Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 473 Awarded as a Pioneer

Anyone who has some knowledge of the history of the Later Three Kingdoms, or even a slight interest in it, should be familiar with Wang Sizheng.

Because he is indeed very tough, he is the first tower defense master of the Later Three Kingdoms and the builder of Gao Huan's Happy City. Especially when the town soldiers occupied the absolute mainstream in the north, Wang Sizheng's existence was a clear stream.

Wang Sizheng was born in the Wang family of Taiyuan. In his early years, he followed Beihai Wang Yuan Hao into Guanzhong to quell the rebellion. After returning to the court, he was recruited by Emperor Xiaowu Yuan Xiu, who was then the King of Pingyang, as a disciple. Later, Emperor Xiaowu fell out with Gao Huan and went west, and Wang Sizheng followed him back to Guanzhong.

Wang Sizheng led his troops to Henan, which was definitely a heavy news for the Western Wei Dynasty. There were people inside and outside the Taifu who were happy and angry about this, but no matter whether they were happy or angry, they were generally surprised.

Because this was a military action that was executed first and then reported, and it was not discussed, decided and authorized by the Taifu, all its justifications were based on Hou Jing's view that he ceded four cities and that time was running out and he was scrambling for war opportunities.

As for whether Hou Jing really wanted to surrender, the reaction of the Eastern Wei, especially whether these four cities could be held for a long time, what strategic and tactical value they had for the Western Wei, and whether the situation in the country supported this military action, there was no overall consideration.

Sometimes, reckless behavior can bring a good result, and such a move can be called a stroke of genius.

As for whether Wang Sizheng's behavior can be called a stroke of genius, it still needs the test of time, but the impact it has on the present is to force the Huazhou Hegemony to give up its previous wait-and-see attitude and the power of tactical choice.

Unless Yuwen Tai immediately gave up Wang Sizheng and the more than 10,000 infantry and cavalry in Jingzhou, and still planned the plan based on the position set by the Hegemony, otherwise the power held by the current Hegemony is far from enough to open up two battlefields.

Li Tai naturally knew that such a change would happen, so he was not very interested in the ideas of the uncles and nephews of the Yuwen family for Heyang and even Yecheng, because as long as Wang Sizheng entered the scene, whether the chaos in Henan was a quagmire or a gold mountain, the Western Wei Dynasty would find it difficult to stay out of it, and there was no extra power to imagine and implement other routes.

Li Tai personally admired Wang Sizheng very much, but when it came to sending troops to Henan, he felt that Wang Sizheng was a little irrational and unclear. Especially now that he has become a more important member of the current situation, he feels that this move is more reckless.

Of course, this is also related to Wang Sizheng's special status and situation in the Western Wei Dynasty. He was one of the representatives of the Luoyang court who followed Emperor Xiaowu into the pass, and he was once a student of Emperor Xiaowu's residence. Therefore, after Emperor Xiaowu was murdered, he was always uneasy, and then he swore to be loyal to Chupu.

This story first shows that Wang Sizheng is a gambling god with superb gambling skills. Second, his situation at that time was indeed so dangerous that if he didn't gamble like this, he would probably have no future.

After all, no matter how eager you are to make progress or how loyal you are to your boss, you can't hold a pair of dice in your hand and commit suicide if you can't throw a leopard. This is definitely not a normal performance of a superior-subordinate relationship.

Even the audience of Wang Sizheng's performance is not only Yuwen Tai, but also those Beizhen generals. These guys may be resentful of Wang Sizheng's high position. One day, when they get drunk, they slap their foreheads and remember that there is still a remnant of Xiaowu here. I have to cut the grass and root it out for the Daxingtai!

This gambling improved the situation of Wang Sizheng, who was surrounded by wolves, but it can't be said that he was taken as a confidant by Yuwen Tai. What really allowed Wang Sizheng to settle down was his outstanding military talent.

There were many people in Luoyang who followed Xiaowu to the west, but only Wang Sizheng was able to be active in the front line of the confrontation with the Eastern Wei and had outstanding military achievements. Even if Yuwen Tai could not entrust him with his confidant, he was not so generous as to leave such a great talent unused, and he could not ignore Wang Sizheng's reputation both inside and outside.

If we make an analogy, Wang Sizheng is somewhat similar to Murong Shaozong of the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Both of them are confidants of the previous generation of leaders, and they have established themselves in the new generation of the hegemony dynasty with their own talents, reputations and accumulated connections.

Regarding Wang Sizheng's march into Henan this time, apart from some seemingly political intentions, from Wang Sizheng's personal emotional standpoint, Li Tai felt that Wang Sizheng might think that the hegemony government had not used him to his full potential in all his appointments, and had never given him a position and opportunity to fully display all his talents.

