Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 410 Sweeping the Floor as a Soldier

Jin Temple is located in the southwest of Jinyang City, leaning on Xuanweng Mountain to the west and Jinshui River to the north. The person worshiped is Tang Shuyu who was the founder of the Jin Dynasty and the beginning of feudalism.

Although Tang Shuyu was a figure in the Zhou Dynasty, as the founder of the Jin Kingdom, he still has considerable influence in the three Jin areas today. The location of its ancestral hall is not only worshiped by the people, but also treated with courtesy and attention by rulers of all dynasties.

Especially in today's Eastern Wei Dynasty, Gao Huan set up his palace in Jinyang, and the prime minister's palace was located in Jinyang City in the Spring and Autumn Period. There was even more reason to treat Tang Shuyu with courtesy.

Although Tang Shuyu was only a vassal king, his status still belonged to the Miao descendants of the Zhou Dynasty and the orthodox of the Xia Dynasty. The Gao family's domineering family nested its old title, which was itself only a regional political power. The respect for Tang Shuyu certainly implied the emphasis on its own legitimacy.

When Jinyang Palace was being built last year, King Gao also had plans to expand the Jinci Temple, and recruited soldiers to be stationed here to start the construction. With preparations for the war this year, all the soldiers here were mobilized to go with the army. , the Jinci Temple expansion project was shelved, but the factory camp was retained.

Not long ago, a new group of people were assigned to the idle camp here, which was a group of soldiers who had been demobilized from Jinyang City.

There are approximately nearly 10,000 of these soldiers. After arriving here, officials from other counties and counties came here to transfer personnel, ranging from dozens to hundreds. However, compared with this huge total number of soldiers, it is still not enough. What kind of.

As autumn deepens and the weather gets colder, there are still nearly 7,000 people left here. Due to lack of food and clothing, some commotion gradually arises among the soldiers.

At dawn, when the frost was thick, a group of cavalry suddenly rushed into the camp and rushed towards a tent with smoke coming out. Several soldiers entered the camp holding swords and sticks, first from the ashes of the stove He rummaged through it, then pointed at the battalion sergeants who stood up in shock and yelled: "You cheap slaves, get out of the tent quickly! The crazy thieves stole the big tree in the West Temple last night. They must thoroughly investigate all the camps. If the slaves are willing, If you report, you will be rewarded, but if you are found to be involved, you will be punished!”

The soldiers were driven out of the tent in a daze, still a little shaken. When they came out of the tent, the cold frosty air hit their faces, and they were freezing. Soon they kowtowed to the ground and cried out for mercy.

The sergeants searched the tent for a long time but found no evidence, but they did not let the soldiers go. They ordered the disheveled soldiers to stand shivering in the late autumn dawn and did not allow them to enter the tent to keep warm. Go to other accounts to search.

These soldiers were already short of food and clothing, and were in a miserable state. If they were treated like this again, some could not help crying, but they would soon be beaten with whips and sticks.

The soldiers who guarded them did not necessarily take pleasure in torturing the soldiers. This in itself was one of the methods of taming and discipline. There are thousands of soldiers here, but there are only a few hundred soldiers guarding them. Only by establishing absolute authority through punishment and beating will these soldiers obey in their bones and not dare to disobey.

This group of cavalry who entered the camp to search found nothing after searching several tents, and then focused on the largest tent among them. However, as soon as a few armored soldiers entered the tent, they were immediately pushed out.

The captain who led the team was furious when he saw this. He ordered his subordinates to draw knives in their hands and surround the camp. Then he loudly ordered everyone inside to get out.

After a while, more than thirty soldiers slowly walked out of the camp. These dozens of soldiers are obviously different from other places. Their robes are cleaner and neater, and their bodies are stronger. Especially, there is still a bit of unruly air between their eyebrows, which is different from the dejected and resigned mental state of other soldiers. Very different.

Seeing these people in such a state, the soldier commander felt that his majesty had been challenged more and more, and shouted loudly: "You are such heinous thieves, but you still have a life left. It's already a mercy of King Gao! How dare you resist the officer?" Jun, do you really want to die?"

After hearing this, a particularly burly middle-aged man among them sneered: "Whether I live or die, it's not your turn to decide! If you keep making noise like this, even if I don't live, I won't even think about it." "Destiny."

"Hmph, how dare you say such arrogant words as a mere soldier slave! If you are such a great person, how could you end up here?"

The soldier commander sneered, but seeing that this man's fearless demeanor was different from ordinary people, he still hesitated a little, and asked again: "Who are you?"

"I'm not a great person, I'm just of the same clan as King Gao. In the old years, King Gao came to my house to visit and seek advice for his righteousness. Now, although he has lost power and is suffering in the world, it is not something you can do to humiliate me!"

The man answered a few words casually, then ignored the soldier commander's reaction and turned around and returned to the tent. His disciples were guarding the tent door tightly, facing the heavily armed men holding swords and sticks. The armored soldiers showed no fear at all.

