Early the next morning, Yu Wenhu and his party packed their bags and prepared to hit the road.

At this time, Zhao Gui's subordinates had also sorted out the materials in the manor and loaded them into more than a dozen large vehicles.

These people looked at Yu Wenhu with evil eyes. After all, it is not a pleasant experience for anyone to put something in their pocket and then be forced to take it out, no matter who the person who imposes the persecution is or who is extremely powerful.

This principle of course also applies to Yu Wenhu. If the anger in the hearts of Zhao Guibu and others is just a spark, then the anger in Yu Wenhu's heart has already started a prairie fire!

Letting Zhao Gui's tribe eat what they put into their mouths and then spit them out is not even a vent for Yu Wenhu's anger, and his goal is not at all. Zhao Gui's knowledge or misunderstanding is more conducive to his next plan.

"Separate a few people, and when the garden affairs here are completed, the news will be spread immediately that Zhao Gui's son has been enjoying himself in the garden!"

Yu Wenhu ordered his close entourage while riding his horse slowly.

After the manor's account books were burned, there was no basis for Zhao Gui to impose punishment on the Gyeonggi dandies detained here. The families involved may not make a fuss in order to settle the dispute and redeem their children, but no matter whether the punishment is light or not Heavy, it is inevitable to feel angry.

If they hear that Zhao Gui's son is a senior player in the luxury garden industry, then their resentment and criticism against Zhao Gui will undoubtedly be even greater: It turns out that you act like a selfless moral model to the outside world, but secretly you are protecting him. My own son!

When this atmosphere of hatred and resentment is created, Yuwen Hu's real revenge will come next.

"Observe Zhao Guizi's movements carefully, and if he is unprepared, attack immediately!"

Yu Wenhu looked back at Lishan and said bitterly: "The thief ruined my beautiful career, so I will destroy his son first! This hatred will never be forgotten for a long time. One day, I will make him pay the price!"

Due to the burden of accompanying supplies, it took Yuwenhu three days to return to Xingtaiba Mansion.

After entering the mansion, he worshiped directly in front of Yu Wentai, first reported everything that happened during the trip, and then applied eye drops: "I have long been aware of the lack of discipline in Zhao's cavalry army. So I just burned the account books, not Give him room to deduct the truth, and then get back all the things in the garden. As a general of the country, he does not dare to strive for battlefield merits, but he is obsessed with the slightest advantage. It is really a shameful thing!"

When Yu Wentai heard this, he snorted coldly, rolled his eyelids and said, "You think you are just smart? Is the reason why the country has ministers just for the sake of being honest and not corrupt? There are many things happening inside and outside nowadays, and officials are not tied to trivial matters. , Although Zhao Yuangui is not known as brave, he is still a leader of nostalgia. He is so arrogant that he dare not approach me!"

As he spoke, he picked up a pile of memorials that had been delivered to the stage this morning, all of which were criticizing Zhao Gui.

"Yuan Gui has already finished handling the Lishan matter before you return. If he hadn't been involved, who do you think these non-members were targeting?"

It's not that Yuwentai taught his nephew to be completely unprepared for these Beizhen Yuan followers, but he just felt that Yuwen's city protection palace was still shallow and the traces of his actions were too deep, so he didn't discuss too much with him about his innermost thoughts.

When Yu Wenhu heard this, he was a little unconvinced. His uncle had no idea of ​​his overall plan against Zhao Gui, so he inevitably took a superficial view and thought that what he was doing was just a dispute over goods.

But this just proves that his plan is not shallow. Even if Zhao Gui's son is deposed, he will not be regarded as a target of suspicion immediately. He will undoubtedly be more confident in taking revenge, and he will not worry about disputes afterwards.

Naturally, he would not reveal these plans in front of Yu Wentai, and he would bow his head and admit that he was a stingy person.

"Li Boshan said beforehand, he handed over the schedule yesterday. I have also seen it, it is really wonderful. This man is good at making clever plans, handling things without losing poise, taking into account all aspects, and is thorough and orderly."

While talking, Yu Wentai took out another document from the desk, and the clerk handed it to Yu Wenhu and then said: "He is very caring, but his age and qualifications are insufficient, so he may not be a good choice to be in charge. Please understand this matter and tell me if you are confident that I can do it well."

After Yu Wenhu heard this, he frowned secretly. He was not in a hurry to read the documents, but lowered his head and said, "Uncle just said that there are many things inside and outside, and the recruitment of scholars needs to be informal. How come it is the time to select scholars?" Hesitating?

A person without talent is just a thief who is too weak to bear the heavy responsibility. I don't think age and seniority are the only limit to a person's advancement. When my uncle took on the important responsibility, his seniority wasn't very high, right? Now that I am still regarded as a naughty child, I feel a little disappointed and hope that I can share my worries with my father and brother..."

After Yu Wentai heard this, he smiled slightly, raised his finger and asked: "Then tell me, how can I use you anywhere to not neglect this ambition and courage?"

After hearing this, Yu Wenhu immediately became energetic and hurriedly knocked on the ground and said: "The battle in Hedong is diligent and careful, and my husband will not suffer from failure. I am also an adult in the clan. If something happens to Hedong, I will rule and rule, and attack and kill the thieves. I am an iron-blooded man." Only through experience can the harshness be washed away!”

