Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 199 Improper Family Tradition

Yu Wentai's current expression is very much like those gossips who say "I'm just telling you, don't go out and talk nonsense".

Li Tai's interest greatly increased after seeing this, and he quickly pretended to listen carefully. He was originally curious about why Changsun Shaoyuan had such an attitude, whether he was really confident or just stupid and bold.

"The reason for this matter can be traced back to the time when the late King Wenxuan of the Dang Dynasty was still alive..."

Yu Wentai leaned forward on the table and motioned for Li Tai to come closer. Looking at his appearance, he knew that what he said was definitely not a good thing.

This is indeed the case. Sun Zhi, the eldest king of Shangdang, first married his wife Zhang when he was young and gave birth to two sons, the eldest grandson Yan and the eldest grandson Yu.

This eldest son Yu had a grandson, Sun Sheng, the famous diplomatic patriarch who divided and disintegrated the Turks in the Sui Dynasty. His children were Chang Sun Wuji, the last minister of Guanlong in the early Tang Dynasty, and Chang Sun, the empress of Wende. Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers. The eldest son Zhi was tired of the food at home, so he committed adultery with a married woman, Luo Shi, killed her husband, and took Luo Shi as his head wife.

This Luo family was jealous, and he was more than ten years older than Changsunzhi, which showed that Changsunzhi also had a bit of a tricky taste. It just so happens that one thing brings another down. It can be said that Luo has a tight grip on Changsun Zhi. Anyone who is suspected of having an affair with Changsun Zhi among the domestic slaves will be persecuted to death.

After Luo married her eldest son Zhi, she gave birth to three more sons, the oldest of which was eldest grandson Shaoyuan. With such a powerful stepmother, after the death of the eldest grandson Zhi, the title and family property will naturally be inherited by the eldest grandson Shaoyuan from the Luo family.

Fortunately, the eldest grandson's family is a great figure in the country and still has a strong legacy. The eldest grandson, Yan and others, did not become impoverished and unable to take the blame because they lost their inheritance rights.

But the situation within the family is such that the relationship between the brothers is naturally so-so, and there is no deep brotherhood.

Although in front of outsiders they are still a family with broken bones and connected tendons, there are still conflicts among the brothers inside, especially the relationship between the eldest son, Sun Ziyan, and the eldest heir, Sun Shaoyuan, is even more complicated and subtle.

"Alas, these famous sects of the world enjoy all the glory and wealth, but they also underestimate the constraints of human ethics. They are not enough to set an example of good customs. They are in vain and are the laughingstock of the world!"

Yuwentai gossiped with enthusiasm, then shook his head and sighed.

Li Tai nodded with deep sympathy at first, and then realized after a moment, "No, I am also a famous sect in the world. It's a bit boring for you to scold a bald donkey in front of a monk, isn't it?"

How about you guys holding down the troops? The two men from the east drive a big car!

But when he thought that he had a stake in this big car, Li Tai was a little angry for a while. Forget it, you are right.

Once the ethical relationship within the Changsun family has been clarified, there will be a more reasonable explanation for the matter. The reason why Changsun Shaoyuan dared to attack and clamored so fiercely may be because he did not know the specific details here at all. , I just feel that this little bastard Li Tai actually dared to demolish the temple dedicated to his father's ranking, so naturally he has to go to the end to get back his face!

If Changsun Shaoyuan didn't know, then the matter might have been done by other members of Changsun's family without telling him, such as Changsun Yan.

The reason why they didn't stop the eldest son Shaoyuan from making a noise was probably because they didn't communicate well with each other, or they simply didn't dare to talk. After all, the eldest grandson Shaoyuan was not involved. Once he was alerted to this matter, in order to protect himself and the safety of the entire family, he would most likely sell the person who made the arrangement directly.

The second is that they are not sure how many governors there are in Taifu and Daxingtai's attitude towards this, so they let the eldest grandson Shaoyuan make noisy tests. If the momentum is not good, they can directly push the most noisy eldest grandson Shaoyuan to take the blame. .

