Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 457: Deeply Cultivated

It was almost midnight when they left Li Mu's house. What surprised Li Tai was that Li Ya had already gone to bed, but when she heard that he was leaving, she got up in a hurry and cried out to leave together. , refused to stay at home, and even Li Mu, a dear father, couldn't stop him.

This scene made people laugh and cry, and Li Tai did not expect that this kid Li Ya would be so attached to him. They usually get together less and stay apart more often, and occasionally get together for short periods of time. Because of this boy's various naughty ways, Li Tai rarely has a good look towards him.

Li Yuan took advantage of this and hinted that he wanted to send a few more children to Li Tai's home, but Li Tai didn't answer the question at all, put the three boys in the car and left in a hurry.

It's not that he's worried that his family can't afford tuition, but that it's hard for those boys to correct him. People have a great herd mentality. Even adults are bound to become a tiger out of three, and it is even more inevitable for children to be exaggerated by the environment.

Li Ya's habits and temperament gradually changed after she was separated from the influence of her original family. If a group of bad boys really got together, they would have to compete with each other to see who would be more indulgent and unruly.

There was no words all night, and early the next morning, Li Tai first promised the three boys that he would take them to Chang'an to attend his wedding in more than a month, and then his staff sent them to Shangyuan, and he rushed to work at the military mansion outside the city.

When he arrived at Houjunbing City, many generals were waiting dejectedly in front of the city gate. When they saw Li Tai and his entourage entering, they all hurriedly came to greet him. Zhang Shinu jumped on his horse when he saw this. When they came out, other soldiers of the Communist Party isolated these governors from the outside.

"The general will see the Governor and ask for his forgiveness..."

"The Commander-in-Chief Mingjian, the last general has no secret relationship with the Zhongshan Public Party. It was just that General Liefu came out to invite him a few days ago, but he couldn't refuse..."

These governors and generals rushed forward and bowed in front of Li Taima. They shouted and defended in confusion, as if they wanted to make amends, hoping to stay in the rear army.

Li Tai raised his hand to stop the soldiers who were about to drive them away with his staff. He stopped and looked down at the generals and said: "It is also a crime for you to hang around outside the city and obstruct the movement today. But I miss you and others. Worrying about the future of my career and failing to do so, I will not be punished for the time being.

To be able to pass through the layers of selection and be awarded the position of the military government, I think you and others are also quite talented in the military. However, military orders cannot be changed once they are established. It is also a pity for me that I cannot work with the military government.

But there is a vast world outside the military palace. The giant bandits have not been eliminated, so there is no need for heroes to use their talents. Although I am loyal to the military government, my talents and opportunities may not be better than yours. Today's gathering and separation will not harm the harmony. There may be times when I need to rely on you in the future. Later, my judgment will be beautiful and I will never hurt others with harsh words. You can go to your house and pick it up directly, or you can go home and wait. "

When everyone heard that there was no room for redemption, everyone was sad and upset. However, seeing that Li Tai was not domineering and insisted on clinging to them and refusing to let go, everyone was secretly relieved.

Although Kansai has a relatively comprehensive system of examinations and demotion for civil and military officials, the chief officer's judgment and evaluation also account for a large proportion. If the relationship with the chief officer is too tense, there will be almost no good official positions in the next appointment, and it is more likely that the person will be incarcerated and not used.

He Ruoden looked desperate in Li Tai's house before, and this was also the reason. In the official environment of the medieval period, the chief official and the recommender had a great influence on a person's future. Of course, you must have the courage and strength to be ready to rise up at any time. You don't have to worry about any rules, just indulge and die as much as you want.

These people had chosen to side with Yu Wenhu before because they felt that Yu Wenhu had a stronger qualifications and background than Li Tai. However, they did not expect that Yu Wenhu could not control the situation so much that he was kicked out before he even took office, which also affected them. They were also kicked out of the military mansion, and even came to persuade them to retreat, which really made people want to cry.

Li Tai no longer continues to retaliate against them, which is a blessing among misfortunes for them. However, some people are still worried that this is just a show of words, saying that they will follow him into the government and see with their own eyes the verdict submitted to the Taiwan government before they will feel relieved.

Li Tai didn't say much about this. It was business to resolve these personnel disputes early and get the military affairs on track as soon as possible, so he allowed them to follow him into the mansion.

Because of the lessons learned by these governors, when Li Tai returned to the military mansion in the city, he saw that the mansion was obviously more lively than yesterday, with people coming in and out, and it was a busy scene. It's a deliberate attitude, but it's better than the previous situation where there was no sense of urgency at all.

Li Tai is also quite satisfied with this. If I don't show you something ruthless, you won't know that I am not easy to mess with. I am the dignified attendance king that many Taiwanese officials still hate!

When Li Tai walked into the main hall and sat down, Shi Luteng, the left-behind commander, hurriedly started to do the prelude with a business book in hand.

In fact, the most important thing in the government right now is the resignation and replacement of many governor generals. As for other normal affairs, it has also come to a standstill, and it will be difficult to continue without the personnel in place.

