Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 1211 Talent is inferior to virtue

The visit of Yuwen Tai's family and the affairs of his brothers-in-law made Li Tai's thoughts temporarily withdraw from military and political affairs, and take advantage of the leisure time of the New Year to pay attention to the human relationships around him.

The marriage proposal for his brother-in-law Dugu Luo went smoothly. When Li Tai visited, he was warmly welcomed by Yuan Xiaoyou's family. Even before Li Tai made any hints, Yuan Xiaoyou had already made a vague statement.

This situation is normal. Now their family is being watched by too many people, and any words and deeds will cause many speculations. His wife often visited the women of marriageable age in various families before, which naturally attracted the attention of those who were interested.

Although Dugu Xin is gone, the Dugu family still has a lot of connections and heritage left for their children, especially the relationship between Li Tai and his wife, and Dugu Luo is Dugu Xin's heir designated by Li Tai himself. I believe that all the families in Guanzhong will not refuse to marry their daughters to the Dugu family as a head of the family.

Since both parties were willing, the matter went smoothly. After Li Tai visited Yuan Xiaoyou's house, Cui, Dugu Luo's stepmother, met with Yuan's family to discuss and formally sign the marriage contract, and then began the various procedures of the wedding.

These trivial matters naturally did not require Li Tai to ask about them again. Next, he summoned several brothers-in-law to the academy to exchange and observe each other.

To be honest, because Dugu Luo was imprisoned by the Eastern Wei since he was a child, his own talents and martial arts were somewhat lackluster. After all, he had almost never received any systematic education. The only thing that made people more satisfied was that his personality was relatively gentle and peaceful. This was probably related to the long-term confinement life. Since childhood, he developed a cautious and timid temperament.

It was this kind of character of Dugu Luo that Li Tai admired. As he had said to Yuwen Tai's sons before, being born in such a family, the level of talent was not the most important thing. After all, the accumulation of capital and the improvement of status were all completed by their fathers. For these second-generation nobles, keeping to one's own place is far more important than having great talents and strategies.

Li Tai did not look down on these second-generation nobles, but the fact is that in most cases, education cannot replace experience. These people naturally lack the ability to perceive downwards because of their family background.

Some people can regain this ability through their own character, experience and learning, but there are also quite a few who are inevitably arrogant and incompetent. It is okay for them to muddle through in peaceful years, but if they really play an important role in any key historical trend, they will often behave very ridiculously. In this regard, the children and grandchildren of Xiao Bodhisattva are a group of vivid teaching materials.

In a group, some positions are used to do things, while others are used to enjoy happiness. It is impossible to make everyone smart and capable, because if everyone is too capable, it will aggravate the problem of internal friction.

These second-generation nobles can get good treatment by relying on the influence of their fathers and grandfathers, which also has the exemplary role of Qianjin Shima, which not only appeases the human relationship situation within the team, but also increases the gold content of meritorious service qualifications. You people who do practical things don't have to be too unbalanced. Your efforts can not only bring about the promotion of your own power and status, but your children and grandchildren will also enjoy the same treatment in the future!

So these people are born to be ornaments. It is far more important to adjust their mentality than to have an overactive mind. If they are really capable, then the political resources they have are enough to give them enough opportunities to show off.

If they are mediocre, then they should be content to be a parasite. What they are afraid of is that they are useless and can't make a name for themselves in their own track, but they want to have a sense of existence, so they run to the track of ordinary people and brag about the efforts of their ancestors.

Such a boring thing, even if it does not reach the level of harming the country and the people, is a bastard that destroys stability. If such a thing appears at any node, it will destroy the stability of the organization with this node as the center. Such a waste can get to this position. What kind of garbage group am I working for?

Of course, this is a relatively extreme and bad situation. Li Tai certainly hopes that these second-generation nobles can be both virtuous and talented, but if he can only choose one of the two, it would be good to be a law-abiding parasite.

Dugu Luo is not completely useless. He just has not received a systematic education and lacks knowledge and martial arts, but he has no problem with reading and writing and basic personnel logic.

When Li Tai communicated with him, he found that Dugu Luo had a better understanding of the "Zhongxing Yongshi" and the various book orders issued by the court since Tongzhi, which shows that he is more interested in national affairs and current political information.

In ancient times, being an official was difficult and simple. For ordinary people, the biggest problem was the blockage of the upward channel and the isolation of information caused by the gap in status.

When neither of these is a problem, then you only need to undergo certain paperwork processing and charter format training to take on many positions. Even if you are still not enough to govern a place, there is no big problem in obeying orders and passing on information.

One of the main purposes of a political organization is to standardize the process of things. The more stable a political power is, the more mediocre people it can accommodate. It's not that there are no mediocre people in an unstable political power. If it's not stable enough, before you can test whether you are mediocre or not, the word will be reversed.

