Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 1259 The King of Tang is coming

As soon as it got light the next day, the Qi army began to prepare to attack the Wei army camp in Xishan.

Since Lou Zhongda, the king of Puyang, was deposed yesterday, today the central army and the left-wing troops were directly commanded by Hu Luguang. Prince Boling Gaoji still commanded the right army to participate in the battle, and the number of troops participating in the battle reached 70,000.

This was Hu Luguang's strong request. He wanted to deal with these Wei troops quickly and prevent them from staying here for a long time. Emperor Gao Yan and all Jinyang nobles also agreed that although Northern Qi had the upper hand in the current situation, so many Wei troops stationed outside Jinyang City made people feel uneasy after all.

After yesterday's broken appointment, the Turks did not make any more trouble today. Also after having breakfast in the early morning, they began to organize their troops and prepare to go into battle with the Qi army to kill the enemy.

At the foot of Xishan Mountain, after some emergency construction last night, the Wei army soldiers dug several trenches outside the camp and built some barracks to block horses and other defenses. It's a pity that Jinyang has been carrying out large-scale construction and building palaces and gardens in recent years, and the trees on the west mountain have been cut down. There are not enough available materials nearby to make more defensive equipment.

Seeing that the Northern Qi and the Turks were already preparing for war, Yu Wengui no longer had any conservative thoughts. All the remaining supplies in the army were distributed to the camps so that the soldiers could all have a good meal to maintain the momentum of the upcoming war. consumption. No matter how long they have to stay in Xishan, they can only have a future if they survive this current difficulty.

Near Sandui garrison in Xishan, Yang Zhong, Han Guo and others were leading more than 10,000 divisions and brigade and many Lishi Hu people to come here. By the time they arrive at the Xishan battlefield, at least the Wei army will not be at a big disadvantage in terms of military strength. Even if they are facing a coalition of Qi troops and Turkic troops, they will still be able to fight as separate armies.

Fearing that the Turks' rebellion might affect the mood of the soldiers, Yu Wengui hurriedly inspected the armies before the war began. Everywhere he went, he shouted loudly: "The Turks Wu Zun Khan is of low conduct and treacherous. I have long had the intention to rebel against me, and the King of Tang knew it very well, so he ordered the Turks to come here to judge him for the crime of collaborating with the thieves, and to kill them together with the Eastern thieves. It seems that these two thieves are powerful and their death is not far away! !”

These words seemed to have bad intentions from the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. It seemed difficult to blame the Turks morally, but it also made the heavy hearts of the soldiers lighter. Since the current situation had been expected by King Tang, they had nothing to fear, because King Tang would definitely arrange a back-up plan to punish the Turks, and they only needed to hold on to the camp and wait for the situation to change.

It's not just that these Wei soldiers are so gullible, but the sense of trust that the King of Tang has built up with brilliant victories over the past many years. It makes people feel that as long as the King of Tang is prepared and prepared, nothing will happen in the world. Can stump the king of Tang!

With this certainty and confidence, the officers and soldiers of the Wei army quickly finished their meal, and then each entered their combat area. Wearing armor and holding bows and knives, they waited for the allied forces of the two countries on the opposite side to come and die.

Jinyang City is composed of several large and small cities. Jinyang Luocheng, located in the northernmost part, is currently the gathering place for the Qi army. At this time in Jinyang Luocheng, Emperor Gao Yan also came here in person to encourage the soldiers who were about to go into battle.

"The State of Wei relies on force to bully others and repeatedly invades our territory, and now it invades Jinyang directly. The purpose of this battle is just to kill the enemy. If the thieves are not defeated, the country will be in danger, Jinyang will be in danger, and the homes of your soldiers will also be in danger. . Therefore, if you win, your family and country will be at ease, but if you lose, everything will come to an end.

I am not a British master, but I care about your people. I am here in the city to wait for the triumphant return of my heroes. Anyone who kills the enemy with meritorious service will be heavily rewarded and will be richly rewarded! I and Sheji, together with you and others, ask your disciples: Do you dare to fight against a powerful enemy in front of you? "

Gao Yan stood on the military platform and looked around at the heavily armed soldiers in the city. He was extremely excited. He drew out his saber, pointed the blade toward the west mountain outside the city, and shouted loudly.

