Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 420 Beloved General

Li Tai's identity is quite tricky. He nominally came from Guanlong, but in fact he has a deeper connection with the Guandong aristocratic family. After entering Guanxi, he had two more labels. One was a confidant of the Taifu who was personally selected and appointed by the Daxingtai, and the other was a son-in-law of the household who was favored by Dugu Xin. In total, he was half of his own people.

If the struggle between the various factions within the Western Wei Dynasty has reached the point of incompatibility and life and death, then Li Tai, a fence-sitter, is naturally the target of all parties.

But the current policy is to first coordinate internally and move with the times. Then Li Tai, a guy who is good at getting along with both sides, will naturally be carried by everyone if he makes some outstanding achievements.

Li Tai's power has now passed the initial stage of keeping a low profile and developing in a shabby manner. With such a large stall of personnel and industry laid out, it is impossible to hide it. Even Wei Xiaokuan knew to send his brothers to borrow grain from him on the eve of the siege.

In this case, he might as well be high-profile, take advantage of the official campaign, and boast a little more, so that everyone will respect him more, and strive to win the battle without fighting wherever he goes, and have people bow down to him everywhere.

While accepting the flattery of the masses, Li Tai did not forget to introduce his subordinates to everyone one by one.

Others among them were fine, and they only regarded this as an ordinary social interaction, but Luo Chao, an old general with rich qualifications and great ambitions, took it very seriously. He met with everyone from Yu Jin down one by one, and talked about his qualifications and old stories several times.

But after all, he was a remnant of the old era that was several versions behind. Except for Yu Jin who said a few polite words to him for the sake of face, others only regarded him as a surrendered general rescued by Li Tai, and did not take him seriously.

This inevitably disappointed Luo Chao, who only sighed in his heart that he had been away from this hometown for nearly ten years, and now he returned to find that everything was different.

The group entered the city in a noisy manner. After having a meal in the city, they took the time to rest so that they could set off at dawn tomorrow morning.

After the banquet, Li Tai was about to rest, but he felt Yuwen Hu's eyes still staring at him with resentment.

He was already a little unhappy. Your uncle didn't let you go. Even if you went, you would only be able to lie down. If you were asked to stay in Wutu City, I was worried that you would abandon the city and flee when the situation was not good. Why are you looking at me like a grudge!

However, he misunderstood Yuwen Hu by thinking so. It was true that Yuwen Hu couldn't let it go, but he stayed after the dinner not to continue to entangle and complain, but for other things.

"Boshan, has the Erzhu princess you sent a letter to been properly settled? You must know that this lady is of extraordinary status. If you are rude and neglectful, although it is not a fault, there are still etiquettes in the Zhetai Mansion." Yuwen Hu walked forward, with a bit of shyness and a bit of diligence on his face, and whispered to Li Tai: "If it is convenient, can I visit this lady?" Li Tai was immediately happy after hearing this. He had seen the good looks and charming demeanor of the little Erzhu, but in order to avoid suspicion, he did not have much contact with her afterwards, but only arranged some captive female slaves to take care of her food and daily life. Even if there was something that needed to be communicated inside and outside, he tried to avoid direct contact with her. Although this little Erzhu was not as chaste as Liu Bei's two wives, Li Tai believed that he had achieved the loyalty of Guan Erye, and he was not rude along the way. Yuwen Hu proposed to meet the little Erzhu at this time, but it was not necessarily because he was impatient, probably because he came here on orders. To be honest, although this guy has a bad temper, his lifestyle is not extravagant or evil.

Li Tai would naturally not stop this. He did not have the habit of washing pots for other people, and he had always been thinking about presenting this little Erzhu to the boss Yuwen Tai. As for how Yuwen Tai would deal with it, he was too lazy to care.

Hearing Yuwen Hu's request, Li Tai nodded and agreed and said, "Brother Sabao, if you don't mention this, I would have wanted to ask you for help. There are so many things in the ranks that I don't have the energy to take care of everything.

