Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 1248: The Army Arrives in Jinyang

Yang Zhong's excitement cooled down when he learned that the King of Tang had conquered Yecheng. However, the shock Jinyang received after learning that the West Mountain defense line had been breached was even greater than when they learned that Yecheng had fallen.

After all, for the nobles of Jinyang, the importance of Yecheng and even Hebei was mainly reflected in the supply of money and food, and the safety of Jinyang was a matter of life and death.

The breach of the West Mountain defense line meant that the defense around Jinyang had loopholes and was no longer safe. The Wei army divisions could come to Jinyang at any time, just like when Jinyang was attacked.

So when the news reached Jinyang, all the soldiers and civilians in Jinyang, from Qi Lord Gao Yan to others, became nervous. The Jinyang Palace immediately issued a military order to quickly transfer the garrison outside Jinyang to the West Mountain to strengthen the defense.

Xishan is the name of a series of mountains on the west side of Jinyang. There are many valleys and gullies. If every valley passage needs to be strictly guarded and filled with soldiers, even if all the troops in Jinyang are filled in, it will not be enough. Therefore, only a few relatively severe mountain roads can be selected for garrisoning, and the possibility of Wei army sneaking in from Xishan cannot be completely cut off.

Moreover, due to the obstruction of these mountains and the lack of the Great Wall between the mountains and fields as a passage for rapid troop movement, these troops stationed in the mountain roads cannot communicate flexibly and support each other, and each is relatively isolated in the mountains and fields.

Although Sanduishu, where the Wei army is now located, is still a long way from Jinyang, and most of the roads are rugged and difficult to travel, the defense line of the Xishan Great Wall has been torn open, forcing Jinyang to send 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers to guard the Xishan line.

After this happened, Jinyang was also discussing it. For example, Wei Can, the Prince of Changle, directly accused Hulugu of being brave but not wise in order to show his wisdom: "The Prince of Xianyang wanted to lead his troops south to attack the Wei army a few days ago. He was really ill-conceived!

Li Boshan was a man of great strategy and skill in using troops. If the Prince of Xianyang really led his troops south at that time, he would have fallen into the trap of the Wei army. Fortunately, I had foresight and tried my best to stop this plan. Now I have enough troops to guard Jinyang. The Supreme was partial to me before and forced me to apologize to the Prince of Xianyang. Now I must know who is the one who is truly loyal to the emperor and the country!"

Similar arguments reached Hulugu's ears, making him even more angry. This situation is clearly a result of the Wei army being more active, more aggressive and more flexible. If we can be equally active and aggressive, why would we be reduced to being controlled by others now?

Wei Can was not familiar with military affairs and made a lot of nonsense. Unfortunately, there were a group of equally terrified and ignorant fools in Jinyang who believed this statement and complained to the generals who led the army, thinking that it was because of their incompetence that the situation had evolved into the current crisis.

Hulugu was not trying to comfort himself. The situation had deteriorated to this point, and these generals were certainly to blame. However, if we look into the reasons, from the beginning of the war, when did they ever have the real decision-making and dominance over the war?

After he withdrew from Sizhou to Jinyang, although he became the supreme commander of the Jinyang army in name, many military orders were issued directly from the Jinyang Palace, and he, as the commander of the army, just stayed in Jinyang and obeyed orders.

Even though he went out for inspections several times, he did not have the power to dispatch troops. He proposed to take the initiative to attack before, but he was directly tied to Jinyang and could not move because of the sentence "the country is in crisis and he intends to cruise outside". Since the war started, all parties have been in urgent need, but he has not even reached the real front line to take a look at the enemy, let alone fight against the enemy?

Even though Hulugu's political sensitivity is not too high, as the situation develops, he has gradually tasted some problems. The most serious one is that the current supreme has an almost morbid paranoia about the control of the army.

Because he actively supported the supreme to launch a coup, Hulugu also received great rewards after the coup was successful. His status in the country increased day by day, and even surpassed Pingyuan King Duan Shao at one time. Emperor Gao Yan also trusted him and frequently gave him important tasks. They even became in-laws.