I haven't even tried hard, but the enemy has already failed. Since the hegemony government is unwilling to give me such an opportunity for various reasons, of course I have to fight for it myself. Now there is an excellent opportunity for me to show myself comprehensively, so what are I waiting for?

But no matter what the real reason is, things have evolved into this state, and we must face it actively.

At the latest military meeting of the Bafu, important commanders of the Chinese and foreign armies gathered together, and the Grand Chancellor Yuwen Tai, who sat at the top of the hall, looked dignified and solemn, with no obvious joy or anger.

Today's meeting was no longer about whether the Bafu should send troops to Henan, but about the scale of the troops, the generals and marching routes, and the goals to be achieved.

In any case, Wang Sizheng's dispatch of troops this time finally broke a deadlock and made the highest decision-making process of the Bafu move forward a big step. The only thing that was a bit unpleasant was that this progress was passive.

But it would certainly be wrong to say that Yuwen Tai had no desire for Henan at all.

The reason for the previous hesitation was partly due to the thought of "Is this something I can have?" In comparison, the tactical concept of Heyang's front line was more valuable to the Western Wei Dynasty, but it was not something that was already on the lips. I refuse to eat fat meat.

Among the several issues, the first to be determined was the supreme commander of this military operation. Li Bi, who was uncontroversial, was elected with a high vote.

Li Bi has been presiding over the construction of Bafu's army since he was promoted to lieutenant. He enjoys a very high prestige among the Chinese and foreign militaries today, and his military quality is second to none. The situation in Henan this time is complicated, and it is very likely that we will encounter difficult and arduous battles. The requirements for the commander's personal ability and prestige are extremely high.

As for the deputy general to assist Li Bi, it was Zhao Gui who was directly proposed by Daxingtai. Zhao Gui has rich experience and seniority in the army. Of course, the most important thing is that he has won the trust of Daxingtai. He is also serving as the censor lieutenant, accompanying the army to supervise the order and camp laws.

The two generals Li Bi and Zhao Gui led the soldiers and horses in Bafu to Yingchuan to cooperate with Wang Sizheng's Jingzhou Army who was first. As for the six prefectures promised by Hou Jing, Yu Wentai did not ignore it. He also ordered several generals such as Hui Hui and Liang Chun to follow the Chinese army and guard the surrendered prefectures and counties offered by Hou Jing along the way.

At the same time, Yi Yu Jin led a group of troops to Tongguan to ensure that even if the war in Henan was unfavorable, it would not affect the situation in Kansai.

After the arrangements have been made by the front and rear and the commanders of all the troops and horses, the next step is to choose the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army.

In this regard, it is natural to listen to the opinions of the two commanders of the Chinese army. After all, once the army is dispatched, the two generals will be the highest commanders of the army. Of course, they must choose generals who can fully implement their intentions and cooperate with them tacitly.

When this topic came up, Zhao Gui stood up and spoke first without waiting for anyone else to speak: "The Governor of Xihe Gong Li is a young man with both wisdom and courage in the country. He also went out to suppress the bandit nest in Jinyang last year and made great achievements in battle. It will shock the enemy. Now that the army is rushing to Henan, there will be frequent battles with the east bandits. Commander Li is brave and tenacious, so he is the natural choice for the vanguard general. When fighting with thieves, he will be timid before fighting..."

While Zhao Gui expressed his opinions loudly, he gave Li Tai an appreciative look, looking generous and generous.

As Zhao Gui spoke up, other generals nodded and agreed that Li Tai was indeed suitable to serve as the vanguard of the army.

Hearing the generals' praise for him, Li Tai also felt that he was highly respected in the country. Without him as the leader, no one would dare to fight against the Eastern Wei Dynasty. What a damn thing! Why don't you think about me when something good happens?

After hearing the voices of the generals, Yu Wentai looked at Li Tai with a smile and said: "I didn't expect that the young man was so admired by others. The crowd rushed to retreat, and the happy generals donated their achievements to each other. The vanguard of the teacher is the sharp arrow of the country, and must be won." Go forward courageously and embolden the three armies. Although the military veterans dare not boast that they will win, it is not a sin for Li Shizhong to feel that he can't do it. Remember not to let down the morale of our army!"

"I have been grateful to you for a long time, and I have always been willing to sacrifice my heart and soul to make sacrifices. Fortunately, today all the kings appreciate me and select me as the vanguard of my teachers. I am so honored and favored that I dare not refuse. I can only ask the Lord to give me the talisman to confer the festival. This is If you don’t succeed, you won’t be rewarded. I respectfully ask you, Lord, to wait patiently for your former teacher to return home in triumph!”

