Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 31 Losing Rewards

"Boy, you are a rare visitor! I sent my envoy back a month ago, but you are only willing to come to see me today!"

In the spacious hall, the doors and windows were wide open, and He Basheng was wearing only a single piece of clothing, sitting with his chest exposed, and still couldn't help but sweat on his face.

He pointed at Li Tai and laughed and scolded, while holding a pottery bowl of mung bean jelly in his hand, he swallowed most of it in one sip, and after a while he tasted it and said, "This powder is delicious and very cute. Is it really made by your village?" Where can I find such a skillful cook? Add another bowl!”

"If uncle likes it, I will send it to you every day. This jelly relieves the heat and moisturizes the intestines, and the flavor is better when the well water cools down."

Li Tai originally thought it was a bit shabby to bring only a jar of mung bean jelly to visit him. After all, He Basheng had helped him a lot. However, after just sitting down for a while, He Basheng ate three large bowls of jelly. It seemed that it was Correct delivery.

"Forget it, it's not easy for you to manage your property. There's no point in spending your manpower on renovating such treasures. Rough work is just one meal, and it's a blessing to be able to sustain yourself. There's no need to add to your reputation."

After hearing this, He Basheng waved his hand and said that in his opinion, such beautiful and delicious food must consume a lot of artificial materials, and he did not want to cause too much trouble to Li Tai because of his appetite.

"It's just ordinary ingredients, and the workmanship is not clever. I'm an anorexic in the summer, so I prepared it to go with the meal."

Most of the older generation of Beizhen warriors came from poor backgrounds, and Kansai was not rich either. At least the styles of He Basheng and Shuo Hui that Li Tai saw were simple. After hearing He Basheng's words, he smiled and explained how to make jelly. .

After hearing this, He Basheng's eyes couldn't help but shine: "Can you make exquisite meals in this way? Come and prepare the ingredients. Li Lang will teach me how to cook. I don't need you to deliver them every day!"

Seeing that He Basheng really liked this taste, Li Tai explained the production process in detail. However, because the mung beans and other materials used needed to be soaked, and the starch precipitation after grinding also took time, more than ten hours, it was obviously not possible. Freshly cooked and eaten.

"You are still the famous people, you have so many ingenuities in your daily diet!"

He Basheng also understood the ingredients and workmanship, and couldn't help but sigh. He had mistaken the jelly for a recipe passed down from the Li family in Longxi.

"Life is long or short. If you want to prolong your life, you must maintain your health. But you have to be careful, and ordinary ingredients can be made into delicious food. There is no need to rush for rare delicacies. There are indeed some people in our village who are good at eating. I very much welcome my uncle to come and live here. A few days.”

Li Tai said with a smile again.

After hearing this, He Basheng also smiled and said: "If it's just lip service, then you will be disappointed. I don't have anything to do with you today, so I have plenty of free time to wander around in my hometown. But you won't be here for the rest of the month, so you are here to visit today. Aren’t you just giving me a jar of powder to eat?”

"There has been no news from my lord, and my son is trapped in the countryside for a living and has no time to go out to look for you. So I would like to ask my uncle, how can I find out the news?"

Since Li Tai couldn't directly say that he had been studying the big spinning wheel during this period and working hard to overthrow their Western Wei regime, he first talked about the reason why people are humane.

Whether his father, Li Xiao, is alive or dead has indeed become a concern for him. Although he does not have trouble sleeping or eating, he occasionally dreams about it in the middle of the night.

"If you ask me about this matter, I have no idea. After the defeat of Mangshan, although Wang Sizheng was outside Hengnong City, several forts in western Henan were demolished by the Eastern bandits. The ears and eyes sent to Hebei also had a hard time transmitting information. It’s hard to find out with certainty whether your father is dead or not. I’ve been trying to find out, but there’s still no news.”

Hearing what He Basheng said, Li Tai sighed again.

In the current situation, no news is good news. If his father is unfortunately caught by the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the evidence is conclusive, the clan members who stayed in Hebei will also be affected. Now that he is missing, even if someone surrenders and confesses, there is still room for evasion.

After a big battle, information exchange between the East and the West was not smooth, which was actually a good thing for He Basheng in front of him.

On the Mangshan battlefield, He Basheng fled like a dog that Gao Huan had chased, and his life was in danger for a time. Gao Huan was so angry that he killed He Basheng's relatives who lived in the Eastern Wei Dynasty soon after returning. After hearing the news, He Basheng fell ill with grief and anger, and died the next year.

Whether it was to repay He Basheng's kindness or to hope that this one of the few people in the Western Wei Dynasty could rely on for a longer time, Li Tai also hoped that He Basheng could live longer.

Now that the news from east to west is blocked, Li Tai can't make any warning. He changed the topic and said: "I'm here today. I have one more thing to ask my uncle. I don't know how much hemp hemp has stored in my uncle's garden. If it is abundant and of no use for the time being, I will If you want, buy some of them yourself.”

"Ma? I really don't know these things. Although I have received a lot of garden property, it is managed by subordinates, so I have no time to ask. Since you are the one asking, I will ask the person in charge first. If there is any leftover, take it away. That is, don’t call it buying and selling.”

After He Basheng heard this, he summoned a steward at home and asked about the relevant matters.

"Zhufangyuan still has more than 7,000 kilograms of raw hemp materials stored in it. If I ask in the first ten days of the month, there are still more than 30,000 kilograms of raw hemp. But in the middle of the month, the Lord ordered the garden to store materials and transport them to the officials, and there were more than 20,000 kilograms of raw hemp. "

Li Tai was disappointed when he heard the steward's answer, but he couldn't help but ask: "Is it already so difficult to maintain the imperial court?"

