Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 433 Enjoy your time

Because the lady in the house got married today, the Hongnong Yang family settlement in the city was bustling with activity. People from the Jingzhong tribe gathered together to arrange the wedding with great care. The nearby streets were blocked by the carriages and horses of relatives and friends who came to congratulate her.

The Yang Fu family's mansion was brightly lit and crowded inside and outside, but there was a strange atmosphere amidst the festive bustle, especially among the groomsmen who were welcoming the bride. They all looked awkward and unusual. The joyful color does not match the festive atmosphere.

"what to do?"

The groomsmen looked at the cross-courtyard door that was blocked by the staff-wielding servants, and then turned to look at their companions. They were all helpless: "How about rushing in directly? If you continue to wait here, the wedding will be delayed." At that time, we would have failed Li Xiaoxie’s trust..."

"Would it be too rude to do this?"

Some people couldn't help but look embarrassed when they heard this, worried that making the scene too ugly would offend the Hongnong Yang family.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his companion who was still a little hesitant couldn't help snorting coldly: "Isn't it rude for the Yang family to block us out? Even if other families block the door, it is just to add to the celebration. That's enough, but now they really don't let us in!"

Hearing this, several of the groomsmen all showed indignation. They felt that the Yang family looked down on them by doing this. Even if someone rolled up their sleeves and yelled and rushed towards the door, there was already someone inside the door. Being surrounded by all the slaves, there was no way to escape, so he raised his hand and pushed the person out.

At the same time, the laughter of the maids could be heard in the wall: "Liang Li is not allowed to enter, and the lady is not allowed to leave. You and the best groomsmen are not allowed to force their way in!"

The bridesmaids had no choice but to give in. One of them shouted loudly: "I am here to welcome Li Lang's bride. Please show your respect to the ladies in the courtyard! The ladies are as beautiful as flowers, Virtue is like jade, which will definitely not indulge in sexual behavior or hinder people's marriage..."

"Mr. Lang, you don't need to be a fool here. The ladies said that Lang Li is someone else, not a newbie today."

The maid in the wall shouted again: "The children of the other family are getting married, and Li Lang is still welcoming the bride. There is a wedding in my family today, so how can I be absent? I don't mean to make things difficult for you gentlemen, but the ladies of the house have come to the house early to wait. I just want to see Li Lang’s heroic figure, but I can’t see him, I’m really upset!”

As soon as these words came out, echoes echoed from all over the inner garden, which showed that Li Lang was very upset about not coming to marry his cousin.

All the groomsmen looked helpless when they heard this. They were really at their wits' end and could only ask for help from their host, the Hongnong Yang family.

But everyone in the Yang family was a little at a loss at this moment. There were already many more people who came to congratulate today than expected, and there were especially many female guests among them. Many people who had not had much contact with each other before also came to visit. Hey, originally they thought it was a wave of personal intimacy caused by Yang Kuan's return to the court, but they didn't expect that the root was actually here.

This situation was not expected. It was originally proposed by them not to allow Li Tai to come to welcome the bride, but now the people who are blocking the door and preventing the wedding procession from entering are the servants who came to congratulate each family, and they did not obey their orders at all. .

"These family members are really going too far! Even if Li Boshan is charming and charming, how can he make a fuss about other people's marriages?"

Not only the people outside the courtyard were complaining in their hearts, not everyone in the courtyard was enjoying it, especially a pretty girl with bright eyes and white teeth, whose face was full of resentment: "These noisy girls really lack the rules and discipline, other people's family What does the arrangement of the wedding have to do with them? Besides, what if Li Lang comes here and wants to be his bride?

"But, but Madam, before, Madam ordered her family to block the door and shout, and other slaves followed..."

The little maid next to her heard her wife complaining and couldn't help but remind her in a low voice not to forget who the culprit was.

"I only instruct my own family, not them! Even if I did it first, it's not wrong, but if they imitate me, it's wrong!"

After hearing this, Lady Miaoyin raised her eyebrows immediately, and her tone became even more unhappy: "I haven't been able to see my husband for many days, and I miss him so much that I hope to meet him here by chance. What's wrong with him?

But those unrelated women also wanted to join in the fun. They said they only wanted to admire the beauty, but in their hearts they were afraid that they would replace me. You all should carefully look and determine who is making the most noise here. When I get married in the future, these enemies will never be allowed into the cabinet! "

After hearing the words, the maid hurriedly nodded in agreement. She even stuck her head out of the window, but quickly took it back. She said with a sad face: "Madam, there are too many to count! If they are banned, I'm afraid that There will be no guests…”

"No, no! As long as Li Lang knows where to marry me, I don't need the help of these female guests!"

