Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 637 Loyalty is rare

After Li Tai returned to town, many matters came to him again. Although the surrounding situation was not as chaotic as when he returned to town last year, it was still enough to keep him busy for a while.

The wife of the family went to town with him this time and naturally lived in the inner palace. Before he returned to town, the Governor's Mansion had already repaired the mansion to make it more livable. Furthermore, in the name of serving their wives in daily life, many wealthy clans and barbarian chiefs in the government took the initiative to send women from their families to the General Manager's Mansion for recruitment.

Li Tai had no time to interfere with these internal affairs, so he simply left them all to his wife to take care of them, so that she could be busy and quickly integrate into the life in Jingzhou without feeling too bored.

The accompanying Guanzhong Shiliu were temporarily placed in Jingzhou City, and government officials guided them to tour the territory, so that they could have a basic understanding of the current Jingzhou and wait to participate in the investment conference later.

As for Li Tai himself, after returning to town, he first arranged for personnel to escort King Liang back to Xiangyang, and then began to deal with several personnel issues within the general manager's office.

When he returned to the DPRK to report on his duties, although the Taiwan government did not make any large-scale changes to the personnel structure of the Jingzhou General Manager, it still made adjustments to several specific personnel and positions. As long as it did not touch Li Tai's fundamental interests and basic policies, he did not raise any objection.

This time, the Taiwan government will transfer Dou Chi, the governor of Jingzhou Fangcheng, Hou Zhi, the governor of East Jingzhou, and He Ruodun, the newly promoted Hussar, from the Jingzhou General Manager's Office, so that they can either return to the court or return to the Bafu to serve. .

In line with the principle of getting together and leaving easily, Li Tai arranged to have a conversation with each of them before they left town. The first person to talk was Dou Chi.

As the Commander-in-Chief of Jingzhou Fangcheng, Dou Chi was one of the highest-ranking military attachés under the General Manager of Jingzhou. Whenever Li Tai led his troops on an expedition, Dou Chi would stay behind and sit in Rangcheng. Shi Cui Qian, the chief administrative officer in charge of government affairs, shared the civil and military affairs with him. He could be said to be Li Tai's right-hand man.

A senior sergeant with such a high level is usually not replaced unless the chief officer changes. After all, it is not easy to cultivate a tacit understanding among colleagues. For example, when Daxingtai Yuwentai served as the governor of Xiazhou last year, Yu Jin served as the governor of Xiazhou Fangcheng. The two parties have been partners since then. They are not only good partners in business, but also close friends in life, and they are also married. .

However, Li Tai and Dou Chi were a little different. When the Ba government appointed him as the governor of Jingzhou, Dou Chi was appointed as the governor of Jingzhou's Fangcheng to work with him.

This kind of match was not Li Tai's own intention. He had not had much friendship with Dou Chi before this, and he was even a little worried about Dou Chi's willingness to succumb to it. Fortunately, Dou Chi has also been able to position himself very well since we worked together. Li Tai's opinions are mainly based on some major decisions. Even if he has any opinions, they are only auxiliary suggestions to fill in the gaps. .

Li Tai also respected Dou Chi enough and did not treat him as an ordinary subordinate. After all, Dou Chi's identity and qualifications were indeed good, but it was a pity that he was born at the wrong time and was unlucky. Instead, he needs to succumb to the rising star Li Tai.

Therefore, since the two parties have been working together in Jingzhou, it can be said that they have been calm and mutually successful. Dou Chi was promoted to a noble title because of his overall contribution to the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion, and Li Tai could fight with peace of mind because a steady and mature man like Dou Chi stayed behind.

However, there is also a problem between the two parties, that is, there is a lack of tacit understanding. In other words, Dou Chi cannot consider and deal with the problem wholeheartedly from the standpoint of the Jingzhou General Manager's Office as Li Tai hopes.

It's not that Dou Chi is evil or half-hearted, but that his life experience is too complicated, and the two parties don't have the experience of facing real tests like Yu Wentai and Yu Jin, so getting along with each other is always a kind of There was an atmosphere of unfamiliarity in the politeness, and there was a barrier that was not easy to eliminate. Li Tai did not dare to completely entrust Dou Chi to his confidants. Many military and political officials did not let Dou Chi get involved, which also made the position of the Governor of Fangcheng very meaningless. Big discount.

Therefore, Li Tai did not object to the Taiwan government's proposal to transfer Dou Chi, but acquiesced. As for the next person to take his place, it is Hou Mo Chenqiong, the younger brother of Marquis Mo Chenchong of Zhuguo.

Li Tai held a banquet in the general manager's palace to entertain Dou Chi, and asked his successor Hou Mo and Chen Qiong to also attend.

Dou Chi arrived as promised, and Li Tai went to the front of the hall to greet him. The two parties exchanged greetings, and then Li Tai introduced Hou Mo Chen Qiong to him. He saw that Dou Chi was still wearing a hakama pleated military robe, and his eyes were looking up and down at Hou Mo Chenqiong a few times unscrupulously. He was obviously a little unhappy in his heart, and Li Tai couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Most of the time in life, origin, position and choice are far more important than individual efforts. The so-called man can conquer nature is often just self-deception, but if you don’t believe it, are unwilling to work hard, and have no other advantages, then the future will definitely be worse than the current situation.

