Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 575 The spread of learning from the South to the North

"I'll wear my golden armor after a hundred battles in the yellow sand, and I won't return until I conquer Loulan!"

On the playground of the prefectural school, groups of young students were singing ballads while jogging in circles. They may not know what these ballads mean, but when they sing loudly with their companions, they feel passionate and excited.

There are more than 20 similar ballads, all of which are copied inside and outside the prefectural school. If any student is interested, he can copy them on his own book board with charcoal pencil and recite them day and night.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the characters. There will be an extra class of one hour every day before nightfall in the school to explain these characters, words and sentences. If the students are interested, they can attend the class. If they are not interested, they can rest early, because this is just an elective course.

Similar elective courses include "Mathematical Classics" and so on, and of course, there are also books such as "Principles of Geometry" written by Li Dadu himself.

Although it is an elective course, the knowledge information and system logic it contains are actually higher than the main courses. The purpose is to select students who are willing to learn and have higher intelligence than their peers, so as to enter the next stage of teaching.

As for the main courses of the prefectural school, they have actually changed several times. The first course used was "Thousand Characters", but the world was learned, and most of the state residents and students said that they didn't know what they learned at all. After all, it is still difficult for them to understand the Thousand Characters with their knowledge and experience, and there is no need to write fantasy novels and use this mysterious and random classification.

Feeling the villagers' demand for so-called serious skills and knowledge, the second edition of the literacy textbook used the content of agricultural books such as "Fish Farming Classics" on agricultural and mulberry breeding. This was what Li Tai sent people to Xiangyang to seek. Apart from anything else, the people of Nanliang still have a set of books to collect and study.

Not to mention the old agricultural books from the Han and Jin Dynasties, even the "Qimin Yaoshu" newly published by Jia Sixie of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and which Li Tai had been searching for but could not find, has some copies and chapters circulating in Xiangyang. And it is said that in Jiankang City, far away in the Southern Liang Dynasty, there is already a complete version of "Qimin Yaoshu".

However, these powerful people in the Southern Liang Dynasty were only keen on collecting books, not farming. Although it was exciting to collect various books, most of them were put aside regardless of whether they were useful or not. The ones that were really studied and used efficiently were still those metaphysical theories.

The second edition of the textbook was very popular for a few days at first, and even some state residents came to the academy to join in the fun, but after a few days, the shortcomings were revealed.

Because these students were basically completely illiterate and could not read a single word, it was still very difficult to let them learn to read and learn to accept text chapters with a huge amount of information from the beginning. So these agricultural books also became optional content and used as advanced courses for schoolchildren.

Now, the prefectural school has finally determined the teaching materials for literacy enlightenment, namely "Songs of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms" and "Three Hundred Farmer's Proverbs".

Such as "If you get a plow rain in spring, you will harvest ten thousand loads of grain in autumn" and "If the wind does not move in the Lesser Heat, the frost will come late", etc. These farmer's proverbs are the summary of farmers' production and are passed down by word of mouth. Besides being catchy, the contents described are also familiar to these farmers' children.

Some of them have been often recited by their fathers, while others have never heard of them. They remember them carefully in their hearts, and when they return home, they sing and talk about them in front of their parents and fellow villagers, and then write them on the ground with branches. They will definitely be praised by the villagers. Just thinking about that scene makes people excited!

In recent days, Li Tai will come to the prefectural school to stroll around in his spare time, listen to the students reciting, look at the charcoal graffiti inside and outside the schoolhouse, and see some naughty and dull students being punished to stand outside the hall, wiping their tears and stuttering to recite farmer's songs. He feels very interesting in his heart, and these poor students must be severely punished!

The scale of the prefectural school is not small. Schoolchildren of school age from the whole Jingzhou gather here. Only about half of the building area is used, and the rest is still waiting for him to use.

Li Tai opened a printing workshop in the prefectural school, but it has not officially started printing books yet.

Because Jingzhou has been in chaos for many years, although it is close to Xiangyang, the atmosphere of worshipping Buddhism is not strong and there are not many Buddhist temples. In this way, it is not easy to directly confiscate Buddhist temples and then develop the production of woodblocks and printing ink. Therefore, some craftsmen from Guanzhong have to be sent here to build these supporting industries before officially printing books.

Of course, the most important thing to engage in the printing industry is book knowledge. Guanzhong is already a cultural desert. The printing workshop that Li Tai opened in Shangyuan before mainly relied on official document printing to hone his skills. He has accumulated a lot of technology, but the books he printed are very limited. Now that he has come to Jingzhou, of course, it is not good to continue to fool around.

Xiangyang was often a frontier town with many powerful and powerful people in the Southern Dynasty, but this cultural atmosphere was much stronger than Mianbei and even Chang'an in Guanzhong.

It only took a few months for Li Tai to collect thousands of volumes of books in the Xiangyang market, but the truly high-quality books were mainly donated by Yueyang King Xiao Zhao.