Yu Wentai admired Yu Wenhu's courage to face difficult situations, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head and said: "Back then, life or death was uncertain and there was no way out. It was inevitable that he would risk his life and survive. But now that he has established a small business, it is even more We need to win steadily.

The future of the family does not require you to risk your life. There are only a few relatives in the house. If one of them is lost, my arm will be broken. You should not go to the fierce fighting place east of Hedong lightly. You still need to observe the situation, learn things, and develop a pattern. "

When Yu Wenhu heard this, he was both grateful and disappointed. He just lowered his head and said solemnly: "After all, my talent is still insufficient, so I still have to remain silent under the wings. But this matter was planned by Li Boshan, and I really don't want to lose his wisdom. The incompetent young man laughs at my lack of intelligence! If my uncle wants to use me, I would rather go to the prefecture to recruit troops and repair their appearance."

After hearing this, Yu Wentai burst into laughter, pointed to the document that he had not yet read, and said: "Li Boshan's plan contains recruitment rules. Dredge the Luoshui River, connect the upper and lower parts, water conservancy, refine the camp, and organize the township regiments." , Based on this, we can raise an army of tens of thousands!"

When Yu Wenhu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He then unfolded the document and read it carefully. After reading it, he took a long time to digest it. There was a bit of struggle between his brows. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said: "This article has a detailed plan. It seems that there are wise men who can give guidance face to face, so there is no need to worry.

My uncle asked me if I had any confidence. To be honest, I didn’t. And I don’t believe that Li Boshan can implement it accordingly. Nostalgia, water conservancy, gathering funds, and raising troops, each of them is a long-term undertaking, and we have to work together to achieve results in a short period of time. It is already complicated and beyond manpower..."

Hearing Yu Wenhu's answer, a trace of disappointment flashed in Yu Wentai's eyes, but he still said patiently: "Whether it succeeds or not, you have to try. If you feel that your intelligence is not up to par, you can ask Li Boshan to help."

When Yu Wenhu heard this, he read the plan again, but still sighed: "If the strategy is indeed feasible, why not just apply it to the Weishui River? The Weishui River is the central channel of concern. If we can benefit from this main stream, it will be beneficial." The country is far bigger than Luoshui!”

"It's not unreasonable to say that. Alas, I'll think about it later. Please step back first."

After Yu Wenhu left, Yu Wentai took back the plan and carefully read through the annotations.

Indeed, as Yu Wenhu said, this plan seems to be well-founded and comprehensive, and the arguments and deductions look solid and credible.

But precisely because of this, it gives people the feeling of talking on paper. All the results are deduced too perfectly, but as long as one link goes wrong, big problems will occur in the entire process.

For example, this plan did not introduce any variables that would arise from fighting the Eastern bandits again. Once the war between the two countries resumed, this seemingly perfect and feasible plan would become a piece of paper.

Yuwentai can be sure that he himself is indeed afraid of being beaten, and has no thoughts or intentions of making a big move eastward in recent years. In the battle last year, most of the Sixth Army was lost, and all the generals also suffered heavy losses. Even if they wanted to fight, they didn't have the strength.

But the problem is, he can't control Dongfang's thoughts and actions!

Is it worth wasting the talents of an important person for several years on a plan that depends on whether the enemy will give it a chance to develop?

And Yuwentai really can't find a good choice at the moment, because he has to consider not only whether his talent is sufficient, but also what kind of changes it will bring to the power structure in Kansai once the plan comes into effect.

Therefore, he planned to hand over this plan to Yu Wenhu. Even if it failed, after a few years of experience, all aspects of his talents would be fully experienced, and he would be able to use either side with more confidence in the coming year.

But Yu Wenhu obviously didn't mean this, which made him a little embarrassed.

No matter how good the plan is, it is just empty words if there is no suitable executor, but the prospects outlined by this plan make Yu Wentai reluctant to give it up.

"Otherwise, let's give it a try. If you succeed, you will be happy. If you fail, you will be tamed. This boy is worth it."

After pondering for a while, Yu Wentai took up his pen and wrote an order. He still paused a few times, but when his eyes fell on the plan, he continued writing: "Li Boshan, don't let me down! "

Li Tai had no idea that Yu Wentai would be so entangled in his appointment. After handing in the plan, he had already begun to think about the preliminary personnel scheduling issues in his mind, and sent several letters back to the village to let the village members make preparations.

After Yuwenhu returned, he came to see him and told Lishan that the matter had been resolved and there was no need to worry about it anymore.

This was naturally good news. While Li Tai was relieved, he was also curious about how Yu Wenhu was going to deal with Zhao Gui, but Yu Wenhu didn't say much more about it.

Without this nuisance, Li Tai no longer had to stay in Taifu. When he made an agreement with Yu Wenhu to come to the countryside to introduce the printing industry to him, he packed up and went home from get off work.

But as soon as he arrived home, his family submitted a letter, and it was Li Hu, the founder of the mansion, inviting him to Chang'an as a guest.

Li Tai was a little surprised when he saw this invitation letter. Could it be that Li Hu also planned to recognize him and call him uncle?

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