Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 482: Focus on one thing and lose the other

As the gateway to the west of Luoyang, Hanguan City was more than twice as large as Yan Hancheng in the upper reaches of Gushui. Li Tai could not fully control the city after thousands of troops entered the city, and could only concentrate on a few important areas for defense.

After walking around and inspecting the city, Li Tai felt more and more that if there were no sudden changes, it would be very difficult to capture the city with just a frontal attack by his troops, even if the force was increased several times.

In order to prevent the forces of the Western Wei Dynasty from re-entering and controlling the Heluo area, the Eastern Wei Dynasty invested heavily, and the expansion of this Guancheng was also an important part.

But no matter how steep the pass is, it is people who can really determine the outcome of the war. Due to the spontaneous collapse of the defenders, this majestic pass defense fell into the hands of Li Tai so easily. The Eastern Wei general who had previously deployed this border defense I'm afraid I can't even dream of it.

Putting aside the various variables in the war, after taking control of Guancheng, Li Tai immediately conveyed the news of the victory to the rear, hoping that some additional troops could be sent to strengthen his troops.

However, Li Tai also understood that this was unlikely. Even he was surprised that he advanced so smoothly on the Beigu Road front line. However, he was only the forward of the army. The overall strategic goal of the army's eastward march might not be achieved because of him. changes due to results. Even he himself was not very optimistic about Heluo's tactical concept before, and now it is delusional to hope that Li Bi and others will turn around and cooperate with him.

So if nothing unexpected happens, his advance in Heluo should stop here. If he continues to force forward and there are not enough reinforcements in the back, when the Eastern Wei people in this area react, he will be like him in minutes. My father-in-law, Dugu Xin, was also besieged in the Luoyang area by the Eastern Wei Dynasty back then, waiting for people from all walks of life to come to rescue him.

But if that happens, it is still unknown whether anyone will come to save him. After all, the current focus of the Bafu is to intervene in the situation in Henan.

In other words, if he could still view this series of changes as an outsider before, then now he really has enough reasons to complain about Wang Sizheng: What do you think you are doing by jumping so fast? If you just slow down, Bafu can do it Arrange a tactical plan to regain Heluo based on my results.

Hou Jing's Rebellion was one of the most important changes in the confrontation between the East and the West and even in the post-Three Kingdoms period. Wang Sizheng's unauthorized actions caused the Western Wei Dynasty to lose its strategic initiative in the early stage.

If this sentence is still more mysterious, then Li Tai's current situation is a vivid example. Although he has achieved certain results, it is difficult for Li Tai to dominate the government when Wang Sizheng has already taken the lead. Additional investment.

Putting aside these distracting thoughts, Li Tai quickly accepted the results obtained. Since they occupied this Guancheng without any bloodshed, there was almost no battle consumption, and the personnel situation was still the same as after the battle in Yan Han City.

The material reserves in Guancheng are not as substantial as those in Yan Hancheng. Both grain, grass and ordnance are very limited. According to Jiangren, Heluo has not replenished supplies to Guancheng this year. Only a batch of materials passed through the east coast of Guan some time ago. Luoshui is transported to Jiuqu City in Yiyang.

Insufficient material reserves in the city was also one of the reasons for the collapse of the army and civilians defending the city. Probably in the view of the chief officer of Heluo in the Eastern Wei Dynasty, with Yan Hancheng in front of him, and the rugged and difficult Beikiao Road itself, the Western Wei Dynasty would not choose this route even if it made a sudden advance. lines, so limited personnel resources can be invested in more needed positions.

Although the materials seized were not as rich and impressive as those in Yan Hancheng, one of the harvests was very surprising, that is, there were more than thirty Gao Aocao lying in the Guancheng warehouse.

Li Tai was also very surprised when he looked at the silk fabrics that filled more than a dozen warehouses. Although these items are also a type of war preparation supplies, they are just enough. The purpose of storing so much in the military city is to provide them to every soldier. Are they making dozens of new sets of clothes, or are they simply mocking the poverty of the Western Wei Dynasty?

After interrogation and surrender, he realized that the reason why there were so many silks stored in Guancheng was actually the soldiers' ration money.

Although the main source of the Northern Wei army was soldiers and civilians, the battlefield environment also changed after the capital was moved to Luoyang. They mainly fought against the Qi and Liang of the Southern Dynasties between the Huaihe River and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Most of the Xianbei city soldiers were cavalry, so they began to recruit soldiers from prefectures and counties.

The so-called fan soldiers are soldiers serving in ordinary civilian households, and their service period is one month per year. But in fact, most of a month's time is wasted from the recruitment to the garrison, leaving very little time for the garrison period.

Therefore, twelve households were taken as a unit, and each household would provide one piece of silk in lieu of military service, and one piece of silk would be drawn from it to serve in the twelve households. The service period was one year, and one piece of silk would be rotated every year, and these twelve pieces of silk would be used every year. It was the food and clothing consumed by the soldiers when they were in service.

