Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 1238: Three Platforms Seeking Talents

After entering the city, Li Tai's first thing was to understand the current situation inside and outside Yecheng, and to strengthen and consolidate the results that had been obtained, and then make further prospects.

Although the Wei army had entered Yecheng at present, its control was still relatively weak. Li Tai's troops only had more than 30,000 people. Since they had been unstoppable all the way from Shangdang to Yecheng and had hardly encountered any stubborn resistance, they had already been alone in the deep.

In addition to the necessary personnel left behind along the way, there were only less than 20,000 people who arrived in Yecheng with Li Tai at this time. It was a bit difficult to control such a huge city as Yecheng, not to mention that there were still some Northern Qi armed forces that had not been resolved in the surrounding area.

Yecheng had formed a relatively standardized residential model of Fangshi Street. This was certainly convenient for administrative management, but it was also not conducive to the new conquerors to quickly control the entire city. Because these folk squares were relatively independent communities, the residents inside could easily build a temporary defense line based on the Fangju buildings without interacting with the outside world.

Of course, such an isolation line is difficult to maintain for a long time, and it is also difficult to withstand the impact of the regular army. But if the whole city is full of such avenues, then it is not a good idea to solve it by force.

At present, the Wei army can mainly control the imperial palace of Yecheng, Yebei Palace, and some neighborhoods and several city gates near Zhangshui. There are still some areas in the city that are not completely controlled. Some less important neighborhoods and communities are also closed and self-defense, and have not fully accepted the fact that the city has been lost.

In addition to Yecheng itself, there are still some Northern Qi garrisons in Hanling Mountain, Linlu Mountain and other places near Yecheng, and there are still tens of thousands of garrisons on the line of the Yenan Great Wall. These armed forces are still not under the control of the Western Wei. If they gather and counterattack, it will still be a big trouble.

In short, there are still many unstable factors inside and outside Yecheng at present, so we should act cautiously and not be careless. The main reason is that Gao Zhan sent it too fast, so that Li Tai was not ready to accept it in full.

The most important thing at the moment is to make all the troops cooperate with the rhythm of the advance and adjust as soon as possible. Li Tai had previously ordered Li Mu's troops to quickly advance northward along Wuxiang Road and threaten Jinyang, while Wei Xiaokuan led his troops to advance eastward, occupy the Shangdang area and coordinate support for Yedu.

After entering Fukou, he quickly sent a message to Han Xiong, who was guarding Heluo, to lead the Heluo division to cross the Yellow River to the north and advance from Heyang to Baigou, so that the Qi army in the south of Ye would not dare to act rashly.

From a large strategic level, after Li Tai led his troops to the expedition, Yang Zhong and other third troops would also embark on the journey, first to Yinshan to join the divisions, and then attack the Northern Qi from the direction of Wuchuan.

Next, Li Tai temporarily stayed in Yedu, waiting for the troops from the rear to gather here one after another. He had to gather 50,000 troops in Yecheng within ten days, and then further sweep the surrounding areas of Yecheng.

Before Gao Zhan fled, in order to conceal his tracks, he did not alarm too many people, including many palace ladies in the two palaces of Yecheng, such as Gao Cheng's original wife Yuan, Gao Yang's original wife Li, and several concubines of Gao Huan. These people were placed in Yecheng, and their daily activities were restricted. When the Wei army attacked, no one came to notify and escort them to leave, so they were all left in Yecheng and were captured in one fell swoop.

Although Li Tai was competing with the Gao family for the world, he did not have to embarrass these women. Since there was no fierce battle when the Wei army entered the city, the damage to the palace buildings was not too great. In addition, the military discipline was strict, so those people basically stayed in the palaces where they originally lived.

It was not until Li Tai entered the city and further arranged the defense of the city that he ordered a palace to be enclosed in the Yebei Palace for the convenience of supervision to accommodate these Gao women, and to place elite soldiers to guard them and not allow anyone to invade at will.

In addition, there were a group of court officials in Yecheng who were either captured in the city or surrendered voluntarily. If these people can be properly utilized, they can also play a significant positive role in stabilizing the situation in Yecheng.

After ascending the throne, Qi Lord Gao Yan mainly stayed in Jinyang. The importance of Yecheng was greatly reduced because of the loss of Heyang, and many Qi Dynasty personnel were transferred to Jinyang. In addition, Gao Zhan took a group away, and another group escaped before the arrival of the Wei army, so at present, there are only some small fish left in Yecheng, and there are no representatives of high positions and power in the Northern Qi court.

Li Tai was also relatively unfamiliar with these people. Listening to their self-introductions, there were no famous officials. Among them, there were two more important people. One was named Feng Zicong, who was Gao Zhan's brother-in-law. Because of this relationship, he held an important position in Gao Zhan's Jingji Grand Commandery, but for some reason, he was not taken away by Gao Zhan to escape together.

