Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 441 Civil and Military Teaching

"Do you really think Gao Bin is worthy of this position?"

When Dugu Xin heard what Li Tai said, he asked with great interest.

In fact, when he discussed this topic with Li Tai, he felt quite embarrassed. When he was recruiting Li Tai before, he was still confidently pointing out the country. He only said that Beizhou had little potential and Li Tai's business there would probably be in vain. It would be better to give up early and follow him to Longyou.

But now, when the Eastern Dynasty army besieged Yubi City and the interior was empty, Li Tai led his army across the river from Beizhou to the east and marched directly to Jinyang, achieving miraculous achievements. However, his power in Longyou is about to be taken away. In comparison, the gap is obvious.

If Li Tai lacked his own opinion at that time and really listened to him, maybe this time they would be in trouble, and there would be no consolation prize like Xihe County.

"Yes, Gaobin is indeed a suitable choice!"

Li Tai was not as messy as Dugu Xin. After hearing this, he nodded and said: "When I was in Longyou, Gao Sima and I worked together for a short time, but I was deeply impressed by his shrewdness and ability in properly handling military and political affairs. If With him sitting there, my father-in-law and I will have no worries."

The reason why he chose Gao Bin was, of course, not only because he was Gao Jiong's father, but also because his own abilities were well demonstrated. As Dugu Xin's Sima of the Second Prefecture and an important official of Longyou, he could handle all military and political affairs in an orderly manner. It is indeed something that is not easy to do.

At least it is difficult for Li Tai's current subordinates to select a candidate who can surpass Gao Bin in all aspects.

At the same time, appointing Gao Bin as the governor of Xihe County can also relieve Duguxin's sense of loss of being deprived of his power to a certain extent. Although Longyou has become a thing of the past, there is a new hope in northern Shaanxi.

"In this case, I will choose a day to go to your house with Gao Bin to listen to the matter. Although his talents are enough to be used, Beizhou is your long-term business after all. There must be something inside that only you can explain clearly. Only by teaching the secrets face to face can we ensure that nothing goes wrong.”

After hearing the words, Dugu Xin nodded again, but he could not help but feel a little sad in his heart. When Director Yu Wen officially went to Qinzhou to take office, his power was naturally greatly reduced, and he no longer needed so many subordinates to obey his orders and stay by his side. It also delays their respective futures. But fortunately, they still have Li Tai as a choice to follow, so they are not completely separated.

After talking about the business, Duguxin asked Li Tai if he would like to have a drink with him.

Li Tai knew that this kind of sudden loss of power was never pleasant. How many people took desperate risks because they did not want to face it, and ended up with their own lives and their entire family destroyed. In order to prevent their father-in-law from becoming emotionally depressed. It's too extreme, so I would sacrifice my life to accompany him, just to get drunk and then rest.

It was supposed to be a joyful New Year. However, due to changes encountered by several old men one after another, Li Tai's new year was not happy enough, and the new year turned into a boring one in the blink of an eye. This year, because I stayed in Chang'an to celebrate the New Year, it was inevitable to visit relatives and friends. By the way, I informed my relatives and friends about the wedding date in March of the New Year.

Two or three months is neither long nor short, and it goes by in the blink of an eye just by doing whatever you want.

Li Tai originally thought that he could enjoy a rare leisure time and hang out in Chang'an City until he got married before leaving. However, he did not expect that in the next year, a new official appointment would be issued: Daxingtai appointed him as Daxingtai Shangshu. The Commander-in-Chief of the Rear Army will follow Yi Jia back to Huazhou to serve as the consul in Taifu from now on.

Li Tai wanted to resist this behavior of not even giving him a wedding leave, but in the end he couldn't deceive his heart and accepted it happily.

Daxingtai Shangshu is an official of the Tai government after Chang Shi, Sima and Youcheng. Most of these high-level positions do not hold any actual work, but are just additional officials to express their close relationship with the Tai government. For example, Yu Jin holds the position Shi, the director of Daxing Taiwan, does not work in Taifu himself.

Therefore, Daxingtai Shangshu is equivalent to the highest-level official position in the Bafu. When Su Chuo was exhausted to death, he served as Daxingtai Duzhi Shangshu.

When Li Tai was appointed as the Minister of Daxingtai, he also had a concurrent official as Taifuqing, who was responsible for the construction of utensils and other matters. The official position in the government hinted that the duties he would be responsible for in the Taiwanese government were mostly related to military equipment and logistics.

As for the commander-in-chief of the rear army, it is the military position established in the army of Taifu. In the past half year, although Yu Wentai did not personally lead his army across the river to face Gao Huan, he also made some adjustments to the Sixth Army of Bafu, and various changes were officially made after the New Year.

