Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 682: Draw a river to rule

Li Tai originally thought that Wei Ding was going to tell him some wise words or confidential information, but he didn't expect that the other party was going to meet him, and he was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry for a moment.

He actually didn't care much about these Yin Yang alchemy techniques. After all, the education he had received since childhood had a skeptical and negative attitude towards this aspect. But if it is specific to oneself, it has happened that the soul has come to this world, and one cannot say that one does not believe it. In short, one just ignores it and does not deliberately obsess.

However, after hearing Wei Ding's serious but unclear words, Li Tai couldn't help but smile and asked: "Then I would like to ask Wei Jun, if you can give me some good words to help resolve the disaster? What is the so-called preciousness that cannot be expressed in words?" Wealth?"

After Wei Ding heard Li Tai's question, he remained silent for a moment, his eyes lingering on Li Tai's face. After a while, he said again: "Whenever you encounter great luck, please think twice. Misfortunes and blessings depend on each other. Although the changes are complicated, but with the general's wisdom, there is no harm in using them with caution..."

At this point, he paused again, stood up from the table, bowed solemnly to Li Tai, and then raised his face and said: "Because it is indescribable, I dare not say it. The general's mind is huge and can accommodate many people." , We should maintain our own pattern and be inspired by no false words!”

Seeing Wei Ding's attitude, Li Tai couldn't help but burst out laughing. It is not necessary to delve into the meaning of these auspicious words, but what is interesting is the mood and intention of Wei Ding when he said these words.

He did not continue to break the casserole to ask the truth. He raised his hand and took out a golden talisman from Hongbin Tower. He briefly explained its meaning, then gave it to Wei Ding and said with a smile: "Anzhou is not Shaoling." The king’s homeland, but if Mr. Wei has no one to rely on one day, you can come here with this, and I will treat him well!”

After Wei Ding heard this, he quickly took the valuable and significant golden talisman with both hands, and then looked at Li Tai and couldn't help but said: "The king's energy may decline in the near future, but the catastrophe is entangled. General, please respond appropriately."

Li Tai only thought that this Wei Ding disciple was good at dancing, and when he saw that he had a good reputation, he praised him a little to show his goodwill. He didn't care about it. He entertained Wei Ding and sent him out of the house, and soon forgot about it. The back of the head. But what happened next made Li Tai believe that this Wei Ding really had something to offer.

It is only natural that several sect kings of the Xiao family send envoys to visit him. After all, Li Tai is now the most powerful man in Jianghan. But Hou Jing's power had just expanded to Yingzhou, and he sent people to pay homage to the dock. He didn't expect it. Could it be to thank him for helping him get rid of his old enemy Murong Shaozong?

Hou Jing's envoy was named Zhao Sixian, and his team consisted of more than two hundred people. In addition to a cavalry team of hundreds of people, the team also carried many weak and haggard young women.

They passed through Anzhou to submit letters, and were sent secretly to Mianbei by the governor of Anzhou, Ma Xiu.

Li Tai was quite satisfied with this arrangement. No matter what Hou Jing's intention was in sending the envoy, he should not receive his envoy in public, otherwise it would inevitably affect his infiltration of personnel in Jiangling. After all, Hou Jing caused trouble to Nanliang The damage done internally was too great. If Li Tai got involved with him, his reputation would be ruined, and there would naturally be obstacles in his contact with people from Nanliang.

"Zhao Sixian, who holds a humble position, was ordered by the General of the Universe, Prince Hou, to travel north to visit General Li. Prince Hou told General Li that he had met General Li in Henan last year and was unforgettable and fresh in his memory."

Zhao Sixian was in his early forties and was not like an ordinary rough soldier. When facing Li Tai, he was polite and well-spoken: "In the past, we were separated in separate places. Even though we missed each other, we could hardly see each other. Now, the army of the princes and kings is advancing into the river. We are so far away from each other." General Li's administration was only one step away, so he sent a humble official to come and say hello."

Although his attitude was good, Li Tai did not give him a good look in view of Hou Jing's reputation as a bad smeller. After hearing this, he just sneered and said: "Last year, Hou Jing asked for help, but he immediately defected south. , Although it is difficult to question what we have done in the south of the Yangtze River, the crimes committed before the rebellion are difficult to erase. Are you not afraid of death if you follow the traitors and come under my sect?"

When Zhao Sixian heard Li Tai's unkind tone, he couldn't help but paused for a moment, and then said after thinking for a moment: "The humble position is no more than a slave in the prince's account. He is used by his master in all directions. If he is punished for being loyal and obeying orders, , I don’t know how to defend myself, but General Li is famous all over the world, and those who can be enemies and be killed are famous ministers and generals with great dignity. Even if he is killed in a humble position, it is the time to become famous..."

Hearing this unique flattery, Li Tai couldn't help but feel happy, and immediately said: "Why did Hou send you here?"