After all, their eldest son's family as a whole still has great united front value. As long as they can show their attitude of surrendering to the Bafu, the Bafu will not kill them all or uproot them.

Li Tai originally thought that he was cruel and evil, but when he thought about this, he couldn't help but sigh that there are mountains beyond the mountains. Compared with the truly evil people, he can be called a kind person.

Since Yu Wentai told himself about these personnel disputes within the Changsun family, he obviously had the same idea as Li Tai, and concluded that this matter was caused by the internal fighting in the Changsun family.

Recall that Yu Wentai sent Yu Wenhu to Beihua Prefecture to capture him, and tied him up as a criminal and took him to the Ba Mansion. Just now, he looked like he was just doing it, and he allowed the eldest son Shaoyuan to yell at Zhitang for accountability. , Li Tai guessed that Yuwentai was definitely not holding anything back.

Yu Wentai obviously knew what was going on, but he did not tell the eldest son Shaoyuan. Instead, he acted in an unreasonable and weak manner to boost the eldest son Shaoyuan's arrogance, which was obviously trying to make him angry.

When Li Tai put on a show of trying to make things clear with the eldest son's family, Yu Wentai slowed down his attitude to appease him. It was obvious that he didn't want to make this matter public too quickly, or even at all.

Both sides of the Changsun family want to flee. No matter how they are dealt with, it will cause great damage to the prestige of Yuwentai and Bafu.

It is a fact that the Western Wei Dynasty was weaker than the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and there were many people who had similar ideas to the Changsun family. Now we know about the Changsun family, but we don’t know about the other people in the dark. But even the Changsun family is like this. You can imagine how serious the actual situation is.

It was quite a relief to wipe out the entire eldest grandson's family with a single wave of the butcher's knife, but what happens next? A comprehensive and thorough investigation was carried out. The political structure of the Western Wei Dynasty could not bear this kind of turmoil, but if there was no thorough investigation, it would only force other people with similar ideas to step up their plans.

Obviously, Yuwen Tai's focus is not on whether the Changsun family is guilty or not, but to use this opportunity to investigate and consume the influence of the Changsun family.

So he fueled Changsun Shaoyuan's anger and let him vent his quarrels to see who would join in demanding severe punishment for Li Tai or even criticizing the use of people by the Bafu.

When the momentum develops to a certain extent, he will bring Changsun Shaoyuan over, tell him the hidden truth, and then ask Changsun Shaoyuan, what do you want to do? Can we still get along together?

The more fiercely Changsun Shaoyuan quarreled, the higher his prestige would be established when Yuwen Tai solved it calmly in the end. Yuwen Tai wanted to use the prestige and influence accumulated by the Changsun family in previous years as a stepping stone to create a powerful image of himself with everything under control.

This matter turned out to be anticlimactic in the end. Not to mention the great loss of the prestige of the Changsun family, the family relationship, which was already difficult to describe, would inevitably fall apart.

At that time, Yuwen Tai would not even need to be on guard and monitor. If anyone in the Changsun family dared to make any moves, they might be reported by their own family. After a set of procedures, the largest dragon-protecting family in the political arena of the Western Wei Dynasty was basically ruined.

Originally, when seeing Changsun Shaoyuan roaring in the hall, Li Tai was really a little uneasy, worried that Yuwen Tai would take his anger out on him and make trouble for no reason.

But after sorting out Yuwen Tai's thoughts in his heart, he suddenly became bolder. I didn't cause trouble and let the boss clean up the mess. I was clearly handing the knife to him!

He did not bring up the topic, but said indignantly: "I do not care about the situation of his clan. But this beast is ignorant and roars at the government, which is really a loss of the minister's grace! The Lord is busy with military affairs inside and outside the country and has no time to respond to the miscellaneous feelings, but the mouthpiece in the court is definitely not just this family. I ask the relatives and old friends to speak out for justice, not only to preserve my reputation, but also to tell the people about the hard work of the government!"

My Lord, you blindly protect me, will the court officials be angry? These court officials who do not know right from wrong are too bastards, unlike me, who only feel sorry for the Lord!

