Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 621 One person is enough

The atmosphere of banquets in the Western Wei Dynasty was always so-so. His Majesty the Emperor attended for a while and left early because of his health. After the Emperor left, the people who were originally restrained became more open, such as Zhuguo Hou Mo Chenchong, who openly gambled and drank with others.

The prince was originally patient and pretended to be respectful and humble, asking Li Tai and exchanging his views on the current situation in the southeast. But after a while, he probably couldn't stand the habits of these garrison soldiers, so he also found an excuse to leave.

After the two left, although there were still some other members of the Yuan Wei clan left, this banquet directly became the home court of the garrison soldiers.

Yuwen Tai sat at his own table, looked around at the crowd, raised his hand and knocked on the table to signal the noisy crowd to be quiet, then looked at Li Tai and said with a smile: "Boshan should drink a cup with Zhao Zhuguo. There may be some ignorant people in the country who don't know the situation in the southeast. Because they see Boshan's frequent achievements, they think that this achievement is easy to get. Whenever they meet such fools, Zhao Zhuguo will argue with them clearly. Now everyone in the country knows that Boshan's achievements are outstanding, and Zhao Zhuguo also has little merit!" After hearing this, Li Tai didn't have time to stand up to respond, Zhao Gui at another table had already stood up, bowed to the Grand Secretariat, and then said "I was ordered to go to Jingzhou before. I was surprised to see the prosperity of the politics there, which was very different from previous years. I still remember that the former Duke of Langya and Dugu Zhuguo governed Jingzhou and conquered the border. General Li followed this ambition. I thought it was rare to be able to govern, but I didn't expect that his heroic strategy was better than his predecessors. The country is lucky to have such a wise minister, the family is lucky to have such a good heir, and the people are lucky to have such a good friend! Today, I feel that great talents are rare, so I express this emotion, but I am not talking about old friends. I hope Dugu Kaifu will not mind." Hearing Zhao Gui's praise for Li Tai, everyone in the hall couldn't help but sigh. As Li Tai's reputation rose in Guanxi, the disputes and contradictions between him and Zhao Gui became more and more well-known. It may not be irreconcilable, but it can be said that the old grudge is deep and difficult to eliminate. But now, under the introduction of the Grand Secretariat, Zhao Gui flattered Li Tai in front of all the court officials, which was another form of surrender and compromise. It can be seen that with Li Tai's current meritorious power, even the most powerful generals in the country would have to retreat and dare not compete.

Everyone was still sighing in their hearts, and Dugu Xin stood up and said with a smile: "The predecessors were inferior and the current ones are magnificent. The facts are there, so why should we care about what people say? Since the establishment of Guanxi, the world has been looking down on me and favoring the enemy. I have fought with many of you present, but I just managed to maintain it. How can I have the prestige that the world looks at and no one dares to compete with? The young are formidable, not just because of their age to humiliate the old, but also because they can make suggestions and do things that the predecessors could not, and they are better than the predecessors! Nanyang Gong is fair today, so what do I mind?"

He knew that Li Tai had a tough personality and was very vindictive, and he might not be willing to sell Zhao Gui like this. He stood up to save face, and was afraid of a dull moment, so he stood up to respond, and by the way, he praised his beloved son-in-law, and then turned to look at Li Tai and said with a smile: "Today is a rare good day, and everyone is smiling to congratulate you, why not drink a cup together." After hearing this, Li Tai also stood up, raised his wine glass and gestured to the Grand Secretariat, then gestured to his father-in-law, and finally looked at Zhao Gui and said with a smile: "Thank you Zhao Zhuguo for your kind words, maybe the words are too real, I will accept it today, and work harder in the future, hoping to make up for it." Zhao Gui's expression relaxed after hearing this, and he was very worried that Li Tai would not give him face. He knew that the Grand Secretariat had worked hard in recent years to reconcile and stabilize internal personnel relations. The so-called internal coordination first and moving with the times, Li Tai's great achievements this year are the one who moves with the times, and these old guys with declining willpower can only coordinate with the internal coordination first. If they can't even do this well, it would be a bit useless. Although he is now also honored as a pillar of the state, there are differences between pillars of the state. There is no need to say much about the Grand Secretariat, and Guangling King Yuan Xin is also content with the current status of a wealthy and idle person. Among the remaining six pillars of the state, Dugu Xin is already the undisputed first person, especially this year Li Tai's merits have brought the influence and status of the old people of Heba Sheng's lineage in the current situation to a new height.