However, under this series of respectful treatment, Hulugu did not feel any ease like a fish in water. Instead, he was deeply constrained everywhere. More often, he felt like a puppet pulling strings, a tool used by the emperor to control the army.

Since the army gathered in Jinyang, almost all the orders he issued came from the instructions of the Jinyang Palace. Although the emperor would listen to some of his proposals with an open mind, most of the time he would only listen and leave it unfinished.

Sometimes Hulugu himself secretly suspected that it might be because the emperor himself did not have outstanding martial arts to intimidate the generals and soldiers in the country, so he needed to choose a spokesperson and mouthpiece among the nobles, and he was the one who was chosen. If the current emperor had the same prestige as Wenxiang and Wenxuan in the country, perhaps he would not need to put himself in such a glorious position.

Gao Yan was not aware of Hulugu's inner thoughts. After dispatching soldiers to arrange the defense of Xishan, he specially summoned Hulugu to the Jinyang Palace to comfort him, saying: "I didn't expect the Wei army's offensive to be so fierce, and they still wanted to repeat the old incident of Li Boshan's attack on Jinyang.

The soldiers and civilians in the city were terrified, and there were bound to be some complaints, but they were just the voices of narrow-minded and ignorant summer insects. You don’t have to take it to heart. I know who I should rely on for the country’s major affairs, and I won’t be deceived by such gossip. "

Even though he had a lot of resentment in his heart, Hulugu was moved when he heard the emperor’s caring comfort, and he bowed his head to show that he would not be affected by those slanderous voices.

Seeing Hulugu’s attitude, Gao Yan was also quite satisfied, and then he sighed and said: "The West Mountain Great Wall was broken by the thieves, which made my western border turbulent. I hope that the previous increase in garrisons and the repair of the fence after the sheep have been lost will be effective. Last night, I carefully reviewed and approved the military supply quotas of various armies, all of which are recorded here. Please supervise and allocate them carefully! "

While speaking, he raised his hand to signal a eunuch to hand over the document on the case to Hulugu.

Hulugu also noticed that the emperor's eyes were bloodshot and his expression was tired, so he quickly stood up and took the document with both hands. After unfolding it, he saw that it listed the number of military supplies needed by the various armies stationed in the West Mountain. All were clear and specific, so he nodded again.

Gao Yan suddenly opened his mouth and yawned deeply, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I was busy until midnight last night to review this matter. I am a little tired today. I am sorry to make you laugh. The troops are stationed in the mountains and fields, and logistics and supplies need to be paid special attention. The soldiers must not be starved and the passion of these patriots must not be chilled. "

After hearing this, Hulugu lowered his head and looked at the documents in his hand. He couldn't help but want to advise the emperor to hand over these trivial military affairs to the officials in the province. There was really no need to do everything himself, but the words turned into: "Your Majesty is so diligent and hardworking, and it is really a blessing for the people! We are inspired by this and hope to defeat the enemy!"

After hearing this, Gao Yan smiled slightly, then sighed and said: "The world's vulgar people often praise or criticize people based on success or failure. Since I came to power, I have worked hard every day, but because the enemy is fierce and stubborn, I still often succumb to the disadvantage. Only the king and a few close to me know my hard work. I hope that this time I can defeat the enemy as the king said, and we can taste the sweetness together in the future! ”

Visions are always good, but things may not always go as planned. After Yang Zhong and his party broke through the Great Wall of Xishan, they certainly caused great shock and fright to the Qi army in Jinyang, and brought great encouragement to their own side, especially after learning that the Tang Wang's troops had conquered Yecheng and swept Hebei, the Wei army soldiers were even more excited.

However, Yang Zhong did not continue to advance, but stationed in Sanduishu to rest, and at the same time sent a message to Han Guo in the south of Luliang Mountain, asking him to lead his troops and a group of Lishi Hu people to the north to join forces.

He did not return to Pingcheng to join forces with Yuwen Gui and his party, but only passed on the results of the battle and the news he had learned, believing that Yuwen Gui could make the most appropriate cooperation.

