Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 678 Fruitful Results

Hurrying slowly, Li Tai finally returned to Rangcheng on New Year's Eve.

Since it was already dark when he entered the city, there were only a dozen subordinate officials left in the front hall of the General Manager's Mansion. He did not start working immediately after returning to the city. Instead, he dragged his tired body straight back to the inner house and rested for the night.

There were many servants in the palace, but it seemed a bit deserted. Most of the pavilions and buildings were hidden in the night, and there was almost no light at a glance. Occasionally, a few servants carried lanterns to inspect the courtyard, and the sudden flashes of light in the night only added to the eerie feeling.

When they saw Li Tai striding forward, the servants themselves were startled. After careful inspection, they shouted in surprise: "The general has returned!"

"Why aren't there any lights in the house? Don't you know that my wife is restless and afraid of the dark?"

Li Tai frowned and snorted, pointing at the dark inner space and said displeasedly.

Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, when he entered the city, he saw many people in the city decorated with lights and colors, preparing to celebrate the festival.

Before I led the troops and left my wife alone in the house, I felt a little pity in my heart. This time I returned to the town day and night hoping to accompany my wife to spend the first New Year in Jingzhou, but I returned to the mansion. Later, when he saw that the inner palace was so deserted, Li Tai felt extremely angry!

When several servants heard the general's displeasure, they hurriedly knelt down on the ground and said with a trembling voice: "To inform the general, it's my lady's order to save light in the house. Madam told the servants in the house that they don't have much homework in the house, let alone need it." Spending candlelight and working day and night, the general worked hard on the expedition and did not return for a long time. It can be seen that the business is difficult, and the family should not live extravagantly. If you have enough food and clothing, save what you can..."

After Li Tai heard this, he stopped scolding her. Although he felt that such frugality was a bit harsh, he also understood what the little lady was thinking. Because it was his wife's order, he did not directly change the order, so as not to damage the majesty of the lady that she had carefully created. He took a lantern from the servant woman and walked back to the inner hall.

The inner hall was not completely dark, there were still a few candles lit, and the light was quite sufficient. Li Tai walked into the room and saw a dozen women sitting in the room. Each of them was spinning or sewing embroidery or tailoring robes. They were all female workers working in the inner palace. The master's robes and socks were These are all done by them on a daily basis. It seems that if these female workers didn't need lights, there might not be any lights in the inner hall.

When all the female workers saw Li Tai walking in, they all hurriedly put down their things and stood up to pray. Li Tai waved his hand to show off her courtesy. When he asked again, he found out that his wife had gone into the room to rest, so he walked back to the inner room.

In the side room of Nuan Pavilion, several maids heard the footsteps and hurried out. When they saw that it was Li Taixing, they suddenly looked surprised. When they were about to call out, Li Tai waved his hand to stop them.

He pushed open the room and walked into the equally dark conservatory. Before he could light the candles, he heard the slightly lazy voice of his wife from behind the screen: "Don't add incense tonight. I always feel dizzy. Tomorrow at noon Open the window again to let some air flow..."

Li Tai felt pity in his heart when he heard his wife speaking in a slightly nasal voice. He placed the lantern on the wooden table under the window, and then walked around the screen to the room in the dim light. But as soon as he put his head into the curtain, he suddenly A strong gust of wind suddenly hit his face, and then his eyes trembled and stars popped out.

Hearing Master Lang's scream, the maids outside the pavilion hurriedly rushed into the room and quickly lit the lights. When the curtains were lifted, they saw Master Lang stooped, covering his eyes with his hands, and his wife was pressing her knees against him. Ribs, cut palms and press on the side of the Lang's neck. For a moment, the expressions and movements of several maids were a little stiff, neither advancing nor retreating.

After a while, in the steaming bathroom, Miaoyin rolled up her sleeves, revealing her fair forearms. Her green-white fingers kept kneading and tapping her husband's shoulders and neck, and occasionally raised her fingers to lift the wet hair sticking to her face. Silk, and secretly glanced at the husband who was enjoying himself with his eyes closed, and leaned into his ear and whispered timidly: "How do you feel, husband?"

"Harder! Can't you use your fists to exert force?"

After hearing this, Li Tai groaned and replied in a bad tone.

Who else had been on a business trip for several months and rushed home day and night. He hadn't even seen his wife yet, and as soon as he poked his head through the curtain, he was hit with an eye-sealing hammer. He couldn't be happy either.

In the past few years since they got married, they have been together less and less, and every time they get together, this lady looks delicate and shy, but this powerful eye-sealing hammer immediately reminded Li Tai that this lady is a general girl!

Miaoyin felt even more ashamed after hearing this. She deliberately avoided her husband's bruised eyes. When the huge guilt became unbearable for her, she began to excuse herself: "This can't be all. It’s my fault! Who’s still sneaking around when he comes home? I’m not asleep yet. It’s a courtesy for the husband to call before entering the room!”

