Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 499 The Alliance of Gentlemen

Li Tai quickly took the silk book handed over by Li Zhongju with both hands, and then carefully spread it on the table.

The content of the silk book was not long: "I am very relieved to know the news of my son; your brother is in charge, you can work with him; all relatives are gathered here, if you are still uneasy, it is useless for you to go back; the division of the family and the country is not my son's fault, even if you don't see it in your lifetime, you should not blame yourself; don't think about it, don't go back, don't lose time and lose people because of foolish filial piety, and don't let your mother be buried in the underworld and unable to see her ancestors."

In just a few dozen words, the image of a loving mother who is both happy and worried and earnestly persuades her son is vividly portrayed on the silk book. The words reveal her expectations for her son's future and her worries about his safety. Most of the content is to persuade Li Tai not to go back, and find various reasons to comfort him.

Li Tai stared at the silk book with his eyes, and the blood-stained words made the image of his mother in his mind clearer and more specific.

If this image was just an abstract concept that carried some human emotions at first, now he is really sure that there is such a loving mother in the world, who wholeheartedly hopes that he will be safe, happy and successful.

It was not until the tears flowed down his cheeks into the corners of his mouth that the bitter taste woke Li Tai up. He hurriedly raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face, and then said to Li Qianzhi with some embarrassment: "I haven't seen your kind words of admonition for a long time. I'm sorry to make you laugh."

After hearing this, Li Qianzhi waved his hand to indicate that it was nothing, and said to Li Tai with a serious expression: "What Chen Youcheng said, do you still need to think carefully before making a final conclusion?"

At present, there are only three cousins ​​in the hall, and Li Tai does not need to deliberately maintain his image as a loyal minister of the Western Wei Dynasty. Hearing what Li Qianzhi said, he did not answer directly, but asked back first "I would like to ask Brother Wu, if General Gao fails to recruit us this time, will he vent his anger on our relatives in Guandong? If this happens, do your relatives and friends have any plans to deal with it?"

"Shisanlang, your question was discussed by my relatives and disciples before I left, and they all think that it will not happen for the time being. The country is now in trouble both internally and externally, and it is not just the danger in Heyang. Even if General Gao vents his anger on me and kills my clan, it will not be able to restrain your troops externally, nor appease the people internally, which will be of no benefit to the country or the situation. General Gao has been in charge of state affairs for a long time. If he is really so foolish and unwise, I am afraid that his family would have suffered misfortune last year."

Li Qianzhi replied after hearing this.

When Li Tai heard this, he showed a look of shame on his face: "Alas, the East and the West are divided, and the world is treacherous. I was brave enough to make achievements, but I put my family in unpredictable danger..." Li Qianzhi saw him like this, and sighed, and then said: "Before leaving, my uncle asked me to tell Shisanlang that your current situation and deeds are all your own creation. There are few relatives and friends who help you, so you don’t have to consider the public opinion when deciding whether to stay or go. If you have the intention to return to the east, you should return now. If you don’t have this intention, then there is no need to hesitate and entangle about it. It is indeed good for relatives and disciples to stay together, but if the disaster of Heyin happens again, what can we do?" The uncle Li Qianzhi mentioned is named Li Yu, who is the eldest branch of their Longxi Li family and one of the few elders of Li Tai’s father’s generation who escaped the disaster of Heyin. Li Tai couldn't help but sigh when he heard this. The Heyin Incident was not only a disaster for the Northern Wei, but also a catastrophe for the Longxi Li family. Li Tai's uncles, including Li Qianzhi's father, all died in the Heyin Incident. So when he talked about this incident, he still felt pain in his heart.

Hearing that his clansmen did not use family affection as a shackle to put pressure on him to persuade him to return to the east, Li Tai was slightly relieved.

If all his clansmen strongly hoped that he could lead his army to the east in the hope of clinging to them, and if he refused to go back, no matter who was right or wrong, he would undoubtedly leave a cruel image of being heartless and cruel.

Li Tai would definitely not go back, but Gao Cheng had spoken and showed such great sincerity. If he did not express his attitude at all, it would be obvious that he wanted to embarrass the other party and force the other party to retaliate against his family.

After a brief pause, he asked someone to bring Chen Yuankang and his subordinates in, looked at Chen Yuankang and said seriously: "I was focused on the previous affairs, but today I feel the dilemma between loyalty and filial piety. I would like to ask Chen Youcheng to go back and tell General Gao that I am grateful for his favor and appreciation. However, Boshan has his heart and soul and has no intention of going east, nor is he waiting for a price. My family makes a living in the east, and fortunately General Gao tolerates them. I feel grateful for this kindness, and my heart has lost its purity. I only ask Prime Minister Yuwen to relieve me of my duties and send another capable person to garrison Heyang. I will withdraw from the matter and will not point my bow and sword at Hebei again, in response to General Gao's kindness." "General, there is no need to respond hastily, you can still..." Chen Yuankang saw that Li Tai still refused to recruit him, and he was a little unwilling. He was about to speak to fight for it, but was interrupted by Li Tai. Li Tai took off a jade pendant from his arm, then took off his outer robe, stabbed his arm with a knife to bleed, and smeared the blood on the jade pendant. He stopped only when the whole jade was stained with blood.

"My loving mother went through hardships in pregnancy and gave me flesh and blood. Now we are far apart. It is not easy to see each other and I cannot raise you. I use this red blood and jade bone to comfort my mother. You have grown up and are brave in everything! A drop of water will be repaid with a spring, and a small grudge will be repaid with the whole family!"

