Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 444 Great Reward for Generals

There are more than 24,000 registered soldiers in the Governor's Office of the Hou Army, but a considerable number of them are generals at all levels who have been privately enrolled in the Army.

Although this part of the soldiers is registered, Li Tai, the commander-in-chief, cannot control it. He can only give orders to the corresponding generals to complete their assembly and combat tasks.

Of course, a powerful military leader like Li Tai would not worry too much about his subordinates' disobedience and disobedience of orders. If he really pissed him off, all his troops would be included in the A-list, which would be enough to increase tens of thousands of troops and send other generals directly. Overhead marginalization. However, if he puts all his military power on the table, it will be risky for him.

In addition to this part of the personnel, there are also some soldiers who participate in river defense or perform other tasks outside. These soldiers are subject to the control of the frontline generals. Only when they return to the Huazhou garrison can Li Tai gain jurisdiction.

Therefore, there are only more than 7,000 people still gathering in the rear army's military city and camp. Together with the supporting servicemen and soldiers, it can reach a scale of nearly 20,000.

After all, the financial situation of Bafu in Huazhou is such that it is unrealistic to have a huge army of hundreds of thousands of people gathered around Bafu all year round. The troops are stationed in various places and have food places to stay, so that they can barely survive.

Li Tai, the commander-in-chief of the rear army, sounds very majestic, but in fact he is responsible for the daily life and training of the rear army troops stationed near Huazhou, ensuring the size and strength of these troops, and ensuring that there are troops available and available in wartime. Just be brave enough.

However, this is easy to say but very difficult to do. Even in peacetime and abundant material conditions in later generations, there is no shortage of desertions. Nowadays, various non-combat attrition situations are even more serious.

When Li Tai and his party arrived at the military camp outside the city, it was already afternoon. This time they were not blocked outside the camp. After hearing the news, General Tian Hong led a group of battalion generals and commanders to wait outside the camp gate. When they saw Li Tai approaching on horseback, they all came forward to salute: "Last General See you later.”

Tian Hong is from Gaoping in Yuanzhou and a fellow villager of Li Yuan brothers. Although he is only in his thirties now, he is already a veteran with great achievements in battle.

As one of the few generals who could still stick to his duties and not flatter Yu Wenhu's bad feet, he got off his horse and took Tian Hong's arm, walking into the camp while asking about various business matters.

In the camp at this time, the soldiers had just finished a morning of training and were free to move around and relax. When they saw Tian Hong and other generals accompanying Li Tai into the camp, many people came in to look around, wanting to see who the big shots were. this.

After looking at it for a while, someone suddenly pointed at Li Tai and shouted in surprise: "It's Li Boshan, Li, Li Kaifu! The famous general has entered the camp, why don't the sons come out to greet them quickly?"

This shout spread in the camp, and immediately attracted more soldiers from other camps to rush towards it. When they saw that it was indeed Li Tai, they all smiled, waved and shouted, and some even shouted and joked: : "When will Li Kaifu attack Jinyang again? Is it possible that we are entering the camp today to select warriors who will attack the Eastern Bandits in the future?"

Li Tai knew that he was very popular in the country, but he still underestimated the enthusiasm of these soldiers for him.

The distance from the camp gate to the Chinese army's tent was only two or three miles. Just after walking halfway, the road in the camp had already been blocked by onlookers. It was difficult to walk forward. Wherever you looked, there were warm and cheerful smiles, expressing their What a joy to see Lee Tai here.

When Tian Hong and other generals watched this battle, they were a little surprised for a while and yelled loudly to restrain the crowd.

They were quite powerful, and after giving orders, the soldiers in front did not dare to be rude anymore, but the soldiers further back still came towards them one after another, making the scene more and more chaotic.

Seeing this situation, Li Tai stopped pushing his way into the crowd. Although everyone seems to be welcoming him, there is no guarantee whether there is a licking dog raised remotely by the Eastern Wei Dynasty, who came forward to avenge King Gao by giving him a knife.

He stopped Tian Hong from shouting to the guards to drive away the camp soldiers, but raised his hand and said: "The mood is unstoppable, why not go to the camp camp to relieve the enthusiasm."

When Tian Hong and others saw that there were battalion soldiers outside the crowd, they could only nod in agreement, and then followed Li Tai as they struggled to clear the way to the school grounds. When they arrived at the school grounds, they all had a lot of wounds on their bodies. sweat.