Next, Li Bi and Yu Jin, each of them has outstanding merits, extraordinary talents, and are deeply trusted by the Grand Secretariat. As a veteran of Wuchuan, Li Hu's prestige among Heba Yue's old subordinates is second only to the Grand Secretariat, and because he has lived in Chang'an for a long time, he has a very good relationship with the imperial family. As for Houmo Chen Chong, he is also a representative of young success, and he can also put down his body and get along with the generals.

As the first person to propose to support the Grand Secretariat, Zhao Gui originally had no problem with his position and prestige in the team, but unfortunately he had a very bad relationship with Li Tai. Now Li Tai is the most accomplished person in the country. If he openly ridicules and provokes Zhao Gui, it will undoubtedly make Zhao Gui a laughing stock among the pillars of the country, a typical example of being big but useless, and will directly affect the prestige of the six pillars of the country.

Fortunately, Li Tai also knows how to play a role in the situation and stop when he sees that he is doing well. Seeing that the two of them each picked up their wine glasses and drank them all, and then smiled at each other, it seemed that they could forget their grudges with a smile, so the atmosphere of the banquet in the hall became more lively.

As the banquet progressed, everyone gradually became drunk, and various drunken states were revealed. As expected, Dugu Xin once again became the object of the crowd's scramble to get him drunk, even the Grand Secretary was among them. And Dugu Xin was also in a good mood, the cup kept turning, and he did not refuse the wine, very generous.

Many other court officials and generals stood up? Left the table, holding a wine glass in front of Li Tai, and took the opportunity of toasting to recommend themselves, hoping to be able to serve in the Jingzhou General Administration Office.

Now all the parties in the country are not moving, only the southeast party is shining, and Hou Jing in Jiangnan is still making trouble, which shows that the potential of the southeast war zone has not been fully tapped. If you can get the Jingzhou General Administration Office, you will naturally have the opportunity to make achievements. And even if you don’t look at the future potential of the southeast war zone, there are dozens of more prefectures and counties under the Jingzhou General Administration Office, which is naturally a rare opportunity for these idle people in Beijing.

In fact, in the second half of this year, when Li Tai was still far away in Jingzhou and had not returned to Beijing, he had already received requests from all sides. It can be said that there are good friends everywhere, and everyone has reasons that cannot be refused.

However, Li Tai now has the intention of operating the Jingzhou General Administration Office as a private plot, so he naturally cannot arrange people to fill it for a little interpersonal relationship. If the ability is not enough, no matter how good the relationship is, it will have to be ranked behind.

Previously, he had rejected all the requests as much as possible, on the grounds that the regions had just returned and had no favors, and that they still needed to rely on the local powerful forces to maintain the situation, and that it was not appropriate to rashly change the local military and political structure. He pushed those requests that were inconvenient for him to push to the Grand Secretariat. Although he now has the personnel power of the General Administration Office, the General Administration Office of Jingzhou is still an institution under the Taifu, and the Taifu still has the highest decision-making power over the General Administration Office of Jingzhou.

This time, seeing the crowds gathered again and making earnest requests, and his father-in-law Dugu Xin was still being forced to drink and could not get out to help him out, Li Tai stood up and resigned from the Grand Secretariat after a little perfunctory talk: "My family came to the west a few months ago, and I was unable to return to meet them and worship their kindness due to some matters. Now I have finally been summoned back to the country by grace. If I stay outside and make my relatives wait for a long time, it would be really unfilial..."

After hearing this, Yuwen Tai nodded repeatedly and said: "Although the people's welcome is sincere, it cannot implicate me. The meritorious scholar was accused of being unfilial. Boshan, please go now. It is cold and windy. Take my carriage home. The people are still not satisfied. Let's go to the outer palace to continue the feast. Don't stay here to disturb the palace. "

After hearing this, everyone stood up and stopped the banquet. When Dugu Xin heard that Li Tai was going to leave early and go home, he also stood up and said, "Let's go together! I want to thank my father-in-law for teaching me this virtuous man, so that I can have this good son-in-law and bring glory to my family!"

On weekdays, he did not hide his appreciation and love for Li Tai. Now that he had drunk a lot of wine, his emotions were even more exposed. Especially before, he was deprived of the power of Longyou. He thought it was the beginning of his lonely life. From then on, he was afraid that he would be like the Yuan Wei clan, only vanity but no real power. However, he did not expect that because of his son-in-law's contract, his life's glory would reach a new height.

Even though Dugu Xin had a lot of favor and optimism for Li Tai, he did not expect that he would be so capable so soon. Now he was extremely satisfied with this son-in-law. Love for the house and the people under it, and also pay great attention to their family.

Everyone looked at the father-in-law and son-in-law helping each other out, and they were full of emotion in their hearts. There is no doubt that such a love combination is really enviable. One is a famous family in the north, and the other is a new noble in the hegemony. One is young and strong, and the other is rich and prestigious. They complement each other and are simply impeccable.

