Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 451: Stronger Arms

The number of personnel in Taifu's villa has been greatly reduced, but their qualifications and merits are very strong. Li Tai already felt like a newly minted boss, but when he sat among these people, he couldn't help but feel weak and shy.

Li Bi and others were stunned when they saw Li Tai walking in behind Shu Hui. They were a little surprised that Li Tai could participate in the next small meeting.

But Yu Jin was in the hall at the beginning of this morning. After a little thought, he thought that Daxingtai's purpose of keeping Li Tai was simply to covet his ability to make money and gather wealth. Especially at the moment when the Eastern Wei Dynasty was undergoing drastic changes and Henan was about to be in chaos, Li Tai's ability and role in this area have undoubtedly become more prominent and become more important.

So when Li Tai walked in, Yu Jin stood up and took the initiative to invite him to sit with him.

When this boy complained in front of Daxingtai before, Yu Jin was a little biased, but now the situation has changed again. When it comes to hiring people, even Daxingtai himself may not blindly support his nephew Yuwen. Sabao and Yu Jin naturally have no need to act like bad guys anymore.

What's more, this kid has grown so fast that even Yu Jin has to admire him and dare not boast that he can ignore him. And if nothing unexpected happens, this kid can obviously live longer than himself, and there is no need to give it to his children and grandchildren. What kind of personnel hazards are caused? Young people are to be feared, so it’s no big deal to avoid them.

Seeing Yu Jin's appearance, Li Tai felt a little more comfortable. He sighed in his heart, no wonder the arrogant and powerful generals always have to raise the bandits to respect themselves. Although Hou Jing was not raised by him, when he really started to make trouble, he was like this. The importance of planting real people was suddenly reinforced. So after expressing his gratitude to Yu Jin, he sat down.

After a while, Yu Wentai walked into the other hall, his eyes were shining brightly, and his face was flushed with excitement. When facing these core subordinates in the hall, he was less disguised. Before he could sit down, he fisted his hands and said repeatedly: "God help me, God help me!"

Li Tai couldn't help but feel happy after hearing this. To be honest, he also felt that during the confrontation between Yuwentai and Gao Huan, Yuwentai really felt like God's blessing, especially the key steps that were so coincidental that they almost exceeded his expectations. In terms of manpower, it’s just a fucking rush to give away.

Just now, there were too many people in the hall to ask detailed questions. At this time, Yuwen Taicai asked Li Yuan carefully about the current situation in Hebei. When he heard Li Yuan say that Hou Jing had actually occupied the land in the Henan provinces, Yu Wentai couldn't help but look happy again.

It should be noted that controlling the states and actually controlling the states have different meanings. Hou Jing was able to control the states in Henan essentially because Gao Huan granted him the position of Daxingtai in Henan. But now that he has betrayed the Eastern Wei Dynasty, what he had done before was The power gained by Gao Huan naturally ceased to exist.

How much influence he has in Henan ultimately depends on his power and means. If the original subordinates were besieged from all sides at the beginning of the incident, it would really mean little.

A combat map centered on the Heluo area was laid out. The drawing of the map was naturally not as accurate as that of later generations, but it also marked all the defenses of the states and counties in the area and the geography of the mountains and rivers.

Although Li Tai had memories from later generations as a reference, it was the first time that he could see in real time and intuitively the division of power between the Eastern and Western Wei Dynasties in today's territory, so he stood aside and watched carefully.

Before the Battle of Mangshan, the Western Wei Dynasty still enjoyed great advantages in the Heluo area. Many areas, including Luoyang, were under the control of the Western Wei army and the local powerful people who attached to the Western Wei Dynasty. For this reason, Gao Zhongmi, who was far away in Hulao, chose to surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty, and the Western Wei Dynasty also responded in time.

However, after the Battle of Mangshan, the Western Wei Dynasty lost most of its control over the Heluo area. Almost everything east of Tongguan was owned by the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and only a few strongholds between Luoshui and Yishui south of Tongguan were retained.

In the past few years, the main focus of Huazhou Bafu's work has been internal military and political rectification. Li Yuan, who was in the west of Henan Province, just kept the situation from deteriorating, but did not have enough power to resume control of the Heluo area.

