Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 555 Shining like a river god

Caiyang is located in the northeast of Xiangyang. It can be reached dozens of miles east by crossing the Han River, but it belongs to the Nanyong Prefecture of the Western Wei Dynasty.

There is a section of the Xian River flowing through this area. The river is winding and has many sandbars. The terrain gives people a sense of complexity and change, making it inconvenient for large groups of people to advance and retreat.

After winter, although the flow of Hanshui River is slow, it is not frozen. On this day, hundreds of soldiers boarded a ferry and boarded one of the sandbanks. They cleaned up the sandbank covering an area of ​​several acres and harvested and cut down all the dry reeds and trees, so that the view on the sandbank became wider.

King Xiao Qing of Yueyang boarded the sandbank surrounded by his followers. He looked around and found that he was quite satisfied with the environment.

"To inform your Majesty, a thousand men can be placed on the sandbank, and five hundred elite armored crossbowmen can be ambushed in the cabins. If something unexpected happens, a warning can be sent by beacon fire, and two thousand elite cavalry can rush here to help immediately..."

Wang Cao, who joined the army in the royal palace, followed King Yueyang and carefully introduced to King Yueyang the various security preparations for this meeting.

After hearing this, King Yueyang was quite satisfied, but after a while he said: "All the arrangements are just to prepare for trouble, so Li Boshan will naturally not have any evil intentions towards me. Seeing that there are too many people on the sandbank, he will feel uneasy." . Only five hundred people are left here, the rest should be dispersed in the cabins and on the shore."

"This meeting is inherently risky, and the king's physical safety is the most important thing. Li Boshan is a famous general among the powerful soldiers among the captives, so he should not be underestimated."

Wang Cao was still a little worried, so he spoke again.

"Li Boshan comes from a well-known family and is like a Confucian general who is good at strategy. Naturally, he does not need to fight in battle personally. Besides, even if he has fighting skills, there are many people under my sect who are good at this."

King Yueyang confidently pointed to the servants around him. He had many followers, and naturally there were many people among them who were good at fighting.

What's more, in addition to the powerful guards under his command, King Yueyang himself was also quite heroic, so he dared to lead only more than 3,000 elite soldiers into the enemy's territory under the pretense of hunting to attend the appointment.

Because he arrived one day earlier than the agreed place, King Yueyang first inspected the river island for a week, and then returned to the shore camp to rest for the night.

Early the next morning, King Yueyang led his troops to the sandbank again. Soon there was the sound of horse hooves on the west bank. Following the sound, I saw several mounted athletes looking along the bank. They thought they were scouts sent here from the north. After observing the situation here, they turned their horses and headed north. Soon Then disappeared from sight.

King Yueyang looked at the departing figures of these scouts, with a trace of envy flashing across his face. Although he led more than 2,000 cavalry here this time, most of the horses he used were small Shu horses. Even if there were a few strong Longyou horses, it was difficult to form a formation. On the other hand, due to the favorable geographical location of the Northerners, even the mounts mounted by the scouts were very impressive. And their overall riding and shooting abilities are far beyond the reach of the southerners, and they are often passive in battles.

He was filled with emotion here, so he was reminded by his subordinates that there was movement on the north side of the sandbar, so he moved forward.

At this time, there was still mist on the river, and a ferry slowly sailed out from the bend of the river in the northwest. Dozens of armored soldiers stood on both sides of the boat, each holding a spear and a sword. And among these powerful soldiers, stood a young man with the same tall and tall figure, wearing a black kerchief and a fox-white fur coat.

"This one is..."

Cai Dabao, who was accompanying him, was about to introduce himself, but King Yueyang raised his hand to stop him. He just stared at the approaching ship.

As the distance between the two sides got closer, King Yueyang also saw clearly the faces of the people on the boat. Seeing their handsome appearance and majestic appearance, and being surrounded by all the elite soldiers, he couldn't help but sigh: "Looking ahead. Li Renlue's demeanor is expected to be good in his family history. Looking at his son now, his expression has become refined and his momentum is even higher. No wonder Liu Fanggui and others feel discouraged and abandon their weapons. If there is a god in the river, this is what he thought. ah!"

At this time, the boat had not yet docked, so King Yueyang's words were not flattering to please the other party. Southerners already admire people and things, so he made this comment out of habit, giving an evaluation and position to the people he met for the first time.

Li Tai naturally didn't know that the Western Liang Emperor compared himself to the River God. When the boat slowly approached the sandbank and stopped, he stepped off the boat. His eyes naturally fell on King Yueyang in the center of the crowd. He walked a few steps quickly and raised his hands to bow. He said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I have heard about the name for a long time, and today I am finally lucky enough to see my majestic appearance. It is so majestic and majestic that it is hard to live up to what the reputation of the time said!"

After King Yueyang heard this, he also smiled. He took a few steps forward and put his hands flat on Li Tai's elbows. He sighed: "In the past, Li Dadu commanded troops to come to the city, which made the people of our city fearful and uneasy. But now he says that I have Awesome, do you think you don’t mean what you say?”

"I dare not enter the city when the troops are approaching. Your Majesty is so majestic that I dare not be disrespectful."

Li Tai replied again, thinking of the other party's previous generous gifts, he didn't mind if his posture was a little lower.

While the two were chatting politely, the entourage had quickly set up the curtains of the felt tent. Li Tai felt ashamed that as a landlord, he was lagging behind the distinguished guests. After they had said enough polite words, they walked into the tent together and sat down at separate tables. Set it down.

