Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 189 Take a piece of the pie

The introduction of Buddhism into China can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, but it was not widely promoted until the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

An important period for the prosperity of ascetics was when Jiehu Shizhao in Central China was invaded by the Five Husbands. The uncles and nephews Shi Le and Shihu vigorously promoted the ascetics, which made the Hu and Han people widely believe in Buddhism.

In particular, Shi Hu, the most cruel and cruel tyrant in the Wuhu period, was the greatest contributor to the development of Samana. Since then, all the Hu kings have followed this strategy to a greater or lesser extent, making the Samana Buddhism popular and even gaining a strong social influence to restrict the rule of the dynasty.

Li Tai had previously proposed to Yu Wentai to use the special character Liu Shifo as a breakthrough point to attack Samana.

However, in actual implementation, Yu Wentai went one step further on this basis. Not only did he target Liu Shifo, a high-ranking monk who Ji Hu, but he also included some religious images that appeared in the Later Zhao and Hu Xia periods.

In this way, it not only expands the scope of the attack on Salmon, but also avoids an increase in resistance.

After all, Hou Zhao and Hu Xia have long since disappeared as a political power, and the tribes that constituted the main body of their political power have also undergone various changes over the long years. The cohesion brought by blood kinship has long ceased to exist.

After the number of targets increases, Jihu will not feel too strongly targeted. After all, their Master Liu is not the only one who suffers. If one person is unlucky, he will really blame others, but if a group of people are unlucky, it becomes a matter of course.

In order to implement this policy, the Bafu sent a total of ten envoys. Only Yongzhou, where the temples were most prosperous and the core of Guanzhong, sent three envoys, including Liu Min, who was responsible for Yongzhou counties north of the Wei River.

Daxingtai naturally attaches great importance to this matter. It is not only related to important ideological integration, but also creates tangible and considerable benefits. Liu Min made a mistake on such an important matter, and the situation was indeed very serious.

Li Tai did not rush to agree to Liu Min's request, but after hesitating for a moment, he asked: "Which team is responsible for escorting this batch of materials? How much is the price of the goods? Where was they kidnapped? Do you know the whereabouts of the thieves? Where are they?" Are there any defense arrangements?"

Although he did not agree immediately, the question was so specific and not in a perfunctory manner. Liu Min regained some of his composure and sorted out his thoughts for a while before saying: "Oh, I was also careless. Seeing that the exercise went smoothly, He quickly divided his troops into separate units to inspect several counties in the north of Xianyang. At the end of the month, they met at Fengyi County in Weibei and returned to Huazhou together.

After waiting for several days to enter the country, the envoy failed to find him. He was somewhere between Miyuan and Lianshao. There are about six hundred envoys in this department, and a hundred cavalry with armor, bows and swords. Even if you rush to meet the enemy and fight hard, you will not be completely helpless. To the northwest is Hongbinzha, and to the east is Yueyangfang. Before disappearing, people were sent to submit their records..."

While talking, Liu Min handed a accounting book to Li Tai.

Li Tai took the document and started to look at it. He couldn't take his eyes away as soon as he took a look at it. He sighed that these monks were so damn rich!

Along the way, the envoys inspected thirteen temples in the north of Xianyang. Seven of them were worshiping evil Buddhas in serious violation of regulations. They found tens of thousands of stones of rice, more than 20,000 pieces of cloth, and more than a hundred stones of various spices. , there are thousands of gold, silver, copper, tin and other Buddhist utensils, weighing thousands of kilograms!

After reading the list, Li Tai just wanted to scold his mother. He worked hard to eliminate the stubborn thieves, and only managed to steal several thousand kilograms of iron. He felt happy, but even the skin of these Buddhas' feet was worse. Not on!

No wonder the Buddhist scriptures talk about five hundred bandits becoming Buddhas. Why the hell is this even more profitable? It’s not clear at a glance!

After sighing with emotion, Li Tai frowned slightly, feeling that things were a bit difficult to handle.

It is quite difficult to transport so much material. The document also said that more than 300 vehicles and more than 2,000 laborers were requisitioned for the situation, plus 600 guards. This was a large team of more than 3,000 horses. The goal was by no means small, but it was so quiet. It was so strange to disappear silently.

If you are in the border area and the heavy objects are tempting, it is quite normal for you to be robbed or even mutilated.

However, the trajectory of this journey of people and horses was all in the hinterland of Guanzhong, and there were heavily guarded fortifications before and after the disappearing area. If a large number of people and horses were dispatched and penetrated deep into the hinterland of Guanzhong, it would be impossible to completely avoid the eyes and ears of these garrison scouts.

"The six hundred accompanying guards..."

After pondering for a while, Li Tai asked again.

Liu Min knew what Li Tai said, and after hearing what he said, he quickly said: "There are five hundred Xianyang soldiers, and the other hundred cavalry are my close disciples, and they are determined not to guard and steal! Alas, in addition to worrying about neglecting my duty, I am also deeply worried about these The villagers are worried that their mother-in-law entrusted her children to me, but now they don’t know whether they are alive or dead. If I can’t rescue him, I really have no face to return to the villagers..."

Seeing that Liu Min was so confident in what he said, Li Tai stopped asking further questions, but he still felt that this matter was most likely to be committed by someone else.

