Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 578 It’s better to make a decision early

Although Li Tai knew that King Yueyang's judgment of the situation was inaccurate and was a bit wild, it was because of these wild thoughts that he became nervous, sensitive, suspicious, and suspicious of their cooperative relationship.

"The troops garrisoned in Jing Town are currently insufficient to cope with the situation. It is really difficult to continue to use them here. But since the king has told me his worries, I must not turn a blind eye and stand by. Although there are no armored soldiers, I wonder if the king needs war horses?"

After Li Tai thought for a while, he spoke again.

Liang Shiyan's report of the local tycoons carefully setting up defenses in their territory also made Li Tai feel the deep gap between the north and the south. If he wanted to violently conquer by war, both the cost of conquest and the consumption of war would be very huge. It was an unfortunate coincidence. It may also be self-defeating and the gain outweighs the loss.

Therefore, the value of noble surrender factions like King Yueyang is reflected. If they can be properly utilized, they can greatly eliminate the hostility and resistance of the people on the land of Nanliang, greatly reduce the cost of conquest, and preserve the area. vitality. The gentlemen have all surrendered, so why are you Guizhou leaders who don’t even have a three-foot burial place to resist?

King Yueyang was obviously in a bad state at the moment. Even Li Tai, a close ally like him who cared deeply about him, was suspicious and testing him. He probably imagined that Liu Zhongli would return with his troops and capture him effortlessly. The picture of delivering Jiankang.

Apart from anything else, it can also be seen from this that Liu Zhongli was really a very powerful figure in the Southern Dynasties. No wonder he was able to serve as the leader of the alliance after getting Jiankang.

After realizing that Xiao Qing's psychological pressure was too great, Li Tai used practical actions to cheer him up: Don't scare yourself anymore. With me supporting you, our game will never collapse!

When Xiao Jin heard what Li Tai said, he really smiled again, and then said: "There is a plain and smooth road between Xiangyang and Jiangling. If you have the help of Boshan, your good horse and the formation of fine cavalry, I will be even more helpless. Worry, why fear..."

After hearing this, Li Tai couldn't help but feel happy again. With the complicated interpersonal relationships in your family, it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. No wonder your seventh uncle is not even in a hurry to go to Jiankang. He is holding back his energy and wants to kill you two brothers. With your attitude of looking at third uncle and pointing a knife at seventh uncle, I would probably do it if I were Xiao Laoqi. Kill you first!

So Li Tai made an appointment to allocate 300 good Longyou horses to Xiao Jin for his use. It's not that he is stingy, such a batch of war horses is already very valuable, and he is not so generous as to give away three to five hundred horses casually. Moreover, good horses also need to be selected. If he is not qualified in basic riding and shooting skills, it will be useless to give him many good horses.

In order to prevent Xiao Jin from wasting this war horse, Li Tai also thoughtfully provided dozens of grooms to raise and train him. He also asked him if he needed any cavalrymen, and planned to send He Ruodun there for a while.

Xiao Qing was in a good mood after receiving this funding. When she heard that there were supporting personnel offers, her smile became even brighter. She nodded and agreed with a smile, and said that she would treat these personnel more, without knowing that Li What kind of existence Tai is going to send.

In fact, Xiao Jin doesn't know that his situation today is much better than at the same time in history. Not to mention the huge financial resources accumulated during this period of cooperation with Li Tai, his Xiangyang team itself has been purified a lot by Li Tai, and unstable factors such as Liu Fanggui and Du An brothers have been eliminated in advance. Remove.

However, it is probably because of this that Xiao Jin felt that there was no one under his command. Although he had many retainers, most of them were fierce warriors, and few generals were capable of leading armies in conquests. That's why he treated Li Tai. The general who used it was so caring.

Of course, Li Tainan's visit could not just be to comfort and assist Yueyang Wang Yitong. Since this guy had taken advantage of him, he naturally had to show his own value.

So after he finished talking about these things, he spoke again: "Actually, I have been troubled by a troublesome thing recently, but I don't know whether I should tell the king..."

"What can't we talk about between Boshan and I? You have helped me a lot, so of course I will try my best to help you be happy and worry-free!"

After King Yueyang heard this, he immediately patted his chest and promised, looking as if he could not wait to repay Li Tai.

When Li Tai saw this, he was no longer polite. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "The thing is like this. Hou Jing is causing chaos in Huainan and now crossing the river south, which will inevitably cause confusion in all parties and make people uneasy. Sui Lu is here. Liu Zhongli was in charge in front of me. I also adhered to the plan of peace and harmony for both sides and border harmony, and did not go into the army to inquire.