Green tea licking dog, of course, is not Li Tai's goal.

Since Yuwen Tai has this plan, Li Tai will definitely suffer constant attacks and retaliations from the Changsun family in the next period of time. He does not know when Yuwen Tai will close the net. It is too aggrieved to not respond to scolding and spit in the face.

Therefore, mobilizing his connections in the court is not only a protection for himself, but also a way to get an advantage with Yuwen Tai: You see how fiercely the Changsun family scolded me, they wanted to peel off my skin and pull out my tendons, but what happened in the end? I'm fine!

Who dares to mess with me again, think about whether you are as powerful as the Changsun family! There is not only Yuwen Tai in Guanxi, but also Li Tai, who dares to mess with us!

Yuwen Tai nodded after hearing this. The reason why he treats Li Tai differently, in addition to his own ability, is not this background?

Although the idea has been decided, if only the Changsun family is busy, this atmosphere cannot be created. If Li Tai can mobilize his connections to confront the Changsun family, he can also take advantage of the situation to recruit a group of court officials to the position of the Bafu.

After saying these things, Yuwen Tai glanced at Li Tai and smiled, "You have gained a lot on this trip, right?"

Li Tai heard this and took out a register and submitted it. Although the main purpose of the next step was to deal with the Changsun family, Yuwen Tai's protection of him also determined how much he would be affected. He couldn't be stingy at this moment.

"All the records in the books were from Changsun's private temple. I will submit them in writing first, and then I will enter them into the government office later."

He said selflessly, and then saw Yuwen Tai took the register and just put it on the table without looking at it. He knew that it was not so easy to pass the test, so he took out another one and continued, "The records here are what the Hongfa Temple collected. I dare not hide it privately. I will deduct the cost of the troops and horses and present it to the master."

After Yuwen Tai took this register, he looked at both copies briefly, then looked down at Li Tai again, but did not speak.

Li Tai felt a little bitter after seeing this. If I stayed in the east, my elder brother He Liuhun would not treat me like this.

He could only take out another register and submit it. He looked reluctant but his eyes were firm. He said, "The Lord had ordered me to build three defenses before. One defense is already being built in Chengcheng County. I am eager to take care of things, so I have allocated materials for the other two defenses from the harvest of this trip, and recorded them in another book. But I also know that it is difficult for the government to maintain it. If you need to report it directly to Taichung, I will not worry about the Lord. I will do my best to do things myself and make a start. I will never let things go because of material difficulties."

If you are still a human being, you can't accept this one!

But Yuwen Tai was still a bad boy. After taking the register and reading it, he smiled again. However, he did not disappoint Li Tai completely. He said with great wealth: "This year, the government's expenses are relatively sufficient. You can submit a letter to the Ministry of Revenue for the expenses of the defense city, and the Ministry of Revenue will allocate them."

Yuwen Tai actually saw a return of money here, which shows that the investigation and destruction of obscene worship was indeed very profitable.

But Li Tai was still very distressed, and secretly decided to go to the north to build two Tongwan cities, anyway, you pay for it.

He looked at the three registers again, and said with courage: "When Gong Shuichi Gong returned together, I dared to show off my rich gains and gave several kinds of precious goods to the mansion for everyone to enjoy. Can the master give me some rewards for my hard work so that I can save my face a little bit?"

"It is lucky that there are few people in the world who have enough food and clothing. How can we be beautiful with precious and extravagant things! Let's stay in the mansion for dinner today, and take this opportunity to kill you vagrants!"

Yuwen Tai glared and said angrily when he heard this.

Li Tai apologized repeatedly and withdrew. Although he failed to get any money back, he was able to avoid the expense of giving gifts to Yuwen Hu.

Thinking about it, when I entered the mansion, I was full of wealth and wealth, but Yuwentai's actions have directly reduced his wealth by two-thirds. Fortunately, Yuwentai can't afford four dishes. I wonder how rich the Hongfa Temple's savings are. Otherwise, the last third may not be retained.

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