Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 634 Unique scenery

The Taiwan government has no plans to patrol this year, and the newly developed areas such as Handong also need strong ministers to guard them. So after drinking the wedding wine of his second brother Li Chao, Li Tai was ready to return to Jingzhou to take charge.

However, before leaving, he still needs to have in-depth and detailed communication with the Taiwan government on the personnel issues of the Jingzhou General Manager's Office to ensure that a certain amount of trust and tacit understanding can be maintained between them.

Yu Wentai was also waiting for Li Tai in the Taifu early in the morning, and postponed all other matters for the time being, specifically discussing Jingzhou personnel matters with Li Tai. Several senior officers in the Taifu also attended, which shows that the Taifu attaches great importance to the situation in the southeast. .

After Li Tai arrived at Taifu, they did not exchange much greetings with each other. Yu Wentai took the lead in taking out a letter from Xiao Lun, King of Shaoling in Nanliang, to surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty, and then said with a smile: "The Liang clan has come to surrender." It’s always a joy, but Bo Shan has the deepest understanding of the situation in the southeast. According to your opinion, is it necessary for the court to accept his surrender? "

Li Tai took the letter of surrender with both hands and then read it carefully. He knew about this, because the surrender letter was submitted through the Jingzhou General Manager's Office. Apart from the Jingzhou General Manager's Office, the Taiwan government had no other way to contact Nanliang personnel in the southeast.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, Li Tai did not open the letter privately and read it in advance, so today was the first time he saw the contents of the letter.

Shaoling King Xiao Lun is the sixth son of Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty, and he is also a bastard. In the early days of Hou Jing's rebellion, he was originally the chief general appointed by Emperor Wu of Liang to fight the rebellion, commanding various counter-rebellion troops including Liu Zhongli's department. However, because he refused to patrol and missed the opportunity to fight, Hou Jing directly led his troops across the river and besieged Taicheng, and then a series of incredible farces occurred.

The reason why Hou Jing was able to grow big in Jiangnan was closely related to the incompetence and indulgence of Shaoling King Xiao Lun.

After Hou Jing broke through Taicheng and entered the second palace of Zhi, all the Qinwang troops retreated, and Xiao Lun, a living treasure, also fled to Yu's cave in Kuaiji. However, as Hou Jing's offensive in the Sanwu area intensified, Kuaiji became no longer safe, so Xiao Lun continued to flee and entered Yingzhou in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River where Hou Jing's offensive had not yet reached.

Xiao Lun's letter of surrender was sent from Yingzhou. In the letter, he first denounced King Xiangdong for ignoring Jiankang's crisis, instead dominating Jiangling, and killing the descendants of the Nanliang clan. He also expressed a negative attitude towards Liang Wang Xiao Jin's behavior of accepting the title of the Western Wei Dynasty without authorization and inviting the Wei army to attack his uncle.

In short, in the first half of this letter, every line of the letter reveals the disparagement of Xiao Yi and Xiao Qi, the uncle and nephew, and repeatedly stated that they were not qualified to interact with the Western Wei Dynasty alone.

Next, Xiao Lun changed the topic again, saying that except for the puppet emperor Xiao Gang who was supported by Hou Jing in Jiankang City, he was already the eldest member of the Nanliang clan, so even if he wanted to surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty , it has to be done by him, the big brother!

At present, the Western Wei Dynasty still has to win over Xiao Qing, the king of Liang, and hold peace talks with Xiao Yi, the king of eastern Hunan, which is too troublesome. In fact, as long as Xiao Lun accepts Xiao Lun's surrender, Xiao Lun will be responsible for handling these two guys.

The conditions proposed by Xiao Lun were also very simple. He just wanted to temporarily borrow the Handong land previously occupied by the Western Wei Dynasty as a base camp to counterattack Jiankang and put down Hou Jing's rebellion. He also hoped that Li Tai, the general manager of Jingzhou, could personally lead his troops to assist. His people carried out counter-rebellion.

