Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 524 Yingchuan Town or Not?

After living idle in Chang'an city for a few days, when Daxingtai returned to Bafu, Li Tai left Chang'an with his family and returned to Huazhou.

The Cui Qian brothers also went to Huazhou together. After Li Tai completed the negotiation with the Bafu, they went to their respective posts. Of course, the premise was that the Jingzhou strategic plan must be completed.

The current atmosphere in Huazhou City is not good, especially the newly established military headquarters are shrouded in a haze due to the previous tragic defeat in Heluo. Many soldiers are worried that Daxingtai may continue to use troops, and there is a fear of war. Emotions spread among the armies.

However, the Houjun Military Mansion where Li Tai was in charge was an exception. The tragic defeat of the Heluo armies reflected their brilliant achievements. The soldiers who followed Li Tai on this expedition not only captured rich and impressive trophies on the battlefield, but also received promotions after returning to Kansai. They were very proud for a while.

These sergeants were licking blood from their swords and dawdling with their heads held up. Even if they understood that the beauty of trees would be destroyed by Lin Feng, few of them would obediently abide by the golden mean. After returning to camp with their cargo, they naturally had a lot of fun. Enjoy.

Not long after Li Tai returned to the military mansion, he was told by the generals that their rear military city was now so famous that even cattle and sheep passing through it did not dare to move forward. During this period of time, there were barbecues or steaming inside and outside the city. Thousands of cattle and sheep were killed alone. The smell of blood spread for several miles, and there was an annoying smell of nouveau riche inside and outside.

If you just enjoy it for yourself, even if it's a bit showy, that's it. The most important thing is that these sergeants also have a spirit of sharing.

Most of them are local soldiers recruited from all over the Kansai region. It is inevitable that some relatives and friends from the same hometown will join the army elsewhere. Now that they have triumphed, it is only natural to show off their gains while helping their relatives and friends.

But this directly aroused the dissatisfaction among the other army sergeants. They all risked their lives to fight as soldiers, so why are there such huge disparities in their fortunes? Of course I am right in serving and training hard and going into battle to kill the enemy. What is wrong is those mediocre and incompetent generals!

Therefore, many sergeants simply came to the rear army's military mansion and camps, wanting to join the rear army. At first, it was sporadic, but recently the momentum has gradually become more intense, and teams of hundreds of people have occasionally appeared.

The battalion soldiers fled, and the governors and generals of the various military mansions were in a state of distress. While restraining their troops, they also came to the rear army military mansion to accuse and hold them accountable.

If this happens only occasionally, Li Mu and others won't take it to heart. If you can't manage your own soldiers, why do you have the nerve to hold accountable them? How shameless!

But now this situation has become a common phenomenon. Almost every military government has defected to them. Naturally, Li Mu and others do not dare to deal with those who are held accountable for fear of causing public outrage.

Li Tai was a little dumbfounded when he learned about this situation. He didn't expect that being too popular would lead to trouble. The military management of all armies has its own rules, and of course he cannot let his subordinates take in these sergeants who have taken refuge.

If these people defected to him, then... he couldn't accept them. Although he could afford to support them, it was always a bit unjustifiable for the team that the boss had managed to pull up to be packaged and collected by him.

This situation occurred not only because the rear army had outstanding achievements in this war and the soldiers were treated well, but also because the Bafu Central Army had not been newly established for a long time. These soldiers had not yet fully realized the seriousness of the military order and still It has a bit of a powerful private song and a loose style of state, county and township groups.

In the final analysis, the responsibility for this matter still lies with Li Bi, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army!

After some discussion among the subordinates of the Communist Party, Li Tai made this conclusion, and then ordered Commander Shi Luteng to compile a book of accusations and accusations made by various military offices in the past few days and sent them to the Chinese Army Office with the following appendix: He was afraid that the sergeants would be separated. If Li Bi didn't come forward to resolve the matter as soon as possible, he would pack up these sergeants who came to surrender!

As for how Li Bi solves the problem, it has nothing to do with him. If Li Bi couldn't solve it, he wouldn't mind succeeding him as the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army.

Next, Li Tai patrolled the city and camp. He summoned the soldiers who had accompanied him on the eastern expedition and reprimanded them. No matter how rich you are, don't burn buns like this. Why don't you pay them back in front of a group of hungry wolves? , simply looking for excitement! How can you follow me to create more brilliant achievements when you show off like a villain who is successful!

After being reprimanded, these soldiers finally learned to restrain themselves a little, and at least remembered to move the stoves back to the walls of their own courtyards when they started eating.

After sorting out the accumulated matters in the military mansion, Cui Qian also finished writing the Jingzhou strategy. After Li Tai read it through and discussed with Cui Qian to make slight modifications, he took this strategy to Taifu to see the general. Taiwan, ready to work hard to pursue this ministry.