If there is any insufficiency in taking care of this lady, it is just an unintentional mistake. I hope Brother Sabao can say a few good words to her after he comes to see her, so that she won't misunderstand that the mansion is full of fools like me."

After hearing this, Yuwen Hu agreed without hesitation, and hurriedly stood up to say that he had to tidy up his appearance before he could come to see her. Then he hurriedly went to another room. When he came back, he had changed into a brand new robe, and his face was much whiter than usual, as if he had applied a little powder.

Seeing this, Li Tai couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand to signal a personal soldier to lead Yuwen Hu away, and he stopped accompanying him, fearing that he would laugh.

In fact, Yuwen Hu's pretentious appearance was not necessarily due to his repressed and coquettish nature. After all, for those of them who were born in Beizhen, the Erzhu family's women had an unusual significance. They were all unattainable in their youth. If the former queen's status was added, it would be like sugar mixed with arsenic, which would satisfy one's cravings!

After explaining all this, Li Tai turned around to rest, and was not curious about what kind of communication Yuwen Hu had with the little Erzhu.

But when he set out on the road the next day, he saw that Yuwen Hu no longer circled around him with a sad face, but maintained a very subtle excitement. The guards followed the little Erzhu's carriage and were very servile.

Going all the way south, the scenery along the way did not change much. The only thing that was more conspicuous was that a lot of warehouse buildings emerged along the banks of the Luo River.

These newly built warehouses naturally belong to Li Tai's property and are part of his logistics network connecting the entire Kansai region. They are still in the construction stage, and it is estimated that the results will not be achieved until at least next year.

Recalling that when he entered the country, he still had to worry about two meals a day. Now that the industrial layout has covered the entire Kansai Longyou, Li Tai also felt a sense of pride in his heart.

When the group arrived at Chengcheng County, an envoy from the Taifu Government was standing beside the county boundary monument. Before entering, they informed Daxingtai that he had personally led the Taifu people to wait at the county government for a long time.

Li Tai also didn't expect that Yu Wentai would praise him so much and actually go north to greet him in person. Naturally, he didn't dare to neglect him. He immediately led his warriors to leave the brigade with Yu Jin and others and went straight to the county town. As for Yu Wenhu, he still stayed in the team and continued to move forward with his caring and dedicated Gong Xiaoer Zhu's car.

In the wilderness on the south side of the county city, although it was the coldest month of winter and there was no grass growing, the field of vision was particularly wide. Yuwentai's tent was set up here, and thousands of elites of the Sixth Army and civil and military subordinates were here to serve.

When Li Tai and his entourage arrived, Yu Wentai heard the news in the tent and went outside the camp gate in person. He strode towards Li Tai who was about to dismount from his horse and was about to bow. He pulled him to his side and immediately turned his head. He said with a smile to everyone present: "In the past, many people thought that Mang Mountain was lost and Bo Mountain was gained. But now you are waiting for everyone to talk about it again. Are the old words biased?"

After everyone heard this, they all praised and agreed. Daxingtai had a bright eye and promoted talented people.

After hearing everyone's praise, Yu Wentai's smile faded, he turned back to look at Li Tai and sighed: "I only have a few eyesight and a few feet of mind to know Boshan.

But Bo Shan felt that he was repaying me, and he bravely created a den of thieves, regardless of life and death, and made numerous achievements. It is still frightening to hear it afterwards. You can imagine how loyal and courageous the person who acted at that time was! The thief came to pick me up and humiliate me, which only caused me to lose a little face, but Boshan went straight to the thief's nest for me and punished me severely! "

Speaking of this, he looked at Li Tai with a serious face and said: "But in the future, you must think twice before doing such a dangerous thing. Although a loyal and righteous man, God's will comes true, but treason is still rampant in this world, how can it be because of a temporary Because of my greed for merit, my beloved will be put into danger!"

As he spoke, he even moved his hands up and down Li Taizhou, asking with concern whether he was injured or not. His sincere expression made him want to squeeze every part of Li Taizhou's body to look like him.

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