Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 423 Between the Two Aunts

After last night's carnival and hangover, most of the generals in the camp today were as exhausted as Shu Hui, and many of them were still sleeping with their heads covered in their tents until three o'clock in the morning.

Yu Wentai also slept until noon before getting up. He sat in the inner tent for a while, woke up, and then began to summon officials and handle affairs.

He still remembered what Li Tai had said yesterday about the old soldier in Mangshan. After thinking about it for a while, he invited Zhao Gui into the tent. When the guy entered the tent, he saw a pair of huge dark circles under his eyes and a tired look on his face. He looked concerned and asked: "Did Yuan Gui not sleep well last night? If there is anything wrong with your body, please go and don't hide your mistake!"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. There is no serious problem in my body. I was afraid that my official duties would be accumulated in the hall, so I took them with me to deal with them. Unknowingly, I couldn't sleep at night."

After Zhao Gui heard the words, he quickly cheered up and answered. He raised his hand to cover his mouth and yawned. Then he lowered his head and said: "At the end of the year, there are many exams and demotion matters. I, the martial arts winner, have expressed my gratitude to the constitution." Taiwan, just be sincere and don’t dare to slack off!”

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of Su Chuo and other important officials in the Taiwanese government, the Western Wei Dynasty has now formed a very effective official evaluation and appointment system. Although the foundation is still weak, the official administration is more effective than that of the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

The Chief of Staff of Yushitai also has a high say in the affairs of the Supervisory Office, so at the end of the year when officials are promoted, demoted, appointed and dismissed, they are also quite busy.

But it is a bit exaggerated to say that people who are so busy can't even bother to sleep as Zhao Gui said. After all, the opinions put forward by Yushitai on the administration of officials are only a reference and not a decisive factor. There are ministers and officials in the court. In the ministry, in the government, the meritorious officials are the most powerful, and they are the chief officials in charge of civil affairs.

The reason why Zhao Gui acted like he was busy and that military and national affairs were imminent was mainly because of what Li Tai said yesterday and he was worried that the Lord would really send him to Beizhou to deal with the matter.

Beizhou is the home base of that kid's forces, and there are also many Jihu forces. If he goes there, it will be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. If he can't save that audacious little bastard, he dares to order his subordinates to give him an ending like "nothing like Hu Huang" , which really frightened him from the bottom of his heart.

But he did whatever he was afraid of. When Yu Wentai heard what he said, he also sighed and said with a smile: "Yuan Gui is a veteran on the battlefield. It is really difficult for you to abandon your sword to write and deal with common affairs. But it is really difficult for you. But As an official in Taiwan Province, it is good to be diligent in political affairs, but the more important thing is to know how to make good use of people. Only by learning from each other's strengths can we get twice the result with half the effort. "

Zhao Gui nodded in agreement when he heard this, but there was already a vague feeling in his heart. You said that dealing with common affairs is not what I am good at. Are you trying to arrange other things for me?

Sure enough, before he could change his mind here, Yu Wentai said again: "Li Boshan said that the deceased soldiers from Mangshan who were rescued during this trip, I hope Yuan Gui will suffer a lot and go to Suizhou to deal with them properly. It is best to deal with them as soon as possible." Lead back to the mansion."

When Zhao Gui heard this, his face suddenly fell. However, Yu Wentai did not notice the change in his expression, but continued to sigh and sigh: "In the past year, the success was almost complete, and the armies were defeated miserably, so that these soldiers were trapped in the bandit camp. Fortunately, they can return safely now. Both emotions and reasons require it." Yuga comforts.

What's more, the Sixth Army is now innovating, and these loyal veterans are even more needed to serve as the backbone of the army. I know Yuan Gui that you also regret this story, but there is no point in regretting and thinking about the past. Focus on current personnel and affairs, strengthen your willpower, and strive to avenge your shame in the coming year! "

Speaking of this, Yuwentai was also full of expectations. Although he did not personally lead his army against He Liuhun's army in this year's Jade Bi Battle, it was obvious that the strength and ambition of the Eastern Dynasty had declined.

This gives him the time and opportunity to continue to strengthen himself. One day, he will no longer have to huddle in Kansai and lead his men to drive to Kanto to have another fierce battle with Gao Huan to decide who belongs to the world!

Yuwentai was full of ambition, but Zhao Gui was in trouble. Hearing his lord sighing about the past in Mang Mountain again, he swallowed back the words that originally came to his lips, fearing that his lord might recall his unfavorable battle situation again.

Although he thought he had done his best, the Eastern Army's offensive at that time was too fierce, and others might not be able to do better than him. But times have changed, and I only dare to comfort myself with these words in my heart. If I force it out of my mouth and spread to other people's ears, it will only make myself more disgraceful.

