Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 459 Henan Wang Jing

Time entered February, and as Daxingtai entered the court, the court quickly responded to Hou Jing's surrender: he appointed Hou Jing as Taifu, added Daxingtai of Henan, and granted him the title of Duke of Shanggu County.

This level of title is definitely an unattainable honor for ordinary people. With so many civil and military ministers in the Western Wei Dynasty, how many of them could reach the level of Shang Gong and Xingtai?

But to Hou Jing, such treatment was nothing, because his original official position in the Eastern Wei Dynasty was even worse than this.

Therefore, when the imperial court issued such conditions, it only showed its willingness to accept Hou Jing's surrender, but it did not include any super-standard rewards, and there was no corresponding plan and arrangement. It was purely perfunctory.

In any case, as the imperial edict was issued, everyone inside and outside knew about it, and every time it was mentioned, it would trigger a burst of schadenfreude and laughter. As old enemies who have been at war with each other for many years, there is really no better news for the people of the Western Wei Dynasty than the misfortune of the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

After the edict was issued, it was naturally sent to Hou Jing's army station in Henan. As the commander-in-chief of western Henan, Li Yuan also went eastward with the imperial envoys and returned to his base to prepare for the war.

Si River flows out of Fangshan Mountain in the south, flows north through the border of Northern Yuzhou, and merges into the Yellow River. Its entrance into the river is Hulao City.

At the source of the upper reaches of the Sishui River, there are rolling mountains on the west side, and hills that change from high to low on the east side. Now there is a large-scale camp located on these hills. This camp is surrounded by mountains and rivers. , It is well-fortified and can accommodate at least tens of thousands of horses and horses to be stationed here.

Although the scale of the camp is huge, it is not messy and orderly inside and outside. Although there are constant comings and goings of camp soldiers, there are rarely any sounds of horses neighing or people roaring to disturb people's sight and hearing. This shows that the general in charge of the army here is lawful and has strict military orders.

Several scouts galloped into the camp gate, and soon a cavalry team of several hundred people gathered in front of the Chinese army's tent in the camp. Several burly and sturdy generals in full armor surrounded a man wearing a uniform. The middle-aged man in pleated riding clothes walked toward the camp gate in a mighty manner.

This middle-aged man, who was surrounded by generals and camp soldiers, was the chief general of this camp, Hou Jing of Daxingtai, Henan.

Although Hou Jing has been in the military for many years and has an outstanding reputation, his image is quite inconsistent with his illustrious name. His figure is not as tall as the average town man. Instead, he looks a bit thin and invincible. His upper body is straight and his lower body is long. Slightly short, the right leg is obviously a bit shorter than the left leg, so he walks with a slight limp.

In addition to his physique, Hou Jing's appearance is also different from the people of Xianbei Town. His eyebrows are high and his eye sockets are slightly sunken. There is a coldness in his beautiful eyes. He rarely raises his head to look at people, and is used to lowering his head to scan the ground. His face is slightly It is red in color, and the sideburns are not as thick as those of ordinary warriors.

Generally speaking, judging from his image alone, he is more like a talented think tank who has everything in mind and often has fantastic ideas, but he does not look like a powerful military leader in charge of thousands of troops and military and political power. .

But people should not be judged by their appearance, especially the officers and soldiers under Hou Jing's command, who dare not underestimate the majesty of this general. Hou Jing governs the army with strict orders and clear rewards and punishments. If the generals can win with their orders, even if they capture tens of millions, they can be divided among them. If he disobeys orders and is defeated, even his confidant Hu Gu will be severely punished.

Now Hou Jing was riding his horse, his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he lowered his head and scanned the ground in front of the horse thoughtfully. The generals behind him also looked solemn, and there was a sense of anxiety in their brows and eyes.

After the group arrived at the camp gate, they dismounted their horses and stood behind Hou Jing, as if waiting for someone. Although not long ago, some generals' faces already showed signs of impatience.