"The former prince made a move to hang Huaibei in Huaibei, but he was blocked by the thief general Murong Shaozong. Although he was not guilty of war, he hates him more and more every time he thinks about it. You should know that General Li defeated Murong Shaozong for the king and destroyed this crazy thief. Huai Shui, the prince is also very pleased. This time he sent the envoy to this humble post to express his gratitude with great courtesy! "

As he was talking, Zhao Sixian took out a gift list from his arms and offered it to Li Tai while saying: "Many nobles in the Liang Kingdom are extravagant, their good goods are lost to the public, and now they have lost their country. They are all to blame themselves. All the disasters that happened, All due to the undue enjoyment of natural treasures, only the brave can live in them, but the weak will definitely die if they enter the market with gold! No problem, please accept it as a courtesy."

Li Tai listened to this shameless gangster's argument, took the gift sheet and looked at it. Seeing the gold and jade weighing by the catty and the jewelry by the bucket, Li Tai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Zhao Sixian peeked at Li Tai's expression, and then said: "A hero should be surrounded by gold and jade, and beauties should sit in his arms. In addition to these treasures, the prince also ordered me to escort the ladies from Jiangnan to present to General Li. General Li is a talented man from a famous family, and the Westerners only use women from military families as their wives to humiliate him. The ones presented today include many beautiful women from famous families in Jiangnan, and the general can choose any of them to have his favor!"

"Oh? Then I'd like to hear what family backgrounds these women come from."

When Li Tai heard this, he smiled with interest.

Zhao Sixian was delighted again, and hurriedly led the women he brought to the hall one by one to introduce them one by one. As expected, there were women from the Wang and Xie families, and there were also many from the Gu and Lu families in Jiangnan. There was even a girl from the Xiaoliang clan, the daughter of Nankang King Xiao Huili, who wanted to launch a mutiny in Jiankang in the second half of last year. She was only a little over ten years old and was sent here.

After listening to Zhao Sixian's introduction, Li Tai really wanted to give a thumbs up to Hou Jing for his generous attitude, not to mention his sympathy for these women. How long has this guy been involved in the affairs of the royal and Xie women, and he has sent so many to himself!

"Hou gave me such a generous gift, I guess he must have something to ask for, right?"

Li Tai raised his hand to signal to lead these frightened and weak women down for the time being, and then looked at Zhao Sixian and said.

"The king is now in charge of Liang State, with a million soldiers under his command. No one dares to disobey his orders. Why should he seek help from outside? I am here to see you now, just because I admire General Li's courage and wisdom, and want to discuss important matters with him!" Zhao Sixian said this with a proud look on his face, and then looked at Li Tai and continued: "The king asked me to tell you that with General Li's courage and martial arts, why should he be subject to the rule of the black otter in Guanxi? In the past years, the king stayed in Henan because he was grateful for the kindness of King Gao of the Eastern Dynasty. Once he left, he would be like a dragon entering the sea, without any taboos! General Li is a young hero and should have such ambitions. If he can follow the example of the king and be brave enough to stand on his own, the king will also be willing to recommend General Li to the court, and the Emperor of Jiankang will definitely give him a high position!" "What position can the Lord of Liang give me?" Li Tai was curious again after hearing this. Isn't it said that the price of a person depends on what the person who buys you is willing to pay? He also wanted to hear what price he was worth in Hou Jing's eyes. Zhao Sixian didn't expect Li Tai to ask about the price so directly. After a pause, he said, "General Li should know that the vanguard of the Hou Wang has already arrived at Yingzhou, and will soon break through Xiyang and head straight to Jiangling. The Hou Wang is now reorganizing the army in the country, and he will complete the success in one battle tomorrow.

I sincerely invite General Li to join us in this matter. As long as Jiangling is defeated, the rest of the bandits will not be a concern. The people of Shu will be short-sighted and will not dare to go out. By then, Liang will be controlled by the Hou Wang, and it will be difficult for anyone to compete for power and make trouble. By then, the Hou Wang will agree to divide the river with General Li, and the area between Huai and Han will belong to General Li. I will also ask for the title of King of Qin for General Li, and he will be the powerful vassal of Jiangbei forever!"

After hearing this, Li Tai couldn't help but pounded the table and stood up. I said, what's wrong with me! Gold will always shine, and my current status is far from worthy of my merits!

He was really excited by the price offered by Hou Jing. Putting aside his conscience and his own plans, if he didn't agree to Hou Jing's sincere promise, it would be a bit ungrateful.

He expanded the territory and made great achievements for the Western Wei Dynasty, but what did Yuwen Tai give him? No money, no people, and he had to use his nephew Yuwen Dao to pressure him when he was made a general...

Thinking about it carefully, what the hell was I doing with Heita? Hou Jing gave me money, women, land, and the title of king, and he was almost going to make me the prince... Bah, bah!

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