As for the Eastern Wei Dynasty, the tendency of Hou Jing to dominate Henan is becoming more and more obvious. Even if he makes any offensive moves, they are all to establish and strengthen his own authority, rather than starting from the strategic interests of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, so they only touch upon it.

On this map, although Yangzhou between Yiluo and Luozhou where Luoyang is located still belong to the Western Wei Dynasty, the main control power is actually still in the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

And in fact, on the map of the Western Wei Dynasty, there was no state governance of Yangzhou at all. Luozhou was still called Yisizhou, and Luozhou belonged to Sizhou under the jurisdiction of Yiyang County. Because the renaming of Sizhou to Luozhou was done by the Eastern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty naturally did not recognize it. Luozhou in the Western Wei Dynasty refers to the Shangluo area.

Li Tai was not very clear about this series of changes in place names. Yu Jin patiently explained it to him when he saw that he was a little confused.

At the beginning of Hou Jing's uprising, Sima Shiyun, the governor of Yingzhou in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, moved to the city to respond, while Hou Jing lured the governors of Yuzhou, Xiangzhou and Guangzhou. In addition to the Sizhou and Northern Yuzhou that Hou Jing recovered after the Battle of Mangshan, in the eyes of the Western Wei Dynasty today, Hou Jing actually controlled these six states.

From the map, these places happen to be centered on the Heluo area. Guangzhou, Xiangzhou, Yuzhou, Yingzhou, and North Yuzhou form an encirclement circle surrounding Sizhou where Luoyang is located.

In other words, if Hou Jing's surrender is accepted, not only will the Heluo area lost in the Battle of Mangshan be recovered, but a full circle of buffer zones will also be given as a bonus.

This piece of meat is so fat and sizzling that you can't help but twitch your index fingers just by hearing it. The temptation can be said to make your mouth full! Even Li Tai couldn't help but feel excited, let alone Yu Wentai.

Emperor Xiaowu was the last emperor who still maintained a unified state in the Northern Wei Dynasty. He left Kansai and brought the legal system of the Northern Wei Dynasty to Kansai. Therefore, "Zizhi Tongjian" refers to the west as Wei, and the east as Eastern Wei.

The legal system of the Western Wei Dynasty allowed Yuwentai to establish a foothold in Kansai and establish a hegemonic regime, but it also gave him a responsibility, which was to regain the old capital of Luoyang.

On the other hand, the Eastern Wei Dynasty's demand for this aspect has been reduced. Anyway, Gao Huan has endured the bad reputation of chasing the emperor away, so there is no need to attack and defend Luoyang. Under the persuasion and urging of the wealthy families in Hebei, he simply moved the capital to Ye city.

Therefore, on the battlefield centered on Heluo, the Western Wei Dynasty was actually in a very passive position in terms of the overall grand strategic policy. The two battles of Heqiao and Mangshan both reflected the Western Wei Dynasty's desire for long-term and stable possession of the Heluo region.

The Eastern Wei Dynasty was much more calm. It used Heyang as a large base for river defense, and then used Hou Jing and other generals to form an outflank in Henan to target the Heluo area, and then they could wait for the Western Wei Dynasty to take the bait and step into this trap.

But now that Hou Jing of Henan is raising his troops to rebel, regardless of whether he is sincere in joining the Western Wei Dynasty or not, it means that the Eastern Wei Dynasty's strategic suppression of the Western Wei Dynasty in the Heluo area will be defeated.

"So what Grand Master Heba said before his death is in line with the times. This is what we call it! Now that the East bandits are in chaos, it is a good opportunity for me to make great progress. What do you think about this? Feel free to say whatever you want!"

After understanding the current situation in detail, Yuwentai smiled and said to everyone.

This question also reveals Yu Wentai's eagerness to change the status quo. He first sets a tone of "making great progress", and then solicits everyone's opinions. The question is just where to make progress. If it does not fit this theme, , then just hold it in yourself.

Li Tai saw that Yu Jin and Li Bi frowned slightly when they heard this. Obviously, they were not as optimistic as Yu Wentai. As for whether they were worried about Hou Jing or for other reasons, it was unknown.

