Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 428 The example of the family

In the evening, Li Tai and some subordinate warriors who had followed him to Beijing, led by Yuchi Jong and his entourage, entered the palace to attend the banquet.

Li Tai felt that the palace in Chang'an City was not grand enough before. After going for a walk in Jinyang, especially in Jinyang Palace, he felt that the current Chang'an Palace was a bit shabby.

The accompanying warriors also stayed with Li Tai for a few days in Jinyang Palace, so when they saw the layout of the palace, they rarely felt surprised. A few who were not good at concealing their emotions even expressed their disappointment. On the face.

The group of people stayed for a while in the Prime Minister's Mansion in the Imperial City. There were already visitors waiting here. They conveyed the emperor's oral instructions and expressed some condolences to the meritorious servicemen. They also gave each of them a winter robe and asked them to dress properly in the veranda. Then he went to the palace to see him.

Not long after, a group of warriors in brand new robes followed Li Tai, like a group of Liangshan heroes who had just been recruited, carefully walking through the Yongxiang that connected the inner and outer palaces, and headed towards the palace where the banquet was held today.

Although the palace buildings in the Forbidden City are not grand and majestic enough, the constant patrols between the palaces and the Forbidden Army sentries that can be seen everywhere still put a lot of pressure on people, making people become cautious in their words and deeds.

In the hall, the emperor, the prince, Daxingtai and other royal family members had already sat down in separate seats. Following the eunuch's roll call, Li Tai and his subordinates filed into the hall to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor.

"Li Aiqing, please forgive me for your courtesy. We also have all the meritorious officials. We are holding a banquet today just to entertain you and others. I and all the ministers present here are grateful to you and others for your outstanding achievements in defeating thieves, so that we can gather together today." Let’s share wine and food together, so please do as you please, no need to be polite!”

The emperor did not wear official uniforms today, but only wore light yet solemn clothes. If one did not take into account the changes in a person's temperament brought about by power and position, he would look younger and more graceful than Yu Wentai in the seat next to him.

The two of them are originally the same age, and Yu Wentai is not known for his dignified appearance, especially since he recently developed a sarcoma on the back of his neck. In order to cover it up, he often wears a riding hat with a long scarf, as if he has no neck. , the appearance is even more weird.

Although the Emperor Yuan Baoju is not very handsome, probably because he has not asked about real matters all year round, his facial expressions have a kind of open-mindedness that takes everything lightly, and he is not as aggressive as Yu Wentai.

When everyone heard that His Majesty the Emperor was so easy-going, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When Li Tai turned around and made a brief gesture with his eyes, he was led by the eunuchs nearby to sit down one by one. As for Li Tai, he was led to His Majesty's side. Sit down on the front bench.

What followed was some unsatisfactory pleasantries, and at the same time, all kinds of wine and food were served one after another. His Royal Highness's meritorious servants were not interested in anyone, so they naturally indulged in a big meal, while Li Tai was busy with the conversation. , while having a brief taste of these wines and foods, I soon tasted the familiar taste.

Suspicious, he tasted the food on the table and quickly determined that most of the seasonings used in these dishes were produced in his family's manor. So he raised his head and looked up at the banquet, and saw the king of Guangling, Yuan Xin. Looking at him with a smile on his face.

When their eyes met, King Guangling picked up the wine glass and nodded slightly, apparently acquiescing to Li Tai's guess that many materials for the banned meals were indeed purchased from Li Tai's family through his hands.

Just looking at the smile on King Guangling's face, we can tell that he is a very happy middleman and must have made a lot of money. Although the royal family of the Western Wei Dynasty did not have much real power, their wealth was still considerable. There were not many places that required large expenditures elsewhere. Of course, there was no need to be too frugal in food consumption.

Li Tai has been focusing on the overall layout of his industry recently, and has little energy to pay close attention to this kind of specific household management. At this time, he was quite satisfied when he learned that all his products had been sold to the palace.

Naturally, the forbidden banquet would not be held all night long. After about an hour, an eunuch came forward and whispered that it was time to leave.

So Li Tai stood up and left the table, thanked His Majesty the Emperor again and asked to leave. The Emperor also raised his hand and ordered the ceremony officials to guide everyone out of the palace.

The group retreated to the imperial city, and Li Tai stayed at the Prime Minister's Mansion to wait for a while. When Yu Wentai returned, he quickly stepped forward to thank him for the mansion.

"Some small things are not worth mentioning. Regardless of the situation, I am still an elder who has high hopes for you. I know that your son is going to start a family and be independent, so I should help him out."

Yu Wentai had a rare magnanimous look on his face. He patted Li Tai on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Da Sima is a blessed man. Although the family is a little weak, he is lucky to have recruited a virtuous son-in-law like you. In the company, You can gain a lot in private.