"Your Majesty's kindness to our fallen soldiers is very touching. I don't dare to say anything. It's just that I and Li Boshan had many conflicts... Although I'm going there on official business this time, I'm afraid that his generals may not be able to stop at official duties. I don't dare to say anything. Although there is no need to worry about personal safety, but, if I miss official business..."

Although Zhao Gui did not dare to refuse this mission, after thinking about it, Zhao Gui couldn't help but express his worries. His own safety was at great risk, and he could not care less about exposing his inner feelings towards Li Tai at this moment. The fear and fear of this boy.

After Yuwentai heard this, he was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhao Gui in disbelief. Zhao Gui was a little embarrassed by this look and hurriedly lowered his head to avoid looking.

After a while, Yuwen Taicai sighed again: "This Li Boshan is really formidable. In just a few years, he has made my close generals avoid him. But how is it compared with the cruel and stubborn people in the past? I still remember the old years of Yuan Gui. You are brave and resolute, and you don't get scared in the face of chaos. Why is your wisdom so weird now? You might as well tell me something, and I might be able to help you resolve it."

Although the tone was not harsh, the meaning revealed was not good. It almost showed his disappointment in Zhao Gui directly on his face.

"I, I am ashamed! I was so timid that I made a mistake..."

Zhao Gui hurriedly stood up to apologize, but Yu Wentai waved his hand, indicating that he should return to the table and sit down, and then said: "For example, a naughty horse in a stable refuses to grow up peacefully, collides and bites the fence, but the owner still If you can't bear to kill it with a rod, you are greedy for its ability to travel thousands of miles a day when it grows up.

Li Boshan is young and impressive, but I still have to use his strength properly. Yuan Gui, you are mature and prudent. It is better to tell me directly if you don't want to get into a fight with him, rather than secretly suppressing young talents, but there is no need to retreat.

You can go on your trip to Beizhou with peace of mind, and tell me your experience in detail when you return. If you encounter any trouble in the slightest, I will punish you tenfold! Even if the horse is thousands of miles away, it can be tolerated if it destroys my fence, but if it touches my relatives and friends, it will cause great harm! "

After Zhao Gui heard this, he did not dare to say anything else, but nodded and accepted the order. And Yu Wentai had no intention of leaving him to continue talking and comforting him, and waved his hand to indicate that he could retreat and pack his bags.

Yuwentai is indeed quite disappointed with Zhao Gui, especially his performance in recent years.

A person's courage, ambition, and mind are not only revealed in things, but can be glimpsed in his daily speech, behavior, and how he treats others.

In his early years, Zhao Gui could be said to be well-informed, cautious, and calm when things happened. This was why he was able to protect himself and his family's power during the mutiny in the six towns, and enjoyed a high reputation among the township party.

Especially when Yuwentai took over He Batayue's old ministry and stabilized the situation in the early years of Datong, Zhao Guizhen made great efforts. At one point, Yuwentai even had his own decisions about people and matters, but still had to discuss it with Zhao Gui. Only after confirming that there is nothing wrong can you proceed with execution with confidence.

But people change. As time goes by and circumstances change, your views on people and things will also change. These changes are inevitable, some are good, and some are bad. Even Yuwentai himself cannot guarantee that his original intention is the same as before.

The changes that have happened to Zhao Gui are also obvious. His ambition and responsibility are not as good as before. He is proud of his current position, cautious and does not dare to take risks. He is even worried about whether Li Boshan will harm Beizhou. , it can be imagined that this kind of precaution is almost paranoid.

However, Yu Wentai was disappointed, and he was not very disgusted with it. On the contrary, because of Zhao Gui's change, he gained more trust in him and took less precautions. If he is still gearing up and wanting to have a big fight, Yu Wentai has to think carefully about who this guy wants to do?

Of course, it was also because Yuwentai himself had heard too much of Li Tai’s enthusiastic flattery, and because of his position, he actually did not feel the impact that Li Tai’s rapid rise in recent years had brought to these old people. Shock and oppression.

In the afternoon, the camp soldiers began to pack their bags and set off, not to return to Huazhou, but to cross the Luoshui River and head straight to Chang'an. It is now the middle of the twelfth lunar month, and by the time the large group of people arrive in Chang'an, it will almost be time to start various New Year rituals.

When they were on the road again, Li Tai still continued the favored and courteous treatment he received yesterday. Yuwentai ordered to reward Li Tai with his own horse to ride on, and called him to ride with him from time to time to discuss current affairs.

