Late at night, the lights were still brightly lit in the main hall of the Taifu, and many members were working hard at their desks. However, there were constant shouts of impatience in the hall.

"Why haven't the government's accounting records been submitted yet? What an idiot! If Su Shangshu is still here..."

Yu Wentai pounded the desk in front of him with an irritated expression. When he saw that his subordinates were just pleading guilty and begging for mercy, he became even more angry and angrily shouted: "Why don't you get out of here and hurry up and do things!"

At the end of the day, Yu Wentai became angry for the first time. The phrase "If Su Shangshu is still there" has become a mantra on his lips. It is obvious that these are all old people from Taifu, but In recent days, there have been frequent frictions when working together, which made him restless and often unable to control his emotions.

In particular, the current situation of government affairs in the Taiwan government was not very optimistic, which aggravated Yu Wentai's irritability. He felt that nothing was to his liking, and it seemed that the entire Taiwan government was against him.

Yuwentai knew that there was something wrong with his mood. Although the personnel situation in the mansion was not good, it was by no means as bad as he felt. Some minor problems did exist, but they had been ignored before. Su Chuo handled it properly and took on the tortuous process of a large number of affairs. He only presented himself with the best result that he could.

But with Su Chuo leaving, this situation will no longer happen. Yu Wentai's current irritability includes both the anxiety of facing specific matters and the sadness of losing a loved one.

Seeing that Daxingtai was in a bad mood, all the officials in the Tai government did not dare to neglect him. Almost all the officials who did not have important matters to do today stayed on their own and worked hard to complete their desk affairs.

But there are many things that can lead to good results without intention. Even when Su Chuo was alive, he could not do everything perfectly, and there were still compromises and compromises in many things.

But the value of Su Chuo's existence is that despite many objectively insurmountable difficulties, he can still use his strengths and avoid weaknesses to achieve an acceptable result.

However, there is currently a lack of such a figure in the Taifu government who can effectively coordinate and complement the affairs promoted by various departments, thus forming a real progress. Often the work progress of one department is not satisfactory, which will greatly affect the progress of other departments, thus forming a vicious circle.

Several important officials in the Taiwanese government knew what the problem was, but they also felt helpless. Although their personal abilities are not as good as Su Chuo's, at the same time, Daxingtai will not give them as much power and authority as Su Chuo's. When faced with problems, they will be helpless and unable to exert their full potential.

The main thing that Fuzhong is dealing with today is that Daxingtai hopes to raise some supplies before spring to support a military operation of a reasonable scale.

Although the Battle of Yubi ended with the defeat of the Eastern Wei forces last year, it was not completely beneficial to the Taiwanese government. What needs to be guarded against in particular is the rise of nativism. Therefore, the Taiwan government also needs to come up with a response with sufficient strength as soon as possible to once again strengthen and establish the irreplaceable role of the Taiwan government in today's Kansai military.

The first thing Yuwentai thought of was naturally the Heluo area. After all, Luoyang was the real capital of the Yuan and Wei dynasties. Only by stably controlling the Heluo region can we occupy a more favorable position legally and morally and absorb the war potential of the Central Plains region.

After the Battle of Mangshan, although the Eastern Wei Dynasty won the victory, it did not station most of its troops to actually control the Luoyang area. Heyang on the north bank of the Yellow River was still the focus of its garrison. As for the military affairs on the south bank of the Yellow River, they were mainly entrusted to Hou Jing of Daxingtai, Henan.

In fact, Hou Jing also participated in last year's Yubi Battle. While Gao Huan, the prime minister of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, personally led the troops to besiege Yubi City, he also ordered Hou Jing to attack westward from Qiziling on the south side of Taihang Mountain.

Qiziling is Zhiguanxing among the eight mountains in Taihang. It is also one of the borders between the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties. From here, you can directly enter the hinterland of Hedong.

If Hou Jing can actually follow Gao Huan's order and send troops directly, then even if he cannot win the final victory of the war, when most of the forces in the Hedong area are frightened by Gao Huan's army and dare not move lightly, he will definitely be able to target the Hedong Zhuge Liang. A sweeping sweep was carried out to greatly weaken the defensive power of this area.

In the Western Wei Dynasty, Jianzhou Shao County was close to Qiziling. Yang Guo, the governor of Jianzhou, led his army to resist Hou Jing. As a result, Hou Jing retreated without a fight, and even cut down trees along the way to block the road for more than 60 miles. He retreated all the way to Heyang, feeling uneasy.

Although Yang Guo is a brave general, Hou Jing is definitely not a free man. He was cunning and resourceful, had been in military service for a long time, and had been in charge of the armies in Henan for many years. Whether it was his own strategic talents or the power of men and horses in his hands, he was definitely not afraid of Yang Guo.

Therefore, Hou Jing's behavior was naturally in response to Gao Huan's military orders, and he did not intend to use all the troops in Henan under his control to serve Gao Huan and really fight the Western Wei Dynasty. In order to prevent Gao Huan from continuing to recruit his troops to rush to the front line, he even cut off the Qiziling passage when he was pretending to retreat.

