Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 672 Gao Huan survives

The drums and horns were played in Jinyang Palace, and the sound of killing was fierce. At this time, the front of the magnificent palace turned into a killing field. The sergeants, each armed with swords and armor, fought hard to chop at each other, as if they were facing a life-or-death enemy, and they struck fiercely and without mercy.

Outside the battle circle, Emperor Gao Yang held a sword in his hand and was followed by dozens of Baibao sergeants. Whenever he saw someone in the battle circle timidly retreating and wanting to break away from the battle, he would step forward and kill the opponent with one strike. He must let these The soldiers fight to the death in this battle circle.

Because only the winner can survive, no matter the Jinyang soldiers or the Baibao and warriors who entered the Rigel Guard, they all fought hard and did not dare to relax. The sound of armor and swords was heard constantly, and muscles and bones were broken. The sound is even more shocking.

In this brutal fight, after all, the soldiers of Suwei performed better and became more powerful in combat. After all, they are carefully selected brave men. Although the Jinyang soldiers are also veterans of many battles, if it is specific to each soldier, not everyone may have extraordinary bravery. Their combat experience and Quality can only be reflected in the coordination of larger-scale battle formations.

Due to space limitations, each team of 100 people fought in a team. When he saw that one of the parties had suffered all casualties and almost no one could continue fighting, Gao Yang would order Ming Jin to call a truce and ask the victorious party to clean up the battlefield and kill all the disabled people, and then give the victors a lot of money. Give things.

In several consecutive battles, the Suwei army won. In other words, hundreds of Jinyang soldiers had been killed on the martial arts field in front of the palace. The smell of blood here is extremely strong. Even though palace slaves come in to clean and scour the site after every battle, a thick layer of blood has already accumulated on the masonry floor.

Even Duan Shao, who has been in battle for a long time and is used to seeing life and death, can't help but feel a little chilled and frightened when he sees this, because such killings are really of little significance. Not to mention the defeated Jinyang soldiers who were all slaughtered, even the victorious Suwei soldiers actually suffered a lot of casualties in such killings.

But seeing that the emperor's eyes were getting more and more excited and he had no intention of stopping, Duan Shao could only stand silently at the bottom of the corridor, watching another group of frightened soldiers being driven into the hall.

The Jinyang soldiers who came on stage this time were obviously much stronger. It seemed that after seeing consecutive defeats and no survivors, they were frightened, ashamed and angry, but they also used their thoughts to gather the brave soldiers into one team. Fighting in the middle and on the court.

Therefore, the next battle was particularly fierce and lasted for more than half an hour. In the end, Jinyang's soldiers won, but only a dozen soldiers remained, and everyone was injured and crumbling.

"It's so happy, so happy!"

Gao Yang was not ashamed that the Jinyang soldiers had defeated his selected soldiers. Instead, he looked at the dozen wounded soldiers with admiration and asked them one by one their names and positions in the army.

When he learned that these dozen wounded soldiers were all corporals in the army, and that the highest-ranking one was just a military commander who led thousands of troops, Gao Yang's face turned evil again, and he immediately ordered the dozens of wounded soldiers to be killed. The direct superior officer was summoned.

Some of these generals were on site, while others were in military camps outside the city, and they were all summoned to Jinyang Palace by their respective deputies. By the time all relevant personnel were summoned, it was already dark.

Gao Yang then led his men to light the lamp in front of the palace, then looked at the commanders and generals and said, "These dozen brave soldiers were able to defeat the army of guards that I selected in Gyeonggi Province. It shows that their bravery is extraordinary. I will defeat them all." Governor Ren, do you and others have any objections?"

All the generals, whether they came first or later, were frightened by the smell of blood in front of the palace. After hearing this, they shook their heads to show that they had no objection. The dozen or so wounded soldiers were overjoyed when they heard this. They thought they would die today, but they didn't expect that they would receive a heavy reward and then be given the title of Commander-in-Chief. For a moment, they didn't care about their injuries and kowtowed repeatedly to express their gratitude.

If these wounded soldiers were merely appointed as governors, there would naturally be no need to summon so many people to witness. Since Gao Yang summoned these people, there must be something to follow.

So next, his face darkened again, he stamped his feet and shouted angrily: "Such a brave soldier silently silences his subordinates, but he cannot be rewarded and used by his superiors with his bravery. Can you, the generals in charge of the army, be blameless? Since you We all think they are capable of serving as governors, so how could we dare to use them without recommending them to our superiors before?"

The generals really couldn't get around His Majesty's brain. However, seeing the furious look on the Emperor's face, he looked even more horrified, so they could only kowtow and beg for mercy.