The Dou family is a wealthy family in Xianbei. Dou Chi's background will definitely crush most people in the world, including Hou Mo Chen Qiong. But the problem is that fortune is not on their side now. Even the Yuan family and the Changsun family are in decline, and the Dou family is no exception.

Although Dou Chi has high qualifications, he has been basically idle for many years since he came to Kansai because he is not a direct descendant of Bafu.

Dou Chi was previously appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of Jingzhou's Fengcheng City. It is probably because the Bafu wanted to form a pluralistic situation and check and balance in Jingzhou. However, he did not expect that the drastic changes in Nanliang would bring a huge turn to the southeast war situation, and Li Tai also He keenly seized this opportunity and fully expanded the results, establishing a situation where he could rule the roost in Jingzhou.

Now, for Bafu, keeping Dou Chi in Jingzhou will no longer be able to contain Li Tai. On the contrary, it may deepen the relationship between them, so it is better to replace him with someone else who is more valuable.

For Li Tai, although Dou Chi's employment has brought him some help, it is not so important that it cannot be replaced, and the relationship between them has not developed to a close relationship. With the current Hou Mo Chen Qiong, at least Li Tai can be more casual in his instructions.

After a few people sat down in the hall, Li Tai sighed to himself: "Before I was ordered to go out to guard Jing Town, I was worried that my qualifications would be too shallow and I would embarrass the big town. Fortunately, I was accompanied by most of the governors and worked together in the house. I still remember the visit at the beginning of the year. In this situation, you can see a lot of desolation, but the people in a certain mansion worked together to achieve today's situation.

Although I am the master of the palace, if I don’t have the dedicated support of talented and powerful people like the Grand Governor, I’m afraid it will be difficult to achieve all the achievements. Nowadays, the imperial court has issued an edict and summoned him. Although he is reluctant to give up, he does not dare to hinder the appointment of the governor. I would like to express my friendship with my former colleagues over this glass of wine. The wine is light but the affection is strong, and the words are short but have long meanings. Even though we can’t see each other after we say goodbye here, I hope to be able to say hello to you frequently! "

After saying this, Li Tai picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. It's just that his words sounded sincere, but in fact they were also very false. If he really valued Dou Chi so much, with the right to speak that he now has, the Taiwan government would not dare to transfer Dou Chi forcefully.

But in the world of adults, many things do not need to be explained too clearly. After Dou Chi heard this, he quickly picked up the wine glass and stood up and responded: "Your words are serious. I will be able to bring you here and get along with the people in the mansion." It is already a great honor to have such merit. Now that my duties have been changed and I can no longer serve in the government, I feel very regretful, but I also hope that other members of the government can continue to serve you and make new contributions to the country. !”

Dou Chi himself was not qualified to complain about Li Tai. He knew that there was someone else who didn't like him staying in Jingzhou. During these days of working in Jingzhou, he has gained more than he has paid.

Take his title for example. He was already the Duke of Zhending County when he followed Xiaowu to the west last year. In the following years, he made great achievements both internally and externally, but he was never transferred. It was not until last year that the Jingzhou General Manager's Office created many great achievements. Dou Chi was awarded the title of Duke of Caiyang because of his prominent position in the General Manager's Office, although he had no outstanding achievements.

So even if Li Tai didn't argue with the Taiwan government this time, he had no reason to complain. Moreover, although he himself was transferred, his nephew Dou Yi still stayed in the general manager's house and was promoted quite a lot. It was necessary for him to continue to maintain a respectful and good attitude toward Li Tai.

However, for Dou Chi, this transfer was somewhat embarrassing as he was kicked off the kang just after the cold stove was heated up, so he did not have a very good attitude towards his successor, Hou Mo Chen Qiong.

When Hou Mo Chen Qiong asked him with a smile what he should pay attention to when serving as the governor of Jingzhou Fangcheng, Dou Chi said in a calm tone: "A person with an old and weak will like me can do this here." If you have special skills in your job, and your generals are strong and strong, you will naturally be able to handle the job without any worries. It is not that this job does not require special talents, but the master of the palace is wise and powerful, and his plans are well-planned. The people in the palace should just abide by their duties and do not do anything. Good at planning, even mediocre people can share in the achievements of greatness.”

When Hou Mo Chen Qiong heard what Dou Chi said, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but he couldn't directly refute Dou Chi's words in front of Li Tai, so he could only swallow the sigh.

Li Tai was very happy when he heard this. He was also thinking of finding a time to give Hou Mo and Chen Qiong a beating so that he would remember to behave himself when he was in office in Jingzhou.