Here in Pingcheng, when Yang Zhong took the lead in leading his troops to the south, the Turkic Wuzun Khan still led his troops to wander around the Baidao of Wuchuan, unwilling to join forces in the south.

Wuzun Khan is also very conflicted at the moment. On the one hand, he hopes that the West Wei and Northern Qi have always maintained this situation of confrontation between the East and the West, so that they can play both sides as a neutral party. On the one hand, the northward movement of the small Khan Shetu in the south has posed a real threat to him, and he was promoted to the throne by the Western Wei Dynasty. If he completely breaks with the Western Wei Dynasty, it will not be in his own interests.

Under this complex mood, his behavior is manifested as indecision and confusion. He has obviously led his army to come, but he is unwilling to go south to join the Wei army.

In his heart, he secretly hopes that the Northern Qi can rise up and repel the invading Western Wei army first. In this way, he will not have to bear any moral accusations, but can also take advantage of the situation to blackmail the Western Wei and balance the interactive relationship between them.

However, as the news from the south came further, Wuzun Khan became more and more restless. When he learned that the Wei army Yang Zhong's troops had conquered the Xishan Great Wall first, he couldn't help frowning and said: "Qi has been attacked by Wei for a long time, how can it be so careless? The carefully arranged defense line was broken at the first attack. Even if others wanted to save it, they would be disappointed when they saw this! "

He had experienced the Great Wall defense line of Qi. Last year, they took advantage of the fire to attack Northern Qi, but were blocked by the Great Wall. In the end, it was the Qi Lord Gao Yan who took the initiative to bow his head and ask for peace, so that the last attack did not return in vain.

At this time, he was surprised to hear that the Great Wall defense line was so easily broken by the Wei army. He was also very dissatisfied with Qi's performance. They were so brave when they blocked the Turks, but how could they be so vulnerable to the attack of the Wei army.

While complaining, he ordered his troops to speed up the march and try to get to Pingcheng as soon as possible. The previous slow march was not only due to the fence-sitting mentality, but he was also worried that the Wei army might He would force the Turkic soldiers to attack the Great Wall as cannon fodder first, but now the Great Wall has been breached, so there is no such worry. If he breaks into the Great Wall earlier, he can take the opportunity to plunder and make a fortune.

As for the alliance with Northern Qi, it is no longer a restriction for him. Northern Qi itself is so weak, why should he worry about them! The harvest in hand is real, and the relationship between the two sides can be re-cultivated.

Since Yang Zhong had arranged for an envoy to go to Pingcheng to report the news after conquering Sheping, there was a time difference between the transmission of the subsequent news.

On the second day after the Turkic army accelerated their march, when further news came from the south, Khan Wuzun suddenly broke into cold sweat on his face after hearing this: "The king of Tang was so cruel that he even defeated the capital of Qi in such a short time. Have they all been conquered?”

Naturally, someone next to him came forward to explain the difference between Yedu and Jinyang, but after learning this, it did not make Wuzun Khan feel any relieved. After thinking about it, he ordered the team to move forward at full speed, and he Then he led a team of elite soldiers to set off first, and rushed to Pingcheng as quickly as possible, traveling day and night, to ask his brother Buli Khan about the latest situation.

Due to Wu Zun Khan's lack of cooperation, Buli Khan was also treated coldly by the Wei army during this period. He did not know much about the latest battle situation in the south. All he could tell Wu Zun Khan was that the Wei army had achieved great success on the inevitable battlefield. Big breakthrough.

After Wu Zun Khan arrived in Pingcheng, he immediately sent an apostle to ask for an audience with Yu Wengui. Yu Wengui was also arranging for his troops to march southward at this time, and did not receive Wuzun Khan immediately. He waited until the envoy returned several times before agreeing to let Wuzun Khan come to the big tent to meet him.

"I met Yuwen Zhuguo. After receiving a message from the King of Tang, I ordered the tribes to quickly gather for the expedition. However, the grassland tribes are different from the Han prefectures and counties, and there are many delays in their actions..."

