Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 580 Longshan Le Monument

Sometimes the scene is too big, which is a problem. So many people travel more than ten miles outside the city to meet each other in the cold winter. Whether it is true or false, it is a heavy favor.

In particular, there were a few people among them whose high prestige had exceeded Li Tai's current social circle, and this enthusiasm also made him feel overwhelmed. People like Li Hu, Hou Mo and Chen Shun came to welcome him, which was an out-and-out human burden for Li Tai.

Li Hu probably also saw the trouble in Li Tai's heart. When he came in to toast, he said with a smile: "Some of you are gathered here today because you are eager to hear Li Gongxian's voice. Boshan, you are so diligent in walking around the seats, forcing you to Could it be that the master's attitude is to take advantage of the public's admiration for himself? "

After Li Tai heard this, he also showed a slightly embarrassed posture, and then laughed dryly and said: "My master has never been to Kansai before. As you can see, it is just my humble work. Thank you for this." The kindness of all of you came to greet me, and for a moment I felt a sense of self-satisfaction. Duke Longxi criticized me harshly, which made me feel timid."

Everyone laughed when they heard this conversation. Especially for those who are proud of their status, it is indeed easier for them to accept that they are here for Li Xiao than to be forced by Li Tai's current position.

After laughing, Li Hu stood up again, picked up the wine glass and said seriously to Li Xiao: "Today I came to welcome Mr. Li. In addition to observing the achievements of Boshan and admiring Mr. Li's tutor, I was also entrusted by others. Mr. Hanoi I am bound by official duties and am tied to Longyou, so I have no time to come back to welcome you. I sent a message to tell you that I hope to welcome you on your behalf. I also told you that I did not mean to neglect you. When I have time, I will go to my house in person to say thank you for raising me well. husband……"

Li Xiao also quickly stood up and bowed to Li Hu first, then turned to the direction of Longyou and said: "Quanzi entered the pass as a righteous man last year and was in a lonely and weak situation. He looked up to his relatives and the benevolent elders in the pass." Thank you for your love and care. With this grace, I have made a small contribution and lived up to everyone's expectations. Today, I have returned to my country, and I have been so close to you. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart, and I can't express my gratitude. I drink this cup. "

After everyone heard this, they all stood up to have a drink with him.

When Li Tai's former father was in Jingzhou, he only thought that his father's personality was like that of an old homebody who didn't like liveliness and social interaction. But now it seems that when the occasion comes, he can be so high-profile. For example, when he drinks with others, he never talks about everlasting heroism and great Wei Yongxing.

The atmosphere in the big tent is naturally pleasant, but there are also people who cater to them on the surface but cannot blend in on the inside.

Yu Wenhu looked at the Li family and his son, who were praised by the crowd as the center of attention and had made a lot of face today, and couldn't help but feel a little disgusted. Especially when he thought that he was still in vain, and even looked a little displeased with his cousin Yu Wenyu who was sitting at the same table.

Zhao Gui, who was deprived of his rank and title after being defeated by Yu Wenhu in Heluo, this year, when Yuan Qin, the prince of the Daxingtai Communist Party, went on tour, he laid a stele in Longshan to describe his merits and rewarded the civil and military ministers. Zhao Gui also Take advantage of this opportunity to regain your official title with Yuan.

But Yuwen Hu did not have such good luck. Since he entered the pass in Jinyang, he has mainly helped his uncle take care of the family affairs, but he has been lackluster in foreign military and political matters. It was his brother Yuwen who shied away from the title conferred and hoped to transfer it to Yuwen. Protector, this restored his original title.

But this title was just an honor and had no practical significance. Although Yu Wenhu no longer served as a groom in the stables of the Taifu, he still had no new official position.

Therefore, people's joys and sorrows are not the same. In the big tent of the crowd's joy, he only felt noisy and wanted to end it all as soon as possible, so he reminded Yu Wenyu in his ear: "The Lord is still waiting for Li in the mansion." Father and son are here!"

Yu Wenyu, who was enjoying the atmosphere, finally remembered, and quickly stood up and invited Li and his son to follow him back to the city and into the mansion.

It was the middle of winter and it was cold. Of course, everyone couldn't stay here for a long time. They drank a few glasses of hot wine to warm themselves up. After hearing Yu Wenyu's reminder, they all stopped and packed up for a while to go back to the city.