After communicating with Duguluo, Li Tai arranged for him to go to the Selection Institute in Tongzhou to stay for a while and conduct relevant training. Anyway, the wedding process here in Chang'an does not require him to do everything personally. He will be trained in Tongzhou for a few months, and when he is officially appointed, he will arrange a few thorough and reliable subordinates, so that he can handle the affairs of the government.

Apart from Duguluo, Li Tai is relatively familiar with the other brothers-in-law. For example, when Dugu Shan was still very young, he was sent to Longyuan Academy by his father to receive enlightenment education. He was classmates with Cui Hongdu and others.

Now Cui Hongdu and others have been selected into the three guards for a long time, and they participated in last year's war from beginning to end along with Li Tai. A series of wars went on without success and reward, and each of them received rewards after returning home.

Li Tai was still busy with personnel arrangements in Shangyang Palace before. When the three guards were dismissed and on vacation, many people came to Chang'an to visit Dugu Shan and others. Hearing these people vividly talk about their experience in the expedition made Dugu Shan even more envious. .

"Brother-in-law, my sister said that she is not in a hurry to arrange a ministry for me. Brother-in-law, don't listen! I have wasted several years due to work. How many years can I have in my youth? In the past, my classmates and friends have already taken the lead. If I continue to take care of myself, I won’t be able to see them in the coming year! I know that my brother-in-law is strict about recruiting people, so I am not afraid to start from the bottom, as long as my brother-in-law is willing to arrange it!”

Dugu Shan finally waited until his brother-in-law finished talking to his brother. When he couldn't help but squeeze to the front, he looked at Li Tai with an earnest look and said.

"Aren't you afraid of sitting down? It's really rare to have such a knowledge. Are you willing to go to the horse camp even if we arrange for you to go?"

When Li Tai heard this boy's attitude, he smiled again and said.

"Horse camp? This, this... do you want me to be the groom?"

Dugushan, who had been so confident just now, immediately showed embarrassment after hearing this. After a while, he gritted his teeth and nodded again: "I know that my brother-in-law is testing me, and I am not afraid of the test! I can go to the horse camp on my own, but How long does my brother-in-law want me to stay? Although I am not afraid of hardships, if my brother-in-law criticizes my relatives because of me, I really don’t know how to deal with it. "

Hearing this guy's cunning answer, Li Tai smiled slightly, and then said: "Li Ya has a lot of experience in serving Ma Ying. If you go to him for advice, he will naturally teach you the secrets of doing things."

After hearing this, Dugu Shan's face darkened, and then he shook his head and said bitterly: "I will not go on a blind date with Gaoping Li! How can I forget the revenge of my father's murder!"

Li Tai sighed again after hearing this. It cannot be said that it is unreasonable for Dugushan to express his anger at Li Ya because his father was harmed by Li Zhi. But then again, at that time, Li Mu was the governor of Yong and stayed in Chang'an. He also reported the news and arranged for an escort, so that Dugu Xin's family in Chang'an was able to escape to Hanzhong and avoid disaster. With the murder of the culprit and the passage of time, the grudges at that time have become a confusing matter. It only depends on the feelings of the parties involved.

Hearing that Dugu Shan still resisted contact with Gaoping's Li family, Li Tai stopped talking about letting go of hatred, and just paid attention not to let them have any direct contact with each other on public and private matters in the future.

It is naturally not difficult for Li Tai to arrange ministries for these young people. As the human day came to an end and the imperial offices resumed their work, Li Tai arranged different positions for his brothers-in-law and Yu Wentai's sons.

The brothers-in-law can still be more casual, but Yuwentai's sons have to take into account the political influence, after all, everyone is watching. There is also a reference for this matter, and that is the arrangement of He Bayue's sons back then.

However, there are differences in the subtleties, because Yuwentai no longer has a legitimate son, and his heir Yuwenpu has already added a series of official arrangements such as hussar Kaifu, servant, etc. when Yuwentai was granted the title of Airong. Now the main arrangements are They are a few concubines.

After his death, Li Tai reported to the court to recount Yuwentai's meritorious service, and directly conferred the title of general on his heir Yuwenpu. The other sons all joined the hussar and established the government. Among them, the fourth son Yuwen Yong became the regular attendant of the loose knight and Guanglu. Shaoqing, the fifth son Yu Wenxian was awarded the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard, and the sixth son Yu Wenzhi was awarded the title of Grand Tutor and Sima of the Jin Mansion. The other sons were still young, and they all joined Tongzhi as regular attendants, and still entered the Imperial College to receive their careers.

After all Yuwentai's disciples were granted titles, the matter came to an end. Li Tai had a rare few days of leisure. With the end of the holiday, he became busy again.

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