Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 645: Epidemic Prevention and Rescue

As time entered the midsummer season, assets from Guanzhong also arrived in Jingzhou one after another.

These resources are mainly silk, and are paired with some materials that Mianbei does not produce or whose output is very small. As for truly strategic materials such as grain, they are rarely exported. As for copper coins, there are none at all.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, one of the key reasons why cross-regional long-distance commerce was difficult to achieve was the lack of a unified circulating currency. The copper coins of the Western Wei Dynasty have been bankrupt for a long time and are rarely circulated in Guanzhong.

The iron coins of Nanliang are even more bizarre in the history of minting. They also have no circulation value outside the territory of Nanliang. Although Li Tai would also order the General Administration to collect part of the trade with Jiangling, but it was mainly reserved as raw materials for smelting and did not regard it as a currency and recognized its value.

As early as when Li Tai entered the town, he began to consciously reserve various materials. He saved a considerable amount of various materials before the social production environment of Nanliang was severely damaged. With the influx of Guanzhong assets, these Materials can then be gradually liquidated and used as means of production to be used in various industrial and agricultural productions.

Following this, a large amount of silk fabrics poured into the state capital warehouse. Of course, Li Tai would not store these silk fabrics in the warehouse to eat dust. On the one hand, it is proposed to Jiangling to increase trade volume and obtain more goods and production raw materials. On the other hand, it is natural to issue a large number of orders to those workshops that have just put into production to ensure that their production and profits are on the right track as soon as possible.

As various workshops have sprung up on the land of Mianbei and are producing products continuously, the types of materials at the disposal of Jingzhou General Mansion have been greatly enriched, which can be used to carry out more internal construction.

After having sufficient supplies in hand, in addition to strengthening and supplementing the original work, Li Taixuan even launched a new work content, that is, public health and epidemic prevention.

As the seasons change, seasonal epidemics often occur, and these diseases are often called seasonal epidemics. The causes and manifestations of epidemics, as well as treatment methods, vary from place to place.

It is said that the soil and water support the people. Usually, the people in a region have a certain degree of resistance to the epidemics that occur more frequently in the area. In ancient times, the relatively backward transportation conditions and closed living environment also made it difficult for these regional epidemics to spread. Come on.

However, in times of war, the corpses of humans and horses left over from the war are prone to breed diseases, and large-scale gatherings and movements of people promote the spread of diseases.

The Nanyang Basin is located at the junction of the north and the south, and Jianghan, Huguang and Huguang are already hot and humid every summer, and mosquitoes and flies breed. Due to the political disorder and unrest in the south, a large number of people have fled north, which has also caused various epidemics. opportunities for cross-regional spread.

Li Tai has actually realized this since last year. He himself moved to fight between Huai and Han, appearing on various battlefields, and many of the soldiers accompanying him were infected with the disease.

Li Tai himself did not contract the disease. Firstly, it was because of his strong physical fitness. Secondly, he knew that the first step in preventing these epidemics was to pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid mosquito bites, and preventive measures in diet. Basically, he could avoid epidemics. Most people are infected by the epidemic.

The military camp is an area where people are highly concentrated, so the health situation needs special attention. Of course, Li Tai will not relax about this. Each camp has dedicated military personnel to supervise this matter, and has various medicines to prevent and treat epidemic diseases. Therefore, since his troops arrived in the southeast, although epidemics have occasionally occurred in the army, they have not spread on a large scale and caused huge casualties.

The military can still have strict orders and complete preparations, but it is not easy for the civilians to operate. Last year, among the people Li Tai moved back from Hefei, Huainan, nearly 3,000 people died of the disease because they did not pay enough attention to the prevention and control of the epidemic. This also sounded the alarm for Li Tai, and he has not done anything rashly since then. Massive migration of people.

When he was in Guanzhong before, when he learned that Daxingtai intended to move people from the east of the Han Dynasty to the pass, Li Tai felt conflicted for this reason.

Epidemics have never been exclusive to war-torn times. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, epidemics still occurred frequently in the Guanzhong area. This was related to the high frequency of unplanned migration of people. The migration of a large number of people has also over-concentrated the population in Guanzhong, especially around Gyeonggi, and public health has become quite poor. Coupled with various reasons such as climate warming during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, this problem became particularly serious.

Today's Nanyang Basin naturally does not have the population density of Guanzhong, but a large amount of personnel movement is inevitable. Almost all border cities in the south receive varying numbers of refugees every day, and these refugees often become epidemic diseases. source. Especially as time enters midsummer and the peak period of epidemics occurs, this situation becomes more serious.