Faced with the emperor's encouragement, all the soldiers present were also very excited. Hu Luguang, who was standing at the front, even raised his arms and shouted: "I have been deeply favored by the country and have nothing to repay. It is my duty to sacrifice my life! This time I go to battle." "If you defeat the thief, you will return. If you don't defeat the thief, you will never return to the city!"

"I swear I will never return to the city until I defeat the thieves!"

All the soldiers also shouted slogans loudly. Jinyang is their home. Even if there is no heroic sentiment in this battle, even if it is just to defend their home and save their relatives from suffering, they must fight hard to kill the enemy.

As the soldiers of the Qi army left the city one after another, Hu Luguang also sent people to communicate with the Turkic army. The formation arrangement on the battlefield, the flag and drum orders during the battle, etc. Both sides needed to reach a certain consensus to ensure that they could proceed on the battlefield. Effective coordination.

Although Wu Zun Khan agreed to lead his army to participate in the battle today, the fierce scene of the battle between Wei Army and Qi Army yesterday still left a deep impression on him. As a reserve force, the initial combat tasks still have to be undertaken by the Qi army.

Hu Luguang didn't bother to argue with him, and Lou Zhongda's performance yesterday also made him feel that it was difficult to have greater expectations for the performance of such pig teammates on the battlefield. For things like Wu Zun Khan and Turk, maybe Not as good as Lou Zhongda's performance. After all, although Lou Zhongda himself lacked any military talent, he commanded genuine Jinyang elite soldiers.

As the Qi army launched an offensive in the north of Jinyang City, Hulugu gave an order, and the Qi army's troops moved forward together. The Wei army was also not idle. The soldiers in the army had already tightened their bowstrings, waiting for the enemy to enter the range.

The war drums were as deafening as thunder, and the flags representing the charge were also raised high in the formation. The horn sounds and drums were orderly in chaos. With the order of the central army, the Qi army soldiers immediately launched a galloping charge. The steel torrent swept the earth and rushed towards the Wei army's position from all directions.


The monotonous byte was shouted out by the charging soldiers with the greatest strength, and the voices of the masses gathered into a powerful and soul-stirring torrent of sound waves, so that the spectators in the distance were frightened and breathless.


When the Qi army rushed to a certain distance, the Wei army suddenly shouted loudly, and then the arrows rained down like rain, breaking the sky. The Qi army, which was originally quite strict and fierce, was constantly rolling and falling to the ground. The army was also hit by the arrows, and tiny gaps were created. Although these gaps would be filled by the horses rushing up from the back, the rolling of the horses and horses also made the movements of the horses controlling their horses to dodge become ripples.

Although the trenches built by the Wei army last night were relatively simple, they also disrupted the rhythm of the Qi army's charge. Many soldiers fell into the trenches with their horses. Although these trenches were not too deep and there was no time to arrange any spiked barricades, the huge impact of the horses falling was enough to break the tendons and bones of the horses and make them lose the ability to continue moving.

"Don't stop, keep charging!"

Although the existence of these trenches is quite disturbing, the generals still urged the soldiers to move faster during the charge.

These trenches are within the enemy's range. Whether they send soldiers to fill them first or stay, they will be exposed to the arrows of the Wei army. Only by rushing to the enemy's front at the fastest speed to start fighting and effectively suppress the long-range force of the Wei army, can they send soldiers to fill the pits so that the rear troops can continue to charge.

"Qiang thieves, die!"

Soon, the Qi army soldiers who rushed to the front arrived in front of the Wei army. The rough horse-barrier fences could not provide a very good interception effect. Some were smashed by the Qi army soldiers with horse spears, and some were directly broken by war horses. After breaking through this last layer of obstacles, the Qi army soldiers fought hard to kill the enemy.

At the front of the army formation was a shield wall and a forest of spears, which was quite effective in intercepting light cavalry enemies. When the enemy cavalry entered the front and could not stop, they directly crashed into the formation with their horses, and then the horses and men were pierced by sharp spears. Even after multiple attacks, it was difficult to create a gap in such an army formation.