The first person to speak was Li Yuan. He was worthy of being chosen as Daxingtai's confidant. He stood up and said generously: "I have been in western Henan for a long time in recent years. I have heard many times that the righteous people in that country regretted the defeat of Master Wang. If I can take advantage of the thieves this time, If the chaos is restored and we advance bravely into Luoyang, the general sentiment will be invigorated! I am willing to lead my troops as the vanguard of the division. We will see what happens next after we secure Luoyang."

It's just a shame that he didn't mention the old incident in Mangshan. This fact provided others with an angle of opposition. As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Jin stood up and said: "Hou Jing is a cunning and vicious person. He is good at conspiracies and changes. He has revealed the drastic changes today in private. It is unknown how true it is. In the old year, when the teacher returned home, As a result, the public sentiment has become scattered. Although the momentum has recovered, it is still not appropriate to advance rashly. "

When Yu Jin finished stating his opinions, Li Bi also spoke: "I have heard that I never forget the past and am the guide of the future. In the old year, Duke Dugu of Hanoi opened his mansion and King Xianyang first entered Luoyang, Yingyu, Xiangguang and other states. One after another, the momentum can be said to be strong.

However, when the bandit army came to attack in a large scale, it was still undefendable and undependable. It had to be reinforced by the army from the country, but the opportunity was lost. Although the land of Henan is in chaos now, the defense of Heyang has not been solved. It is not wise to rush into Luoyang. "

The two generals expressed their opposition to sending troops at this time. Yu Jin directly expressed his distrust of Hou Jing, while Li Bi analyzed the current situation and believed that the key to advancing in Luoyang was not Henan, but also Heyang, the troops entering Luoyang at this time are likely to attract the attention of the Eastern Wei Dynasty here, thereby sharing the pressure on Hou Jing and relieving him.

Yu Wentai also attached great importance to the opinions of these two people. After hearing what they said, he also frowned and began to think. After a while, his eyes fell on Li Tai and said: "The general and the captain They are all words of caution and caution. In addition, I would also like to hear what Xin Gong Shao Jin thinks about this?"

Li Tai was sitting in the banquet. He originally only planned to listen to the opinions and attitudes of these upper-level bosses on this matter, but did not prepare to speak. When he heard Yu Wentai directly ask him a question by name, he was a little flustered and stunned for a moment. He hurriedly straightened his posture and quickly sorted out his thoughts.

In fact, no matter what reasons Yu Jin and Li Bi had for their objections, it showed that they, the top generals of the Western Wei Dynasty, were more wary than surprised about Hou Jing's surrender. The reason is also very simple, that is, equity distribution is not easy to handle.

From Yu Wentai's point of view, even if Hou Jing brings capital to invest in the company, it will only strengthen this business, and will not affect or change the fact that he is the center. But for others, the difference is huge.

Even the Eastern Wei Dynasty couldn't accommodate an ambitious guy like Hou Jing. If the Western Wei Dynasty wanted to successfully accept him, how much political status and privileges would it have to give him? How many people need to give up their power to make room in the camp for Hou Jing?

Not to mention the level of Yu Jin and Li Bi, even if Li Tai thinks about it carefully, he feels that opening his arms to accept Hou Jing will cause certain damage to his rights and interests.

Yu Wentai specifically named Li Tai, probably because he wanted to hear something new, but he might be disappointed.

After Li Tai sorted out his thoughts for a while, he said: "I have little understanding of the situation in Henan, but since the Lord is asking for it, I can't speak falsely. Nowadays, the Sino-Foreign Camp Law is newly established, and most of the Kansai men are involved for the first time. The army seems to be well-trained, but it may be lacking in maneuverability.

A great change is imminent, and even the veterans dare not have a firm plan. The new and cutting-edge soldiers are timid after leaving their hometowns, and may become frightened and uneasy when encountering any adversity. It is advisable to be moderate in movement and stillness, and to ensure success in actions. This is the way to maintain morale.

The reason for coming to the scene is not driven by morality, nor is it because of poverty, but because the traitor who rebelled against the Lord is afraid that it will be difficult to stand on his own, and is seeking to protect himself. Once the situation changes, it will be easier than leaving and will be capricious. .