The soldiers also followed into the school grounds. When they heard the sound of drum orders, the obedience they had developed through long-term training suddenly made them stop smiling, their expressions became serious, and they stood in line according to their respective affiliations. In a fixed position in the school field.

Standing on the high platform, Li Tai could not help but show satisfaction on his face when he saw that thousands of battalion soldiers had gone from chaos to orderliness in just two drum orders and a little more than a quarter of an hour.

After the soldiers were listed separately, Li Tai noticed an obvious change, that is, most of the soldiers present were Han Chinese, accounting for at least 70% of them.

Although Li Tai did not particularly hate the Xianbei soldiers, when he saw that the Han men had become the mainstream of the Western Wei army, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He slowly took two steps forward and looked down at the soldiers in the audience and shouted loudly: " The men come running to see me, do you know who I am?"

After hearing this shouting, there was a brief silence in the school grounds. After a while, all the soldiers shouted and called Li Tai various names, such as Li Boshan, Li Kaifu, Li Dadu, Xihe Gong and so on.

Hearing this messy answer, Li Tai was also happy. He had accumulated so many titles without realizing it. It seemed that if he continued to work hard for a few more years, it would not be a fantasy to get a multi-faceted seal with more faces than his father-in-law.

He raised his hand and pressed it down, and soon all kinds of noises gradually subsided, and the field returned to silence again. Then he shouted again: "Do you soldiers envy my previous achievements? Do you dare to join me in winning merit in the enemy's territory and killing He Liuhun in the thieves' nest!"



This time the shouting was much more uniform, and everyone shouted with red faces and thick necks, as if as long as the voice was loud enough, this thing would come true.

Li Tai laughed when he heard these answers, and then he shouted again: "After returning to the country, the Grand Executive wanted to give me a new job and asked me what I meant. I only regretted that the loyal and brave people I led were not enough, and I failed to defeat the giant bandits in one battle. Therefore, the Grand Executive appointed me as the Grand Commander of the Rear Army and gave me all the brave soldiers in this camp!"

After hearing this, the soldiers in the field were even more overjoyed and applauded. An incompetent general can tire out the whole army. They knew how lucky they were to follow an excellent and powerful general.

There may be other generals in the country who have made more outstanding achievements than Li Tai, but they were all country boys before, so how could they know about military intelligence and great achievements? Now that they have been incorporated into the Central Army, they heard that the greatest achievement was created by Li Taiyong. They were naturally excited to be able to join his command.

"Since you are envious of great achievements, you should move forward bravely! To cross the border and kill the bandits, you must obey orders. Since you are my subordinates, you must remember two things. Those who are not brave will be demoted, and those who disobey orders will be executed!" At this point, Li Tai's expression became very serious, and he immediately waved to the troops he had led under the stage, ordering them to pile up a batch of fine bows, swords, armors, spears, gold, silver and jewelry on the high platform, and even the Longyou horses that he rode into the camp were arranged around the high platform. "Today, I am honored to take office and feel the joy and support of the people. Words are not enough to show my courtesy, and I will reward the warriors of the camp with several kinds of seasonal items. No matter how strong the riding, archery and strength are, anyone who can rank among the best can come forward and pick a seasonal item!" Hearing this shout, the crowd in the field suddenly became more jubilant. No matter how magnificent and exciting the words are, they can't compare to the great motivation of real things. Seeing the high piles of sophisticated equipment and exquisite jewels on the high platform, not only the soldiers in the camp were eager to try, but even the captains and generals were eager to try.

Li Tai entered the camp today, and his main theme was to be bold and straightforward. Seeing that the enthusiasm of the masses was aroused, he immediately ordered the generals to be responsible for a martial arts competition. Everyone could choose to participate in the one they were good at, or one person could participate in multiple categories. If they could really win all the categories, Li Tai would naturally not be stingy with rewards.

So soon, various martial arts activities were staged in full swing in the parade grounds. Occasionally, someone won the first place in a sport, and there would be a drum beat on the high platform to celebrate. After they chose the prizes, they would jump on the tall horse and show off around the field.

Life in the military camp is boring and hard. Even if there is no gambling game to cheer them up on weekdays, the masses will rush to participate, not to mention that today Li Tai, the general, spent a lot of money and praised him in various ways, so the soldiers were even more intoxicated.

The soldiers in the camp were performing martial arts exercises in a lively manner, and the news soon spread to the banquet held at Yuwen Hu's home in Huazhou City.

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