"Why should we expect more people who are really capable in the household? One person like Li Boshan is enough!"

The group saw them off outside the palace gate, watched the father-in-law and son-in-law get on the car, and then returned to the prime minister's mansion in the imperial city to continue the banquet that had just been interrupted. On the way, Guangling Wang Yuanxin couldn't help but sighed.

He may have said it unintentionally, but it is inevitable that the listeners will take it seriously. The people who were traveling with him couldn't help but look at the other pillars of the country. Many of them have children who are sons-in-law of the Daxingtai. According to Guangling Wang, they are not really capable.

"A young man in his twenties is still unmarried, while an old man in his eighties welcomes a new bride. Everyone has his own destiny in life. Don't envy others for what they have, and don't blame yourself for what you don't have. Each of you should practice diligently. Even if you can't achieve perfection, you can always gain something."

Yu Jin was very open-minded and open-minded. He smiled and said when he heard the whispers of the crowd. Although his sons were not as powerful as Li Boshan at that time, they all had their merits in his opinion.

When Dugu Xin got on the car, he was still nagging about drinking with Li Tai's father Li Xiao, but after all, he drank too much wine. When the car arrived at Li Tai's house, he had already fallen asleep.

So Li Tai got off the car in front of his house first, and then ordered the car to go straight into the mansion, and asked his family to arrange for his father-in-law to stay in the guest house for the time being, and then he met and greeted the relatives waiting in front of the door.


"Thirteenth Uncle!"

A group of teenagers and children came forward in front of the door, led by Li Tai's second brother Li Chao and third brother Li Ao. Li Ao is now fifteen or sixteen years old, about the same age as Li Tai when he first entered Guanxi, and he is also handsome and quiet.

Following behind are six or seven young people and children, who are the sons of Li Tai's cousins. The oldest is in his early twenties, about the same age as Li Tai, and the younger ones are already toddling, imitating their brothers and calling Li Tai "Uncle Thirteen" in a baby voice.

Li Tai looked at the reserved and curious eyes of the crowd, and his heart couldn't help but be happy. It must be said that a large family has a strong ability to resist risks with a large number of people. His family suffered a heavy blow in the Heyin Incident, and several uncles all died in it. The rest fled to Hebei under the leadership of his father Li Xiao. Now, more than 20 years have passed, and it has developed into a large family with dozens of people, young and old.

"The family stayed in Guandong a few days ago, and always felt that the halls and rooms were empty and deserted. Now that we have finally come to the west to reunite, the courtyard has become lively and warm."

Li Tai responded to the greetings of these boys one by one, and at the same time raised his hand to pat the older nephews and said with a smile: "Did you practice the martial arts that you were taught in the village diligently? I will test your talents in school later. Are you worthy of going into battle to kill the enemy?"

"After Thirteenth Uncle left home, there were no relatives in the house to supervise martial arts training, economics, and academics. The martial arts skills have been neglected. I am afraid that I will live up to Thirteenth Uncle's expectations..."

These guys used to hang out behind Li Tai in the old town. They were full of energy, and they were once disliked by people. But after Li Tai left his hometown, he had no one to guide him in his mischief, and he became more polite under the beating and discipline of his parents.

Seeing this uncle again after a long absence, the memories of children's fun in the hearts of the nephews became vivid again. However, when they thought that their uncle was no longer a bad boy from the countryside, their words and deeds became a little reserved. For this kind of Questions that were obviously meant as a joke were answered in a straight-forward manner.

"Whether it is classical arts or riding and shooting, as long as my children are talented in one skill, they will not have to worry about becoming an official."

Li Tai smiled at them again, and then a group of young people entered the house and went straight to the central hall.

Several of Li Tai's cousins ​​were accompanying Li Xiao in the middle hall, waiting for him to return home. After he entered the hall, they all got up and walked around: "Thirteenth Prince is back! We haven't seen each other for several years, and now we meet again, with elegant demeanor and grace." It’s much better than in previous years!”

Li Tai first bowed to his father, and then said to several cousins: "Today I accompanied King Liang into the city, but his Majesty kept him at a banquet in the palace. I apologize for not being able to see my father and brother immediately. Please introduce me to my inner chamber. I'll change my clothes and worship my mother, and then I'll come here and ask you to drink wine to punish this disrespectful young brother like me!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's okay for us to wait, but my aunt is already impatient with the waiting, and has already sent her servants to ask questions several times!"

After hearing this, all the cousins ​​also laughed and waved their hands to urge him to go quickly.

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