After meeting Yu Wengui, Wu Zun Khan kept his posture very low, with a humble smile on his face, and he opened his mouth to find excuses for his procrastination.

Yu Wengui was too lazy to argue with him about this. After listening to Wuzun Khan's sophistry, he did not comment on it. He just said: "Wuzun Khan must have known that our Lord has settled Hebei and will go to Jinyang." Come. However, our military divisions and brigades are still lingering outside the Great Wall, and the military period has been greatly delayed. Now we are going south quickly to make up for our mistakes. I really have no time to ask if your military aircraft are still willing to send troops together. So I asked the troops to move forward quickly. It is really inconvenient for me to stay here and wait for the rear troops."

"Of course we must, of course we must send troops together! Our country and Wei have been allies for many years, and the King of Tang and I are closer than brothers. How can we not go together for such a big event!"

Wu Zun Khan was the first to admit his mistake. After hearing this, he hurriedly patted his chest and expressed his position. At this time, he no longer had the idea of ​​trying to balance the two sides. He was just worried that the Tang Dynasty King would point the finger at him after he defeated the Northern Qi Dynasty. While there was still room for salvation, I wanted to try my best to show off. Of course, the most important thing is to take advantage of the Wei army's attack on Northern Qi to participate in it and share some benefits.

No further urging was needed from Yu Wengui, as Wuzun Khan had already ordered his men and horses to come south quickly, and also presented the Wei army with a large number of cattle and sheep as an apology for the Turks' slow march during this period.

Wei Jun North Road had 50,000 troops plus 30,000 troops in the city. However, on the way south from Yinshan Hetao, Hu tribes from surrounding areas gradually joined in. The actual number of troops was even higher. As for the Turks, although Wuzun Khan had made many excuses before and wanted to count Yinshan City as a Turkic tribe, in fact, there were more than 100,000 people coming south this time.

The total number of people and horses from the two groups amounted to nearly 200,000 troops. When it surged southward, it was like a torrent, filling pits and valleys. Although a considerable part of them were relatively poorly organized and not much better than a mob, the scale was so large. The huge army came south, and the momentum was so huge that it was immediately full.

When such an army directly covering the mountains appeared outside the Beishan Great Wall, the defenders on the Great Wall saw the enemies all over the mountains and plains like locusts passing by. Their scalps were numb for a while, and even the timid ones couldn't help it. The two strands were fighting, and his face was pale.

Although the front line of the Beishan Great Wall has been in operation for many years and still maintains a large number of garrison troops, it is far inferior to the invading enemy troops. Yu Wengui directly ordered the troops to be divided into several groups and launch an attack together along the Beishan Great Wall for dozens of miles.

The Wei army charged forward, and the Turkic troops from behind also rushed forward. Although the Qi army could still rely on the inner line of the Great Wall to mobilize troops, such a long front was attacked together, and it was difficult to defend it based on the danger. The Great Wall defense line Breakthrough points appeared one after another, and then the gaps gradually expanded, turning from points into lines, until the front completely collapsed. Even Pan Zihuang, the king of Hedong in the Northern Qi Dynasty who supervised the battle on the Great Wall, died in the battle because he had no time to retreat. middle.

Wu Zun Khan originally had no concept of the West Mountain Great Wall and the Beishan Great Wall. When he saw that the Great Wall defense line was still intact, he couldn't help but feel suspicious. However, when he saw nearly 200,000 troops swarming up, it only took a short time. After breaking through the defense line of the Great Wall, I couldn't help but feel inspired. It seemed that the reason why I was blocked from the Great Wall in the past years was because I didn't lead enough troops!

The successful breakthrough of the Beishan Great Wall this time left a deep impression on him. He could not help but wonder in his mind whether it would be possible for the Turks to break through this line of defense alone in the future and enter the Great Wall to plunder.

Regardless of Wuzun Khan's longer-term plans, the Turkic tribes were extremely excited after breaking through the Great Wall of Beishan and entering the territory of Sizhou, and they began to plunder the territory uncontrollably.

Yu Wengui was eager to go south to join forces at the moment, so naturally he had no time to take care of this. After the army rushed through Xingling, it immediately gathered again and continued to kill Sizhou City in the south.