Therefore, when charging, elite generals and elite teams are particularly important. If they can tear open the enemy formation in time and create a gap in the battle formation, then their own troops can take advantage of the situation and expand the gap, and casualties will be greatly reduced.

The Jinyang soldiers are indeed the world's first-class brave and warlike army. In just the first round of charging, they created several formation gaps on this long front.

Although these gaps were not large, and some were filled by the Wei army in the formation in an instant, there were one or two that existed for a long time, allowing more Qi army knights nearby to squeeze into the battle formation, and what greeted them were the long sabers.

Although the Qi soldiers who entered the battle array first were dead, they also effectively suppressed and destroyed the Wei army's formation. Even the bodies of the men and horses they left behind on the battle array became tools to destroy the formation, making it difficult to repair the battle array, thus creating better conditions and opportunities for the rear divisions to charge.

Under the urging of Hulugu's military orders, the battle had already shown a trend of intensifying from the beginning, and some places were even more tragic.

This made the Turkic army who had just arrived at the battlefield feel pressured, and some chieftains simply held their troops and hesitated to move forward. Although the Turks are now the overlord of Mobei, their rise is more due to the vacancy of the ecological niche in Mobei, which gave them the opportunity to grow and develop.

For example, the Southern Liang was once in a relatively strong position in the confrontation with the Northern Wei. It certainly had certain merits, but the decline of the Northern Wei itself was also a crucial factor, at least not enough to show that the Southern Liang was already powerful.

The current combat effectiveness of the Turkic army is far from reaching the level that makes people tremble with fear, and it is inferior to the Wei army and the Qi army. Wuzun Khan also took advantage of the conflict between the two countries. If there were no strong pressure from the Western Wei, the Turkic army alone would not be enough to make the Qi Lord Gao Yan kowtow to him.

The battle between the Qi and Wei armies on the battlefield can be described as a peak showdown. The Turkic army is indeed a bit unimpressive in such an occasion. Fortunately, Wuzun Khan was not in a hurry to move forward. He just led the Turkic army to stay behind the Qi army. Before the opposite Wei army showed obvious exhaustion, he did not intend to let his troops move forward to fight.

It is worth mentioning that Wuzun Khan wore the golden armor that the Qi Lord asked Yuan Wenyao to send today. Under the sunlight, the whole person was shining with golden light, like a divine soldier descending to the earth. He was extremely eye-catching in the army formation and could be seen at a glance.

The Turkic nobles liked to wear gold, silver, jewelry and other gorgeous clothes, and the Khan also had the habit of wearing golden armor when commanding battles. For ordinary people, such gorgeous and eye-catching clothes would undoubtedly be a suicidal act.

But the Turkic Khan is naturally not an ordinary person. Most of the time, he does not need to fight the enemy in person, and he is surrounded by the army for protection. This gorgeous appearance can not only show the Khan's majesty, but also make it convenient for the Turkic army to follow the Khan.

Wuzun Khan originally had his own golden armor, but the shape and craftsmanship were far inferior to the one sent by Qi State, so Wuzun Khan directly put it on, which was really mighty and handsome.

The battle on the battlefield became more and more fierce. Several Wei army formations had been broken. There were already teams of Qi army cavalry rushing into the formation and wantonly rushing and destroying the inside of the battle formation, while the Wei army soldiers in the formation were also desperately trying to block and control the riot within this small area so that it would not continue to expand.

Both sides were blood-thirsty, and the Qi army also suffered heavy casualties. Some formations of thousands of people rushed forward, but in the end only a few hundred or even fewer people were able to return. The bodies of the dead soldiers from both sides were piled up on the battlefield, and even formed a human carpet several feet wide on the battlefield. The scene was extremely tragic!

"My king, the Wei army is too stubborn, and the casualties are tragic. It is better to stop the war temporarily and rest for a while..."

Some generals supervising the battle on the front line could not bear it, and returned to the central army to ask Hulugu for instructions.

However, Hulugu just shook his head, his attitude did not soften at all, and he said in a deep voice: "Continue to attack! After an hour, I will ask the Turks to enter the battle and continue to harass the Wei army, and strive to break the enemy formation before dusk!"