"Presumptuous! How dare you do this..."

The soldier commander became even angrier when he saw this, so what he said was so arrogant that he subconsciously thought it was not true. Even though he was about to order a severe punishment to the other party, he was quickly pulled down by an old soldier next to him.

"Captain, please calm down. It is indeed heard that there is such a person among the camp slaves. He is the nephew of the former Situ Gong Gao Ao Cao. His name is Gao Le. In the past year, his clan leader Gao Zhongmi defected to the west. He was arrested because he did not report the knowledge. As a punishment, King Gao took pity on the meritorious members of his clan and did not kill him, but instead sent the soldiers to the camp as slaves."

The old soldier pulled the captain aside and whispered: "If this is really the person, the team leader should not provoke Wei Wei. Although his family is not as powerful as in the past, he still has the old love to take care of him. He still survives after committing such a serious crime." Unfortunately, I will leave the slave camp one day..."

After the soldier commander heard this, although he was still a little unwilling, he could only nod his head bitterly. After all, the Gao family in Bohai is the representative of the powerful Han people in Hebei, and he has many old friends in the army. There is really no need to give up for the sake of temporary pride. He invites a hidden danger of hatred.

Things like this are just an ordinary episode here. Although the camp here still exists, the supplies stored in it have been requisitioned long ago. It is only possible to survive by relying on the nearby county and county officials to donate some old grain and rotten chaff that are left in the warehouse. Make ends meet. But even this kind of poor food cannot be supplied every day.

Thousands of prime-age soldiers are in need of food and clothing, and even survival is about to become a problem. If it is not properly solved, there will definitely be a big problem. Therefore, the officials who stayed here have frequently reported to Jinyang Bafu during this period, hoping that Bafu can pay attention to and solve this problem.

It seemed that the repeated memorials finally had an effect. On this day, Taishi Shediqian, who stayed in Jinyang, finally came to Jinci. However, his main intention did not seem to be to solve the problems here. He ignored the complaints of the officials here. The word is just to order a thorough investigation as soon as possible to see how much strength is available here.

After an examination, the results were quickly obtained. After excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled who were really difficult to serve, there were still more than 3,000 strong men who could be recruited and mobilized.

This result naturally made Shedigan quite dissatisfied. He still remembered that when these soldiers were transferred from Jinyang, there were nearly ten thousand soldiers, but he did not expect that the situation would be so seriously damaged in just over half a month.

However, he did not have time to examine the problem of personnel losses in detail. Anyway, these soldiers had no sympathy, so he ordered the soldiers who could be dispatched to be recruited and reorganized as soon as possible, leaving them to be brought back to Jinyang after he returned from elsewhere.

When this situation was reported to the camp, all the soldiers here were also panicked. Their current situation is already precarious and extremely difficult. If any small change is not good, it is very likely that they will suffer disaster.

The officers and soldiers who stayed here were also a little confused by Shedigan's order. They didn't know why. Naturally, they didn't bother to explain to these soldiers. They just roughly drove the people in each camp who were still able to move to one place.

Naturally, punishments and humiliations such as beatings and scoldings were inevitable, and many relatives, friends, and siblings were helplessly separated. Even though these soldiers didn't know why they were going there, seeing that all the people left behind were the old, weak, sick and disabled, they all understood that these people had been abandoned and could only stay here to wait for death.

Even though they were grieving and unwilling to accept it, in the face of the well-armed and well-fed officers and soldiers, these soldiers, who were half-clothed and underfed, were simply unable to resist and could only be expelled out of the Jinci camp and headed to Jin. Go in the direction of Yang.

At this time, the south side of Jinyang City had also transformed into a huge military camp, and the scene was no less grand than that of King Gao's army on an expedition. And as more and more people gathered here, various rumors began to spread.

Putting aside all kinds of absurdities, the one with the highest public recognition right now is the army of the Western Dynasty that came to attack Jinyang, tried to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, and forced King Gao to invade his country. Therefore, as long as the troops left behind in Jinyang can defeat this weak Western Dynasty bandit army, it will be a great achievement, and King Gao will definitely reward him greatly after his victory.

Of course, this is only a relatively positive statement, and there are also negative rumors. For example, King Gao has already been defeated in Hedong, and the army of the Western Dynasty has also entered Jinyang and attacked the palace. Now the country is just scrapping troops and fighting a last-ditch battle. If it cannot be defeated, , then all of them will be killed by the Western Army!

One thing about this rumor is correct, that is, She Di Qian is really sweeping away people to become soldiers. He has gathered all the people within dozens of miles around Jinyang who can complete the recruitment in recent days outside Jinyang City, making this place available for use. The number of soldiers increased by more than 20,000. Even if they were filled with people, it would be enough to fill the two palaces and the Xishan quarry road occupied by the bandits with holes and valleys!

With sufficient manpower, Shedigan first ordered to distribute a batch of weapons and staffs to these newly recruited troops, and then he couldn't wait to launch a new wave of offensive towards Jinyang Palace.

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