The most discussed topics among each other are naturally related to the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Although this time the Eastern Wei army was blocked outside Yubi City, and their homes were stolen from their homes, which made people happy, it still did not change the fact that the Western Wei Bafu army was blocked and had their heads pressed to the ground again.

Yu Wentai was able to confront Gao Huan for many years and gradually reversed his disadvantage. Naturally, he had deep ambitions. Of course, he was not satisfied with just protecting himself from the power of the Eastern Wei Dynasty. He often wanted to turn suffering into attack.

So when talking to Li Tai, a subordinate who had just returned from a field trip to Jinyang, Yu Wentai also wanted to hear Li Tai's views on the Eastern Wei Dynasty. When will the time for a major counterattack come?

Before going to Jinyang, Li Tai actually had some illusions about the Eastern Wei Dynasty and had a high opinion of it, thinking that it should be stronger than the Western Wei Dynasty in all aspects.

But after an on-site visit, he was a little disappointed. This is not because of arrogance after stealing a house, but because I really feel in my heart that the Eastern Wei Dynasty is just that. Jinyang soldiers are very strong, and often a small group of troops can cause him a lot of trouble, and their combat power is really great. Underestimated, but that's all.

Although he was just taking a quick tour, the various reactions he made under this stress state could actually reflect deep-seated problems within an organization.

As far as his own feelings are concerned, he feels that the personnel structure of Jinyang Bafu is simpler than that of Huazhou Bafu. Li Tai did not feel any clear division of labor and execution during the attack on Jinyang and the withdrawal.

Of course, this is not enough to prove that Jinyang Bafu is inferior. It is precisely that Gao Huan's personal prestige and power are higher, so there is no need to deliberately build a complete and cumbersome Bafu administrative system. In the original history, the institutional construction of the Northern Qi Dynasty did not have a systematic foundation and construction until the Gaoyang period.

Another thing that impressed Li Tai deeply was the deep estrangement within Northern Qi society, not only the estrangement between races, but also the estrangement between classes and groups.

Although the army and the people coexist in the same space, they seem to be divided into two different dimensions. Social resources are heavily tilted towards the army. Although the Western Wei Dynasty is unavoidable in this militaristic style, the pressure of raising an army is still less than that in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Much more, a large number of rural troupe private songs do not require the Bafu to bear the daily maintenance costs.

The Six Prefectures of Xianbei, which the Eastern Wei Dynasty relies on for its strength, are indeed sharp minions that can tear the enemy to pieces in the war, but once the resources obtained from the outside are insufficient, they will consume themselves unstoppably.

Although the foundation of the Eastern Wei Dynasty is relatively good, it is only relatively speaking, not to mention that there is such a huge group of people who live on it from the nobles at the top to the soldiers at the bottom. Once it falls into a long-term confrontation with surrounding forces, it will Under great pressure, there will be constant internal turmoil due to unfair distribution of benefits.

Gao Huan was lucky to take over the huge Beizhen power group from the Erzhu family without any bloodshed, but he was also unlucky. His path and the fate of his descendants were doomed at this moment, either he would drive this killing plane The machine will wipe out all opponents, or it will perish together with them.

The Zhenbing was the core of the regime of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi, and all its behavioral purposes were centered around satisfying the needs of this core. Anything contrary to this will be violently destroyed. Therefore, although Northern Qi had very good systems and laws, they were all castles in the air because the soldiers did not need them.

In the entire Eastern Wei Dynasty and Northern Qi Dynasty, the only one who was expected to break through this fateful bondage was Emperor Wenxuan Gao Yang. When Gao Yang's attempt failed, the latecomers could only entertain themselves.

Naturally, Li Tai will not share these opinions with Yuwentai, but can only give a negative reply to Yuwentai's plan to regain his position in the near future. Don't always think about going to other people's graves to dance, let's just go step by step. It's easy first and then difficult.

At least for me, you win compared to He Liuhun. After all, what kind of opponent did Gao Huan face when he rose to prominence, but you faced Gao Huan. Start against the wind and work hard to unify the world. Although the final achievement is not yours, it is still the tree planted by the predecessors and the shade of the descendants.

Just chatting all the way, the team arrived at the north bank of the Wei River a few days later, and the envoys sent by the DPRK to greet them were already waiting here, including Dugu Xin, who was newly awarded the title of Grand Sima and had just returned from Longyou. .

When he saw the Dahang Trolley approaching, Yu Wentai waited until Li Tai came to say goodbye before stopping the car. After Li Tai helped him get out of the car, he held Li Tai's wrist with his backhand and walked toward the group of people. , Dugu Xin's smiling face suddenly darkened, and he sneered twice.

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