The reason why he was so eager to attack and kill this part of the Wei army was not only because he was worried about the assistance from Xishan, but also because he was worried that there might be some changes in Jingxing.

Although Duan Shao has always been a trustworthy and steady person, this time his opponent is Li Boshan, which makes people worry. Try to do your best before something bad happens. In this way, even if something unusual happens, the harm it brings can be relatively small.

While the Qi army continued to attack, Hulugu sent someone to inform Wuzun Khan, hoping that the Turks could send at least 10,000 troops to join the battle in the afternoon.

After a fierce attack by the Qi army for a morning, the Wei army must have been exhausted and exhausted. At this time, the Turks launched another attack. Even if the combat effectiveness of the Turks was limited, it would still put great pressure on the Wei army.

Not to mention the fierce battle in the north of Jinyang City, Pi Jinghe led 5,000 light cavalry all the way forward after being sent by the King of Tang, and arrived near the east city of Jinyang on the east bank of Fenshui in the morning. The people and horses traveled all the way here day and night, and it was inevitable that they were tired. Pi Jinghe did not order his troops to continue to advance, but found a hidden place nearby to rest for a while, and sent scouts to continue to investigate the situation.

Pi Jinghe was a general of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and served as a trusted governor under Gao Huan, so he was very familiar with the geography around Jinyang.

While the soldiers were resting, he even went to the bank of Fenshui River to observe. He found that Jinyang had changed a lot compared to what he remembered, but there were still some places that had not changed, which echoed the pictures in his memory, and made him feel like a wanderer returning home.

However, these feelings were soon replaced by concern for the war. Since the Turks settled in the city on the east bank of Fenshui River, there were many people and horses around. Some people also noticed that Pi Jinghe and his group were obviously different from the Turks, but they were not wearing armor yet, and there were no obvious signs on their bodies, so some people misunderstood that they might be the armed forces of Jinyang.

Some Chi Le Hu people who were subordinate to the Turks came forward in a relatively poor Xianbei language to shout and warn them that they did not need to approach the East City. When Pi Jinghe led the crowd away, they no longer paid much attention to it.

On the east bank of Fenshui River, the fierce drums and horns on the battlefield of Xishan could be heard, but the situation on the battlefield could not be seen directly. However, the Turkic army gathered on a high earthen slope was clearly visible, and it was not too far from the bank of the Fen River.

The Turks came south with more than 100,000 people, completely covering the earthen slope that was more than ten miles long. It looked so powerful that people dared not underestimate it. However, since they did not directly participate in the battle, and these troops originally belonged to large and small chieftains, the formation looked relatively loose.

Pi Jinghe looked at the Turkic formation from a long distance, and was thinking about how to enter the battlefield in his mind. He had only 5,000 light cavalry. If he could not choose a suitable time, it would be difficult to bring much change to the situation on the battlefield. Therefore, although he heard the fierce killing sounds in the west, he was not in a hurry to let his troops go into battle.

Finally, at noon, the Turkic army formation on the slope changed significantly. Wuzun Khan watched the battle for a while and saw that the Wei army on the west mountain was gradually showing signs of fatigue, so he finally decided to prepare to join the battle. He sent 20,000 horses forward to prepare to attack the Wei army together with the Qi army.

As the 20,000 horses were withdrawn, the Turkic formation on the slope became more and more loose, and some places became weaker.

After seeing this, Pi Jinghe immediately ordered the soldiers who were still resting in the distance to mount their horses quickly and come here. As this group of people gradually approached the Fen River, it was not surprising that they were noticed by the Turkic people wandering nearby. At this time, all the Wei army soldiers were fully armed, so these Turkic people naturally recognized them at a glance, and they shouted in surprise: "The Wei army is coming, the Wei army is coming!"

The Turks have always had the tradition of taking their families with them on expeditions. Although a considerable number of them stayed near Xingling, there were also a large number of followers who went south.

When the tribesmen went to the west bank of the Fen River to join the battle, the family members who accompanied the army were doing various labors such as feeding cattle and sheep, drying felt tents, etc. near Fendong City. As the soldiers of the Wei army rushed towards them, these people were naturally shocked. There was a feeling of embarrassment and panic in their hearts of being caught by thieves and taking away the stolen goods. Some hurriedly fled back to the city, while others fled to the west bank of Fen River in a panic.