"What are the chances that my lord will accept the surrender of the Westerners and send troops to help? Now that our troops have occupied most of Henan, they have always defeated the Gao Zhongmi district and the northern Yuzhou in the past. When the country is in chaos, the Westerners are old Nian Yuken's army came out to help, and now that the situation is even more beautiful, he will surely be even more impatient! "

A general in his thirties approached behind Hou Jing and asked in a low voice. At the same time, he sighed with some regret: "It's a pity, it's a pity that we couldn't capture West Yanzhou in one fell swoop. If the army invaded the east county, it would be on the same level as Yecheng." Across the river, an order was sent to tell the old people of Yedu to gather together to stand up for justice. How could the Xianbei boy, who only relied on the influence of King Gao, be able to overwhelm the masses? When the Lord entered Yedu and seized the power to govern, the people from all directions could decide. Why rely on the power of Westerners anymore!”

This general's name was Sima Shiyun, and he was now the governor of Yingzhou. When Hou Jing raised a rebel flag, he raised the city to respond. And this Sima Shiyun also had another identity, that is, he was one of the four nobles of Yedu in his early years and the nephew of Sima Ziru.

Several other generals present were also from Beizhen Wuren and Huaishuo Township Party. When they heard Sima Shiyun's words, they couldn't help but sigh in shame.

For example, the governor of Guangzhou suddenly showed up. He was originally ordered to lead his troops to follow the rear army last year and prepare to participate in the Battle of Yubi. However, due to the Western Wei Dynasty general Yang Guo's defense of Qiziling, he had no choice but to withdraw his troops. At first, he did not plan Hou Jing's rebellion, but was seduced by Hou Jing's camp.

After being persuaded by Hou Jingyi to tell the truth about their interests, these people decided to follow Hou Jing in rebellion. These people generally have one thing in common, that is, although they are highly qualified, they are not valued by the Crown Prince Gao Cheng, and they have even been suppressed and punished.

When King Gao was alive, they naturally did not dare to have any dissent. But now that King Gao is dead, the eldest son Gao Cheng is mean and ungrateful, and he obviously attaches more importance to those Hebei aristocratic families. He is alienated and disliked by them, the generals of the town, which naturally makes people feel unhappy.

They are now gathering around Hou Jing, hoping to force the palace to seize power, take advantage of the chaos caused by the death of King Gao in Jinyang Bafu, enter Yedu, and regain their position of power in the town.

However, because Xing Zicai, the governor of Western Yanzhou, was too vigilant, their most ideal plan failed, and they had to find more help as a last resort, hoping that the Western Dynasty could help them like Gao Zhongmi did in the Battle of Mangshan last year.

Hou Jing stood there, listening to the discussion of the generals, his expression did not change significantly, but his heart was not relaxed either.

Although Hou Jing also felt a pity that the generals were regretful that they could not capture Xiyanzhou, he was not heartbroken.

The so-called plans of marching troops into Dongjun, crossing the river on white horses, and entering and controlling Yedu were just a big picture he drew to inspire the generals, but in fact there was little possibility of achieving it. The Yedu court seemed to be just a puppet regime, but its internal personnel were also extremely complicated. Otherwise, King Gao would not have had to stay away from Jinyang and control the government with military force.

Even King Gao could not firmly control the situation in Yedu. Hou Jing had been in Henan for a long time but rarely in court, so he naturally lacked confidence in this.

Take Xing Zicai, the governor of Western Yanzhou, for example. He was originally a member of the Hebei clan, but he was not as willing to obey him as the generals here. Even if he was lucky enough to successfully enter Yedu, similar resistance would inevitably be inevitable, let alone There is also the Jinyang army that looks like wolves and tigers.

