Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 665: Come and see me

"You want to launch a night attack?"

The next morning, the city lord Zheng Faseng met with the city lord Lin Sheng in his mansion. Hearing the idea proposed by the city lord, he immediately became interested.

Lin Sheng nodded after hearing this, and said respectfully: "Yes, after receiving the city lord's teachings last night, I went back to the tent and stayed up all night, thinking hard about why the soldiers were fighting for a long time but still failed to achieve anything?

Although there are many barbarians, they are by no means a brave army. The reason why the enemy army only surrounded but did not attack is that they are worried that the barbarians will show their cowardice in the battle and give our army an opportunity to fight. Now, although I go to battle every day, the enemy always responds with elite soldiers, and rarely fights with barbarians, which shows that the barbarians are weak and cannot fight.

If we can bypass the enemy's elite soldiers and attack the barbarian soldiers, we may be able to stir up chaos in their army and solve the dilemma! If we want to achieve this intention, we can only fight at night. Of course, this is just a foolish plan of this general , whether it is feasible or not, we still need to ask the city lord to judge. "

"After being trapped in the city for a long time, the situation is deadlocked, and it is inevitable that people's hearts are uneasy. Any method that helps to escape the siege is worth a try. Listening to your words, this is also a good plan. But no matter how good the method is, it still needs to be implemented, otherwise it will be empty talk. "

When Zheng Faseng said this, his eyes looking at Lin Sheng became gentler: "You and I have worked together for a long time, and you should know my temperament. The minor punishment yesterday was by no means a deliberate suppression of you, but because the soldiers' idleness is harmful and useless. If you can fight bravely this time and defeat the bandit camp, I will definitely ask for credit for you to King Fufeng and the court!"

If it were before, Zheng Faseng's words would make Lin Sheng excited He was a little moved, but now that he had decided to listen to his son's opinion, he was completely indifferent to this. However, he pretended to be grateful on the surface and nodded repeatedly, saying: "I understand, I understand! Since the siege, if it weren't for the city lord's proper response and thorough arrangements, how could Bai Ting be stable now? I am just a warrior and have never had any wisdom. Only by obeying the city lord can the situation be improved!" Although Lin Sheng was not known for his strength, Zheng Faseng still felt that he was particularly submissive and humble today. He did not doubt it. He just thought that his beating yesterday had an effect, so he said in a deep voice: "It was difficult to discuss matters with the masses before. In fact, I have been There are also many worries. According to common sense, the reinforcements should have arrived long ago, but they have not been seen.

The captives announced by the bandits outside the city may really be reinforcements from various places. But no matter what, now you and I are always together for life and death, and it is difficult to break the city. This time, Lin Zhencheng, if you need any personnel support, just tell me. If the reinforcements are really robbed, it can be seen that the bandits are indeed powerful. If we can't succeed in one battle, such an opportunity may be a waste! "

Hearing Zheng Faseng's blunt statement that the situation may really be bad, Lin Sheng naturally did not feel any sympathy in his heart. Instead, he secretly rejoiced that he had made the decision to turn to the enemy first. Of course, on the surface, he still nodded solemnly to indicate that he would fight hard and defeat the enemy camp.

Then the two began to discuss and perfect the plan to launch a night attack. Since the elite troops of the Western Wei Dynasty were mainly arranged opposite the east and west gates, neither of these two places was suitable for launching an attack. The most suitable route is to leave the camp from the north of the city and then launch an attack from the flank of the bandit camp.

Zheng Faseng had high hopes for this plan, so he also released his power and allowed Lin Sheng to select capable soldiers in the city.

Although Lin Sheng served as the governor of the town, the military power was always controlled by Zheng Faseng, and he could only command his own troops. Therefore, Zheng Faseng dared to openly reprimand and punish him before. Now, with a plan of night attack, he finally got Zheng Faseng's power and selected a group of elite soldiers in the city.

Because it was necessary to conceal the eyes and ears of others, this group of armored soldiers needed to be released from the north of the city in advance with a sling to hide in Zhoushan, and then take action at night. Before these people left, Zheng Faseng also strictly ordered them to obey Lin Sheng's orders. If anyone was timid and fled back, resulting in failure, he must be beheaded and displayed to the public!

Because this trip was very dangerous, although Lin Sheng was determined to die, he still couldn't let go of his son. So when the elite soldiers left the city one after another, Lin Sheng made another request, that is, he hoped that Zheng Faseng could recruit his son as a guard and confidant.

Zheng Faseng did not hesitate to do so. In order to let Lin Sheng have no worries, he agreed directly.

After nightfall, Zheng Faseng gathered other people in the city at the east and west gates and made a big fanfare, pretending to fight at night, so as to attract the attention of the enemy. And he himself led a few followers to the north wall to arrange the last batch of soldiers to leave the city.

In order to ensure the concealment of this action, Zheng Faseng did not bring too many followers on this trip. Looking at Lin Sheng and his son, he said: "You and your son don't have to be reluctant to part. After this night, Lin Zhencheng will return with great merit. It's no problem to give his wife and son a title. The boy is blessed."

"Thank you for the good words of the city lord, but there is one more thing for you to ask before you leave. I hope the city lord can agree."

Lin Jia nodded to his father, and then walked back to Zheng Faseng and bowed.