Pi Jinghe did not let anyone waste time on these Turkic family members, but led his troops directly to the pontoon bridge on the Fen River. When their division crossed the river, it naturally aroused the vigilance of the Turkic troops several miles away.

"Qi Khan, something bad has happened! The Wei army is coming from behind!"

Wu Zun Khan was still close to the battlefield, thinking about what he could blackmail from the Lord of Qi by sending soldiers to fight this time. Suddenly, he heard the panic report from his subordinates. His expression also changed suddenly, and he hurriedly asked in alarm He said: "How many Wei troops are coming to kill you? Is it the King of Tang?"

Although this guy is greedy, he is also really afraid of the Tang Dynasty. He has a guilty conscience. When he learned that the Wei army was coming from the rear, he panicked. Because his subordinates were making an ominous move, he hurried back to the top of the slope to inspect the enemy's situation. .

"The Turkic thieves have betrayed their trust and the King of Tang has ordered them to be killed without mercy!"

At this time, Pi Jinghe had already led his troops to rush forward, and in front of his troops were mostly Turkic followers running in panic. After arriving at the bottom of the slope, Pi Jinghe did not rush to the front with his troops. Instead, he drove all the Turks upwards from the bottom of the slope and kept running around and shooting at the formation of the Turks.

Although the Turkic army was more than ten times larger than Pi Jing and his troops, few dared to go downhill to fight. Instead, they kept gathering on the slope. The shrinking formation suddenly became overcrowded and extremely busy.

"It's just a small group of troops coming, don't panic. Hurry, tell the Qi army quickly, the Wei army is coming to kill, the King of Tang is coming to kill, let them come to rescue quickly!"

Wu Zun Khan barely maintained his composure. He did not dare to order his troops to go forward to fight the Wei army, so he placed his hope on the Qi army.

"Are there thieves coming on the east road?"

On the battlefield at this time, when Hu Luguang learned about this situation, he immediately frowned and felt that something was wrong. However, he soon straightened his face and quickly ordered: " Continue to attack, don't stop the offensive here! The Wei army is at the end of its strength, and if it doesn't last long, it will be broken by another fierce attack!"

After arranging the battle here, Hu Luguangcai led another group of soldiers and quickly left the place towards the east. He wanted to see for himself what the enemy troops were like, but he was already praying secretly in his heart. , don’t let the worst happen!

When Hu Luguang came to the slope where the Turks and horses gathered, Pi Jinghe had already led his troops to disrupt nearly 10,000 Turks. These people quickly ran in panic in front of the slope, forming a chaotic area with a radius of several miles. The Wei army Qingqi wandered around the periphery of this chaotic area, constantly throwing arrows to drive these chaotic horses up the slope.

"Why doesn't Khan send elite troops to kill this Wei army as soon as possible!"

Out of caution against Wuzun Khan, Hu Luguang did not go straight into the Turkic army. After inspecting the enemy's situation, he shouted loudly to the golden Wuzun Khan.

Wu Zun Khan was confused at this moment. After hearing this, he immediately said angrily: "The Lord of Qi is treacherous and untrustworthy. Didn't he mean to block the king of Tang from outside? Why did the Wei army come from the east? The Wei army came here to attack. Jinyang, the Qi army should fight hard, why should our army fight against the enemy!"

After hearing Wu Zun Khan's reply, Hu Luguang was so angry that his head jumped for a moment. However, he was eager to know the origin of this Wei army and the changes in the situation to the east, so he was no longer eager to entangle with Wu Zun Khan, but immediately dispatched an elite cavalry team to prepare to bypass this A chaotic area was used to capture some Wei soldiers alive for interrogation.

While Hu Luguang was still waiting for the Qi army below to capture the Wei army alive, a cheer suddenly sounded on the Xishan battlefield. He was complacent and alert at the moment. After hearing this, he felt a little shocked and whirled. Even if he asked quickly: "What happened?"

"Yes, it's the Wei army. The Wei army's reinforcements have come from the Western Mountains and are joining the battle!"

A sergeant from the Chinese army galloped over on horseback, reporting to Hu Luguang with some dejected expression.

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