This guy was greedy for money and treasonous, but he was also a cultured person. When he came to Yongzhou to take office, he brought with him 5,000 to 6,000 volumes of books, and gave Li Tai hundreds of calligraphy and writings by famous people in the Southern Dynasties, including the calligrapher Wang Xizhi.

So Li Tai built a library in the school to store the books collected from Xiangyang and other places, and assigned the extremely high-profile position of library administrator to his father Li Xiao.

Li Xiao is also very satisfied with this position. He had no ambition to become an official. He started farming and studying to support himself in his early years in Qinghe, Hebei Province. He was previously called into the palace by King Yueyang to hold a similar job. Now he is sitting in the library built by his son. I was constantly reviewing and sorting out the books collected from all over the place, and my life was quite comfortable.

Sometimes, when he was fascinated by reading, Li Xiao would simply stay in the library. When he was thirsty and hungry, he would go straight to the canteen of the state capital to have a meal with the school children.

On this day, after Li Tai inspected the school, he went to the library to ask his father to go home for dinner together. The father and son were busy with their own affairs and had not seen each other for more than ten days. Li Tai also suddenly felt that this was a bit unfilial, so he rushed over to take a look.

When he came here, he saw Yan Zheng and several other guards assigned here digging holes in the yard to transplant pines and cypresses. These trees can not only decorate the courtyard, but also isolate the noise. Because it was already midsummer when the school was completed, the best time for tree transplantation was missed, so we waited until after autumn.

"Master Lang is here!"

After Yan Zheng saw Li Tai, he shouted loudly that this boy had been with him since he was rescued by Li Tai from Longyou. Later, Li Xiao learned that this boy was actually a descendant of his benefactor Yan Xin, so he took it from Li Tai. I want this kid to come here and plan to educate him again myself.

However, looking at Yan Zheng's messy folds and his face covered with dust and sweat, he must have been fighting with those teenagers in the school, which shows that the results of this education are really limited.

Li Tai waved his hand to stop the shouts of greetings from the guards. He raised his finger and pointed at the library with a questioning look. When several people nodded in confirmation, he slowly walked in.

The first floor of this library is a lobby for receiving lectures, but the students in the school are obviously not good enough to come here to listen to lectures, and Cui Qian and others are busy with official duties and rarely have time to visit here, so it seems Somewhat empty.

Li Tai bypassed the main hall and walked into the living room on the side. As soon as he saw it, he saw several volumes of documents placed on the desk, and his father Li Xiao was lying on his side on the couch behind the desk with his eyes closed and asleep.

Hearing the rustling sound of Li Tai flipping through books, Li Xiao woke up. When he saw his son arriving, he sat up on the couch and said with a smile: "Why do you have time to come to the school today? I heard from Shi Xun the day before yesterday." "You said you haven't returned from your southern tour. Is there something going on in the south?"

"There are some changes, but they are not big."

Li Tai went south for inspection a few days ago because Liu Zhongli, the governor of Nanliang Sizhou who was in charge of Anlu in Han Dynasty, was ordered to lead his troops east. He wanted to see what was going on in Han Dynasty and whether there were any opportunities, so he arranged relevant investigations. The exploration mission lasted less than two days before returning.

He knew that his father had no interest or insight into these strategic plans, so he said no more. He pointed to the annotations made by his father in the book and asked with a smile: "Aye's annotations on "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" are the first historical records. Zhi? I heard that Fan's hometown is in Nanyang. If we investigate more carefully, there may be descendants in the village who are deeply influenced by him, and we can talk about it with Aye!"

After Li Xiao heard this, he sighed and said, "When you were young, you were given the advice of your elders, and how much did you learn from my family? The Fan family has a long lineage. Even if you can find the family lineage in this hometown, it must be different." Two categories.”

After hearing this, Li Tai's face became embarrassed again. Why do you think Fan Ye and his family brought me with them?

He cursed in his heart, seeing that Aye's room was a little messy, so he added: "Yan Zheng is a rough young man, and he can barely take care of himself. It is better to ask the state government to send two maids to come over, so that Aye can live well." It can be more comfortable and appropriate.”

"No, no, no, Yan Zheng is already a little noisy here, don't let other people come to disturb my peace!"

After hearing this, Li Xiao shook his head and waved his hands in rejection. While putting away his manuscripts, he said with hope: "I heard you said before that it was possible to welcome the Guandong family. How do you know now? Aye I’m not urging you. I know that you are busy with work here and have to pay attention to other things, which will inevitably strain your mind. Since your brother is busy in Chang’an, why don’t we two do this?”

Li Tai knew that his father missed his family, but after all, there were too many restrictions and dangers in his activities in enemy territory. Li Yunxin had been waiting for more than a year, and he had just stabilized in Jinyang City not long ago. He still needed to smuggle personnel. Work hard and especially wait for the right time.

So he comforted his father and said: "Only those who can do things can get twice the result with half the effort. Both Aye and I are too concerned about each other, and care will lead to chaos. If we can't restrain ourselves and act rashly and let others notice, it will ruin things. Aye, you Don’t worry, my mother and I have all moved to Jinyang, a place where my tribe once roamed. If we stay here for a while, good news will come back!”

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