The other was named Wei Jin, who served as Shangshu Zuocheng, which was a relatively important official position. This Wei Jin was also Sima Ziru's nephew-in-law. Perhaps because of Sima Xiaonan's involvement, he did not go to Jinyang to take up his post, but stayed in the court of Yecheng.

Apart from this, the other officials were not very good. None of them held important positions, and the help they could provide in controlling the situation in Yecheng was not great.

However, although these Yecheng celebrities were not very conspicuous politically, they were not without gains in other aspects. Thanks to Li Tai's past united front work and his background, the Kanto clans were relatively enthusiastic about his arrival. Except for those who had fled first, the others who were still stranded in the city came out to welcome him. There are also some memorable ones among them.

One of the young people praised the Tang Dynasty's attitude enthusiastically and spoke in a very elegant and pleasant manner. Li Tai slightly inquired and found out that the young man's name was Xue Daoheng. His reputation is not low, and he is as famous as Lu Sidao, who had defected to the Western Wei Dynasty before.

There is another person who is even more unexpected to Li Tai, that is Zu Jue, who was born in the Fanyang ancestral family. Zu Jue can be said to be a very famous figure in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and he is more in line with the temperament of the Northern Qi regime. He is surrounded by criticism and has a mixed reputation. Generally speaking, the negative reviews are greater than the positive ones.

If Xue Daoheng was only relatively enthusiastic about the King of Tang, then Zu Jue's attitude was more flattering. When he went to pay homage to the King of Tang, he directly dedicated a eulogy praising the King of Tang, praising the King of Tang and speaking frankly about his virtues. After three generations and surpassing the Qin and Han dynasties, even though Li Tai had gained a lot of influence in the city over the years, he still felt quite ashamed after hearing this guy's praise.

"My ancestor is truly a great talent, but there is no need to distort the truth when discussing things. Now I act in obedience to nature and people, and all I want is to look up to me with no shame. Moreover, I have been sharpened by the gentlemen of later generations. There are other things that my talents can be used for, so there is no need to do this. Trouble!"

A person's first impression is very important. If the members of the Ba Mansion praise him, Li Tai will also accept it. But now that he has just arrived in Yecheng, he still doesn't want to leave a flattering person to Hebei Shiliu. Impression, so he said to Zu Jue with a straight face.

Zu Jue saw that his flattery seemed to be slapped on the horse's leg, and he felt quite uneasy in his heart. He nodded in agreement, and immediately put away this eulogy, took out another volume of articles from his body, and presented it with both hands. He said respectfully: "Your Majesty is good at governing and is famous throughout the world. The poor and weak Guanxi has been ranked first in the world in a few years because of your kindness. This is a great achievement! Now I, Hebei, are finally lucky enough to receive the grace of your Majesty Mu, only because The government has been in chaos for a long time, and I am afraid that I will not be able to contact the king in time, so I have the courage to record a few people's affairs, and I respectfully accept the king's reading! "

After Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised. When he asked someone to submit Zu Jue's memorial, he browsed it briefly and found that Zu Jue had discussed Yecheng's politics and folk customs, although it was not clear. Whether it is true or not, but the article seems to be well organized and detailed, and some of the issues that Li Tai is curious and concerned about are covered.

"My ancestor has a heart, and I am pleased to receive such good advice. Although I am determined to support morality and govern Hebei, I also need you to wait for the people of Hebei to be harmonious and willing to follow the Tao. If only everyone could be as knowledgeable as my ancestor. Current affairs and principles are clear, so why worry about not being able to handle personnel affairs properly?”

Although Zu Jue's moral character is really not good, he is currently showing both talent and attitude. After flattery is not accepted, he immediately turns to being pragmatic and capable. This also makes Li Tai appreciate this, even if he expressed his desire to conquer Zu Jue. Serve in the military.

After hearing this, Zu Jue was overjoyed and thanked him for his kindness. Others looked at Zu Jue with envy in their eyes. They are still unpredictable here, but this guy has already landed in advance. Who can explain this!

"Although Hebei is not prosperous in morality, it has prosperous people. Now that the king's army is here, it is especially necessary to make deep connections with the local sages, so that they can promote the rule of law and make the soldiers and people stable. When entering the city today, you need to recruit talents first, and then preach the law! In every city, the soldiers and people, But if you have a Taoist heart and have skills that can be used to benefit the world, you will be rewarded even more!"

After arriving in Yecheng, Li Tai did not first promulgate laws and establish his power. Instead, he issued an order to seek virtuous people, piled gold on three platforms, and asked for virtuous people. He told the people in the city that anyone with talents in civil and military arts could submit an ultimatum to himself. Donate and participate in the selection. Once selected, you will be appointed immediately.

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