Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 595 Competing to work together

The patrol team did not stay in Suizhou for long, and set off again to Dongxia Prefecture the day after Li Tai briefed Daxingtai on the strategy of Han River.

At the same time, in order to allow Li Tai to concentrate on writing and perfecting his Hanshui strategy, although he still accompanied the team, he no longer had to follow around and set off with Li Mu, who was temporarily transferred to be the commander-in-chief of the rear army.

"Although I have served the Lord for a longer time, my guess about the Lord's thoughts is not as accurate and profound as Boshan's."

When they were on the road again, Li Mu said to Li Tai half expectantly and half puzzled: "The Lord specifically told me this morning that my talents are not limited to Su Guards' vigilance. If I use them for a long time, my talents will inevitably be wasted. Of course I never feel that Su guards Guards are always overqualified, but the Lord suddenly said this, maybe he has other important arrangements for me? Boshan, you know the current situation, do you know where the Lord will use me?"

Hearing Li Mu's humbly asking for advice, Li Tai felt happy in his heart. He originally thought that he was somewhat to blame for the upbringing of that boy Li Ya, but now it seems that it is also due to his family background and roots.

I don't know what our boss is going to use you for, but I know he may be worried that if he keeps you around any longer, you may have to work with me to get him.

It is said that drums do not need heavy hammers. Just from yesterday's exchange, Yu Wentai probably felt that Li Tai was already a bit too powerful to use, so he also began to re-examine the relationship and interaction between Li Tai and the people in Taiwan. .

Li Mu and Li Tai have become very close in the past few years. Not only have they helped each other in their careers, but even in their daily interactions, they have become like a family that cares for their wives and children. Although this is not enough for Yu Wentai to directly question Li Mu's loyalty, it is obviously not suitable for him to serve as the captain of the personal army.

No longer needing to be around, Li Tai could move around more freely. While the team was stranded in Dongxia Prefecture, he temporarily left the team and went to Xihe County for a tour.

Today's Xihe County is a big change compared to previous years. After it was officially established, as part of the transaction between Yuwentai and Duguxin, it has great administrative autonomy and is not affiliated with Dongxia Prefecture or Beihua Prefecture. control.

The scale of farming in this area has also developed rapidly, and there are many fertile fields and fertile soil along the Kuli River. In addition to meeting the needs of regional self-use, the grain produced here also supplies the needs of military towns such as Sanxia Prefecture. However, the Tai government only needs to regulate the production and sales of salt ponds and issue salt quotas to achieve effective cross-regional mobilization of resources.

As for Li Tai also occupying a large area of ​​fertile land here, this is a matter of course and inevitable.

It should be noted that he built northern Shaanxi from a barren land to the current fertile land, where people can live and work in peace and contentment. Including the introduction of salt to Kaizhong was also a policy proposed by him. In addition to providing some policy assistance, the actual human resources were very limited. .

Up to now, the defense line in the entire Hetao area has been strengthened and expanded to such a scale. It is no exaggeration to say that Li Tai is the first contributor. It would be abnormal for him not to engage in some private industry.

Of course, the rapid development of Xihe County also benefited from the relocation of the personnel resources accumulated by Dugu Xin in Longyou. Today, Duguxin still shows some resistance to Director Yuwen in Longyou. In fact, it is to continue to maintain the right to speak in personnel matters for a period of time, so as to move to an area that is still controllable.

Gao Bin served as the prefect of Xihe County and arranged the county's government affairs in an orderly manner. Coupled with the assistance of Li Dao, Mao Shijian and other former relatives of Li Tai, the overall changes in Xihe County can be said to be changing with each passing day.

Li Tai made a brief inspection after entering the country, but did not visit in detail. He only collected some of the latest swords and armor from the weapons workshop in Blackwater Fangcheng, and sent them back to Huazhou for later use. during the war.

In addition to the characteristics of water warfare, the southerners also had considerable power of bows and crossbows. In some special terrain battles, their attack power was even better than that of the northerners' cavalry and archery. Therefore, when fighting the Southerners again, the armor rate of the elite troops also needs to be improved.

Although Li Tai had taken a group of craftsmen south to Jingzhou before, it was a pity to abandon the already large-scale production line here, so a group of craftsmen were still left to maintain production here.

Among the ordnance delivered this time, in addition to more than 600 armors of various types, powerful bows, swords and other equipment, there is also a batch of excellent horse spears.

Although Gao Aocao's old gun is of excellent quality and craftsmanship, it is still a bit too grown-up and heavy for Li Tai's habits. After all, he is not a powerful warrior himself, so he can still use it, but it is not as good as Tailor-made to be so convenient and convenient.