Hou Jing's attitude naturally means that there is a huge gap between him and Jinyang Bafu, and his disobedience is becoming more and more obvious. Now that Gao Huan has returned in defeat and his prestige in the country has been greatly reduced, his control over the Henan area will naturally be reduced sharply at the same time.

Taking advantage of the deepening gap between the north and the south in the east, strengthening control over the Heluo area and then radiating to the entire Henan area is also the focus of Yuwentai's next plan.

He did not think that Jinyang Bafu was vulnerable because of Li Tai's successful sneak attack on Jinyang, and regarded it as the focus of his next strategy. Regarding the series of operations carried out by Gao Huan, an old rival in Jinyang, he Still quite fearful. What's more, even Li Tai himself said that Jinyang Bafu is still powerful and there is no opportunity to attack now.

But if you want to conduct military operations, money, food and materials are the foundation. However, the current financial situation of the Bafu is really not optimistic enough. Even if the Bafu sends troops there, it will never be able to support a large-scale march. If it is just a small group of troops to cause nuisance and sneak attack, it will not have a significant enough target, and it will not be able to improve the situation in Heluo. The strategic need to become more stable.

Just reprimanding these subordinate officials in the hall could no longer make Yu Wentai feel better, nor would it help broaden his ideas. After sitting in the hall for a while, he spoke again: "Let Li Boshan come in to see you. Since he has already entered the mansion, Having been in trouble for a short time, I must have some insights into the current predicament.”

After hearing this, all the officials sighed secretly. If I remember correctly, Li Boshan only officially entered the government this morning to take charge. Is this not a short period of time?

But in line with the principle that a dead Taoist friend should not die a poor Taoist, since Daxingtai was so optimistic about Li Boshan's ability, of course it was business to summon him over quickly. So when someone left Zhitang in one step or three, they immediately went to Xizhitang where Li Tai was in office.

Not long after, Wang Zizhi, who was staying in Xizhitang, was summoned here. After entering the hall, he bluntly said that Li Tai had left Zhitang at noon and went to the military city outside the city.

After hearing this, Yu Wentai's face suddenly darkened, and then he snorted coldly: "I do all the things he does part-time because I trust that he has both talents and can take care of everything, not because he wants to avoid the most important and favor the others." This! Although Li Boshan was disappointed, you and the people involved did not properly remind and advise you. Is it in vain that you and others are old people in the government and cannot properly sort out the case? Now you have appointed a talented person. You still don’t know how to make good use of it..."

The prince felt a little aggrieved by this harsh reprimand, but he did not dare to interrupt Daxingtai with his voice. He could only wait for his venting to come to an end before he said pitifully: "Your Majesty, after Duke Xihe enters Zhizhi, he will Observe the situation of the people and analyze the cases, make plans for important cases and distribute them to the people before leaving the office and leaving. The ministers and others received them before the case..."

"Make a plan? What plan was made? Why don't you come and report quickly!"

Yu Wentai suddenly stared when he heard this. He knew that the scope of government affairs entrusted to Li Tai was the most troublesome and difficult financial problem at the moment. When he heard what Zizhi said, Li Tai actually had a plan. , Dangzhi was extremely excited, slapped the case and roared.

After seeing this, Wang Zizhi did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly returned to Xizhi Hall to get the documents related to the matter. While he was sorting out his thoughts under the eager eyes of Daxingtai, he dictated that Li Tai was in Zhitang that day. Instructions.

Yuwentai had been troubled by money and food matters recently, so he listened very seriously to the ways of making money. His brows sometimes wrinkled and sometimes relaxed. After listening to Zizhi's story, he sighed: "As expected. Li Boshan did not disappoint! He came up with several income-generating strategies in such a short period of time..."

Although he was praising him, he was still a little disappointed in his heart, because compared with the previous raids on temples, these strategies seemed a bit mediocre and not as profitable as before.

But Yu Wentai thought this way because it was difficult to become frugal from extravagance. He knew that such windfalls would never be obtained frequently. These strategies effectively integrate the spare resources squeezed by local states and counties for monetization, and clearly define the fuzzy areas of local finance and bring them back to the Taiwan government. This directly increases the revenue of the Taiwan government and also strengthens the control of the local government by the government. , it can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

As for the resistance from the local government, Yuwentai was confident of solving it. As the leader of the Bafu, he still had such control. Before, he just didn't know where to strike.

However, he was still a little unsure about the reaction of the people, so he added: "If these policies can be effectively implemented, it would be best if the officials and the people can achieve their goals. But the common people are too stupid and have no big plans, and I am afraid they cannot hope to defeat the government." If good governance requires long-term efforts to achieve success, it may not help the current situation. Did Li Kaifu explain this when he left the office? "

I have been exhausted for the past two days, and my weak bones have been tidied up. . . I’ll update it today and write more tomorrow. . . I wish everyone a happy return to work! ! !

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