Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 408: Kill all enemies

"Last year, the high-ranking thieves sent troops to build the Jinyang Palace, and many of the prisoners of war from Guanxi were used. Therefore, I was able to supervise the construction here for several months. In order to show respect for the Ye Palace, the palace garden here was not connected with the other cities during the planning, and it became a self-contained building. One body..."

Luo Chao strode towards Li Tai and took credit with a smile on his face, saying: "Since the beginning of its construction, this palace has not allowed anyone to enter or exit the palace, so most people in the East don't know about this palace. Fortunately, Li Kaifu has good fortune, and with the deed, I can wait for him." Have this power!”

"General Luo, you don't have to be polite. We were able to enter this city only because of your advice and guidance. Otherwise, I and the other officers and men would have unlimited willpower and wouldn't know where to direct it!"

Li Tai freely praised Luo Chao. Being able to capture Jinyang Palace was definitely an unexpected surprise for him. Originally, he just wanted to have some trouble outside Jinyang City, and never thought about being able to break through the city defense.

Although Jinyang Palace is not Jinyang City in a strict sense, its political significance is even greater than that of Jinyang City.

Jinyang City is nothing more than the home of Gao Huan's domineering government, while Jinyang Palace is the villa of the Eastern Wei Emperor. It's also thanks to the good luck of that "dog-footed man" that he doesn't live here, otherwise the situation of division of this thing will not end. In my hands, Li Boshan!

Jinyang Palace is not small in scale, with a distance of several miles from east to west, north and south. Each of the palaces is the center of independent courtyards, which are distributed in the palace garden in an orderly manner.

Some of these institutions have been put into use, while others are still idle or under construction. After Zhu Meng and the others entered, they immediately rushed towards the central hall and killed hundreds of guards stationed around the hall. There were many precious utensils and materials scattered inside and outside the hall. The cottages on both sides of the hall were A warehouse for collecting and storing supplies in Jinyang Palace.

However, there was no time to take stock of the spoils. As they invaded Jinyang Palace, it was like poking a hornet's nest. Noisy noises suddenly came from the cities around the palace, especially those in the south that were far away from Jinyang Palace. Not far away from the Prime Minister's Mansion, the sound of drums and trumpets continued.

Just listening to the noisy sounds around them, one can imagine that this place must be under siege soon. When Li Tai ran down, he left behind Li Yunxin and a group of troops, in order to retain part of the combat effectiveness of guerrilla support. After entering Jinyang Palace, he also left some troops on the Xishan Mountain Road in the northwest of the palace garden to avoid Someone made dumplings directly.

Liang Shiyan and others searched the palaces and drove all the people they found to the palaces in the north. There were nearly 2,000 men and women alone. At the same time, they also determined the locations of several armories. , and some fine armors were collected and transported.

When these troops returned, each of them seemed like a rat that had fallen into a vat of rice. They even had one or two armors in their hands, including armor and armor that could only be worn by the general level in Kansai. The most ordinary thing.

Seeing their appearance as nouveau riche, Li Tai was also very happy, and quickly ordered other soldiers to go to the arsenal to arm themselves before the Eastern Wei troops invaded.

"Master Lang, this city is too vast, I'm afraid it can't be completely defended! It's best to use this main hall as a camp and abandon the palaces in the southeast. There is no shortage of armor, swords, and bows and arrows here. Even if there are thousands of thieves, they can only Attack by twists and turns between the walls and corridors, which is enough to hold on for a long time!"

When Liang Shiyan was searching south, he kept the terrain pattern in mind. Although he was not as talented as Han Guo, he quickly drew up a defensive plan with his vivid memory and quickly reported it to Li Tai.

“It’s not too late, let’s take precautions quickly!”

After hearing this, Li Tai nodded quickly and said, of course he didn't want to just stay in Jinyang Palace and never leave, but since he was here, it would definitely be a great regret if he didn't take away the human gains from this place.

After entering the palace, he also quickly observed the terrain. Indeed, as Liang Shiyan said, it is indeed difficult to completely defend the palace with the more than 2,000 troops he has sent here, but as long as a palace area is defined and held, It's not that difficult for a while.

The soldiers performed their duties. Some continued to collect materials that could be used in the upcoming battle between the palaces, while others selected strong men and women from the captured palace servants and ordered them to build various defenses.

