Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 597 General Manager of Jingzhou

With some encouragement from Li Tai, Yu Wenhu poured out what was in his heart, and then continued to drink heavily and became extremely drunk. In the end, Li Tai sent his family to drive him away.

In the morning of the next day, Li Tai was summoned to the Tai Mansion. As soon as he walked into the straight hall, he saw Yu Wenhu, who had returned drunk last night, sitting sideways in the straight hall. He looked very energetic and He didn't have the tiredness of a normal hangover. When his eyes met Li Tai, he dodged them for a while, and then turned back with enthusiasm, and even showed a bit of flattery.

When Li Tai came in, greeted him and took his seat, Yu Wentai raised his finger and pointed at Yu Wenhu beside him, and then asked Li Tai with a smile: "Boshan also thinks that Sabao is qualified to handle the affairs of going out to control Hedong?"

Li Tai was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then looked at Yu Wenhu subconsciously. I just listened to you talk about your ideas last night. When did you ever say that you were qualified for this matter?

Yu Wenhu first lowered his head in embarrassment to avoid Li Tai's questioning eyes, but soon raised his head again with a pleading look in his eyes.

Li Tai withdrew his gaze and then looked up at the Daxingtai in the hall. Seeing a hint of expectation in his eyes, he understood in his heart that the uncle and nephew were planning to use their own expressions to promote this matter.

Maybe Yu Wentai didn't have such an idea before, but after listening to Yu Wenhu himself boasting and fighting for it, he felt that this was a better arrangement.

Historically, Yuwen Hu came out of Hedong around this period, but at that time he did not have the humiliating record of the Battle of Heyang. Now even if Yuwen Tai wants to arrange his nephew there, there is no suitable opportunity. and excuses, but also take into account other people’s views and attitudes.

Li Tai knew that he had insisted on forcing the Taiwan government to make certain concessions on this issue, and Yu Wentai had come to make amends elsewhere. Since he wanted to have a greater say in the Hanshui strategy, he needed to make exchanges in other aspects, such as providing support and endorsement for Yuwen to protect Hedong.

Li Tai also felt a little unhappy when he thought that in the past, he had used his own strength to gain strength, but this time, this guy Yu Wenhu was using the tiger's skin as a banner.

However, he also understands that sometimes things have to go on like this, and any choice will be accompanied by a certain degree of exchange and concession. He didn't have to face this before because he was not qualified yet, so he decided to serve as the governor of Jingzhou. The final decision was also the result of negotiations between Da Xingtai and his father-in-law Dugu Xin, and it was not really necessary for him.

The current situation is very clear. Since he feels that he is qualified enough to be on the table, and if he wants to get Daxantai's support in the Hanshui strategy, he needs to provide certain help in other aspects.

Although the news of the fall of Yingchuan has not yet been sent back, with Zhao Gui being dispatched, it basically means that the Taiwan government has given up on Wang Sizheng. Naturally, Wang Sizheng was not a simple side general. He had been outside the core of the Western Wei regime for many years, and had been in charge of various parties. Although he did not establish stable personnel support in the court, he had great prestige among people in Hedong and Western Henan. Not shallow.

Now that Wang Sizheng has been abandoned, it is inevitable that there will be some changes in human relations in these places, and control must be strengthened. Especially Hedong, which has proven to have great strategic value in the repeated battles between the two Wei Dynasties, is also an area that must be focused on.

Although Li Tai had never left the town of Hedong, he had a pretty good relationship with the people of Hedong. He had good friendship with Pei Liu and other members of the various tribes in Hedong. In addition, the salt he had donated before led to Kaizhong's various schemes, which gave people the impression that he was very interested in the people's livelihood in Hedong. I feel like I have a deep understanding of government affairs. Of course, the most important thing is that he has made great achievements in recent years. His recommendation will certainly be more convincing.

So why is there such a thing as Yu Wenhu in the world? Looking at the current situation, Li Tai will either recruit him into the government or recommend him to Hedong. Yu Wentai was a bastard in Zhenbing's den. Not even Gao Huan could take advantage of him, let alone something Li Tai could easily control.

After pondering for a while, Li Tai decided to choose the lesser of two evils. He nodded in response to the expectant eyes of the uncle and nephew and said, "My lord, I will not ask, but I also want to say this. The humerus of the Zhongshan family is the good minister of the country." , It is really a waste of talents to stay away from things for a long time. If you can..."

"Shut up! I thought you young spokespersons would be candid and direct in your speech, and would not hide behind cover, but I didn't expect you are not immune to the same!"

Yu Wentai originally had a smile on his face, but now his face suddenly darkened. He slapped the table and stopped Li Tai from continuing, and then he said angrily: "Has this disciple always been idle? Has he been idle before? How can he repay the Taiwan government if he has no important duties? Li Boshan, a young man in your country and highly respected by the people, should speak frankly when talking about things. How can you be trapped in personal feelings? "

Yu Wenhu was on pins and needles when he heard his uncle's rebuke. He suddenly felt ashamed and hurriedly turned over and knelt down.

As for Li Tai, his mood is even more complicated. He wishes he could just give Yu Wentai a hammer. You stinky black otter, don't be so inappropriate. Do you still want me to praise this Shi Zhenxiang without conscience?