Although the enemy's gap is a good opportunity to win, his power is not exhausted and his words are not sincere. Instead of responding rashly, it is better to prepare troops and horses inside, observe the situation and gauge the situation outside, raise the sword and draw the bow to watch for snipe and clam. "

Compared with Jin and Li Bi's deduction and judgment based on the current situation, Li Tai, who understood the direction of the subsequent events, was naturally more certain about what to do next, so he put forward a new angle, that is, the current military situation of these Kansai troops I am afraid that the literacy is not enough to face the chaos in Henan that will be unpredictable and rapidly changing.

Hearing that Li Tai did not agree to send troops immediately, Yu Wentai frowned deeper. He originally thought it was a God-given opportunity, but why did everyone still have so much to worry about?

Sometimes people with different status and different perspectives will indeed have completely different views and feelings on one thing.

Although Li Tai is not considered an entrepreneurial veteran of the Western Wei Dynasty, he is the biggest vested interest under the Guanzhong standard system. Therefore, all his enterprising thoughts and ideas are centered around Guanzhong. For return to Heluo There is really little interest, and at this stage there is even less need and intention to invest Guanzhong's manpower and material resources into the bottomless pit of Henan.

Even if Yu Wentai wanted to appoint him as Henan Daxingtai and send him to take over Hou Jing's power, he would not agree. It's not a question of whether it can be defended, but that the current Henan is incompatible with all his previous plans and arrangements.

"What you guys said is true. The city of Luoyang has long been in ruins, and many residents have been scattered. It is difficult to hold on to it. Leaving the master in another country will only cause many unpredictable disasters. The thieves are flourishing, and the defeat has not yet been exposed. , It is indeed inappropriate to place your power lightly among the fighting wolves.”

Although Yu Wentai is still a little unwilling, but here are the core members of Bafu, and their respective expressions of opinions also need to be taken seriously. After all, before moving with the times, there is still internal harmony. If you can't even achieve internal stability and unity, , then it is really not appropriate to rashly intervene in other families’ civil strife.

When Li Yuan heard what Da Xingtai said, his expression was visibly disappointed, and he spoke again: "The envoy sent by Hou Jing is still in Dongzhen, waiting for a reply. How should I respond?"

Although it is not suitable to directly give the other party a positive answer at the moment, it is also not suitable to directly reject his request. After Yu Wentai pondered for a while, he said: "This matter is of great importance and is far from being easily resolved by the Taiwan government. I will report it to the court today. If everything goes well, I will give him the honorary title!"

This is just to let Hou Jing hang up for a while to watch the further development and changes of the situation.

Although Li Yuan was a little disappointed, he could only nod and agree. Although the garrison areas in western Henan he was in charge of seemed quite large, their military strength was far from strong. It was okay to maintain the current situation, but they really lacked the power to make progress. .

Although the Eastern Dynasty army returned from Yubi with a great defeat, its foundation was not damaged. An army from Heyang would go south to conquer at any time. Without the continuous reinforcement support from the army in the country, Li Yuan, although brave and good at fighting, would not be able to fight. Nor dare they march into Luoyang easily.

Although this meeting did not reach any exciting marching plan, it can be regarded as basically determining the thinking and policy in the face of this turmoil in the east, that is, not to take the initiative and not to refuse, just like a sea king, go ahead when you have an advantage and run away when there is trouble. .

Just when everyone thought that today's meeting was about to end, Yu Wentai pointed at Li Tai and said: "Bo Shan's statement that he is working hard is indeed a contingency plan. What you reported to the governors before was against the system. I leave it to you to handle the situation completely. If there is a vacancy in the staff, I will discuss it with the Grand Lieutenant and Sikong and make up for it as soon as possible!"

When everyone heard this, they all stared at Li Tai with shock and envy in their eyes. Li Tai was also a little flattered for a moment, and he stood up hurriedly and said: "I will definitely live up to the Lord's favor and do my best to bring him to the throne as soon as possible." The army is trained to be a fighting force!"

After Yu Wentai heard this, he also laughed, and then said: "I know that your wedding is approaching, but now that I am employing people, I have no time to let you go back to your hometown. I believe that with your talents, you can take care of both public and private matters. Don't use it." Da Sima came to complain about me."

Li Tai was also happy when he heard this, and thought to himself, you gave me such a good opportunity to take care of my brother Sabao, and my wife will have to wait later!

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