He asked the staff to bring a white silk wooden box, wrapped the jade pendant in the box, and asked Li Qianzhi to take it back and give it to his mother.

Chen Yuankang frowned slightly when he saw this scene. He knew what Li Tai was doing, and he couldn't help but feel that Li Tai was a little arrogant.

It is true that the imperial court is in danger of being trapped in Heyang at the moment, but it is also caused by many reasons. What about you, Li Tai, compared to He Basheng? If the prince really wants to retaliate, how can he be afraid of your threat? Even Yu Wentai, the prime minister of the Western Dynasty, dared to boast about overthrowing his clan in return?

Li Tai seemed to have read through Chen Yuankang's thoughts. When he looked at him again, he was less peaceful and looked at him more condescendingly. His tone was also more arrogant: "Chen Youcheng has been working hard for a long time. Today It's a blessing for you to meet each other.

A good man among men is one who has the talent to plan for the country and the wisdom to plan for the family. You should know that if you don't have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries. The rise of the Gao family and the sudden death of Erzhu were both unexpected. It is true that Chen Youcheng owes his current glory to the Gao family, which envy others, but do you know how long the honor and favor will last?

Chen Youcheng was so overwhelmed with honors and favors that he found it difficult to enjoy them, but he was jealous of others. But if you can help the masses, you will not need help from party members, and you can also accumulate blessings for your children and grandchildren.

Chen Youcheng and I have no grudges, and we are destined to be together here. Chen Youcheng, would you like to share your surplus with mine, and send a piece of life and wealth outside the country to be seen by your children and grandchildren in the coming year? "

After hearing what Li Tai said, Chen Yuankang couldn't help but feel dumbfounded for a moment. He originally came to persuade Li Tai to surrender in the name of the crown prince Gao Cheng, but unexpectedly, Li Tai in turn persuaded him to be a protective umbrella for his relatives who were left behind. Moreover, these words What he said seemed to make sense.

But he still said sternly: "I beg your pardon to what the general said! You are so lucky to have been given a gift from above, how can you use it for yourself and show it off to the public? Yuan Kang is not talented, and he can only do it for the sake of the country's plan to defeat the enemy, let alone have any wisdom. Selling favors outside the country just for the sake of survival and favor!”

Li Tai was not angry when he heard this, but laughed loudly and said: "Chen Youcheng is indeed an admirable man of extraordinary character. That is why I am eager to make this gentleman's alliance with you.

The old slave of Hulu Jinzhi was lucky enough to meet the famous king by chance, and he achieved what he is today. He was good at using soldiers to rob the bandits, but bad at protecting him. He is already old and has cold blood, and the old animals have injured themselves. Now the city of Heyang has three grams. Secondly, the reason why I am not attacking now is to wait for reinforcements. Once the reinforcements arrive, it will not be difficult to defeat them.

At this critical moment, Chen Youcheng was not afraid of the danger and walked into the enemy's city. He expressed his feelings and moved him with reason, which made me ashamed of my loyalty and filial piety and unable to continue. All the battles I have experienced since my eastward journey will not be defeated by the famous generals of your country. Our military front is now contained by Chen Youcheng. The power of one person is greater than the thousands of troops in Heyang. It is really a song and a description! "

Although Li Tai has no plans to further attack Heyang at the moment, compared with the Eastern Wei Dynasty, which is suffering from internal and external problems, the initiative lies with his own side after all.

Therefore, he was willing to stop at the last moment and no longer personally responsible for launching the attack on Heyang Beicheng, which definitely gave Gao Cheng a great face. If even this can't dispel his desire to retaliate against his family, then even if Li Tai surrenders and returns eastward, there will never be any better results.

He blindly belittled Hu Lujin and exaggerated Chen Yuankang's role in this. Naturally, he also wanted to strengthen Chen Yuankang's right to speak on this matter and give him a credit for relieving the crisis in Heyang, so that he could use it as a A reason to save your family.

Chen Yuankang had a delicate mind, so of course he understood the profound meaning of Li Tai's words. Although the prince's task for him was to persuade and recruit people to surrender, it was obvious that Li Tai had no intention of surrendering.

Under such circumstances, retreating to the next best thing and using alienation methods to force the Western Dynasty to change its commander before the battle would obviously also greatly alleviate the dangerous situation in Heyang. This is of course a very important achievement for Chen Yuankang, and it can also be used to establish a friendship with the Li family in Longxi.

As for Li Tai's talk of depositing vitality and wealth outside the country, Chen Yuankang didn't take it seriously. Although he also admitted that Li Tai was now a young man with great ambitions and a bright future, the Kansai regime where he resided had limited prospects, which inevitably restricted his personal development. If we want to make great progress in the coming year, we will definitely need even greater breakthroughs.

After the two parties reached this tacit understanding, Chen Yuankang no longer stayed for a long time and immediately stood up to leave. According to his mother's instructions, Li Tai wanted to keep his second brother Li Zhongju by his side, while his cousin Li Qianzhi would still return with Chen Yuankang.

After sending Chen Yuankang away, Li Taidang returned to the city and drafted a letter of resignation to the Taiwanese government in person. The reason why he met Chen Yuankang and his party without avoiding suspicion was that in addition to caring about the Guandong family, he also wanted to use this opportunity to avoid suspicion and evacuate from the Heyang front line. As for who the Taifu will hand over this stall to, that is not his decision.

I wish all the college entrance examination students to perform exceptionally and win the gold medal. . . In addition, we should not be careless about this wave of secondary yang. The symptoms improved a lot the day before yesterday, but I had a fever again yesterday, which made me feel dizzy. . . Everyone should still pay attention to protection and not be sloppy. . .

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