The armies under the control of the Taiwan government are no longer called the Sixth Army, but are collectively called the Chinese and Foreign Armies. The Chinese army is the original Sixth Army. Of course, now the organization and scale have been increased. The foreign army is the armed groups of various prefectures, counties and villages, including the local strongholds in the west of Henan and the east of Henan.

The commander-in-chief of the Chinese army was led by Li Bi and Yu Wen, which revealed Yu Wentai's sinister intentions.

Director Yu Wen is about to go west to Longyou to serve as the governor of Qinzhou and the commander-in-chief of Longyou, gradually replacing Dugu Xin. Now he will first be given the title of commander-in-chief of the Chinese Army. This is obviously for the next step to bring the Longyou army into the direct leadership of the Bafu. Completely deprive Dugu Xin of his power.

Under the central army, there are four commanders-in-chief, front, rear, left and right, each uniting the armies surrounding Huazhou Bafu. The commander-in-chief of the rear army served by Li Tai is one of them. The other three are Da Xiwu, the former military commander, Douluning, the left army commander, and He Lanxiang, the right army commander.

Of course, there is no need to say more about Da Xiwu. Although he is not the oldest member of the Wuchuan Township Party, he is definitely a veteran with great military exploits, and he is also highly valued by Daxingtai. Douluning followed Li Bi and led Hou Mo and Chen Yue's old troops to return to Daxingtai last year, and made many military exploits in a series of subsequent wars.

As for He Lanxiang, he is Yuwentai's nephew, and among his peers, Yuwentai's attention should be second only to that of Yuwen Dao, and even not as much as brothers Yuwenhu and Yuchijiong.

Although Li Tai also had outstanding achievements, and the fact that he attacked Jinyang and returned with a great victory was worthy of great bragging, but alongside these three people, he was still a bit reluctant to be the commander-in-chief of all directions.

But Yuwentai certainly had his own considerations in appointing him as one of them.

The two Commander-in-Chief of the Central Army and the Commander-in-Chief of the Four Sides can be said to be the highest-ranking commanders of the Central Army in Bafu today. It can be seen that none of the six people was born in Wuchuan.

This shows that in Yu Wentai's mind, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he is downplaying the direct presence and influence of the Wuchuan Township Party members in his newly formed armed forces. Even Shuhui, a younger brother who participated in the reconstruction of the Sixth Army, was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the foreign army after the formation of the Chinese Army.

Excluding a group of generals who came from Wuchuan, although Li Tai's qualifications are weak, his achievements are quite impressive. And he also has an advantage that others don't have, that is, he is red. It is no exaggeration to say that he is currently the most popular in the north. Of course, he will soon have to abdicate in favor of his eldest nephew Gao Cheng.

The Chinese Army has just established its new army. In addition to ensuring adequate supplies and training, it is also very important to build morale and confidence. And in this regard, who can be more effective than Li Tai, who just kicked over the old nest of Jinyang in the Eastern Wei Dynasty?

Although the national power of the Eastern Wei Dynasty is still far superior to that of the Western Wei Dynasty, these soldiers do not need to understand this at all. They only need to know that the Eastern Wei Dynasty is a paper tiger that can be broken with one poke, and there are people in the country who can easily knock them down.

In normal times, Li Tai is obviously not qualified to take on such an important task, but because he has caught up with this wave of traffic dividends, at least in the eyes of these new soldiers in the Chinese Army, he should be more glorious than the other three. Prominent, serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the Rear Army must be well-deserved!

Duguxin was also surprised that Li Tai could receive such a high award. Regarding the establishment of Xihe County, he could pat his chest and say that if it weren't for him, Li Tai would never be able to enjoy this treatment. However, among the Taiwanese government, he was highly respected in both civil and military affairs, which was obviously beyond the scope of his influence.

Yu Wentai dared not to use a Wuchuan fellow in the Bafu Central Army, and he would not grant Li Tai such an important position just for Dugu Xin's sake. Obviously, it was because in his mind, Li Tai deserved such treatment. , so I made this additional award.

Although he felt a little sour in his heart, Dugu Xin did not show emotion on this kind of thing. He only said to Li Tai: "Daxingtai appreciates and values ​​you so much. If you don't work hard in return, it will really be a disservice. As for the household. My elders will take care of everything on my behalf, so you can rest assured and come back when the time comes."

There is really a lack of data to support the internal compilation of the Fubing during this period. Everything written in the book was compiled by me, so don’t take it out to confront others. . .

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