Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 685 The General’s Wonderful Pen

After the day passed, the officials and people of the Jingzhou Governor's Office began to resume work, and all industries resumed production. Some people who had come from afar also said goodbye and left one after another.

However, Li Tai kindly invited the delegation from Jiangling to stay for a while. Although he did not have time to accompany them in person, he ordered the government officials to arrange a variety of activities for them.

"Everyone, please see, this is the Jingzhou Prefectural School. Since the establishment of the pavilion, the prefectures and counties have selected students from all over the country to study here, and more than ten thousand people have come here to learn the clear meanings of the scriptures and understand the text..."

As the area under the jurisdiction of the Jingzhou General Administrative Office has grown larger, the scale of Jingzhou Fuxue has also become larger and larger. It has become a complex of buildings in the city that is difficult to ignore. Many people from Jiangling are also curious about the functions of this building complex, so the state government simply We will arrange for personnel to accompany the tour and provide explanations.

"Maybe Northerners also know how to learn?"

When someone in the team suddenly said such a sentence, the entire tour team immediately laughed. When it comes to riding, shooting and martial arts, Southerners may not be good at it, but when it comes to studying literature and art, they will inevitably feel a sense of superiority.

Hearing these laughter, several state officials serving as tour guides couldn't help but look sulky, but a young official came forward and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Generally speaking, northerners are indeed less academic. Especially in Nanyang, the old famous tribes did not keep their property and abandoned their land. As a result, the township has been reduced to a barbaric wilderness for many years, and the people do not know how to read, let alone learn.

After General Li came to power, he deeply felt that the morals of the village had deteriorated and that only learning could stop it. Therefore, he established this state school and invited the people to teach. It is not necessary to learn deeply, but to know the meaning. The local customs and customs were changed. Although they are not as skilled and skilled as those in the South, the people are wise and know what they are doing. Thanks to General Li's protection, they can still live and work in peace and contentment in these troubled times. "

When all the people in Jiangling heard this, they were immediately overjoyed. Especially among them were many people from Nanyang who were accused of not keeping their hometown and abandoning their land. At this moment, their faces became even hotter. Although they were not the ones who made this decision, it was their ancestors.

"From the tone of Han Lang's voice, it doesn't sound like he's from Mianbei, right?"

Someone else looked at the young official and asked with a smile. They didn't care much about this little follower arranged by the state government at first, but now they started to take it seriously.

Han Xie had not yet switched out of the state of fighting to protect the dignity of the state capital. After hearing this, he nodded and said: "A humble person from Anlu used to live in Huainan for a long time. Hou Jing caused chaos and ravaged the countryside, and it was difficult for him to live in the countryside. Fortunately, all his relatives were tortured, but only one person was spared. He was rescued by the benevolent and righteous teachers under General Li's family. From then on, he donated it to the military government, and now he knows that there is still dignity and peace in the world! "

Although he was still using words to attack these Jiangling people, after all, it was related to his own life experience. When Han Xie talked about this, his voice was hoarse and his expression was sad.

When everyone in Jiangling heard this, they all looked sad. No matter what their identities were or whether they had experienced it personally, Hou Jing's rebellious army, which was still rampant in thieves, was a pain in the hearts of the officials and people of the Southern Dynasty.

Several people who held official positions in Jiangling couldn't help but become complicated when they heard that Han Xie had stated that he had been rescued and protected by General Li. They may not be very capable, but they still possess basic morality and a sense of right and wrong. When their own people are in trouble, they have to rely on the generals of other countries to rescue and protect them. This in any case shows the incompetence of those in power!

Han Xie did not continue to delve into this topic to stimulate these visitors from Jiangling. After defeating their contempt and arrogance, Han Xie and several colleagues from the state government led them to visit the government schools.

Regardless of the academic level of the state capital, the environment of this school is really unsatisfactory.

The Fuxue itself occupies a large area, and various forms of buildings are scattered in it. There are smooth blue brick pavements in the Fuxue. There are also some flower gardens, fruit trees, bamboo forests and other garden landscapes between the pavilions and courtyards. Students come here to play and relax, and even visitors like them feel relaxed and happy when they linger here.

Compared with the Northern Dynasties, the society of the Southern Dynasties itself was very urbanized. There were not only government offices and residences of officials and dignitaries in the city, but also many shops, shops, and small houses.

Therefore, in many large cities, including Jiankang and Jiangling, the cities are usually overcrowded and the planning is disorganized. Therefore, such a large area of ​​land in the center of the city itself has very great value, either as the official residence of a powerful person or as a royal garden. , rarely used for this purpose.

