Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 155: Killing Bandits in the Wilderness

"These Han slaves are really good at hiding. They have been through this area many times, but they don't even see that there are so many people hiding under the plateau!"

In the wilderness more than ten miles away from the wall of the earthen kiln, a group of Jihu knights were riding horses. A Jihu soldier looked at the captive men and women strung up in a long line with hemp ropes behind him, with a look of ferocious satisfaction on his face. smile.

There were dozens of people at the front of the team, each dragging different numbers of prisoners behind their horses. While riding their horses at high speed, they pointed at the prisoners who had fallen to the ground in embarrassment and were struggling for mercy.

There were more than a hundred people in the rear, carrying a lot of looted materials on horseback, including grain, cloth, furs, various farm tools, pottery, etc.

Jihu's production level is very low, and all kinds of tools are mainly used for looting. Everything he passes by is like locusts plundering the land, leaving no grass growing. Everything that can be taken away is taken away, and everything that cannot be taken away is destroyed.

If any of the prisoners fell behind and couldn't keep up, they would be chopped to death, and then a pit would be dug and the other prisoners would be ordered to dig a pit and bury them. It's not that they have any particular emphasis on being laid to rest, it's just to avoid being traced.

The surviving captives will not end well. They will basically be taken back to the Jihu tribe and enslaved until death.

The time that Jihu in northern Shaanxi misses the most is the Helian Huxia period. He claimed to be the real master of this land, so he had a hostile and hostile attitude towards the Han people and other ethnic groups.

The more miserable Jihu was in his own situation, the more ferocious his ferocity became when he had a bow and sword in hand. He only felt that other races had deprived them of their glorious life, but they forgot that even during the Helian Huxia period, they Also the lowest Cooley.

A short blazing arrow suddenly sounded from behind. This was a warning from the people behind them who were covering up their whereabouts. It meant that an enemy was approaching them.

The length of the beeping sound represents the number of enemies. The warning sound just now was short and powerful. It was launched to the ground rather than thrown into the sky. Although there were enemies, they were not many and they were still within the range to deal with.

After a brief period of tension, a leader-looking Jihu knight ordered dozens of companions carrying supplies and prisoners to hide in nearby hiding places, while he led the rest of his troops to recover along the way they came.

"There are more than thirty people, and everyone rides a horse, carries a bow and sword, and seems to have armor!"

A Jihu scout who stayed behind to look into the distance and discovered the enemy's tracks rode forward to report.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Leader Na Jihu's expression changed immediately after hearing this. Although the opponent was not many in number, they only had bows and horses, and they even had armor. He immediately became alert and realized that the enemy might not be simple.

Almost every Jihu man is skilled in bow and horse, but because he does not have excellent craftsmanship, a bow often becomes their only weapon for robbing homes and hunting around.

With familiarity with the terrain, excellent maneuverability, and suspicion and caution, ordinary small-scale battles can often be successful. Even if you cannot defeat, you must ensure that you escape unscathed.

A Jihu tribe with dozens or hundreds of people is the fox wolf in this land, which makes people change their minds. But once a large-scale legionary battle is carried out, it becomes a lamb to be slaughtered and a panting military exploit.

Jihu's riding bow is famous for its speed and accuracy. It is light and soft and can fire several arrows in one breath. However, its range is short and its power is weak. Therefore, when encountering an armored unit, its lethality is greatly reduced. The best thing to do is to run away quickly.

When he heard the distant sound of the thieves' hooves coming from the field, Li Yantou, who was responsible for tracking and luring the enemy, cursed secretly. However, because the tactics were settled, he did not dare to rush forward easily. He still maintained the original speed and continued to move forward. Walking behind Jihu's troops.

Jihu is as cunning as a fox. Once he gets scared and runs away, it will be very difficult to track him down again. At the same time, they are greedy for money and are unwilling to give up immediately the benefits they have obtained.

Therefore, if you want to hunt Jihu, the level of combat effectiveness is secondary. If you can't clearly win in terms of mobility, then whether you can hang the opponent's psychological game is crucial.

After locking the direction of Jihu's withdrawal, Li Yantou's cavalry team took the initiative to show up and was allocated three or five battle armors. The number of people was obviously at a disadvantage. This was a bait that made Jihu both greedy and afraid.

Li Dao, who was well aware of Ji Hu's character and habits, carefully warned Li Yantou that it was normal for the prey to hesitate and test before taking the bait.

Jihu is extremely evasive, and their team cannot intercept and outflank them in the wilderness, so they can only wait for Jihu to fall into the trap. Based on the performance of Jihu's hook-biting test, they can also judge whether there is a large number of Jihu nearby.

Li Yantou had no experience in hunting Jihu. He only heard the sound of the other party's horse hooves getting farther and farther away. Although he was very anxious, he still followed the plan.

After traveling for several miles, the sound of Jihu horse's hoofbeats that had disappeared gradually became clearer, as if they were gone and coming back. Li Yantou was overjoyed when he heard this. According to the previous plan, he asked his troops to actively reduce their speed and put on a posture of giving up.

Not long after, Jihu's troops appeared in the field of vision again, much less than before, with only about twenty riders. When Li Yantou saw this, he stopped completely. The two sides faced off for a few miles, and then Li Yantou led his troops to turn around.

Seeing this, the Jihu team caught up not far away, but kept a distance that allowed them to escape at all times.