"If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly and don't hinder our journey!" Zheng Faseng frowned and said, he was already a little impatient. "Then I will borrow the city lord's head to send my father and son off!" When Lin Jia said this, he suddenly drew out the sword at his side and stabbed Zheng Faseng in the chest.

At the same time, Lin Sheng also shouted: "Kill!" As he spoke, his father and son each held a knife in their hands, and instantly killed several of Zheng Faneng's followers on the spot, and then groped for Zheng Faneng's body. , searched out all the tokens of the city master's talisman and took them with him before leaving the city.

At this time, the elite defenders who were the first to leave the city saw a fire between the east and west gates, and they only knew that the operation was proceeding step by step. When they saw Lin Sheng and his son arriving, they also had no doubt that he was there, and even if they were trying to catch their swords, With it in hand, follow the father and son and their tribe, and look towards the enemy camp.

On the way, Lin Sheng instructed his son to lead some troops to separate operations. He himself led the elite soldiers to hide temporarily, while his son led the crowd to the enemy's trenches and camp fences to see the strength of their troops.

At this time, in the Western Wei military camp outside Baiting City, there was also a scene as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Fearing that the enemy troops would rush directly into the camp, the few elite troops were mobilized in formation in front of the camp gate to wait for the enemy. As for the other barbarian camps, they were only strictly ordered not to cross the camp defenses and to stay safe on their own. Just stay in camp.

Inside the camp gate, Li Ya led more than a dozen soldiers to deliver military orders to the camps. He felt very unhappy about the fact that the other young men and his cronies were arrayed in front of the camp, waiting for battle, but he was used as a leg and a microphone. He felt very unhappy. : How are those people better than him? Not all of us are horsemen from the first battalion!

He was feeling angry in his heart when he suddenly heard a strange noise coming from outside the camp fence. He turned around and found that the other attendants had also noticed, so he raised his hands as if to be silent, and then left the one holding the torch to lead a few people in the other direction. And he and others quietly approached the camp fence, and after confirming the source of the sound, he drew his knife and shouted sharply: "Where is the thief, get out of here quickly! The crossbows here are already pointing at you. If you dare to move rashly, you will be killed." You’re going to be nailed here!”

"General, wait a minute, please spare your life! A certain group of people are followers of Xiangyi in the city, and they crossed the city to surrender. Now there is the head of the city lord Zheng Faseng, and the order is here. General, please verify it and accept the surrender!"

Lin Jia raised his hands and walked out of the hiding place. A package containing the head of Master Zheng hung around his neck. He opened his hands to show that he was harmless, and then slowly walked towards the camp fence.

Li Ya couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this, and it took her a while to realize what it meant. At this time, Lin Jia was already within a few feet of the camp gate, so he pretended to be mature and ordered in a low voice: "Behind your hands, ! Throw that head token into the fence! Good boy, I have a reputation as an eagle eye in the army. If you dare to do anything sneaky, you will never come back!"

After hearing this, Lin Jia quickly put his hands behind his back, but he had trouble completing the next move, so he quickly said: "Tell the general, the surrendered people are the old soldiers of He Bagong, and General Li who returned to the army." We are very close to each other and sincere in our sincerity. General, please don’t doubt me and allow me to deliver the head of the enemy city lord with both hands.”

"Uh, then just hand it over!"

As soon as Li Ya finished saying this, a smelly package was thrown in from outside the fence and hit him directly in the face. He suppressed the desire to be sick and impatiently asked his entourage to check the authenticity. After another tossing , and after confirmation, he opened a small opening in the fence wall, allowing Lin Jia and others to squeeze in sideways and then disarm.

At this time, the soldiers who were waiting in formation in front of the camp gate were a little anxious when they saw that the enemy city was only fanfare but no troops were going to fight. However, the sound of gold ringing had not yet sounded in the camp, so they could only continue to wait in formation.

At the same time, Li Ya had already introduced Lin Jia and his entourage into the Chinese army's tent, and handed it over to the commander-in-chief Shi Jing to interrogate the whole story and details of their surrender. After confirming that the matter was true, Shi Jing couldn't help but look happy. After appeasing and praising Lin Jia, he looked at Li Ya and said, "It's a great achievement for you to attract righteous men back to the camp!"

Li Ya was overjoyed when she heard this, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "General, would you like to add this function to your palace?"

After Shi Jing heard this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at this guy, "Do you think I look like a man in charge of the government?" You're just talking nonsense. One day you can bring our general back from the battlefield!

Because he had surrendered for help, he not only killed the lord of Baiting City and surrendered, but also told the whole city what was true and false. Fearing that things might change later, Shi Jing did not bother to pay attention to Li Ya, who was addicted to officialdom, and decided to send several important generals to him. He was called into the tent to discuss the matter of capturing Baiting City.

The soldiers in the array outside the camp called Jin and retreated. After returning to the camp, Shuofeng, who was also a member of the array, saw Li Ya standing in front of the Chinese army's tent, grinning and making a face. There seemed to be some blood on his face, so he He walked up and asked, "What's wrong with you kid?"

When Li Ya heard his voice, she subconsciously greeted him with a smile, but soon she turned her eyes and her expression changed. She raised her nostrils and snorted at Shufeng: "Dharma, you have been in formation for many days. Do you know what the enemy’s blood tastes like?”

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