Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 601 The great city is in sight

Nanzheng is located on the south bank of the Han River. It has been the core area of ​​Hanzhong since ancient times. Now it is also the prefecture of Liangzhou and the county of Hanzhong. During the reign of different regimes, many constructions and repairs were made to the city, making the current Nanzheng city tall and broad, making it the largest city in Hanzhong.

Since the Hou Jing Rebellion broke out last year, Xiao Xun, the Marquis of Yifeng who was guarding Hanzhong, summoned the powerful forces in the counties and counties within the territory and collected grain and supplies, so that all personnel and supplies gathered around Nanzheng City.

The reason why Xiao Xun did this was certainly not out of pure sensitivity and timidity. Although Hanzhong is far away from the core area of ​​Nanliang and was not affected by Hou Jing's Rebellion, it is close to Guanzhong, the core of Western Wei's rule. Moreover, Nanliang has only been based here for more than ten years, which also makes many powerful forces in the territory still loyal to Wei. .

In order to ensure the stability of order in the state and to have enough power to watch the changes in the situation in the country, Xiao Xuncai had to work hard to concentrate the manpower and material resources in his own hands.

Because Xiao Xun responded in a timely manner and sent troops to garrison several cities invaded by the Wei army. Since the Hou Jing Rebellion broke out, although there was no lack of human fright in the territory, fortunately no major riots occurred.

On this day, fast horses entered the city from the east. They were patrol scouts deployed in the east. After entering the mansion, they reported an important message to Xiao Xun: Li Qianzhe of Ankang, following the previous conquest order from the state government, led his troops to the west to defend the south. Zhengcheng, and brought a large amount of supplies to donate.

Xiao Xun in the state capital was overjoyed after hearing the news, and was about to go out to greet him in person.

Although the Li family has lived in peace for a long time, its power is among the best in the entire Shannan region, and Li Qianzhe himself is also shrewd and capable. Now he is finally willing to lead his clan to join him. For Xiao Xun, this is not only an increase in the power of his people, but also can be used as an excellent example to inspire other powerful people in Shannan.

However, when Xiao Xun proposed this decision, his subordinate Liu Fan stood up and objected: "Although my lord is thirsty for talents, he is willing to treat those who come to him with courtesy. But the government order has been issued for a long time Li Qianzhe, relying on the great power of his hometown, had been slow to respond, but now he suddenly reversed his previous attitude and mobilized his tribe to join him. It is necessary for the lord to be on guard against going out of his way. Please send officials out of the city to greet the leader and issue an order. , it’s not too late to give him preferential treatment after he enters the government.”

Liangzhou's state affairs were arranged in an orderly manner. Xiao Xun also relied on Liu Fan's strength. At this time, he heard his advice, so after thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "What Liu Jishi said is a prudent plan. Li Qianzhe is arrogant in the past and behind in the future." Gong really had to be on guard, so he sent his troops to the camps outside the city, and then made other arrangements after he came to visit him. "

Soon, government officials came out of the city with orders to respond, and Li Qianzhe also led his tribe to the eastern suburbs of Nanzheng City.

As the leading powerful force in Shannan, the size of Li Qianzhe's tribe was worthy of his reputation in the countryside. There were three thousand well-armed and strong soldiers, accompanied by a large amount of supplies.

Because the upper reaches of the Han River are rugged and narrow, the water flow is abnormally fast, and the navigation conditions are poor, all these materials are loaded on carts and transported by land. There were hundreds of carts, filled with neatly stacked linen bags, which looked extremely tempting.

The arrival of Li Qianzhe's men also aroused the crowds inside and outside the city to watch. Seeing how powerful he was, the crowds couldn't help but exclaimed with envy and jealousy.

Although the troops under Li Qianzhe were quite impressive, they did not receive matching treatment. The state government only sent a government official out of the city to convey the order of the state leader, ordering Li Qianzhe to come into the government to pay a visit. As for his subordinates, they camped in an open space outside the city.

Hearing the cold treatment from the state capital, the expressions of Li Qianzhe and his cronies changed. His younger brother Li Xian stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Brother, a whole family has come to join us to strengthen the power of the state leader." , but he was treated so coldly, which really chilled the blood of the righteous!"

"shut up!"

After Li Qianzhe heard this, he stood up and angrily said: "Since Marquis Yifeng entered the state, he has been well-known for his politeness to virtuous people. This cold encounter may be due to other things. When I come to the house to see you, any misunderstandings will be solved naturally. Open. If things really can’t be reconciled, don’t make any fuss when I bring everyone back home!”

Hearing this, Li Xian and others bowed their heads in agreement and did not dare to say anything more. However, the state official standing aside looked extremely embarrassed and could only bow his head more respectfully and said: " My lord has ordered someone to welcome Marquis Chaoyang, and a banquet has been set up in the mansion to entertain him."

Li Qianzhe did not embarrass this government official. Instead, he led his troops to the camp designated by the state capital according to the instructions, made arrangements for setting up camp, and then walked into the team under the cover of his subordinates to greet those who had come with him. Li Tai said: "We can only let you live in the suburbs of the city for the time being. After the general enters the city and meets Marquis Yifeng, we can formulate internal and external attack plans as soon as possible."

Li Tai was wearing an ordinary robe. He stood in the queue and looked around before saying with a smile: "It's hot in the middle of summer, but it's still very cool here in Shannan. In the past, I would lie down in the snow and drink ice to make extraordinary achievements. Compared with today, it's nothing like this." It’s really not an grievance. Please be careful when you go, General Li. I’ll wait for good news outside the city!”