The group of people headed towards Huazhou City in a mighty manner. Since there was no snow on the road, the carriage and horses moved smoothly, and they soon arrived in front of the city gate.

Naturally, it was impossible for so many people to go to Taifu, so most of them said goodbye here and dispersed. Li Taiyi thanked these people one by one and agreed to have a banquet at the mansion the next day, and then followed his father to Taifu. The crowd walked all the way.

On the streets of Huazhou City, many city residents gathered at this time. At this time, the people in the city already knew who had come to Huazhou City. Many people gathered on both sides of the street to look curiously, and shouted loudly: "Where is it?" One is Li Lang’s wise father. What good education can he bring up such a strong boy?”

The masses were eager to learn and shouted for advice along the street. Li Tai was naturally made to laugh and cry. After seeing the enthusiasm of the officials and people of Kansai towards him, Li Xiao looked more and more at this son who brought him so much admiration. Feel proud.

Soon the group arrived at Tai Mansion. Li Tai led other subordinates and family members to go home first, while he led his father into Tai Mansion and whispered to his father some customs and personnel habits of Kansai.

Taifu was as busy as ever, and there were many Taifu officials bowing to Li Tai along the way. Li Tai originally wanted to go to the Zhitang to visit Daxingtai, but was informed by the visitor that Daxingtai had suspended government affairs for the day and returned to the inner palace to hold a banquet to entertain them and his son.

When Li Xiao heard this, he couldn't help but feel flattered. He didn't expect that when he arrived in Guanzhong, a commoner, he could actually make the Daxingtai in charge of military and political affairs suspend their work and prepare to receive him. He felt more and more that his son had really been in Kansai in the past few years. It's not for nothing, everyone from top to bottom is full of dignity.

Li Tai naturally knew similar means of winning people's hearts, and Daxingtai was always at his fingertips, but every time he was treated like this, his heart felt warm.

The group of people turned to the inner palace again, and finally saw Daxingtai when they entered the vestibule of the inner palace. Li Tai gave a brief hint to his father, then walked forward and paid homage to Yu Wentai: "My minister Li Boshan has been ordered to return to the country to report his affairs and pay homage to the Lord."

Yu Wentai had already put on Yanju clothes and a large fur coat. He just lowered his head and glanced at Li Tai who was worshiping on the ground, and then strode towards Li Xiao.

"Li Xiao, a young citizen from Longxi, has met Mr. Anding..."

Li Xiaodun stood down and waited for him to bow in greeting. Yu Wentai had already stepped forward to hold his elbows with both hands. He then took off the big fur draped on his body and wrapped it around Li Xiao's shoulders.

"Winter in Kansai is very bitter and cold. If you haven't lived here for a long time, it would be unbearable. It took several years for Gu Yi to get used to it. Ren Luexin moved in from Nuanxiang, Jiangbei, and the travel was tiring, so I think it was quite hard. ? But it was only for a short time that Huzhong Erlang made great achievements and benefited the family and the country. Now Renlue comes here and finally makes this meritorious family intact! "

After Yu Wentai put his cloak around Li Xiao, he patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, his demeanor and movements were quite affectionate.

Although Li Xiao had received many reminders from his son on the road, he still didn’t expect that Yu Wentai, a dignified businessman, would be able to mature on his own and be able to handle the fashion of the masses outside. However, at this moment, he was a little unable to react, and his body stiffened for a moment. Then he hurriedly leaned forward and said: "This young man has just arrived in Guanxi and has done nothing for the country. He is really unworthy of receiving such courtesy from Duke An Ding..."

When Yu Wentai heard this, his face suddenly darkened. He raised his hand but he ignored it for a while. Li Tai said angrily: "Come here! Your father and son have only been together for a short time. Didn't you tell your father my preface? What a self-deprecating voice!”

As he spoke, he took Li Xiao's wrist and said: "This son is just a young apprentice who is studying and being raised in whoever's house he is. Who dares to give him a heavy responsibility? I can use it without any doubt, and this son is also Live up to high expectations and reward me with great achievements! How can such talent and courage be a natural development? You are laughing at me for being ignorant."

It's a bit late to start writing today, everyone has been waiting for a long time, I'm sorry. . .

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