Li Tai knew that being a striker meant he had to take more risks, but even at this point, there was no room for refusal. What's more, without risks, there would be no rewards. The status and assets he had now were not just free money. Facing this new appointment and challenge, I felt a little excited and eager to give it a try, so I hurriedly stood up and expressed my stance.

"Okay, okay, with such a brave man, why worry about failure! Let Boshan be the vanguard of the army, take Henan directly for me, and defeat the bandits!"

When Yu Wentai heard this answer, he laughed, cheered and praised him generously.

When the other generals saw this scene, they also started to fight. For a while, the atmosphere in the hall was enthusiastic and exciting, which was touching.

In this lively atmosphere, the personnel team for this expedition to Henan has basically been formed.

The fact that Li Tai was able to obtain an important position as a vanguard in the Bafu of veteran generals is certainly closely related to his recent success in Jinyang. While everyone was envious, they probably also wanted to see who he was. It’s not really expected, but I just happened to be lucky enough to catch it.

However, Li Tai didn't care much about this. If you have good information and good luck, you can catch up more than once.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. He didn't even care much about Zhao Gui's intentions in recommending him. He was already looking forward to what the next meeting with Hou Jing, the devil in the world, would be like.

After the pre-war meeting, he immediately approached Shuo Hui and asked in a deep voice: "The commander really doesn't want to withdraw from this dispatch?"

Shuhui raised his hand and scratched the thick beard on the side of his face, and then sighed: "I came from Wuchuan all the way south. I saw a lot of life and death, and I dare not say that I am not afraid of death. But I also understand that life and death have destiny. , I’m afraid it won’t be deflected by human will.

The old man had many companions who were more heroic and stronger than me, but they died young and did not wait until the day when they became famous. Compared with these people, I have no regrets, but if I don't dare to do things because of fear and accident, what's the use of growing up in vain?

Boshan, you don’t need to persuade me anymore. It’s best if nothing happens on this trip. If something unexpected happens, Bodhidharma will be looked after by you, so I don’t have to worry about him. If God refuses to take a holiday, I would rather die in it than escape from it! "

In order to dissuade Shuo Hui from going out and let him stay in Huazhou, Li Taidu did not hesitate to use the alchemist's theory and told him that he was having a bad time, but when he heard that Shuo Hui was still unmoved by this, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

To be honest, he was not sure whether Shuo Hui's stay in Huazhou would prevent the disease from breaking out. However, when he heard Shuo Hui's optimistic and open-minded attitude, he felt admiration and said, "I am so worried and worried." Yu Huai's ugly behavior made the emperor laugh.

Since I returned to Kansai, you have shown me so much care and kindness that I feel deeply and will never forget it. Bodhidharma is my dearest brother! Now that we are busy with our own affairs, we have no time to talk in detail. I just hope that we will meet here one day and praise each other's achievements, so that you will take care of them! "

When he said this, he bowed deeply to Hui Hui, and Hui Hui did not dodge after seeing this. He accepted it and said with a smile: "The young man who was in disgrace and took in back then is now able to gallop ahead of the armies. I am like this." He really has a good eye for recognizing people.

If it weren't for the fact that the woman in the household was too old, how could your father-in-law be allowed to seize this good match and show it off to others? I won’t tell you more about the story. You must remember to protect yourself first and then seek success during this journey. The former made a surprise attack on Jinyang, but the situation is different after all. Today, the generals among the thieves are so cunning and vicious. When we meet in public, we must wait and see..."

Shuhui took Li Tai's arm and walked towards Tai Mansion. At the same time, he seriously told him what he needed to pay attention to when encountering the Eastern Wei people. The serious expression and the care contained in his words also made Li Tai feel nostalgic. Incessantly.

Just like that, they left Tai Mansion and walked outside the city gate. They said goodbye to each other and mounted their horses and rushed to the military mansion under their jurisdiction to prepare for the dispatch of troops.

When Li Tai returned to the Houjun Palace, all the governors and generals in the palace also returned one after another. Judging from their nervous and dignified or excited expressions, it was obvious that they had heard about what was going to happen next.

Li Tai entered the hall and sat down, looking down at everyone, with a face full of confidence and pride, and said: "Today, the Taiwan government is discussing matters. Thanks to the appreciation of Daxingtai, I have been awarded the merits. Do you dare to follow me to the enemy's territory?" , Seize the credit and return it?”

"The final general is willing to supervise and kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds, and boast of triumphant victory!"

Except for a few generals here, most of the remaining generals are former members of Li Tai's disciples. After hearing this, they all crossed their hands and shouted in response.

Even Hou Zhi and other people who were not Li Tai's old troops were affected by this, and each spoke in response, full of expectations for the next march.

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