Initially, the twelve pieces of silk were carried by each of the Fan soldiers in turn, but they were often lost or damaged, so it was stipulated that the towns where the Fan soldiers were located should be centralized for collection, storage and management.

The Eastern Wei Dynasty also inherited the Northern Wei Dynasty's military system, but expanded the original twelve cadres to fifteen cadres. Correspondingly, each ban soldier carried fifteen pieces of silk to join the army.

Li Tai had never heard of such a system in Kansai. The reason why Kansai did not implement this system was probably because the households were too poor, and the government needed the labor provided by the household members every year.

Hanguan City was once one of the important defenses between Heluo and Heluo. Although some soldiers were transferred elsewhere, their silk resources remained in the city. These more than 300,000 pieces of silk were equal to the annual rations for more than 20,000 soldiers recruited from Hebei, Henan and other states.

In addition to the more than 300,000 pieces of silk, there are still nearly two thousand soldiers from various states in the city. They failed to escape from the city in the first time, and now they can no longer escape if they want to.

Because the origins of his hometown were too mixed, Li Tai simply mixed them into three battalions and handed them over to his subordinates Zhao Jingzhi and others. He also used the people who surrendered before leaving the city to assist them, responsible for the repair of the city and some miscellaneous tasks.

Shortly after Li Tai entered Guancheng, Han Xiong, who had taken the lead, also sent troops to report the news: After bypassing Guancheng, Han Xiong and his party successfully entered the Luoxi Plain and disguised themselves as Eastern Wei troops, and successfully captured the city east of Guancheng. Facing the Golden Granary City dozens of miles away.

Jingganggang City is located between Qianjin Weir and Jingu River downstream of Gushui. Qianjin Weir was a river weir built during the Wei and Jin Dynasties to divert the valley water flowing into Luoshui into the moat of Luoyang City at that time. Later, it was restored during the Northern Wei Dynasty. It was named because the daily water harvest can be worth a thousand gold. It is also called Qianjin Pavilion.

Jingu River is a tributary on the north bank of Gushui. The angle formed by its injection into Gushui is where Jingu Garden was built by Shi Chong of the Western Jin Dynasty. The ancient battlefield where Liu Yao of the former Zhao Dynasty and Shi Le of the later Zhao Dynasty fought in this area was also located.

Now the garden no longer exists, and even the nearby city of Luoyang is dilapidated. The Eastern Wei Dynasty built a city near the weir, which served as an important transit point in Luoxi. It relied on rivers such as Luoshui and Gushui to transport materials to various defense points between Heluo and Luoxi.

Han Xiong and his party occupied Jinganggang City, which was equivalent to cutting off the logistics network of the entire Luoxi area. Moreover, Jingganggang City was connected to Hanguan City by a river and happened to be located on the back road of Guancheng. The loss of this city was naturally a way to save supplies. The already insufficient Guancheng garrison was under tremendous pressure, which was one of the important reasons why the garrison finally abandoned the city.

In addition to the important geographical location of Jinganggang City, Han Xiong has also captured a wealth of materials, such as swords, weapons, grain and baggage, which are even richer than those obtained by Yan Hancheng. After all, this Cangcheng itself is a transportation center for materials, responsible for transporting materials to various parties, and the daily savings are quite considerable.

After browsing the list of supplies submitted by Han Xiong, Li Tai couldn't help but feel happy.

The Bafu of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Bafu of the Western Wei Dynasty both belonged to the military-first politics. Social wealth and resources must first meet military needs. However, the wealth and resources that the two can mobilize are different. Although they only captured a few Eastern Wei strongholds, But the fun of opening blind boxes has made Li Tai quite addicted.

Before the commander of the Chinese army at the back gave instructions, Li Tai did not choose to continue to increase troops to Jincangcheng. He only sent a group of chariots and horses to transport the loot from Cangcheng back to Guancheng, and told Han Xiong to do something at any time if the situation went bad. Be ready to evacuate.

Although Han Xiong did not object outright in his reply, the words in his letter also revealed his intention to hold on to Cangcheng in order to move forward. As a native of Henan and now an official in Yin, Henan, he certainly hoped to establish a career based on his hometown.

Li Tai understands Han Xiong's mood, but his influence on the overall situation is also very limited, at least not enough to influence the Bafu to abandon Henan and Wang Sizheng and concentrate on cultivating in the Heluo area. Even Yu Wentai had wanted to regain Heluo and even enter Heyang before, but the current situation did not allow it.

When the Chinese army coach Li Bi's military order came, Li Tai was not surprised. He copied the general order to Han Xiong, hoping that he could stay rational and know how to advance and retreat at the critical moment.

However, Han Xiong had not yet received a new decision. However, a group of Eastern Wei cavalry came quickly from the upper reaches of Luoshui River. Not only did they surround Jinganggang City, but a small group of people continued westward along the Gushui River and entered Guancheng City. The disciples yelled and cursed and invited fights.

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