in response.

At present, in addition to the teachers and students who stayed behind and the servants of the Li family, there were two groups of people busy working in the academy. One is the book compilation work presided over by Zhou Hongzheng, the chief priest of the Imperial Academy. The compilation team includes many famous scholars from the north and south, and they mainly focus on the revision of classics and history.

Most of these people who are keen on studying can endure loneliness. Although the people in the city are celebrating the festival, the excitement of the New Year does not disturb their work. They are still carrying out the editing work step by step. Officials such as Zhou Hongzheng simply moved to the academy to live.

"The sea of ​​learning is endless, and all scholars should also pay attention to their health and balance work and rest!"

Li Tai came to the building where the book was compiled and saw that everyone was buried in the case until the clerk informed the arrival of the King of Tang, and then they all stood up to greet him. Seeing their tired expressions, Li Tai couldn't help but advise them.

After hearing this, Zhou Hongzheng waved his hand and said, "The north and the south have been divided for hundreds of years, and each academic discipline has developed separately. It was not until the Lord established governance to bridge the gap that our academic disciplines from the north and the south were able to communicate smoothly. Now the Lord has made great achievements in attacking the bandits in the east, and the world will surely be united soon. Since we are deeply protected and used by the Lord, we should do our best to present the Huadian to the Lord as soon as possible!"

Li Tai was naturally very satisfied with such a correct attitude. Indeed, with the advancement of the great cause of unification, the integration of academic and ideological aspects is also a very important content.

Whether it is the Qin Emperor burning books and burying scholars, or the Han Wudi's exclusive respect for Confucianism, they all demonstrate the importance of ideological construction for great unification. Especially in the case of the division between the north and the south and the chaos in the world for so many years, the various concepts of the people are also very different. Only by doing a good job in ideological construction can the world be long-term and stable, and it will not be in appearance and spirit, and collapse when encountering chaos.

In the Han Dynasty, the Five Classics were the Book of Poetry, Book of History, Book of Rites, Book of Changes, and Spring and Autumn Annals. With the development of the times and the progress of academics, the Five Classics remained unchanged, but the content of the classics increased. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the study of the Spring and Autumn Annals usually combined the Three Commentaries, which gradually gave the Three Commentaries the status of classics. The study of the Three Commentaries in the Southern and Northern Dynasties also had its own development and differences. At the same time, with the development of the times, the Book of Filial Piety and the Book of Rites of Zhou also developed, and their academic status became more and more prominent.

When Zhou Hongzheng and others edited the classics, in addition to textual research and correction of the original text of the classics themselves, they also had to select and select various extended annotations and schools of classics, sort out the part that conforms to universal values ​​and the academic propositions that can represent the Tang Wangbafu, and then unify and integrate and modify them. After the first draft was formed, it was also subject to refutation and questioning in various national schools and courts. The final text was the official learning of the Western Wei Dynasty, which was used for worldwide dissemination and as a standard classic for education and selection of officials.

This process is long and tedious, and each link requires a lot of effort. Of course, once it is completed, not only the family and the country will benefit, but the editors will also gain a lot. Promotions such as official titles are not a problem, and more importantly. The most important thing is to become a generation of scholar and be famous in history. This is a temptation that no scholar can avoid.

Although Li Tai was not deeply involved in academic research, he was fully aware of its value. Seeing how diligent everyone was, he was deeply gratified. Immediately, the staff sent him wine, food and various gifts. After getting to know the editor, After making progress, he stopped staying here to disturb everyone's study and stood up to leave directly.

In addition to Zhou Hongzheng and other people who compiled the classics, there was another group of people in the academy who were also compiling another classic, that is, the team that compiled the laws and regulations was led by Liu Qing, the governor of the capital.

The compilation of laws and regulations is as serious as the classics and history. Li Tai also arranged this task in the first year of Tongzhi, and has always attached great importance to it.

After Liu Qing and others were appointed, they produced a legal blueprint that year, which mainly combined the contents of the Zhongxing Yong style of the Western Wei Dynasty and the Linzhi style of the Eastern Wei Dynasty during the same period, plus a certain amount of absorption of the laws and regulations of the Southern Dynasties. and adoption.

However, this stitching is obviously not exquisite enough. Li Tai only retained some of the legal code entries. After some deletions and additions, it was used as a temporary decree for various civil administrations. As for the legal code itself, it was reissued and reedited.

Because the laws and regulations are to be used for actual implementation and management, the regulations must be clear and specific. It is also normal to delete, delete or modify them before forming the laws. When Li Tai entered the court this time, Liu Qing presented a new version of the code. However, after reviewing it, Li Tai was still a little dissatisfied, so he went back to re-editing it. Liu Qing and others continued to work overtime hard. Rush work.

Li Tai stopped by to express condolences to these people and exchanged his thoughts on the new laws. Seeing that they all looked sad, they couldn't help but feel evil thoughts in their hearts.

There is no limit to people's pursuit of perfection, and when you feel you can do better every time, a terrible cycle begins. In fact, Li Tai is not sure where the specific changes should be made now. He just feels that since he has invested so much manpower and material resources, he must naturally pursue something better.

After a conversation, Li Tai stopped being imbecile and graciously gave these people a holiday, allowing them to return after the holiday to continue compiling laws and regulations.