They are not strangers to each other. Hou Mo and Chen Qiong once served as the subordinate of his father-in-law Dugu Xin. He had a good attitude along the way, but he could not prevent him from doing things in Jingzhou because he had a brother of Zhuguo behind him. What a hill, this is naturally something Li Tai can't tolerate.

Compared to Dou Chi, who was secretly resentful, Hou Zhi was more tolerant of his transfer. The governorship of Dongjing Prefecture, which he served as, had a small territory and few people, and he was not very effective. Moreover, with the acquisition of Yiyang, the strategic value of Dongjing Prefecture also plummeted. However, when he was transferred back to Guanzhong this time, he was going to be appointed as the governor of Dazhou. Of course, he was not dissatisfied with this.

Of course, when Li Tai invited him to the house for a farewell banquet, Hou Zhi also expressed his gratitude to Li Tai in a sincere tone. A series of meritorious deeds in the past year not only promoted him to an official rank, but also a very valuable resume in his life. Even a hundred years later, future generations can be proud of it.

Although he is temporarily transferred away, Hou Zhi is also looking forward to returning to the command of Li Tai. I believe that no soldier can refuse to serve such a heroic and majestic general.

After the two people resigned, He Ruodun, who was borrowed from Xiangyang, also returned to the state capital.

When he entered the mansion to meet Li Tai, He Ruodun did not take the initiative to mention his transfer. Instead, he congratulated Li Tai loudly and said, "When I heard in Xiangyang that my master was honored as a general after entering the country, I was very happy. I am very happy, and I think it is quite appropriate for the imperial court to grant this title. The former is working as a prince in Hanoi, and the current one is serving under the master Lang, and the father-in-law and son-in-law are living separately. It is a good story in the world, and it is a great honor for a servant to be able to serve in both houses!

People may say that the fate of a servant can make the master prosperous. This is also absurd. How can a servant support the master? It's just that the servant can obey the master's orders respectfully, dare to fight in times of trouble, and be brave and not afraid of death! "

As soon as this guy opened his mouth, that familiar feeling hit him again. Although the general appointed by Li Taizhi is not the same as the general in the second major, the literal meaning does make sense.

After listening to what He Ruodun said, Li Tai realized that he and his father-in-law had been greatly benefited from the physique of He Ruodun, a prosperous master. If he really thought this was absurd, why would he specifically mention that? It can be seen that this guy has really been a little distracted recently. Fortunately, he is seconded to Jingzhou, otherwise he would have caused many internal conflicts just by returning to the court to report on his work this year or so.

Thinking of this, Li Tai immediately felt that it was not a bad thing for He Ruoden to be transferred back this time. It was just a good opportunity to test how the united front and stability work within Daxingtai was doing in the past few days.

But before he could speak, He Ruoden had already said, "As the old saying goes, if a tree is as beautiful as the forest wind, it will be destroyed. For Mr. Lang's outstanding achievements last year, there must be many critics in the country, otherwise it would not have happened." Such evil talk about sending servants back to the country!

Although Handong has been pacified now, Jiangling has not yet subdued the law, and there are enemies up and down the river. Is there any reason to call back the generals while the thieves are still strong? Those who hold this view simply do not want all of Master Lang’s disciples to be famous. Master Lang is so wise that he will not allow this treacherous plot to succeed! "

Li Tai didn't know what kind of performance he would make if he let this guy continue talking, so he raised his hand to interrupt him, and then said: "Calling you back to the court is not an evil plan. Daxingtai I personally inquired and said that this year there may be a big plan to raise troops in the country. I asked me who in the Jing family is capable enough to take on the heavy responsibility. I will list a few of them. Daxingtai is very appreciative of your ability to defeat Liu Zhong's etiquette and wants to give you the title of pioneer. job."

After hearing this, He Ruoden's face showed a bit of pride, but after a brief pause, he still lowered his head and said: "Thank you Daxingtai for your appreciation, but rather than returning to Shitai Mansion, I am still willing to continue." Follow Master Lang. The former Duke of Henei also hired a servant in Tai Mansion, but he was not respected. The personnel in Tai Mansion are complicated and far less magnanimous than Master Lang. He is very talented and requires a lot of courage. Please don't do it. Abandon me!"

"There have been no big things to be done in the Southeast in recent years. It would be a waste of a brave general to stay here. Besides, now that I am out of town in the Southeast, I also need the help of my confidants to take care of the affairs of the country. As for the personnel in the Taiwan government that you are worried about, in the past years it was because there was nothing You are trapped here because of your obedience. Now that everyone knows that you are my disciple, who dares to make things difficult for you?"

Li Tai was indeed more tolerant of He Ruodun, not only because of the man himself, but also because of his son He Ruobi. Seeing that he was timid about Taiwan government affairs and refused to return to the country, he patiently advised and gave assurances. .

After hearing this, He Ruodun cheered up again, lowered his head and said, "Since the master has said this, the servant must accept the order. I just want to tell the master before leaving. Although the servant lives thousands of miles away, this is what he is thinking." He is still the master's minion, and loyalty is rare. Please remember him, and call him back when the time comes."

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