Jingzhou cannot close itself off and refuse to accept immigrants, but it also has to conduct frequent exchanges of people and goods with the outside world. It is a comprehensive regional center of industry, agriculture and commerce, so it is necessary to establish a complete set of public health and epidemic prevention systems.

He first demarcated three areas, centered on Shicheng, Suizhou and Yiyang. All refugees received by the garrison stations in the border cities were sent to these three cities for temporary resettlement. They were registered and quarantined, diagnosed and treated at the same time to ensure that the epidemic was recovered before being transported to the interior of Mianbei.

Because there are a large number of workshops emerging in Mianbei, the craftsmen in these workshops need to concentrate on production and life, so it is appropriate to build public toilets and public bathrooms. Large stoves were set up in villages for boiling water and steaming clothes.

In order to have a systematic management of this series of affairs, Li Tai also set up a special epidemic doctor in the general manager's office, and recalled Li Quji from Cai Yangcheng to serve as the general manager's office and take charge of the epidemic doctor's affairs. There are also medical offices, medicine warehouses and health care halls below the epidemic doctor's hall, which manage doctors, medicines and epidemic patients respectively.

This is an action that requires the participation of all the people. Since the administrative agencies and specific regulations are already in place, the next step is to promote and popularize it naturally.

There is no doubt that young people have the highest acceptance of new things and enthusiasm for public welfare affairs. Therefore, the state school became the first place to promote it. When the relevant epidemic prevention knowledge was posted in the state school, it immediately attracted the attention of many students.

"Epidemics kill people more than weapons. As long as people love themselves, diseases will not arise. Wash your hands frequently, don't drink raw water, and don't defecate anywhere..."

Similar slogans and slogans were posted everywhere in the state school. Not only did the students feel that they were novel, they also began to follow their words. After leaving the state school, they also enthusiastically promoted it and even set off a picket inside and outside Jingzhou City. During sports, whenever he saw pedestrians defecating in the dark on the road, he would hold a bamboo stick in front and hit his buttocks. Although it seems a bit like teenagers playing pranks, it has the great purpose of clearing away the epidemic for the masses.

The epidemic is fierce and spreads rapidly. Generally speaking, there is no good treatment method. It can only enhance the individual's resistance, and most cases can be cured on their own.

However, there are also infectious diseases with high fatality rates such as smallpox and malaria. Of course, Li Tai would not hide the special cowpox for smallpox prevention. After the staff tried to develop a relatively stable and safe vaccination dose and method, he It began to be gradually promoted in the country, and of course he himself was vaccinated to avoid becoming a hemp seed.

Jiangling actually had very rich experience in the prevention and control of epidemics. Li Tai also specially sent people to ask for advice, and even gave Xiao Yi, King of Eastern Hunan, a hundred good horses from Longyou, just to borrow some medical books and methods of treating epidemics. .

Xiao Laoqi was very generous in this regard, and specially sent Wang Gu, his subordinate official, to Mianbei with a batch of medical books. Also accompanying him was Wang Sengbian's son, who Li Tai had requested before.

Leaving aside Wang Sengbian's son, Li Tai warmly entertained Wang Gu, the messenger who came with a life-saving letter.

This Wang Gu is in his thirties, and his appearance and bearing are quite impressive. In addition to the Langya Wang family who was born in a famous family in Jiangzuo, he is also the nephew of Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty. When Li Taibing forced Jiangling, he came as an envoy. I came here to seek peace, but this time I became an acquaintance.

"God has the virtue of good life, and the king goes north to give alms with this kind of kindness. The merits are also great! Today I am having a banquet with the guests upstairs, and I will write about this matter. From now on, when I am in town, the king will Always a distinguished guest here!”

Li Tai did not choose to entertain this group of people in the state capital, but chose to entertain them in Hongbin Tower. In addition to this building being more grand than the hall of the General Manager's Palace, he also planned to officially start operating this Mienbei Golden Terrace to attract Scholars from the Southern Dynasties came here to seek refuge.

The last time Wang Gu saw Li Tai, he had won a great victory over Murong Shaozong from Huainan. His posture could be described as domineering and awe-inspiring. However, this time he received such kind hospitality, and he couldn't help but feel flattered. I thanked him and handed over the list of books I had brought with me.