"Since the Great Western Inspection, which year has not been difficult? It's just that this year is more difficult. All the armies have lost their morale since Guandong, and Daxingtai has to make a big military effort after the autumn. It is indeed urgent. I have received great favor from the country, and I have food and drink. There is no need to accumulate too much, it is better to lose officials to help alleviate the current difficulties. "

He Basheng twisted his beard and sighed: "Even so, the difficulties are still small. Daxingtai wants to practice the pattern of donating and losing, accepting things and counting merits, and first launches various government offices, so that everyone can be wise."

Hearing that Yu Wentai was so poor that he wanted to sell his official position, Li Tai was moved again and quickly said: "Can I predict the reward situation?"

He Basheng said with a smile: "The charter is being discussed, it doesn't hurt to take a look. Xingtai Su Shangshu also mentioned that the reason for drafting the reward structure was inspired by Shu Hu's old plan in your preface."

He Basheng still feels that Li Tai lost his uncle Lu Shuhu's wisdom when he wrote the letter before. Li Tai didn't bother to explain, so he took the document with the reward loss and started reading.

This book order lists more than a dozen kinds of materials that are urgently needed by the industry, and marks how much each person and each household can pay, and what kind of official position each person will be rewarded for. It can be said that the price is clearly marked.

There are mainly two official positions: rural military governor and commander-in-chief, and these two levels of official positions happen to be the middle-level positions in the military structure of later generations. The governor is the commander of the township regiment at the county level, and the commander-in-chief is at the county level. The amount of the quota for each region is still undecided and is obviously still being discussed.

It seems that Yu Wentai has already begun to reorganize Guan Longhao's right part. The soldiers and horses are not yet used, but the food and grass are first to prepare supplies for the large-scale reorganization of Guanxi's powerful part and the rural soldiers.

Li Tai really wanted to take this opportunity to get a seat in advance, but thinking about his own pocket and looking at the donation prices, he could only shake his head secretly.

Among the dozens of materials listed, one material caught Li Tai's attention, and that was ointment. If you lose five hundred dendrobium of official ointment, you can be awarded the post of governor.

Compared with other materials, which are often measured in the tens of thousands, this number seems relatively close to the people. Li Tai happened to be thinking about techniques and industries related to oil extraction, so he naturally became excited when he saw this example.

"It seems that the imperial court is in urgent need of ointment. All other measures are in the tens of millions, but only if you pay an official with 500 dendrobium, you can be awarded an official."

Li Tai pointed at the book and said with a smile.

"This is to reward the chiefs of the Muhu tribe from all over the world, so I lower my chances of losing."

He Basheng replied casually.

After Li Tai heard this, he was a little confused: "Since we mentioned oil and ointment, of course it can be oil or ointment, so why should I be so grateful to Chief Hu? I live in the countryside, and it is common for people to collect seeds and press oil. I guess there is a lot of oil among the people. Is it possible to cultivate mulberry trees?" Even if your household is full of fuel, you won’t be given an official position?”

He Basheng replied: "If you go to the stage to push the rules, if you lose enough, you will be awarded. Naturally, there is no distinction between farming and pasture. It's just..."

"The gentleman knows one thing, but not the other. Folks use enough oil to press, and they don't store too much. The oil seed materials must be fat and moist. If the oil is full, there will be thalassemia. If you plant enough oil for one season, you will be poor. , The merits are bad for the three autumns. Therefore, when choosing seeds, people must weigh them carefully and use them for cultivation. They dare not plant excessively, so they don’t have much savings.”

The steward in He Basheng's mansion explained with a smile.

After hearing this, Li Tai suddenly realized. He knew that planting soybeans could preserve the soil moisture. The tribesmen had also suggested interplanting before, but they proposed cutting off the bean plants to cultivate the fields before sowing wheat. At first, he thought it was a waste of seeds and farming power. It turned out that It is to ensure the fertility of the land.

"May I ask the manager, how much oil can be produced from each pressed oil seed material?"

Hearing that the steward was also very familiar with farming, Li Tai asked again.

After the steward heard this, he shook his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Although I know a little about farming, I am not deeply involved in the industry and I really don't know the details."

"Why are you asking these questions? Do you want to use this order to get an official position?"

When He Basheng saw Li Tai asking again and again, he frowned and said, "If you have a good background, there is no need to humiliate it by making such mundane conspiracies! Even if you hide for a while, you will eventually make a leap, so why should you follow such a complicated background!"

After hearing this, Li Tai hurriedly said: "You can support yourself with utensils. If you are rewarded, use it. If you are not rewarded, hide it. How dare I seek power and humiliate the family name? Only because I came to the countryside did I know how difficult it is to establish oneself. I hope to be good to everyone, but I end up suffering." disgust……"

He briefly told the story of his being ostracized by the big families in the village. After hearing this, He Basheng laughed: "Didn't Uncle Hu teach you some tips on how to build a business in the countryside? The local tyrants are tough, and you are not the only one to be troubled. We all Guests are often troubled by this!"

Although it is said that in troubled times a strong army and strong horses are the way to go, but a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. For example, when Gao Huan first entered Hebei, he still had to bow his head to show his goodwill to the powerful forces of Hebei.

Nowadays, the pattern of struggle for hegemony between the East and the West has been formed. Although the North Town generals under Yuwentai have their own factions, if they really dare to play against the powerful people in Kansai, they will not need the Eastern Wei Dynasty to attack, and they will be fooled.

"What I owe is just material resources. If uncle can help me a little, I can defeat this local tyrant!"

After Li Tai thought for a while, he said with a smile.

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