So after capturing a group of skilled craftsmen from Jinyang Palace and bringing them back to northern Shaanxi, Li Tai had the idea to build a horse spear for himself. At that time, he told the craftsmen about his needs and habits, and the craftsmen worked hard, but it was only now that the work was finally completed and delivered.

After Li Tai tried this new horse for a while, he felt that the length, weight and some details of the design were all very suitable for him. He was also very satisfied. As expected, the one that suits him is the best.

During the same period, there were also more than a dozen horseshoes with different handles and shapes produced, but the materials and processes were all the same. After all, so many craftsmen have wasted several years to create just one horsetail. It is too luxurious to process the same batch of materials and perform various processes. Naturally, the more materials are processed, the lower the cost will be, but the quality difference itself is not big.

Li Tai only needed one horse stick. He planned to give the other horse sticks to his generals in the same batch. After seeing the fine and beautiful lines on the horses' bodies, he also gave them to this batch of horses. I got a very middle-class and domineering name, Long Wenshan!

After staying in Xihe County for a short period of time, Li Tai returned to Guangwu City to join the team. Before heading back south, Yu Wentai also specially sent a message to Yang Zhong to return to Huazhou with the team to express his support for Li Tai's plan. This is not a perfunctory attitude. As long as the demonstration is feasible, the personnel will be arranged as soon as possible.

After the inspection of Dongxia Prefecture, the group went south along the river and hunted at the southern foot of Beishan Mountain in northern Huazhou for several days. Finally, the tour ended and they returned to Huazhou in a grand manner.

By the time the group returned to Huazhou, it was already mid-June, and Li Tai's mood became extremely hot like the weather. Now he is already eager to go south and happily carve up this piece of fat in Nanliang.

After Yu Wentai returned to Huazhou, he immediately summoned government officials to discuss the plan proposed by Li Tai, but the result of the discussion was not very optimistic.

Most of the Taifu officials and generals did not agree with Li Tai's plan. One reason was that Li Tai's plan was too ambitious and set too many goals at the same time, which seemed unrealistic. The Western Wei Dynasty was not immune to the second lesson of underestimating the enemy and advancing rashly. The last negative lesson was still trapped in Yingchuan.

Li Tai had already expected this situation, so he was not nervous. Whether or not to send troops cannot be decided by this kind of mass meeting. Moreover, responding to and solving various problems raised by everyone is also part of the united front work, and this is the core value of being a leader of a political power.

Putting aside various internal disputes, Yu Wentai was obviously very tempted by the plan proposed by Li Tai. After all, Hou Jing was able to go straight to Jiankang and control the Second Palace of Nanliang with his defeated troops. They, the Western Wei Dynasty, could not be inferior to Hou Jing. Driven by powerful desires, any excuse that something is not possible is no excuse.

However, the personnel structure of the execution plan proposed by Li Tai was somewhat unacceptable to Yu Wentai, and he also wanted to use public sentiment to contain and hit Li Tai, and to get things back on track under the control of the Taiwan government.

In this case, what matters is who is more determined and able to endure it better.

Therefore, in the face of the public's doubts, Li Tai kept repeating his plan without making modifications or concessions.

This is not fighting spirit, but confidence in one's own plan. If the actual executor cannot withstand the pressure of the masses and acts haphazardly, then the feasibility of the plan itself will be greatly reduced. To achieve great things, sometimes a certain amount of stubbornness is needed.

As Li Tai continued to persist, the direction of public opinion gradually changed. Many people are actually only subconsciously resistant to this. The reasons for their judgments are based on past events and experiences, rather than an in-depth understanding and clear judgment of the latest situation. Li Tai's attitude has become their attitude toward An important basis for approval or disapproval of this matter.

After noticing the turn of public opinion, Yuwentai's attitude also became positive.

He first petitioned the imperial court in the name of the Taiwan government to change Wang Sizheng's title to Yingchuan County Duke, and give a positive assessment to Wang Sizheng's troops entering Yingchuan. Regardless of the final success or failure, Wang Sizheng's behavior and spirit of opening up territory for the country are worthy of recognition, and similar behavior plans are also worthy of praise.

This is the structure and scope that a normal politician should have, because such a plan itself is timely. If the stalemate continues without giving in, it will turn from a discussion of issues into a battle of wills.

If Li Tai cannot obtain a decision that satisfies him here in Taiwan, a new judge will definitely be introduced, and that is the imperial court. Even when children fight, they know that they cannot sue their parents. Once the court intervenes in the matter, the nature of the matter will change.

After the Taiwan government made a clear statement, Shiliu's discussion on this matter also changed. It no longer focused on whether it was feasible, but began to discuss how to optimize the implementation process.

At the same time, Shiliu also began to express goodwill and requests to Li Tai, hoping to join this grand military operation, including a person who Li Tai didn't want to face but had to face. , that is Yu Wenhu.

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