Although our Zhenbing family is not as solemn and dignified as your famous family, we also have many fewer taboos. However, if you have any strategies that can benefit the family, go ahead and do it without worrying about hurting the feelings of your elders and holding back. Boshan is a smart young man, and he must have many clever ideas. I look forward to your performance. "

Li Tai was speechless after hearing this. What he said seemed to be encouraging him to seize the time to seize power and evade his father-in-law's right to speak. Moreover, he also sounded full of expectation. Could it be that you have already discerned me? Is this the true nature of wolf ambition?

By the time we left the palace, the night was already very dark. Fortunately, Daxingtai Xinci Residence was not far from the palace. After walking out of the palace gate, we turned across the street and arrived at the door of our house.

This is a very affordable benefit if you work in Chaozhong, but even if Li Tai never returns to Beizhou, he will probably be in Huazhou Bafu, so he won't be able to enjoy this convenience many times.

At this time, in this new residence, Li Licheng and the young people from Beijing who had come to welcome Li Tai were still having a banquet. The hall was full of ghosts and howls, and there were even drunk guys riding on the wall and imitating the crow of chickens. They had a good time. The new residence was made into a mess by these guys.

Li Licheng was already drunk at the table. He probably couldn't stand the noise around him and his head was stuck in the empty wine vat. Li Tai and others rummaged through it before they took this guy out and sent him to the guest room to rest. .

However, these young men in the hall were not just dissolute and disrespectful. According to Li Xiaoyong, who came to complain, not long after Li Tai led his men into the palace, these young men successively sent their slaves to send congratulatory gifts. Happy housewarming. The reason why they make noise here at night is also part of the current etiquette. When moving into a new house, relatives and friends need to gather together to have a feast and make noise to drive away ghosts, foxes and other disgusting things hiding in the house.

Although such a mysterious statement is somewhat absurd, it also reflects a certain background of the times. People were displaced and their homes and fields were often deserted. Only relatives and friends must gather together to help each other in order to maintain a relatively stable living environment.

Li Tai and his party were not very relaxed at the banquet in the palace. Now they were infected by the lively atmosphere and simply went into the hall to continue the banquet. With his joining, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became more lively, and even some people who had already Guys who were too drunk to walk staggered over to have a drink with Li Tai.

Some guys howled with snot in their noses and tears in their eyes: "Li Kaifu has triumphed and become famous all over the world. Who among the thieves and soldiers dares to laugh at the people of this clan... Li Kaifu is our role model, he is Our face! If the slaves oppress us again, Li Kaifu will not let them go!"

The Western Wei Dynasty also had conflicts between the noble families and the townspeople, but they were not as sharp and intense as those in the Eastern Wei Dynasty. After all, the situation was too shallow. If there was too much internal fighting, both sides might suffer and the fishermen would gain.

Li Tai was also happy to hear that these guys regarded him as their spiritual idol.

It has been more than twenty years since the Six Towns Mutiny, which is enough time for a generation to grow up one after another. It is also a period of violent upheaval in the social structure. In fact, people's talents are not clearly defined by whether they are from a noble family or a town soldier.

Seeing the long-term turmoil, the family gradually paid more attention to martial arts. If Li Tai was still an exception, his cousin Cui Quan was also proficient in bow and horse, and was not inferior to some generals in the army. As a descendant of Beizhen, Nianhua received an education from Luoyang nobles because his father came to power early, and he had no habit of suppressing soldiers.

Most of the young people in Beijing present here are the children of families who fled from Luoyang to Guanzhong around the time Xiaowu moved westward. Although they are called dandies, they actually have both ambition and ability. Just look at their various crazy behaviors when they are drunk. , it can be seen that in the heart, he really wants to integrate into the mainstream of military glory in the world, rather than blindly holding on to his declining family status and refusing to bow his head.

However, after all, they have limited political resources and limited local resources. In addition, their family origins often make their political stance closer to the Yuan and Wei Dynasties. Therefore, Yuwentai will not introduce them into the Bafu in large numbers, but will only be selective. Accept.

This age is the stage when one is fond of fantasy and has the most energy. He cannot study with peace of mind, nor can he specialize in horse arching. His heart is full of confusion and anxiety, and he has no idea of ​​the way forward.

Under such circumstances, the sudden appearance of a high-quality idol like Li Tai was a fatal temptation for these semi-teenagers. They would gather in front of him without any special effort to attract him.

Li Tai looked at these howling boys and couldn't help but have reverie in his heart. Since they were so willing to get close to him, he might as well take advantage of the situation.

Although these boys look very fierce and bold at the moment, they are still far from being useful. Li Tai does not intend to deliberately train them, but he can provide them with a place for mutual exchange, learning and discussion, and use this as a talent reserve.

So he called Li Xiaoyong at the table and ordered him to set aside a piece of land in Longshouyuan and build a garden. Half of it would be used to build a book house, and the other half would be used to build a shooting hall, Ma Qi and other martial arts venues.

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