Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 461 The Second Emperor’s Best Man

As the other party to the wedding, Li Tai's home seemed a bit deserted compared to his father-in-law's home. Although there was an endless stream of congratulators, the number was still inferior to that of Dugu Xin's home.

This is not because Li Tai's connections are not as good as those of his father-in-law. After all, he has not been in Kansai for a few years, and their Longxi Li family also has many disciples and former officials. Moreover, he has become very popular recently, and Huazhou alone If all the people from Shang Yuan and the townspeople along the Luoshui River, as well as the disciples from Beijing who admired him, gathered in the residence, it would only take a matter of minutes for the scene to be more lively than that of his father-in-law's house.

The scene is not lively today, or there are other reasons. After taking a look at the armored soldiers scattered inside and outside the mansion, Li Tai couldn't help but sigh inwardly. He really couldn't understand why Daxingtai was so crazy that he wanted to come to his house for a wedding banquet today.

No matter in terms of seniority, position, or mutual friendship, even if Yu Wentai wanted to be present in person to congratulate him today, it would be more reasonable for him to go to Dugu Xin’s home. Therefore, when the two families were preparing for the wedding before, they planned it according to this scenario. Suppose, but unexpectedly Yuwentai came out and went straight to Li Tai's house.

This caught both families off guard. Dugu Xin's family did not prepare too many places for entertaining guests. After all, when Daxingtai comes, they cannot allow too many people to come in, but Li Tai's family has prepared a banquet for guests. As a result, Yu Chijiong and the imperial guards came to clear the place.

So his family either diverted some of the guests to his father-in-law's house, or sent some of the guest gifts to Longshou Yuanzhuang first. After a while, he was very busy, and then the situation was stabilized.

Li Tai took some time off from his busy schedule and while Gao Zhongmi and his cousins ​​were entertaining Daxingtai and his party, he left the hall and ordered Li Licheng and Li Quji to appease and apologize to some of the guests who had been persuaded to leave due to Daxingtai's arrival. Transport more fine wines and delicacies to Longshou Plain to ensure that guests enjoy themselves.

If Dahangtai wanted to launch a surprise attack, he really had no choice. After all, this mansion was still someone else's old house. As a reward for marrying a wife here, it would be a bit unethical not to let anyone drink the wedding wine.

However, Li Tai seriously suspected that the reason why Yu Wentai came to his own house instead of Dugu Xin's house was actually very simple. He was worried that Dugu Xin might do something to him if he got too drunk. After all, he had just taken Long You away from him. Who could There is no guarantee that enemies will be particularly jealous when they meet.

After he finished explaining the matter, he hurried into the hall again. Listening to the seemingly harmonious laughter of everyone, he took small steps to sit down in his seat.

"Sure enough, people feel refreshed when happy events happen. This disciple is already in outstanding spirits. Now that he is getting married on this day, he will be even more dazzling! With this person in the palace, who dares to laugh at me that I have no one under my sect!"

Yu Wentai was still wearing the riding hat that had become one of his trademarks. When he saw Li Tai returning to sit down, he raised his hand and pointed at him and said to everyone with a smile. His admiration was beyond words, and he looked at the side of the attendant. Yu Wenyu, the eldest son of the family, said: "Being in a relationship with such a person is a lot of pressure on you. I brought you here to see you today so that you can truly see the differences between us. People may be biased in their expectations in the coming year. Bo, but you are not allowed to complain about Bo Shan, but you must respect the wise!"

After hearing this, Yu Wenyu nodded quickly in agreement, and then looked at Li Tai and said: "Young disciples in the country are rare, Xihe Gong is the only one in the world, even if Aye doesn't give any advice, Yu'er is like thunder at this time. Looking at this The beauty is even more famous when we meet!”

After being praised by the father and son, Li Tai hurriedly avoided the table and stood up and bowed: "Your Majesty, I believe that I am a wise man, and my envoys are cautious and do not dare to make mistakes. My son praised me as a unique one, but I am even more worried and afraid that I will not have any party members." ...In fact, my nature is not abnormal. Fortunately, when I meet a benefactor and receive help, my appearance is only based on people. If I only rely on this person, how can I be able to come to the hall to watch my family get married today? , I can’t thank you enough!”

As he spoke, he bowed profusely to express his gratitude. When Yuwentai saw this, he waved his hands and said, "Today is your wedding ceremony. From now on, you will be a new man in the world. You can only thank heaven and earth for your kindness."

When Li Tai heard this, he changed his posture to a bow, and Yu Wentai immediately said: "I know that you are busy with rituals today, and you are accompanied by all the Chinese scholars in this hall, so there is no need for you to stay in the hall to serve."