After he finished the conversation, his wife and children who had gone to Beijing with him also returned to the academy. Although Li Tai got along fairly well with Emperor Yuan Kuo, in view of Er Zhurong's past experience, under normal circumstances he would rarely enter the palace with his family, especially his son.

His wife and children had stayed in the academy before arriving in Beijing, and today they went to Dugu's house to visit. Years ago, his brother-in-law Duguluo and the others had completed their mourning and officially retired from mourning. However, Li Tai had been busy with various military and political affairs in Shangyang Palace and had no time to summon and arrange for them. He only sent people to express condolences.

After returning to the academy, Li Tai noticed that his wife's eyes were red and her face was stained with tears. She must have been moved by the scene when she returned to the province, and she mourned and cried with her family.

He waved his wife to sit next to him, and then sighed: "The pain of losing a relative is the most disturbing. It hurts often and will last forever. It is better to focus on the present and think less about it. I don't have time to go there now, Madam. Now, have you ever asked Luo Ren and others what their plans are?"

Miaoyin knew that her husband was also suffering from the loss of his father, so he did not show his grief at home. After hearing this, he said: "They have been living in seclusion for a few years, and the world has changed greatly. If you don't have to worry about your livelihood for the time being, you should stay at home and deal with the past. The friendship can be reconnected, and then we can make arrangements based on our direction and talents."

"When I was young, too much idleness would inevitably lead to dandy habits. My father-in-law was very complimentary to me in the past years, and now I am taking care of the family for him."

Li Tai knew that his wife did not want to trouble him too much with her mother's family affairs, but he also had a lot of affection for his father-in-law Dugu Xin, and he was also afraid that those young men would be spoiled by staying at home every day. After all, they were all his son's biological uncles. , if they really want to do something chicken and duck blood, their family will inevitably be affected.

There are seven children in Dugu Xin's family, the youngest Dugu Zheng is already in his teens, and the eldest Dugu Luo is in his twenties and has already reached the age of marriage.

Especially the eldest son Duguluo, who had been detained as a hostage in the Eastern Wei Dynasty in his early years. He had not married and had children even in his twenties. He finally came to Guanzhong, but his father died tragically and he was mourned until the year before.

Li Tai was also very concerned about this, and then said to his wife: "Even if we don't talk about internal and external affairs, Luo Ren is already quite old now. We should get married as soon as possible, and the other brothers and sisters should also make their own arrangements. My wife and I have We are one and the same, you don’t have to talk to me about these family matters. In recent years, I have been busy with military and political affairs and have paid little attention to the personnel affairs of the country. If my wife finds a good girl, I will personally visit her! "

Miaoyin was very moved when she heard what her husband said. After hearing the words, she nodded and said: "Brother was abandoned in Hebei back then. He fulfilled his filial piety at the knees of his grandparents and suffered a lot for the family. Today, Now that we are together, we should not treat her poorly. My concubine visited me a few years ago, and the Linhuai family has a beautiful girl of the right age to marry. It would be a blessing if I could make a good match. If you are married, I hope this matter will go according to your wishes."

Linhuai Yuan Xiaoyou was captured from the Eastern Wei when Li Tai attacked Heluo in his early years. He was also the uncle of Madam Lu Rou. They were related to each other, and Yuan Xiaoyou's family also had the experience of being stranded in Hebei. If Dugu Luo and he were to marry, they would have the same experience. It can be seen that Miaoyin was also very attentive to this brother.

Hearing this lady say that her father-in-law was willing to marry the Yuan family, Li Tai was secretly happy. Although his father-in-law was born in a military family, he admired the aristocratic family very much, and he was still close to the Yuan Wei clan in his heart. If he knew that his son married a Yuan family girl, he would be very happy.

Li Tai had a rare leisure time during the New Year. Hearing that his wife had already made up her mind, he agreed to visit Yuan Xiaoyou's home tomorrow and test the attitude of the Yuan family. If Yuan Xiaoyou's family was willing, they would arrange the marriage as soon as possible.

As for Dugu Xin's other children, they were basically all of marriageable age. Some had already arranged marriages, and some were looking for families. Former Dugu Xin's old subordinates such as Yang Zhong, Shi Ning, and Dugu Tun all expressed their clear intention to marry into the Dugu family, and they came to the door to express their opinions after the mourning period ended. However, because Dugu Luo, the eldest son, had not yet been decided, other matters could only be put on hold for the time being.

Previously, Dugu Xin's old subordinates were all taken over by Li Tai. After Dugu Luo and others were released from mourning, Li Tai could no longer allow these brothers-in-law to develop private affairs. After Dugu Luo got married, Li Tai planned to temporarily appoint him as the head of the Cavalry Mansion and stay in Guanzhong to take care of his family. Dugu Shan and other boys, the older ones were first taken into the three guards to continue their training, and the younger ones were placed in the academy to continue their studies.

He probably had a quarrel with his old friend today. He had just planned how to arrange for his brother-in-law, and then the servant came to report that Yuwen Tai's family came to visit the academy.

Yuwen Tai's mourning period was the same as Dugu Xin's. Dugu Xin's sons had finished mourning, so Yuwen Tai's family naturally ended their mourning. Upon learning of this, Li Tai did not dare to be arrogant and immediately went to the front of the school to greet him in person.

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