Because this meeting with King Yueyang was a request from someone, and it was a secret meeting that was not open to the public. King Yueyang did not show any unreasonable diplomatic rhetoric or gestures. After sitting down, he set the stage for the atmosphere, and then directly discussed the topic. This led to the target: "The former wrote a letter to Governor Li, which was very presumptuous. He lost control of his feelings because of his love for the local things in Governor Li's hometown. Please forgive me for this."

I feel that my noble body, your Majesty, regrets this delicacy in this world. I am also stuck in the knowledge of the former. Now that I know it, I should bear this regret for my king and season the meals for my dearest relatives. I also know that this material resource is precious and difficult to gather together. However, my feelings are the same as that of Governor Li's longing for a benevolent family. I hope that Governor Li can help fulfill this long-cherished wish. "

Hearing that this guy even talked about moral kidnapping, Li Tai felt happy in his heart. He knew that the other party was still using his grandfather as a cover to explain it both internally and externally.

It should be noted that it is taboo for General Bian to communicate privately with outsiders at any time. Li Tai used a five-year plan to get the boss to relax his restrictions in this regard. Xiao Qing obviously did not have the power to communicate and interact with foreign forces.

In the past, they were frightened by Li Tai's strong military strength and had the excuse of rebuilding border harmony and maintaining border stability. But now the topic of trade has been involved. If he wants to attack him without being noticed, he can reduce the risk by having a reputation of collecting rare goods for his grandfather. As for which grandpa will be sold to after the goods are obtained, it's hard to say.

"Your Majesty's loyalty and filial piety are really touching. Even if there is no previous kindness, now that I hear this, I am very happy to help fulfill my long-cherished wish. However, I have just come from Kansai to Mianbei, and my luggage is limited and I don't carry much. It will take a certain amount of time to transfer all the goods here. I am unable to do so in a short period of time, which is definitely not my fault. Please forgive me."

Li Tai started telling lies with a look that was a bit ashamed and remorseful. The old Bodhisattva couldn't even take a sip of sugar water in his old age. It's really my fault!

King Yueyang knew that Li Tai had just entered the town not long ago. After all, this guy came south and beat himself up before he could even sit down in Mianbei. So after hearing this, he didn't doubt that he was there, and even asked again He said: "Then I would like to ask Governor Li, how long will it take if we send another message to the villagers to transport goods here?"

"Alas, it's really hard to say. Although Mianbei and Kansai are connected by the Wuguan Road, it is narrow and difficult to navigate. The entry and exit of people are strictly controlled. Only divisions and brigade troops can use it. All private and private property is prohibited. I used to take advantage of Dian's army to leave town and pack up my luggage, but now when I want to transport the goods southward, I don't dare to use them on public roads. I have to go through Heluo Henan and pass through Sanya Road in Guangzhou to reach it, and the journey is far away. Since the East Thieves control Heluo, it is difficult to determine how long it will take..."

Li Tai said with a sad face again: "I know that once this frosty sugar product comes south, people will definitely fight for it and make huge profits. If others come to ask, I may be greedy and just make lies, but for The king really couldn’t bear to be deceived, so he told the truth.”

"Li Dadu, you, the governor of Mianbei Military and Political Affairs, can't temporarily use the public convenience?"

After hearing this, King Yueyang couldn't help but look anxious, and couldn't help but encourage Li Tai to use his official weapons for personal use.

After Li Tai heard this, he smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, I think you don't know that I was lucky enough to be favored by the Duke of Hanoi, my country, and marry me as a daughter. In previous years, the boundary between public and private was not strict. But now my father-in-law is in an uneasy situation. If I don't Smuggling through dangerous routes, if someone finds out, there will be no defense..."

Hou Jing's rebellion in Henan is the long-term number one on the hot search list today. The second-ranked story is probably when Dugu Xin caused rebellion in Longyou, and many people who are gloating about his misfortune are looking forward to it.

If Li Tai illegally transports goods along Wuguan Road at this time, those who know that he is engaged in commerce will directly guess that the armor-carrying staff and weapons are preparing to separatize Mianbei!

Of course, the internal situation in the Western Wei Dynasty was not so sensitive and tense yet, but it did not prevent Li Tai from using this as an excuse to deceive Xiao Qi.

Sure enough, after Xiao Jin heard this, although his face was still full of regret, he was too embarrassed to continue to encourage Li Tai, so he just sat in the table and sighed.

Seeing him like this, Li Tai seemed to be unable to bear it, so after hesitating for a moment, he made another determination and said to Xiao Jin: "Since I have made bold words first, and the king has asked me so kindly, I am ashamed to eat my preamble. Your Majesty is based in Xiangyang, and the land of Yongliang is under control. Although it is inconvenient for me to transport goods to Mianbei, if your Majesty sends troops to Hanzhong, I can send the goods to Hanzhong via the Ziwu Road!"

When King Yueyang heard this, his face suddenly lit up, but then dimmed again, and he said with some embarrassment: "Liangzhou is not within my authority. Even if I want to take the goods to Hanzhong, it is difficult..."

What are you talking about!

I know you can’t handle Hanzhong, so don’t you still have me? Let's collude inside and outside and work all the way up the Han River. We will control the Han River in the hands of our brothers. Guanzhong will receive the goods transported by the Han River. Wouldn't it be nice for him to sit on the ground between the Han River and divide the spoils?

Remember the martyrs and never forget the national humiliation! ! !

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