In this way, after Hou Jing's rebellion is put down, all the land north of Jiangling can be ceded to the Western Wei Dynasty, including Shouyang, Hefei and other places that Li Tai once occupied but gave up.

After Li Tai read the letter of surrender, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, and said unceremoniously: "The Liang family has many villains, and King Shaoling is the leader among them. He failed because of his lack of success. Even though he has plenty of things to do, he still makes a lot of arrogance even though he has no power, which shows that he is definitely not focused on pragmatism.”

After hearing the words, Sun Jian, the eldest son next to him, also nodded and said: "Reading books and knowing people, this Prince Shaoling is indeed absurd. Even if he works with him, he may not be able to achieve anything. However, whether the Liang family succeeds or not is not within the plans of the Tai government. , if this person can be introduced to fight with Jiang Han, it will be beneficial to further plots to control Jiang Han. "

Hearing Changsun Jian say this, other members of the Taifu government also expressed their agreement one after another, and even Daxingtai showed approval.

There had been a discussion about this in the Taifu government before. Although King Shaoling seemed a bit out of tune, if the starting point was to further disrupt the situation between Jiang and Han, then it would not be a bad idea to accept his surrender. .

As a result, the three Xiaoliang clans in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River were all under the control of the Western Wei Bafu to varying degrees, and the operating space was undoubtedly greatly increased. When they fight with each other until both lose and lose the support of the people, the Bafu will step in to clean up the mess, and they can take over the land of Jianghan in one fell swoop.

"It is indeed necessary for the Taiwan government to accept Xiao Lun's surrender. But if it is to provide various assistance, it is not necessary. Especially lending Han Dong a temporary shelter is completely unnecessary. It is best to give him strict orders. You are not allowed to cross the border, and if you violate it, you will be treated as an enemy and severely attacked!"

Seeing that the development in the southeast was going smoothly, the people in Taiwan's government began to have some wild ideas, and Li Tai could understand this. But if you don't cherish it because it is too simple, or even invest the previous results as a cost without clear plans and ideas, this is something Li Tai will never agree to.

Historically, Xiao Lun also fled to the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, but due to difficulties in gaining a foothold, he surrendered to the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi. He accepted the canonization of the Northern Qi and became the king of Liang. He also colluded with the Northern Qi in an attempt to get involved in Handong, which had been occupied by the Western Wei. As a result, he was suppressed by all parties. After a lot of fussing, he achieved nothing, and was eventually defeated and killed by Yang Zhong, ending his ridiculous life.

In the current time and space, probably because of Li Tai's previous defeat of Murong Shaozong in Huainan, Xiao Lun felt that the Western Wei Dynasty could invest more power in the Jianghan area than the Eastern Wei Dynasty. In addition, the top leadership of the Eastern Wei Dynasty was turbulent, so Choose to surrender to the Western Wei Dynasty. It's just that he seems to feel too good about himself. Not only does he want to borrow a place to stay, he even wants Li Tai to help him and cooperate. It's really inexplicable!

Although Xiao Lun's personal ability is so-so and almost non-existent, his ability to bring disaster to the country and the people should not be underestimated. Li Tai had no way of imagining how much of a diversionary effect it would have on Jiangling or other parties if Handong was temporarily lent to him, and what a terrible harm it would do to the people's livelihood in Handong, not to mention.

Now it is not difficult for him to manage the Handong region, so he naturally does not need to make any so-called strategic abandonment. And if Xiao Lun really had any substantive plot against the Handong area, he would never take into account what kind of plans the Taiwan government had on him, and would directly fight back and kill him without any discussion!

The people in the Taiwanese government have discussed this matter many times, including Chang Sunjian, the former Jingzhou governor, who joined in to make a careful evaluation. However, with Li Tai's stance on the matter, various ideas and discussions among them The discussion has turned into nonsense.

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