"My fault?"

After Li Tai heard this, he stared. He didn't want to but touched the hurt area next to his eyes, and tears were about to flow out.

"My fault, my fault, it's all my fault! My husband is so wronged, it makes me feel so bad!"

Miaoyin heard this and hurriedly comforted her husband. She came up and blew air into the eyes. After blowing, she stretched out her tongue to lick it.

With a plop, Miaoyin lay on the side of the tub and fell directly into the tub. Water splashed and steam rolled, which immediately filled the bathroom with a charming atmosphere.

"My lady is still suffering from the cold..."

Li Tai regained consciousness and was about to lift the lady out of the bathtub. The lady looked up with her wet pretty face and murmured in her mouth: "A husband is the best medicine for me!"

At any time, home is the most relaxing place. Home is not a specific place, but the company of the closest people.

After a night's rest, most of Li Tai's fatigue had dissipated. Early the next morning, Cui Qian and other members of the General Manager's Office, who already knew about his return, gathered in the front hall to wait for the report.

When Li Tai came to the front hall to meet with the officials, Cui Qian took a closer look at his face and couldn't help but frowned and asked: "Is the war between Heluo and Luo so fierce? But even if the war is fierce, although the general You have outstanding bravery, but it’s still not appropriate to join the battle!”

After hearing this, Li Tai was slightly surprised at first, but after a moment he realized what he was doing. He turned his face slightly to avoid Cui Qian's gaze, and then said with a straight face: "The former was ordered to go on an expedition, and all the affairs of the government were entrusted to you. Now the expedition is going on. It’s over, the army is back. It’s the end of the year, thank you for your hard work!”

"The general manager has carefully planned the affairs of the government before leaving. The subordinate officials and others will abide by their duties and act according to the orders, so that the affairs of the government can develop smoothly and the general manager will have no worries. Only then can the subordinate officials and others live up to their promises!"

Cui Qian led all the government officials to respond to Li Tai's condolences, and then they all sat down at their seats. Pei Xia, the general manager of the government, was responsible for the report and summary.

Long before Li Tai returned, the General Manager's Office had already conducted a summary of government affairs for the year under the leadership of Cui Qian, and Pei Xia restated the previous summary concisely and clearly.

After this year, various affairs of the General Administration still maintain a momentum of rapid development. In the context of the era when the Western Wei Dynasty was conquering the Northern Qi Dynasty and Hou Jing was attacking along the Yangtze River and the West, the area under the jurisdiction of the Jingzhou General Administration was uniquely beautiful. No matter whether it was the Mianbei base or Shannan, Handong and other territories, there were no major wars.

In troubled times, if there are no wars or wars, it can be called a paradise on earth.

Therefore, this year, there has been a large influx of refugees within the jurisdiction of the Jingzhou General Administration Office. The various arrangements made by the General Administration Office have also played a significant role in this regard, and have greatly improved the reception and resettlement of refugees.

Of course, the investment promotion work promoted by the General Administration is also progressing well. Many investment agreements signed before have been funded in the next few months, and the Baiye Workshop has also been put into production one after another. It can be said to be prosperous.

Water conservancy construction and land reclamation, which are traditional work projects in Jingzhou, have also made considerable progress this year.

With sufficient funds and manpower, many historically famous large-scale water conservancy construction projects in the Nanyang Basin have reappeared on this land and played their due role.

Thanks to this, land reclamation and planting area in Jingzhou have also surged. Next year will still require continued investment, but in the year after that, the effects of reclaiming wasteland and conferring farmland will be reflected. The land output and the tax revenue of the General Administration will surge, which will not only be able to meet its own consumption, but also obtain a large surplus.

All in all, the past year has been a fruitful and exciting one. Li Tai is not surprised that the state government has such an eye-catching government report. As long as you stay on the right path, time will give you precious gifts!

Of course, outstanding performance and results in government affairs cannot cover up troubles in other areas. During the period when Li Tai left Jingzhou, the situation in Nanliang also experienced some new changes.

The person who has a direct influence on the Jingzhou General Manager's Office is Xiao Lun, the sixth son. He used to occupy Yingzhou, but after being driven away by Wang Sengbian sent by Xiao Yi, he came to Jiangbei and wandered around, mainly in the southeastern area of ​​Anlu. , and a large number of soldiers have gathered, looking like they want to die.

As for the Jiankang court, the general of the universe and the governor of Liuhe were also officially launched. While giving himself such an exaggerated name, Hou Jing's power was also further expanding. His Western Expedition forward general Ren Yue stationed in Yingzhou. The war continues with Xiao Yi's general Xu Wensheng and has officially pushed his sphere of influence to the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

Of course, the rebellion against Hou Jing within Nanliang has not stopped yet. The rebels and the rebels are fighting endlessly on the land of Nanliang, repeatedly tug-of-war, and each of them continues to bleed Nanliang through their efforts.

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