The feeling of being unable to attack the thief in front of him was too uncomfortable, but Li Yantou had seen the opponent's high alertness and fast escape, so he still did not dare to counterattack.

After testing each other, more and more Jihu troops gathered, soon exceeding twice the number of Li Yan's head troops, and the distance was getting closer and closer. Some Jihu knights had even rushed closer. Within the range, Youshe shouted and provoked.

"Attack, the thief can't escape!"

Li Dao, who had been leading other troops to approach from the side, heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the wilderness and gave an order directly. The soldiers in his unit galloped their horses and whips, and rushed straight to the side and rear of Jihu who was walking back and forth in front of him. .

The Jihu troops were also dispersed as scouts at this time, and they soon heard the sound of horse hooves. Perhaps they could not see the size of the enemy team due to the obstruction of the mountain forest terrain, but they could also be sure that the enemy was setting up a trap, so they subconsciously attacked the horses. Retreat.

As they fled and gathered together, they immediately gave Li Dao's troops a more accurate direction and headed straight for that place.

Li Yan and others also heard the sound of the attack horn, and immediately turned their horses' heads and charged straight towards Lu Jihu. It was clear that the enemy's number was more than twice as many as theirs, but they did not dare to meet the enemy at this moment and fled straight back. No matter how easy it was to attack and escape, many of the Jihu soldiers who retreated in a hurry were immediately shot and killed. .

"Han'er really has an ambush, he's really treacherous!"

When he saw Li Dao's hundreds of cavalry rushing out of the ravine, the Jihu leader's face suddenly became extremely ugly. At this time, he was not pursuing the formation, nor guarding the secret place of the captives' trophies. Instead, he led several The ten members broke away from the team and hid under the ravine in the north.

In this position, one can enter and encircle, and retreat and withdraw. Although it is unwise to divide the already insufficient strength into several parts, it is an essential livelihood skill for many Jihu leaders.

Victory or defeat is only temporary. If your life is gone, then there is nothing. Anyone who can stand out among the Jihu tribe may not necessarily be brave, but one advantage is that they are not stubborn and unwilling to fight.

Even though he saw his subordinates being chased and hunted, and saw the enemy troops attacking the hiding place of the loot, the Jihu leader still remained calm and did not expose his position rashly, flee or fight, but continued to investigate. Look at the situation.

The Jihu knights on the battlefield could not organize an effective counterattack at all, and just fled blindly.

These people have no concept of victory, defeat, honor and disgrace, and it is very difficult to encircle and kill them. The first few times Li Yan chased him close, his hand was on his saber, but the opponent just rode away and ran away without giving him any chance of close combat. Chance. So much so that the men and horses were panting from exhaustion, but the damage caused was limited.

Those Jihu knights neither resisted nor made any move to rescue their lagging companions. They just fled around like a smashed maggot nest, slippery and helpless.

At this time, Li Dao had also led his troops into the ravine where Jihu had hidden the captives' trophies, and another maggot nest exploded. Many Jihu cavalry fled from both ends of the ravine and galloped around the battlefield.

This chaotic scene lasted for a long time, and until the two places converged, the Jihu cavalry still did not organize an effective counterattack.

"It seems that there are indeed no new enemies!"

Leader Najihu breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw the enemy troops converging in the valley and leading out the prisoners and trophies.

The opponent only had a hundred or so people. Although they were obviously better armed than them, and there were more than a dozen armored men, but after a lot of chasing and killing, and the consumption of arrows, they had a lot of space behind them, and they had long-range combat capabilities. It's already a sharp drop, but still within the manageable range.

So he finally gave the order: "Shoot Ming Dy, gather the troops! Fight back and kill all these guys!"

Following his command, several thunderbolts shot straight into the sky, making a loud and sharp sound of breaking through the air. The fleeing Jihu knights finally received the guidance and rode their horses to gather here.

Although many of the more than two hundred Jihu knights were chased and intercepted, as the leader appeared again, they quickly gathered together. There were still 1,670 people, and they had no complaints about the leader's abandonment of the crowd just now. , one by one, like chickens with blood, following the leader and fighting back against the enemy.

Being able to survive in such a harsh environment, Jihu naturally has his own talents. One of his biggest characteristics is that he is not afraid of losing, which can also be said to have no self-esteem.

For other tribes and armies, if they were attacked and ravaged like this, their morale would definitely be low and it would be difficult to recover, and they would not know how long it would take to recover from their mental collapse. But Jihu is not like that. They are used to losing. As long as their lives are alive, their face is an external thing. They can gather a crowd to fight back at any time. Their tenacity is a bit scary.

As they ran back, they used the blade to cut a wound behind the ears of their mounts. Some of the horses were shot with bloody arrows, but they ran even faster and more powerfully as if they were reflecting back on the light.

"Kill, kill all Han'er!"

These Jihu knights were no longer weak and panicked, and became extremely fierce. The horses and bows in their hands were as fast as flying, and they actually forced the well-armed enemy troops back into the valley again.

But Li Dao did not panic. Seeing Jihu riding a horse with blood on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief. While holding up his shield to resist Jihu's arrows flying like locusts, he sighed to Li Yantou next to him: "If it weren't for Lang You must annihilate this group, no need to show off at this point, these thieves are really finished!”

Following his order, the melodious horn sounded. At this time, far away from the battlefield, Li Taicai, who had been waiting for a long time, finally gave the order: "Attack! If one of the thieves is released, We are not bloody men!"

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