"Since everyone knows their crimes, how can they not investigate them? These brave soldiers are known to me because they compete with their lives. You, as an officer, will naturally be even more brave. Then put on your armor and grab a sword and enter the battle. If you can win, you will be rewarded with no faults. If you can't win, you will die here!"

Gao Yang looked at the crowd and sneered again.

When the generals heard this, they were naturally shocked. They have seen the strong fighting power of these guards, and their ability to serve as generals may not be based on their own bravery. If they really fight with swords, they will probably die, so they kowtow and beg for mercy, not daring to Enter the formation.

"How can the army win if the general is so cowardly? You deceive the world and steal your salary, you deserve to die! Since you don't dare to fight, everyone seizes their official positions and sends them to the governors as slaves!"

Gao Yang had his own set of standards for doing things. Seeing that these generals did not dare to go to war, he simply dismissed them from their official posts and punished them as slaves, and then rewarded them to his old subordinates who were named governors.

Although his order was filled with a strong sense of evil, it was definitely not a joke. When guards and palace slaves come forward to strip these generals of their robes, shave their beards and hair, put iron rings around their necks, and engrave the names of their new masters on the iron rings, they will be rewarded Those newly promoted governors.

"How lucky I am to receive such great love and reward from my lord! I will serve my lord with all my heart and soul, and I will not hesitate to do anything!"

After the dozen governors received this reward, some of them were happy and grateful. They only said that their talents were not appreciated in the past, but now they are finally appreciated by the British master. Although some did not react for a while, they all bowed to the ground and shed tears of gratitude. He kowtowed and thanked him.

Gao Yang burst out laughing after hearing this, and then took out various precious medicinal materials and gorgeous brocade robes to reward these people.

Originally, all the soldiers in Jinyang had complained about the cruelty of the new king, but when they saw that these dozen soldiers had gained status and reversed their situation by winning a battle, they were very excited. I fantasize that I can also have such opportunities and treatment.

They are desperadoes who lick their blood with their swords. If their lives can be sold at a price, why should they fear death? Nowadays, His Majesty the Emperor employs people in an eclectic way, but he selects and appoints them immediately if they have considerable courage. To the many soldiers of Jinyang Army who come from humble backgrounds and live in silence, he is a wise master!

Soon the fight in Jinyang Palace spread throughout Jinyang City. Although the process was bloody and cruel, it gave people great encouragement and hope.

Numerous Jinyang soldiers were also keen to spread this story, especially when they talked about those generals and officers whose corpses were lying bare of food and were rewarded by His Majesty the Emperor as slaves to their old subordinates, they were even more elated and overjoyed.

Because Gao Yang was low-key and solitary before, many soldiers in Jinyang only knew that there were kings and kings. They had never even heard of the second son of king Gao who was appointed in danger, and naturally they had no respect in their hearts.

But after this incident, the new king's reputation quickly spread among the bottom, and everyone who had opinions admired him.

So when Gao Yang led the troops to the east city of Jinyang, inspected the troops and lined up to fight, what he saw was no longer those cold and critical eyes, but reverent and enthusiastic eyes! Wherever you go, there are thunderous cheers and orders, followed by clouds of followers!

Compared with Jinyang's prohibition and morale boost, the Western Wei army that had arrived in Jianzhou was much sluggish.

When the army crossed the river before, it was already raining continuously. I thought things would get better after winter entered, but I didn't expect that several heavy rains would fall one after another, causing the mountain streams to swell like floods, and the army was trapped in Jianzhou Carriage City and could not move forward.

The rains in autumn and winter were extremely freezing. Even if people could endure it, the cattle, horses and livestock in the army could not. Large groups of them died, and soon more than half of the casualties were lost.

The generals who had been in high morale before crossing the river were now more depressed, and they all advised Daxingtai that the weather was not right and their vigor had been lost, so it was better to retreat temporarily and plan for the future.

Although Yu Wentai was shaken in his heart, when he thought of the lofty sentiments before leaving, he was still unwilling to accept it. He sent several light cavalry scouts to the north to inquire about the enemy's situation. If Jinyang was panicked and the army was unprepared, You can still grit your teeth and take advantage of the chaos to advance north.

But the news that finally came back disappointed Yu Wentai. The scouts reported that Gao Yang's army was well-organized and powerful, and there were no fighters that could take advantage of the chaos.

After learning this, the army's horses and other losses were even greater, and their morale became even lower. Yu Wentai could only sigh: "Gao Huan will not die!" and immediately ordered the withdrawal.

While withdrawing the troops, Yu Wentai also informed Li Tai of Heluo that it was up to him to decide how the subsequent situation in Heluo would end.

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