But now that Liu Zhongli has led his army to leave the country and go east, the soldiers and people in the country are very frightened and suspicious. There are many people who are afraid that I will send troops south to kill them indiscriminately, so they advance and surrender in advance. Alas, I had no plan to send troops to plunder the south, so how could I take advantage of your country's suffering and add insult to injury? But I am trapped in the situation of being unable to defend myself, and unable to reject these people who are surprised and suspicious..."

"Is this happening?"

After King Yueyang heard this, he immediately frowned. He pondered for a while before speaking again: "I wonder if it would be convenient for you, Boshan, to tell me how many people offered the watch?"

Li Tai laughed dryly after hearing this. Do you think it's inconvenient for us? Isn't this nonsense? Even if my mouth is looser than my belt, I can turn around and sell you the Nanliang traitors who have taken refuge in me?

Seeing that Li Tai was silent again, King Yueyang knew that he had asked a stupid question. He was silent for a while and then said: "The country is in chaos, there are traitors inside, there are rebels outside, and it is okay for the soldiers and the people to rebel." Foreseeable. Boshan, if you are willing to tell me first, you are still protecting the friendship between you and me.

If I were where I was, I would never allow such a thing to happen in front of me. Since I am guarding this border, I will definitely punish anyone who dares to cross the border here! But Boshan, you also know the evil of my current situation. Although you have the intention, you are powerless. Even if he knew about this, he could only turn a blind eye.

If it comes from love, I would be happy for you, Boshan. Your reputation for virtue spreads far and wide, and even people from other countries come to follow you. If I stand in the way, it will be unjust. What's more, Suilu is not my territory to rule. Even if I intend to control it, the people there will not obey my orders. If you can recruit Boshan away now, you will also help me weaken the power of my old enemy..."

After saying this, no matter how weird and tricky the logic is, it is estimated that only the last sentence can be regarded as the truth. Just seeing the way Liu Zhongli frightened him before he even targeted him, Xiao Jin probably hoped that Li Tai could move to the mainland and leave Liu Zhongli a desolate wasteland.

"Now that the king has said this, I feel more relieved."

After hearing these words, Li Tai also laughed, looking relieved: "As a general of Wei, I guard the border for the country, and it is my duty to open up the territory and expand the territory. Now that I heard that the other side supported the righteous people, I came to surrender. I immediately deployed manpower to respond, but due to my growing friendship with the King, I can no longer act impartially. Fortunately, the King does not force me to violate my principles, which makes me deeply moved!"

He first made a passionate expression, then looked at King Yueyang seriously and said: "There are some things that should not be said by my mouth. I saw that the king was frowning because he was worried about national affairs, but this is actually a big deal. No need to do so. Regardless of whether Hou Jing's rebellion or Liu Zhongli's actions have any profound impact on the situation in Jianghan and Shaanxi, if the situation is not consistent with morality, how can it be controlled by King Renyong? It is better to establish our ambitions for Shaanxi as early as possible, rather than just waiting for success or failure and handing over our destiny to others!"

"This, this... How dare I? Alas, I'm afraid I'm not strong enough... The river has been breached, and everything is in danger. It really shouldn't be, but I can safely defend the Yong Mansion, I have already..."

After hearing what Li Tai said, King Yueyang suddenly stood up in shock and his speech became a little incoherent. Obviously, this was a topic that he had some assumptions and expectations in his heart, but he did not dare to elaborate or think about it in detail.

"No matter what the king plans, I hope to be able to intervene in it. Even if not, I hope that the king can succeed!"

Seeing that King Yueyang was still not calm enough and his eyes were wandering and he did not dare to look at him, Li Tai couldn't help but sigh to himself, what a big deal, isn't it just rebellion and self-reliance? I can't sleep without thinking about Lu Xin's posture every day!

After a conversation, King Yueyang left Caiyang City with a heavy heart.

After Li Tai sent his people out of the city, he turned back and ordered Liang Shiyan and others to strengthen their investigation of the situation of the local tyrants in Suilu and try to communicate with them.

After all, Xiao Jin has not yet surrendered directly to the Western Wei Dynasty, so Li Tai first gave him some psychological preparation. It is these people who insist on joining me, and they are not the territory for me to fight and kill.

Moreover, it seems that instead of resisting, he is more willing to see Li Tai invade Liu Zhongli's territory and power, so he can also be used to break up and divide a group of local tycoons, and pave the way for the public opinion of Master Wang in advance. Base.

Li Tai hopes that he can take the lead in proposing a specific plan to invade the Jianghan area, so that he can have a greater voice and dominance. Especially in the critical two years when the government army system is about to be established, of course it must occupy a more favorable position.

As if he heard his inner voice, not long after he returned from Caiyang City, an envoy from Huazhou Taifu also arrived in Jingzhou, conveying the order of Daxingtai and hoping that he could take time to report to the court at the end of the year.

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