The most important thing among them is naturally related to the back road. There is a gap in the palace wall in the northwest corner of the palace that is not blocked. It connects to a mountain road extending to the Xishan Mountain. This mountain road is used to transport various materials mined from the Xishan Mountain. The stone is planted, so it is open and straight. From this, you can directly enter the mountains to the west, which can be regarded as a ready retreat.

Li Tai and his subordinates were busy in Jinyang Palace, and accordingly, the Prime Minister's Palace recently exploded.

"Jinyang Palace has actually fallen? Grand Master Shedi, how on earth did he arrange the city defense!"

In the main hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion, after Gao Yue learned that there were enemy sightings outside the North City, he also put on armor and stayed here. He was also anxious. When he heard that Jinyang Palace had been invaded by the enemy, he was immediately shocked.

He once served as an assistant in the government, and he was not a relatively simple martial artist like She Di Qian. He knew in his heart that Jinyang Palace was of great significance. He had previously performed his own duties and could not interfere with She Di Qian's affairs, but he did not expect that the city defense would reveal such a big threat. A loophole.

Jinyang Palace is very close to the Prime Minister's Mansion. Whether it is the meaning of the palace itself or the actual situation, if it is occupied by the enemy, the consequences will be very serious.

Although it is not yet known what contingency measures Shedigan in Luo City in the north has made, Gao Yue can no longer wait here. He first led the cavalry, Cao Canjun, Bai Jian, and the remaining troops to protect the inner palace, and ensure that no matter what happens, The security of the inner government.

Then he led several other left-behind soldiers to quickly go to the south of the city with their warrants. They knocked on the residences of various dignitaries in the south of the city one by one and ordered them to gather their troops quickly and wait until daybreak to go straight to the prime minister's house to wait for orders.

He had just made arrangements for everything, when a burly general walked into the hall outside the hall, crossed his hands to Gao Yue in the hall and said: "Mr. Qinghe, there is a lot of noise outside the house. The special envoy from the inner house has come to ask what happened? "

Gao Yue was feeling a little anxious. After hearing this, he said impatiently: "There are people outside who are guarding me with their lives, and the inner government will take care of me. If I don't die, I'll pay my respects again."

Although this general's rank was far inferior to that of Gao Yue, he was a slave from Cangtou's family under Gao Wang's sect. His name was Liu Taozhi. After hearing this, he did not retreat. He still stood where he was and said: "Whatever happens to Mr. Qinghe, whether he lives or dies, I don't dare." Asked. But the safety of my master’s family cannot be guaranteed by this matter. If Lord Qinghe doesn’t tell the truth, I don’t know what I will do when I return!”

After Gao Yue heard this, he calmed down the irritability in his heart and said: "There is indeed a group of thieves entering Jinyang Palace, but it is dark tonight and the nature of the thieves is unclear. We need to wait until dawn for further inspection to determine the details. The guards in Jinyang Palace are empty, so they are taken advantage of by thieves. However, the palace is well equipped and the thieves will be defeated if they come. Please tell the inner palace to stay calm. Things will happen after dawn!"

After Liu Taozhi heard this, he said goodbye and left, but not long after, he came back again, with more than a hundred fully armed soldiers behind him, and he paid homage to Gao Yue: "Inner Palace. I told Duke Qinghe that Jinyang has never suffered such evil since your Majesty established the throne. But if there is a chance, please kill all the intruders here, and I will obey Duke Qinghe's order."

Gao Yue felt a little unhappy when he heard this. Could he still let the enemy go?

However, he also understood that the inner government was disturbed by being bullied and disturbed by the enemy. After all, it was the dereliction of duty of those who stayed behind. No wonder the inner government complained, so he said in a deep voice: "It is within the duty to protect the country and kill the enemy. , but now all the troops left behind are dispatched by Grand Master Shedi. You are waiting here, and all you can get is to stick to the mansion. There is no need to use the internal manpower."

Liu Taozhi seemed oblivious to this. He raised his hand to signal the soldiers behind him to line up in the corridor of the straight hall. He himself stood on the side of the straight hall holding a knife and a staff.

After seeing this, Gao Yue said nothing more. He just went to Luocheng to inquire about the latest situation while waiting for dawn in the straight hall.

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