Most of Sizhou's defenders gathered on the front line of the Beishan Great Wall. Now that the Beishan Great Wall collapsed and Sizhou Governor Pan Zihuang also died on the front line, there was naturally no resistance within its territory. Yuwengui's brigade quickly and smoothly Enter Sizhou City.

At this time, the defeated soldiers on the Beishan Great Wall also fled all the way to Jinyang, telling them that the entire Beishan Great Wall collapsed and hundreds of thousands of Western Wei and Turkic allied forces surged southward.

After Qi Zhu Gao Yan learned about this, he was shocked and his hands and feet were cold. He hurriedly summoned the ministers into the palace to discuss countermeasures. At this time, the news of the surging army from the north had spread among the nobles of Jinyang. Some were already waiting outside Jinyang Palace, while others were panicked and couldn't excuse themselves because of illness.

"The enemy troops came in large numbers from the south, and the Turks broke the treaty and went together. Now they are not far from Jinyang. If you have any plans, please submit them as soon as possible!"

Although the situation was critical before, because there was no personal pain, Qi Zhu Gaoyan felt that there was still a lot of room for improvement. However, he did not expect that once something unexpected happened, the situation would suddenly take a turn for the worse, deteriorating so rapidly, and he had always been... He is more focused on details and lacks any groundbreaking insights into the overall situation. At this time, he is also a little panicked.

"The enemy's troops are powerful and menacing. Once they suddenly enter Jinyang, the soldiers and civilians will be frightened. I would like to lead a division and brigade to Yangqu to stop it for a while. The surrounding areas of Jinyang should be quickly fortified and the fields cleared. All people should enter the city to avoid being trapped by the enemy. Take advantage of it and plunder it. After this preparation, you can still defend it in an orderly manner."

Hu Luguang stood up first and took the initiative to fight and resist the enemy.

At this time, no one like Wei Can jumped out to say that Hu Luguang took the opportunity to wander outside under the current situation of the enemy. Wei Can did not attend the urgent meeting at all. After hearing this, Gao Yan hurriedly He nodded in agreement, but immediately asked again: "According to the king's opinion, how many troops can be led to Yangqu to stop the enemy's advance?"

"The crowd is enough. I'm going north now, not to engage in a decisive battle with the enemy, but to show that they are prepared. Just make a small block."

Now that the enemy troops are about to approach the city, Hu Luguang is not so arrogant as to think that he can defeat the enemy troops by going out of the city to fight. The most important thing now is to slightly stop the enemy troops from advancing and make Jinyang better prepared. Therefore, He replied.

After hearing this, Gao Yan nodded again and again, looked at Hu Luguang and said with a sincere face: "The King of Xianyang is unparalleled in his loyalty and bravery, and he has always been able to turn the tide. I will also go to Beicheng in person to strengthen the king!"

The situation was urgent at this time, and Hu Luguang could not care less about reacting to the emperor's thoughtful words. Before leaving, he pondered for a moment and then said: "The current situation is extremely dangerous, and life or death may be at stake." Within one thought, both the ministers and the other generals have the ambition to destroy the country. Your Majesty should sincerely accept wise words to help the country! We still have more than 200,000 troops inside and outside, but everyone is united. The situation will surely turn around! ”

When the situation reached this point, he couldn't help but make some suggestions to the emperor, hoping that he would be more tolerant and broad-minded so that the loyal and brave soldiers could display their full potential.

After Gao Yan heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. He nodded and said seriously: "Wang Yan is a warning, I will definitely keep it in mind!"

After Hu Luguang led his troops to the north, Gao Yan still did not dare to relax his nervous mood. The Western Wei and Turkic coalition forces were coming southward with overwhelming force. He was also worried that Hu Luguang might not be able to intercept them, so he ordered again: "Go to Jingxing quickly to inform King Pingyuan of the critical situation here, and ask him if he can garrison Jingxing with other troops and return to Jinyang to gather all the troops to attack the enemy in the north?"

Happy holidays to the great PLA soldiers! ! !

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