"Three days after seeing each other, they treated each other with admiration. How can the Lord, who is in charge of the constitution and government, not know this wise words? What's more, Duke Zhongshan is not a disgusting thing in other courts. He grew up from his arms into the six-foot-long body he is today. He is getting better and better with each passing day. Lord, can you ignore it? If you deliberately avoid suspicion because of this, then there is no need. The resurgence of the great unification will definitely be achieved through the participation of the masses and the unity of the people."

Although he felt very unhappy, the talk had reached this point and the drama had to go on, so Li Tai argued with his reasoning and spoke generously: "I and Mr. Zhongshan are indeed good friends who have a close personal relationship, but they are also from the same house." As a minister, his speeches at daily gatherings are nothing more than sacrificing his life for the country, so we know that his ambition is very deep.

Zhongshan Gong is by no means a dead wood, and he will definitely be more courageous and aware of his shame when making suggestions. I am proud to be a good friend, and I also hope that Lord Zhongshan will be grateful to me and make meritorious deeds. The Lord is in charge of the country's affairs and appoints talented people, but he is unwilling to spare any favors for his disciples and nephews. He is harsh and intimidating. Who is not trembling and timid in doing things? "


"Boshan, don't say any more..."

Li Tai spoke loudly in the hall, but Yuwen's uncle and nephew had different reactions. Yu Wentai was even more angry, but Yu Wenhu made a sad voice to dissuade him, and then kowtowed to the hall: "Please forgive Boshan for his sin of making mistakes. He definitely didn't mean to offend, but I have repeatedly told my regrets to him." Boshan, make him feel the same and speak out for me..."

Yu Wentai stood in the hall, his face changing, and after a while he slowly walked down the hall. When Li Tai saw this, he also bowed to apologize.

But Yu Wentai walked up to him, pulled him up from the ground, and then said in a deep voice: "Although good words are offensive, they can benefit people and things. I am not a sage, how can I have no faults? I was a self-deprecating person before. I am ashamed that my tutor is not good enough, so I punished Sa Bao harshly and unduly. Fortunately, Boshan spoke generously and warned me today, so that my brothers and sisters will not go far away from each other..."

After Yu Wenhu heard this, he was even more moved. When Li Tai heard this, he was full of curses. Do you still call this a severe punishment? Is it possible that after a slap, you still have to kiss, hug, and lift me up?

Originally, Yu Wentai just wanted a powerful person to take the lead in taking a stand on this matter, and then he would follow suit. Since Li Tai was so on the right track, the rest of the matter would naturally fall into place.

Li Tai's kind words repaired the relationship between the uncle and nephew, and at the same time promoted talents for the country, and the rewards came as expected.

Taichung soon approved the plan to attack the Han River, using Li Tai as the southeastern platform to control the southeastern armies, using troops to target Hanzhong and Handong, and taking advantage of the civil strife in Nanliang to seize its territory.

Of course, although Li Tai has outstanding achievements, he is still too young, and age is usually linked to experience. This plan can be said to be the largest expansion plan involving territory since the founding of the Western Wei Dynasty. It is also doubtful whether Li Tai can ensure its implementation.

Therefore, in addition to Yang Zhong proposed by Li Tai before, the imperial court also used Da Xiwu as the base of Shannan Road, and led another group of troops to cooperate with Li Tai's battle plan, and sent troops directly from Guanzhong to the south to attack Hanzhong.

For Li Tai at the moment, this is indeed the best arrangement he can get. How many people at his age can become a party leader, take charge of military affairs, and preside over launching such a large-scale military operation against an enemy country? In order to buy an insurance policy, the imperial court and the Bafu added a team of people like Da Xiwu to share the responsibility. If he was still dissatisfied, he would be a bit ungrateful.

However, although the addition of a platform was one of the honors, it gave Da Xiwu a more legitimate jurisdiction in Hanzhong than Li Tai.

Therefore, after some weighing, Li Tai still proposed to Bafu to refuse the title of Xingtai of Southeast Daoxingtai, saying that he was a general of Xingtai who was sent by Taifu and directly obeyed the orders of Daxingtai, and he really did not need to govern Xingtai. thing.

Yu Wentai was naturally very pleased with this. Xingtai was the overseas branch of Shangshu Province. The full name of Huazhou Bafu was the Prime Minister's Palace and Shangshu Daxingtai. In theory, the other Daoxingtai are also directly affiliated to the Shangshu Province. They have the same administrative authority as the Taifu government in their respective areas. They are not clearly superior and subordinate to each other. The Daoxingtai have the power to report directly to the court beyond the Taifu government. .

Although Li Tai submitted a letter to refuse to go to Taiwan and gain a higher rank, as the leader of such a large military operation, he indeed needed to have greater military and political power than the ordinary governor Fang Bo.

So after some discussions, the people in the Taiwan government decided to grant Li Tai a new official title that would usher in the next stage of local military and political formation, that is, the general manager of Jingzhou.

Li Tai, the Southeast Daoxingtai, resigned. Naturally, Nada Xiwu, the Shannan Daoxingtai who was awarded the title at the same time, could not continue to hang around in embarrassment, and of course he had to resign.

But without Shannan Daoxingtai, Da Xiwu had no other positions of sufficient weight to compete with Li Tai's Jingzhou general manager. Even if the general manager of Liangzhou is temporarily added, the scope of authority and power base of each other are not comparable.

It’s the end of the month again, and I’m so happy that I can keep my job with full attendance. . . I wish everyone a happy life and please pay attention to safety due to the typhoon. . .

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