Miaoyin did not feel timid because of the large number of rivals in love. Instead, she became more motivated. She clenched her fist and beat the small case and said generously: "Lang Jun, he dares to go deep into the enemy's country alone and fight thousands of miles away." There is no one who can defeat him. Now I am going to take charge of the housework for him. If I can’t even deal with these disturbing bees and butterflies, how can I be worthy of being a great lady in this family!”

At this time, several low coughs suddenly sounded in another room separated by a screen. Miaoyin knew that this was her stepmother Cui who came here with her, reminding her to pay attention to her words and deeds, so she took back her words that were pressed on the table. fist, but still hummed with undiminished momentum: "I have many methods..."

She was cheering herself up when suddenly there was a series of noises outside the attic. The little maid looked out, then pulled back with a look of surprise on her face: "My lady is here, my lady is here!"

"My wife has always been here, where can I go?"

After hearing this, the young lady was in a great mood. She stood up and rushed to the window. Looking down, she saw a crowd of people. At the same time, there were many silhouettes of hair buns reflected in the lights in the attic windows of other houses. It can be seen that inside those windows Many women looked down, and this little lady couldn't help but feel half proud and half disgusted.

With Li Tai's arrival, the servants surrounding the entrance to the inner courtyard also dispersed, and the groomsmen who had been blocked outside for more than an hour were finally able to surround Li Licheng and enter.

According to the general etiquette procedures, the groomsmen have to perform their own tricks here to invite the guests and entertain the guests. However, they were blocked outside the door for too long and now everyone is too restless. The content of the previous rehearsal has long been forgotten. Moreover, there were voices calling for Li Lang all around, and all the young groomsmen, including Li Licheng, the groom and official, became supporting roles.

Li Tai did not want to be in such a limelight, but he could not live up to the voice of the masses, so he strode into the green hut where the lights were interlaced in the inner courtyard, bowed to the surrounding guests and said: "Today, my clan brother is polite. We welcome the ladies of the Yang family. The two families celebrate this wonderful marriage and prepare a banquet to entertain the guests. The master of this household is very polite, but there is still a false chairman in the other house. Please allow me to hide my humiliation. There will be another great event in the future, which will definitely compensate for the lack of enthusiasm today.”

After hearing what he said, the noise around him subsided for the time being. Not long after, two maids came out of the attic where Yang's bride was staying. They walked over to Li Tai and bowed their skirts, saying: "The old lady in the house is here. It is said that the former Li Lang petitioned for a virtuous bride at the General's Mansion, and it became a good story for a while. Now that he is getting married in his own family, he should also show it, encourage people at auspicious times, and do not make things difficult. Please use ancient ritual songs. Happy makeup.”

The Yang family had no intention of letting Li Tai come to pick up the bride, but now that he was here, it was hard to leave without showing any signs. After all, his performance in helping the Jin family welcome a bride in the past year is still talked about today. Now that the Yang family is marrying a daughter into their clan, of course they hope that he can show some respect in front of the masses.

The use of music to encourage makeup is an ancient custom, but it is still somewhat different from the makeup-inducing poems of the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, the society was prosperous and the culture was developed, especially the development of poetry, which was a great monument. Therefore, the makeup poetry could also develop into a literary genre.

But in today's Southern and Northern Dynasties, the social and cultural level obviously did not reach this level. Therefore, people usually sang folk songs and slang songs to promote makeup, and those with good taste would choose more auspicious chapters in Yuefu. Therefore, when the Yang family made this request, it was indeed not considered as making things difficult, but just to create a lively atmosphere.

Li Tai didn't feel stage fright after hearing this request. He slowly walked out of Qinglu and stood in the open space illuminated by the lights.

Because he had to entertain guests today, he specially wore a solemn dress with upper and lower clothes. At this time, it was not convenient for him to swing his arms and kick his legs for dancing and singing, so he chose a relatively elegant song "Yan Ge" from ancient Yuefu. : "I am enjoying myself today, and we are walking along Yunqu. God brings out fine wine, and the river god brings out carps..."

This is an ancient Yuefu immortal poem describing a banquet in the immortal world. The lyrics and music are gorgeous and melodious, and it is suitable to be used at today's wedding banquet.

Although the poem talks about gods, the gods also need to surround me and provide services. It reflects a high-spirited and confident spiritual outlook, which is many times more positive than the state of various immortal poems in later generations that are about ascetic cultivation and seeking the Tao.