Li Tai took the book list and browsed it briefly, and his face suddenly became even more happy. Although he was not familiar with ancient medical techniques, he had heard of famous alchemy doctors such as Ge Hong and Tao Hongjing.

The list of books sent by Jiangling this time includes medical books such as Ge Hong's "Emergency Prescriptions" and Tao Hongjing's "Compendium of Materia Medica", as well as Li Tai's relatively unfamiliar "Xiaopin Prescriptions" and "Jingnan Materia Medica". "etc.

While Li Tai was still reading the book list, Wang Gu said cautiously: "Before leaving, the king takes this humble position to tell General Li that the words contained in these medical books are beneficial to the world and save people, but the paper materials are just common things, but they are very ancient. For the sake of your Majesty, I asked the author of General Li to transcribe the pictures and text, so please return the original paper."

This was not the first time Li Tai had heard such a request. When he borrowed books from Jiangling's collection before, Xiao Laoqi asked that he just need to copy them, and the original books would have to be returned to Jiangling. This guy is indeed a bibliophile, but the thought of Jiangling's 140,000 volumes of books being burned by him makes people itch with hatred.

Take the dozen or so medical books sent by Jiangling this time, many of which Li Tai has never heard of. This is certainly because he does not understand ancient medicine, but it is also probably because he was burned to pieces by Xiao Laoqi. As for other types of books, they are even more numerous. From this point of view alone, it is not an exaggeration to say that this guy was skinned and cramped.

If possible, Li Tai would also like to try to save Jiangling's collection of books, which requires a relatively long-term planning and arrangement.

Li Tai suppressed this idea first, then agreed to Wang Gu's request with a smile, and immediately went to the General Manager's Mansion to recruit several clerical staff to receive the books.

Taking advantage of this time, he casually asked Wang Gu about the origin and value of these medical books. It doesn't matter if you don't ask, this question gave me another little one-eyed shock. It turned out that there was also a medical book written by King Xiangdong himself, called "Yaoluo Supplement of the Golden Chamber".

After knowing this, although Li Tai still looked down on the one-eyed dragon in his heart, he had to admit that this guy was really damn versatile. He was proficient in chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine, and astrology. Department, the knowledge reserve is really amazing.

But knowing everything but not doing it is worse than not knowing. This guy probably just likes the pleasure of knowledge flowing through his brain. As for how much practical ability this knowledge brings to him in governing the country, only the devil really knows.

After chatting for a while, Li Tai took out a golden talisman weighing half a kilogram from his side, played with it in his hand, and then asked someone to hand it to Wang Gu who was sitting next to him. At the same time, he said with a smile: "This time. The guest building was converted to entertain guests from all over the world, but since its completion, Wang Jun has been the first-class VIP guest on the top floor.

When a distinguished guest comes to visit, the ordinary things are naturally not enough to express hospitality. This golden talisman is only given as a certificate. Whenever the king takes this and enters the jurisdiction of our Jingzhou General Administration, the prefectures, counties and city garrison must give full hospitality and present gifts here. Although Jiangling is inhabited by good trees, the wind from the river can make you feel chilly. Don’t forget that there is a vast world elsewhere in the world! "

When Wang Gu heard this, he felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly stood up and waved his hands to refuse. But since Li Tai had given it away, how could he take it back? So after trying to evade it to no avail, Wang Gu could only hold his hand and said: "Thank you, General Li, for your kindness." A generous gift is disrespectful, so I can only accept it with a smile.”

It would take many days to compile and copy more than a dozen medical books. Naturally, Li Tai would not accompany him from beginning to end. After the banquet, he left two Taiwan government officials here to continue entertaining, and then he got up and left.

When Li Tai returned to the state capital, Li Qianzhe, who had been sent as an envoy to Shuzhong, also returned to Jingzhou. Li Tai was overjoyed when he heard the news and went out to greet him personally.

Li Qianzhe was quite tired from the journey, but when he saw the general waiting outside the mansion, he quickly cheered up, got off his horse and walked forward to pay homage: "Master Lang, I wish you the best." He did not disgrace his command and gained a lot. After displaying the rare goods, there were many famous people in Shu who were eager to get the goods. In order to avoid alarming the government, the general only returned with a few personnel documents to present to the master and plan for the future. "

As he spoke, he pointed back to himself. There were more than twenty large trucks loaded with goods. When the thick felt cloth was lifted, the Sichuan brocade underneath was immediately revealed. Under the sunlight, Under the illumination, it is colorful and dazzling!

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