There are Gao Zhongmi, Cui Qian, Lu Rou and other cousins ​​in the hall, as well as distant cousins ​​Li Gang, Li Yi, etc., plus Lu Bian, Cui You, Zheng Daoyong and Li Licheng's cousin Zheng Hao, etc., although the number is not large. It’s too many, but they are already representatives of various Shandong noble clans in Kansai. Coupled with the fact that Wang Yuanxin of Guangling and other members of the Yuan and Wei clans accompanied Daxingtai here, it was not deserted.

So Li Tai apologized and left first, then strode into the inner hall to look for Li Licheng.

You only feel troubled when something happens to you. No matter how thorough your preparations are, there will always be changes.

Take today as an example. When Yuwentai and Prince Guangling arrived, they were not just waiting for a wedding banquet. They each brought a groomsman to Li Tai, namely Yuwen Yu and the fourth son of the emperor, Yuan Kuo.

Although Li Tai had arranged the groomsmen early in the morning, he couldn't refuse the enthusiastic help from these two parties, so he had no choice but to join in.

Apart from anything else, at least this level has been raised. The two future emperors will help him marry. Although the two of them together can't handle Brother Sabao, after all, their identity lies here. Just thinking about Yu Wenyu accompanying me to welcome the bride always makes me feel a little weird. Fortunately, no one except me feels wrong.

Because the two groomsmen have been replaced, the corresponding etiquette arrangements will naturally have to be adjusted. It should be noted that at weddings in this era, the groomsmen who help the groom's family to welcome the bride have to face a lot of difficulties, which is much worse than the troubles made by the bridesmaids in later generations.

Whether it was the fourth prince Yuan Kuo or Yu Wenyu, the eldest son of Daxingtai concubine, they were obviously not suitable targets for teasing, so Li Tai notified his father-in-law and asked them to adjust the arrangement of the barrier car and not to arrange too much. The indifferent person disrupted the wedding, while also telling the groomsmen to take good care of the two special people.

Yu Wenyu is still down. He is already thirteen or fourteen years old and knows a lot about people. However, Yuan Kuo is only in his early ten years and has not even been knighted yet, so he seems a bit nervous and shy. He is taciturn and not close to the masses.

Li Tai also had a headache when he saw this. He couldn't understand why the emperor had to send this son here. Even if he wanted to express his closeness and appreciation, it was more convenient and direct to give a big red envelope than to send a son.

But since they have come, they can only wait. Li Taiqin chose a docile mount for His Highness the Prince in the stables. He also sewed some inner hooks into the best man's robe to fix it on the saddle, so that His Highness would not be frightened and fall off the horse. Let Shufeng lose his brother-in-law early.

Li Licheng ran back and forth, greeting people inside and outside, and his face was so busy that his face was steaming. He was trying to repay Li Tai for organizing the wedding for him. In the inner hall, his wife, Mrs. Yang, and their aunt, Princess Feng Yi, Li Zhihua, handle everything, as well as several princesses or princesses from the Yuan family.

One of them was Gao Zhongmi's blind date. Recently, Gao Zhongmi was depressed after hearing about the tragedy in his family. King Guangling proposed to arrange a blind date for him to relieve the pain, and introduced a widowed cousin of his to Gao Zhongmi. They also see each other right and are planning to start a new family this year.

After a lot of busy preparations, towards evening, the team to welcome the bride was finally ready. The six groomsmen are Yuan Kuo, Yu Wenyu, Shuofeng, Zheng Quan, Lu Shen and their own general Li Xiaoyong.

Among them, Zheng Quan was the son of Zheng Wei of the Zheng family in Xingyang. Zheng Wei's father, Zheng Xianhu, was originally a general of the Imperial Guard in Luoyang. He and He Basheng fought together to resist the Erzhu family. They were defeated and defected to Nanliang. After returning, they were killed by the Erzhu family.

Zheng Wei returned from Nanliang after the demise of the Erzhu family, and later joined Dugu Xin's eastern expedition to Luoyang, so he entered the dynasty and now commands thousands of local soldiers stationed in Kansai, but he is not as good as Li Tai. They got along like a fish in water, and they were introduced to each other by Dugu Xin and became familiar with each other.

Lu Shenze is the son of Lu Bian. Lu Bian is well versed in rules and regulations. He is the representative of the Guandong family in the court and one of the main advisers in various institutional reforms in Daxingtai.

As the wedding team was ready, the group of people surrounded Li Taihao and went out into the street, heading straight for Dugu Xin's house.

Because today is the Shangsi Festival, most people in the city go out to celebrate the festival, and there are not many onlookers on the streets. Even if there are a few sporadic ones, they are afraid to avoid them when they see the guards and soldiers in front and behind them. In front of me, I just stood on the street corner in the distance, looking curiously, and talking about whose marriage was such a big deal?

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