After a brief farewell, Li Qianzhe led a dozen of his followers and headed straight for Nanzheng City. The troops outside the city began to set up camp under the command of Li Xian. While walking among the troops, Li Tai looked at the famous Hanzhong city in front of him with great interest. Seeing that the city was tall, broad and solid, it was indeed the Yi army. It is difficult to defend and attack.

Although Xiao Xun followed Liu Fan's suggestion and did not go out to greet Li Qianzhe in person, he did not completely neglect Li Qianzhe. He still led the palace officials to wait in the central hall of the mansion. When Li Qianzhe came to the hall to pay his respects, he even lowered his rank and came down. He personally helped Li Qianzhe up and said with a smile: "Marquis Chaoyang is the pillar of Shannan. Now that he is willing to lead his troops to the west to help defend Nanzheng, I can rest easy!"

Faced with Xiao Xun's courtesy, Li Qianzhe's expression softened a little, and he first explained his delay in arrival: "Since the last general received the order from the envoy, he has been anxiously preparing personnel, but Ankang's mountains and plains are full of mountains and products. There was not enough, so we could only go down the river to visit various villages in Jianghan to buy and transport materials and return. It took a lot of time to go back and forth, but the results were quite fruitful. I brought enough materials on this westward journey..."

Hearing Li Qianzhe's explanation, the smile on Xiao Xun's face became brighter and brighter. Especially when Li Qianzhe presented the list of donated supplies and Xiao Xun quickly looked through it, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. He immediately became more joyful. He took Li Qianzhe's hand and sent him to the banquet. He even poured the wine for him and praised him repeatedly: "But it makes everyone become the Marquis of Chaoyang who understands the Lord's will and saves the family." "Although the giant bandit is evil, why worry about it?"

After Li Qianzhe heard this, he stood up and bowed to Xiao Xun and said: "I don't dare to boast about my selflessness. The reason why I have the courage to donate is because I have seen your envoy promote benevolent government in the state, and all the villagers and elders are grateful for this kindness. Now that you are worried about the national crisis and tell the people, you should be brave enough to respond!"

Xiao Xun was even more overjoyed after hearing this. He praised Li Qianzhe for being so impatient and righteous, and immediately appointed Li Qianzhe to assist in the defense of Nanzheng City and entrusted him with the power of city defense.

However, as soon as he expressed this intention, Liu Fan, who was sitting with him at the table, hurriedly stood up and said: "The talent of Marquis Chaoyang is naturally sufficient for the important task of city defense. However, he has been tired from the journey and has no time to rest. He has suddenly added many important responsibilities. The Lord's words are indeed sincere and trustworthy. However, because of the sudden increase in the responsibilities of Marquis Chaoyang, it is inevitable that he will be uneasy and fear that he will bear the heavy responsibility. It is better to arrange the people under Marquis Chaoyang properly and then make a long-term plan."

After Li Qianzhe heard this, he secretly resented it, but he did not dare to show it on his face. He quickly stood up and said: "I would like to thank you for your favor and appreciation, but as Liu Jishi said, new entrants after traveling far away I am too tired to take on the important task, but I will do my best to defend a corner of Luo City so that the general can have the opportunity to repay your kindness."

At this moment, Xiao Xun also felt that such an important personnel appointment was a bit rash, so he smiled and said to Li Qianzhe: "Of course I trust the willpower of Marquis Chaoyang, but he is by no means a state leader who is unwilling to sympathize with the hard work of his subordinates. As you said, I will settle down in Luocheng first, and when I am full of energy, I will have other big responsibilities."

So the matter was put aside for the time being, and everyone continued to feast. However, the situation is now delicate, and Xiao Xun himself is not a self-indulgent person, so this banquet is full of fun.

However, after the banquet was over, Li Qianzhe said again: "The general's troops are already stationed outside the city, and they can move to the defense tomorrow. However, it is always inappropriate to leave the money, food and materials in the army in the countryside. I sincerely ask you to send troops to the camp. Check and return to warehouse.”

Although Xiao Xun didn't drink much, he was a little drunk now. When he heard that Li Qianzhe wanted to present the materials to the warehouse as soon as possible, he didn't doubt him, so he raised his hand and said: "Please ask Liu Ji for this matter." The office handles it.”

Liu Fan quickly stood up and accepted the order. After everyone respectfully sent Xiao Xun off to rest in the inner palace, he led Li Qianzhe to the Zhitang of the state capital. After getting the corresponding seal, he went out with Li Qianzhe. But after thinking about it for a while, he still said: "Marquis Chaoyang is tired from traveling, and there is no need to handle these general affairs personally. Why don't you stay in the Zhitang to rest for now?"

Li Qianzhe's face changed slightly after hearing this, and after a while he sighed again: "The countrymen are despicable, and it's like cutting their bodies when they see the money and goods being delivered and exchanged. If I don't attack them, I'm afraid there will be a riot at night." "

After Liu Fan heard this, he frowned and pondered, and Li Qianzhe's heartstrings tightened, and his palms began to move towards the handle of the saber.

Finally Liu Fan nodded and said to Li Qianzhe: "Then there is Marquis Lao Chuanyang."

"You don't have to be polite, Liu Ji's office, it's your duty."

Li Qianzhe also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked out of the straight hall with Liu Fan, summoned a group of government officials, and then headed out of the city.

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