So Li Tai also waved his hand to signal Lu Teng not to waste time, and first arranged for manpower to clear a space in the military mansion for his Hussar mansion members to move in.

He is now the third division of Kaifu Yitong and has his own group of staff and subordinates. However, he does not have a formal official residence in Huazhou City. It is difficult to gather these staff directly in a private residence. It is also difficult to place them in a military palace. As it should be.

Generally speaking, high-ranking officials who reach the level of Hsüqi Kaifu often serve as chief officials of Taiwan provinces, prefectures, counties, and military governments. Therefore, they often have subordinate teams from two or even three governments at the same time.

Li Tai now holds many positions. His predecessor as the governor of Suizhou was not dismissed from his post. He only stayed in the Zhijun Mansion and did not go to the state because he was transferred from military governor to rear army governor. All the subordinates in Suizhou still belong to his subordinates. The Houjun Military Mansion has its own team, and together with the Hussar Mansion, there are already three teams.

But in addition, Xihe County, which was set up by Qiao Zhi, was also under his governance. This was another set of personnel teams.

For ordinary people, it is already very difficult to obtain so many part-time jobs, all of which are positions of real power, and there are not enough manpower to fill the positions in various government offices.

But for Li Tai, he just prefers to have less than too much, and does not want the personnel under his subordinates to be too bloated and messy. Therefore, many government positions have not yet been filled. If they really want to fill them, they can be filled in minutes. Not to mention the disciples and former officials who are now serving under his command, just those who are eager to devote themselves to his disciples are enough.

Yu Wenhu's work efficiency is quite efficient. A consensus was just reached yesterday, and the resignations of all the governors and generals were already on their desks this morning.

In order to get the newcomers in place as soon as possible, Li Tai picked up the resignations and approved them one by one. In his judgment, he also glorified and praised the performance of these generals without deliberately slandering them.

In fact, he didn't have much dislike for these generals themselves. If there were only two or three of them, he would just laugh it off and not go into too much detail. But now it has become a group incident. If there is no severe punishment, how can the majesty of the generals be reflected? ?

But as he said, things are changing, and maybe one day we will meet and work together again. This time, he was only dealing with the issue and not the person. There was no need to wipe out everything of others just because of this incident. If there were really people who were resentful about it and wanted to take revenge, he could just deal with it when they encountered it.

He was still carefully writing the judgment here, and someone from his subordinates came to report that Yu Wenhu had entered the house to ask for an audience, and He Lanxiang was also accompanying him. After hearing this, Li Tai quickly rummaged through a pile of scrolls to find Yu Wenhu's confession and verdict, then stood up and lowered his steps to greet him.

The pair of cousins ​​were both wearing fashionable clothes today, and their postures looked relaxed and comfortable. However, when Yu Wenhu saw the generals who were in the front hall of the military mansion, his expression was more or less unnatural, and he turned his head in embarrassment. To the side.

Li Tai invited the two of them into the living room, and soon handed him Yuwenhu's confession. After Yuwenhu took it and glanced at it in a hurry, he sighed and said: "I resigned in a hurry after taking office, and nothing was done to benefit the military government. It’s rare that Boshan is willing to put in kind words for me, thank you very much.”

"I know that Brother Sabao is very talented, but he was unable to fully display his talents this time because of the troubles and troubles. This gift is also a wish. I hope that Brother Sabao will have everything go smoothly and make great achievements when he joins the Chinese Army. "

Li Tai turned into a boy with a fake smile again, looked at Yu Wenhu and said with a smile.

Although there was still harmony between them, there was nothing intimate to say, and Yu Wenhu felt uncomfortable after entering. Now that he had obtained the documents that allowed him to take up his new position, he immediately stood up and left.

After leaving the Houjunjun Mansion, He Lanxiang looked at Yuwenhu, who was still silent, and sighed: "Li Boshan is so powerful right now, it doesn't matter if he dodges a little bit..."

Before He Lanxiang finished speaking, Yu Wenhu grinned and continued: "I have already looked away from this mere setback. Instead, I was glad that the setback happened early and there was no greater loss. My uncle said before that Li Boshan was eager to ask for help. Cheng, fearing to be inferior to others, I didn't feel deeply about it before, but now I compete with him and get hurt, which is also a valuable lesson.

Although he has spread his wings now, he still needs to evade power. Although he suppresses me, he still needs to show his kindness. Although I have learned a lesson, I have no actual losses. Instead, I am able to stay in the upper house through his kindness. You need to calm down and cultivate your strategy, and you can no longer act rashly like before. Once there is another collision and I need to take action, it will definitely not be the same situation as today! "

Hearing that Yu Wenhu was not discouraged by this, but reflected deeply and felt confident, He Lanxiang felt relieved, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Although this young powerful man is fierce, he has me." Cousins ​​must be vigilant both internally and externally, and there will be no place for him to run rampant in the world in the coming year!”

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