Therefore, for Hou Jing, the most ideal situation is to stabilize the power he currently holds in Henan, set an example for the military leaders in the country who have different aspirations, and create an opportunity for them to support their troops and respect themselves. , waiting for the anxious prince Gao Cheng to mess up his position, and it is best to be defeated without a fight. That would be a good time for him to enter Hebei and defeat the situation with a single battle like the battle of King Gao Hanling.


As Hou Jing coughed lightly, the generals also quickly stopped talking. He looked back at everyone and felt that it was not appropriate for them to have too high expectations for the Western Dynasty, so he sneered: "The Westerners are poor and fierce. , greedy and forgetful of life, the old man killed tens of thousands of people in the battle of Mangshan, and almost wiped out the army and destroyed the country.

Previously, some ruthless people rushed into Jinyang, attacking and causing chaos, which showed their greed and violence. Now I am using the land of Henan to lure him. Black Otter must be greedy and blind, eager to accept him. He has been under the power of the king for a long time, how can he not seize this good opportunity? But even if the Westerners come to fight, we must not relax. As long as they challenge the Hebei people, our army must not rely on our confidants and fight together! "

After everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement. At the same time, a scout team in the distance also picked up the envoy from the Western Dynasty. Hou Jing quickly stepped forward and greeted the envoy into the Chinese army's tent. Before he could sit down, he asked impatiently: " May I ask the envoy, does Yu Wenchang like this great gift from me?"

The two sides had been enemies for many years, and Hou Jing had an outstanding reputation for evil. The envoy was a little reserved when he came here, and made a few perfunctory sentences before sitting down and reading out the imperial edict given to Hou Jing by the emperor.

When the other generals in the tent heard that their lord had been awarded the title of the Western Dynasty, some of them, who did not know the meaning behind it, were already happy. However, after hearing this, Hou Jing became so angry that he drew out his sword, cut off a corner of the bookcase and said angrily. : "Westerners have no sense of restraint and are really incapable of making big plans. No wonder they are suffering in the narrow and poor land of Kansai!"

Of course, he did not sincerely surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty. He just needed to adopt the Western Wei Dynasty's attitude to demonstrate to the country and let Jinyang weigh and consider it. But now the Western Wei Dynasty only gave him a few empty titles. This treatment was not as good as that of Gao Zhongmi in the past, which really made him very angry.

But fortunately, his flirtatious eyes did not just go to one place. The envoys sent to the Southern Dynasties and the envoys from Guanxi set out together. Moreover, because Nanliang and the Eastern Wei Dynasty had established many rapprochements in recent years, the envoys going south had a smoother journey than those going west. Although the journey is longer, the feedback arrives almost at the same time.

Different from the perfunctory approach of the Western Dynasty, Xiao Yan in the Southern Dynasty gave more sincere titles: he made Hou Jing the general, the king of Henan, and the military governor of Henan and the north.

"No wonder all the generals have to beg for food outside the river when they are defeated. The old man of the Xiao family is indeed much more heroic in his decision-making than the short-sighted soldiers like Black Otter!"

After receiving the title of Nanliang, the newly promoted prince of Henan, Hou Jing, couldn't help but smile. He ordered the envoys from Nanliang to be treated as guests, but the envoys from the Western Dynasty were detained.

At the same time, he ordered his troops to move south. Since West Yanzhou was not captured, it was difficult to deploy defenses along the river. Moreover, he did not believe that Yuwen Heita really had no interest in Henan. When the army from the west moved out from the east, the troops stationed in Heyang would also come south to fight.

He is going south now to free up the battlefield for both sides. He can sit back and watch the next battle of Mangshan, and he can also receive personnel assistance from the Southern Dynasty nearby. Why not?

Sorry, sorry for being late. The Hou Jing Rebellion is one of the most critical and core events in the Later Three Kingdoms. There are too many elements and contexts that need to be sorted out. Some book friends have also provided a lot of detailed information. It just needs to be reasonably arranged into the plot. It’s quite difficult. I’m stuck today. I’ll update one chapter first and write more tomorrow. . .

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