In the main hall of the Taifu Palace, Daxing Taiyu Wentai heard the visitor come to Li Tai to ask for an audience, and the attendant immediately ushered the people in. When Li Tai came to the hall to see him, he smiled and said, "Bo Shan is here just in time. I want to call you to discuss the matter."

While he was talking, he asked Li Tai to sit down at the table temporarily, and then asked the officials present to briefly describe to Li Tai what was currently being discussed.

Although Li Tai withdrew his troops and returned to Kansai, the chaos in Henan has not ended, and various responses and actions are still ongoing.

A few days ago, Hou Jing learned from Li Tai that after the Western Wei army was defeated in Heluo, he did not dare to stay in the territory any longer, but led his troops south to Yuzhou.

After all, the Western Wei Dynasty only took advantage of the situation and got burned on its hands. He, Hou Jing, was the traitor and enemy that the Eastern Wei Dynasty deeply hated. Now that the troubles elsewhere were resolved, the next step was to gather troops and continue to eradicate this young man. Therefore, Hou Jing did not dare to take advantage of the shrinking military strength of the Western Wei Dynasty to go back on his word and march north to seize the territory previously transferred to the Western Wei Dynasty.

At the same time, Nanliang was also making frequent moves. Not only did the Yangya Renbu who were dispatched to meet Hou Jing have arrived in Xuanhu, they successfully joined forces with Hou Jing. The Jiankang court of Nanliang officially issued an edict for the Northern Expedition in early August, and its clan members Xiao Yuanming, Marquis of Zhenyang, and Xiao Huili, King of Nankang, led the troops in the Northern Expedition.

By the way, in June, when Li Tai and other armies were still stationed in Heluo and fighting fiercely, Nan Liang used Xiao Fan, the king of Poyang, as the general to conquer the north, and took advantage of the emptiness of Jingzhou in the Western Wei Dynasty to lead his army to attack Rangcheng. However, because Quan Zhongzun led his troops to the south and united with the local powerful people in Jingzhou to gather a crowd to defend themselves, Xiao Fan returned to Hefei after his attack to no avail, and his official title was changed from General Zhengbei to General Anbei.

After hearing this, Li Tai couldn't help but sigh that Xiao Bodhisattva was really very dry during this period. He was full of ambitions and wanted to vent his ambitions, and he worked hard everywhere for fear of being idle in one place.

As for the Eastern Wei Dynasty, it was relatively calm. After regaining the three cities of Heyang and ending the war in Heluo, there were no major actions. The main thing was to mourn Gao Huan.

However, although the outside world was lively, it had nothing to do with the Western Wei Dynasty, which had just experienced a major defeat. Even if Yuwentai was ambitious, he would be limited by his strength and dare not have any big plans. After all, the military chaos that Li Tai saw in the military government was just one of them. For example, the Yuan and Wei clan's preparations for action in Chang'an were also hidden dangers.

What is now facing the Western Wei Dynasty is still an internal problem, that is Wang Sizheng of Henan.

Hou Jingnan went to Yuzhou and joined forces with Nanliang Yang Yaren's troops. He officially declared his surrender to Nanliang and broke his previous agreement to surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty. Wang Sizheng was naturally not polite, and divided his troops into the territory transferred by Hou Jingnan. The so-called seven states and twelve towns took all.

Theoretically speaking, the Western Wei Dynasty's intervention in the Eastern Wei Dynasty was not completely fruitless. On the contrary, Wang Sizheng became the biggest winner so far because of his courage and enterprising spirit. The vast territory he expanded can be said to be the leader of all military operations since the founding of Kansai. .

But theoretically speaking, the regime of the Western Wei Dynasty was the legal system of the Northern Wei Dynasty. A theory without the strength to support and practice is just a mirror image.

Although Wang Sizheng nominally occupies such a large territory, due to his strength, the actual occupation is still very limited. It is difficult to effectively cover a large territory with just a few strongholds.

Now that the Western Wei Bafu army was newly defeated, it was difficult to provide Wang Sizheng with effective support in time. And even if reinforcements are sent, there is no telling whether Wang Sizheng is willing to accept it.

The issue currently being discussed in the hall is the opinion on where Wang Sizheng should establish his town. Originally, after other forces withdrew, Wang Sizheng had already occupied Xiangcheng, but now he gathered his troops in Yingchuan and formally submitted a letter to the court requesting that his Taiwan administrative office be established in Yingchuan.

"Bo Shan, you have just returned from that hometown, and you must have a good understanding of the situation in Henan. According to your opinion, is it feasible to implement the public administration of Yingchuan in Taiyuan?"

The discussion in the hall had not yet been decided. When Yu Wentai saw Li Tai arriving, he asked him again.

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