It was not that he suspected that Liu Min's family soldiers were greedy and treacherous, but that they had recruited so many soldiers in the countryside that they would not be able to keep their whereabouts secret. Except for Liu Min's Hundred Horsemen, everyone else could say that they were Scheming.

Although Liu Min was a little concerned about it, he could feel that the water in the realm was very deep when something like this happened, and sighed: "This matter is a dark and mysterious thing, and I don't dare to stay outside for a long time. I can only lead the things in my headquarters first." I have to go back to the area to investigate. I still have more than 300 people, but I am really weak and timid, so I can only ask Boshan..."

Li Tai can also understand Liu Min's current predicament. If this matter is investigated and handled by the public, it will involve counties in Yongzhou and Beiyongzhou. No matter what the final result is, Liu Min's charge of unfavorable affairs is solid. And if the turmoil gets bigger and affects the entire government order to destroy Buddhism, then Liu Min will be even more guilty.

But if it were to be investigated privately, Liu Min's own position and strength were insufficient. Although these Hedong tycoons have great power in the countryside, the power they can use in Guanzhong is very limited, and their personnel relations are mainly concentrated in the Bafu. There is little response in the Western Wei Dynasty or the local government.

Li Tai's actual power is not great, but at present he has hundreds of elite soldiers who can be dispatched at any time. In theory, he can move within a wide range of the pass, and his connections are not bad. He is not only a favorite of Daxingtai, but also a leader of Longxi. The children of the Li family always have a certain amount of face no matter where they meet or who they meet.

There are quite a few troops stationed in the pass, including local rural regiments and the private armies of military leaders, but most of them can only garrison in one place. Once they leave their station and go to other states and counties, others may not give them face, and may even They will be punished for traveling across the border without permission.

Liu Min had been in the Bafu for several years and had good friendships with many generals. However, without disturbing Da Xingtai for the time being, the most suitable candidate that he could think of at the moment was Li Tai.

Li Tai's own schedule was also quite full. He planned to kill only one of the four groups of gangsters he had eliminated before. Moreover, this matter had nothing to do with him, and he didn't know what other mysterious circumstances might be involved. It seemed that he had to intervene rashly. A bit unwise.

But after weighing it for a while, he still nodded and said: "I have benefited a lot from the past. Today, Mr. Liu personally came to complain about his difficulties. I should help him regardless of the circumstances. There are still some things that need to be dealt with in the job. Can Mr. Liu slow down? I’ll leave in two days?”

After hearing this, Liu Min thanked her again and again: "It's rude to ask for help. Boshan, you have a new career and you must be busy. I can't thank you enough for your willingness to help me!"

After mutual agreement, Liu Min and his troops temporarily stayed in the administrative office, while Li Tai quickly handled the desk affairs, dispatched envoys to inform counties and counties, and postponed the suppression of bandits for the time being, and then sent personnel to Beizhou to capture Mao Shijian. He recalled and agreed to meet up in Sanyuan County, and then sent a letter to his cousin Lu Rou in Chang'an City, asking his cousin to fill in an order sending him to inspect Zheng Guo Canal, so as not to be blamed.

Although there were many chores in the office, it would not take two days to deal with them, but Liu Min would leave as soon as he came to ask for help, always seeming to be idle and doing nothing.

Moreover, it is impossible for people from remote states to enter the country to do this. Most of the perpetrators are lurking near the border. They cannot even determine the first scene of the crime, so it will be even more difficult to trace it.

It is not a simple matter to divide or digest such a large sum of money. You may be wary at first. But if time prolongs, the heart will relax and more flaws will be exposed. For example, the hero of Liangshan went to thank Song Yasi after robbing the birthday card.

The reason why Li Tai agreed to this matter was of course because he liked his friendship with Liu Min, and the price offered by the other party was not low.

It should be noted that not long ago, he ordered bows, knives and equipment for a thousand people from Hedong. Now these equipments have been put into his own warehouse, and Li Tai has incurred another debt. Now Liu Min is going to be exempted if he opens his mouth. If he suppresses a few gangsters, he may not gain such a big harvest. This shows that the people in Hedong are indeed wealthy.

In addition, Li Tai himself also wants a piece of the pie. Daxingtai had previously intended to protect Li Tai from intervening in this matter, but Li Tai didn't think it was a big deal. After all, he only robbed a wild temple in Fucheng County and Township. Although the harvest was considerable, his mood was still controllable. .

But after all, the savings of the big temple in Guanzhong and the wild temples in Beizhou Township were not on the same level. When those numbers were clearly displayed in front of Li Tai, his pink eye suddenly got a little out of control.

Just a portion of the temples in Xianyang have already harvested such an astonishing amount. If he could eat the whole of Guanxi in one bite, would Yuwentai not be able to reach heaven?

He couldn't get in even if he wanted to before, but now that he has the opportunity, he would be really sorry for himself if he didn't take advantage of it!

If the lost property is recovered too early, the time left for the perpetrator to sell the stolen goods will be too short, and it will be difficult for him to line his own pockets. But if you stay outside for ten days, a half month or even longer, who can tell how much the damage will be? I can be considered smart and capable if I can recover a little bit, but even if I can't recover it at all, it's not my fault!

It's the end of the month. If you still have monthly tickets in your ticket folder, please vote. Thank you. . . I wish you a happy life. . .

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