As soon as the song ended, the surroundings were filled with cheers, and the crowd applauded and cheered. After all, what is needed for such an occasion is to be lively and happy, not to mention that Li Taiben has outstanding style and melodious singing, giving people excellent audio-visual enjoyment.

"I didn't expect that he could sing so beautifully. I didn't know it before!"

In the attic window, Miss Miaoyin kept applauding the husband downstairs. Her eyebrows were full of surprise, but she said with some lingering meaning: "Singing ancient songs is already so beautiful, if I sing his sultry feelings The new words are even more touching..."

When she said this, her eyes and brows were full of eagerness to try. She pulled the little maid and came close to whisper. After hearing this, the little maid had a look of embarrassment on her face. However, after the lady repeatedly pushed and urged her, she had no choice but to do so. He quickly went downstairs and ran towards Qinglu.

After Li Taigao sang a song, he felt that the atmosphere was about the same, and he didn't want to continue to be in the limelight. He was about to walk out of the hospital when he suddenly heard a female voice calling from behind: "Li Lang, Langjun, wait a minute, please stay!" The host came up with the title because he wanted to sing to praise the couple's deep affection, but not to boast about the wonderful banquet at home. The husband only sang old songs, which was too, too perfunctory..."

There were many onlookers around who were doing bad things. Before, they were embarrassed to continue to pester, but now that someone was taking the lead, they naturally no longer hesitated and clapped their hands loudly in agreement.

Li Tai was already a little unhappy when he heard that there were still people who were unwilling to give up, but the voice sounded familiar, so he turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a maid in a skirt standing on a lamppost. Under the shadow, his appearance was not very clear. Just when he was about to take a few steps closer to see more clearly, the maid finished shouting and ran towards the attic at the back with her head shrunk.

Li Tai raised his head and looked at the attic. Soon he saw a silhouette passing by on the screen of the balcony window. After thinking for a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then he smiled again and said: "When the time comes, you should enjoy yourself. Thank you." The masses have wrongly favored me, so now I will sing a new song.”

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding people cheered again. Miaoyin, who was originally about to blame the maid for escaping back too quickly, ignored it and turned around and returned to the window.

Li Tai watched the silhouette reflected on the window screen again, so he sang a cappella again: "The moon in Chang'an, the sound of thousands of households pounding clothes..."

"Midnight Song", also known as "Song of the Four O'clock in the Midnight", belongs to Wu Shengqing's Shang Dynasty Yuefu. It is divided into four songs of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is a Yuefu opera that has been widely circulated in the Southern Dynasties since the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Emperors Xiao Yan and Bao of Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty According to many famous writers, there are many metaphors. What Li Tai sang was composed by Li Bai, a poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Wu Sheng's tunes are inherently graceful and moving. Li Bai's "Midnight Autumn Song" blends scenes and describes lovesickness, as well as the trauma and suppression of human emotions caused by war. It can be said to be deeply touching.

There are many female relatives in the attic houses who have been in the army for a long time and cannot get together. When they hear this singing, they can't help but feel deeply. Even the sensitive ones can't help but burst into tears. No one can do it anymore. My mind continued to race.

"When will the Hulu be pacified, the good man will stop going on an expedition... This man is really annoying. Even though we don't see each other often, he always reveals people's thoughts with just a few words!"

Lady Miaoyin sang in a low voice the lyrics of the song she had just listened to, and her mood became depressed for a moment. However, before she could feel any more sad, she heard the maidservant tapping her feet anxiously beside her and whispering: "Madam, come here, come here..."

The lady looked out and saw Li Taizheng striding towards her, looking up at her with a smile. Although there was a window screen, the sight seemed to penetrate directly through.

Although they haven't officially gotten married yet, since the marriage contract has been concluded, since Li Tai knows about it, of course he has to come to visit his mother-in-law.

Mrs. Cui became more and more satisfied with her son-in-law. After exchanging a few casual greetings, she saw Li Tai looking frequently towards the other room, so she stood up with a smile and moved to express her intention to go to the front of the master's house to watch the bride put on her makeup. Then she came out of the pavilion and led a few people. The servant girl left the attic.

Li Tai sent his mother-in-law out the door and then turned around and walked back. When he reached the front of the room, he reached out and grabbed the screen behind the screen. The little lady then put her fair forehead on his palm and walked out. She smiled and said, "You discovered me. Lang Jun is so smart!”

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