Xiao Yan, the Emperor Wu of the Southern Dynasties, Xiao Gang, the current puppet emperor, and Xiao Yi, the king of eastern Hunan who was based in Jiangling, each advertised themselves as being eager to learn and be courteous, and each also accepted a group of talented people around them to study books, study, and discuss mysteries.

Regardless of whether their academic research path went astray, the academic atmosphere they created that was eager to learn and discuss the truth was enjoyed by many people in the Southern Dynasties.

Therefore, when they saw the Jingzhou Governor's Office's dedication to the construction of government schools, these Jiangling people were not surprised, but they also secretly had a good impression and curiosity about the ruler here.

After some sightseeing, the group came to a small garden pavilion to rest for a while. Suddenly, a Jiangling man pointed at the pillars on the pavilion and exclaimed: "Selected Works is actually being preached here?"

Hearing this exclamation, everyone also came forward to take a closer look, and found that the "Preface to the Selected Works" of the late Prince Zhaoming was carved in dignified small regular script on the surface of the stone pillars of the small pavilion, which naturally surprised them.

Han Xie explained with a smile on the side: "General Li once said that "Selected Works of Zhaoming" is the master of selection. Those who learn from the top can observe his selection method and observe his rules to develop his own academic methods. Those who learn from the bottom can You can read through the selected articles, which are both meaningful and expressive. How can anyone who is an aspiring scholar not learn from them? So General Li personally wrote the preface and recorded it in the academy!"

The "Selected Works" edited and edited by Prince Zhaoming had a high reputation in Nanliang Feng Review and has always been praised as a model of selected studies. And when I heard that General Li also valued "Selected Works of Zhaoming" so highly, I felt excited, happy, and embarrassed at the same time.

The joy is naturally that the people and culture of our country can gain recognition and satisfaction from foreigners. The embarrassment is because the topic about Prince Zhaoming is relatively taboo in Jiangling. After all, their lord, King Xiangdong, has been there before. He ordered people to kill the son of Prince Zhaoming, and the other son of Zhaoming, Liang Wang Xiaoqi, was also in a state of hostility with Jiangling.

King Xiangdong himself was not a generous person, so although the topic of Prince Somyeong was not explicitly prohibited in Jiangling, if you talk about it unscrupulously, someone will come to test whether your neck is strong enough!

Therefore, when they learned that the "Selected Works of Zhaoming" was a highly regarded and important textbook in Jingzhou Fuxue here, these Jiangling people were both proud and entangled.

In this complicated mood, someone suddenly noticed a blind spot and quickly asked: "Excuse me, Han Lang, is this preface really written by General Li himself?"

After being reminded by this person, everyone in Jiangling immediately began to pay attention to the calligraphy and writing style of the carving. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. Once you look at it, you can't help but let out exclamations of exclamation.

Li Tai's European regular script aroused Su Chuo's surprise and attention not long after he came to this world. Over the past few years, in such an environment in ancient times, he also became a master of the tyrants and governors. It is inevitable to write articles uploaded and distributed. Naturally, the calligraphy practice becomes more and more proficient and becomes more and more organized.

Ouyang Xun's European regular script was originally based on the development of calligraphy in the Southern Dynasties and absorbed the essence of famous calligraphers in the past. Although Li Tai himself did not have an attitude of concentrating on practicing calligraphy but used it on a daily basis, he was relaxed and proficient, although he may not have achieved everything. The essence of European style, but it can also be called full of charm.

Calligraphy occupied a very large proportion in the literary and artistic life of scholars in the Southern Dynasties. It was precisely because of this social atmosphere that many famous calligraphers were born, including the calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi.

Even if these people from Jiangling do not have extraordinary calligraphy attainments, they still have certain aesthetic appreciation abilities. So when they saw Li Tai's calligraphy with both physical and spiritual features and rich meaning, everyone was so fascinated by it that they each hugged a pavilion pillar and refused to let go.

This pavilion only has octagonal pillars, so naturally not everyone can get a turn. Some people stood in the center of the pavilion waiting for a long time, so they couldn't help but scratch their heads anxiously. Since it was not easy to crowd and snatch in person, they simply rushed in front of Han Xie and others. He said: "I would like to ask Han Lang and other nobles, if there is any other General Li whose ink is worth mentioning?"

Han Xie and others have neither superb calligraphy skills nor aesthetic taste, so they naturally do not understand why these people are so obsessed and anxious, but after hearing this, they still shook their heads to express no. What a joke. Everything General Li has done is a military and political secret of the Jingzhou Governor's Office. How could he reveal it to outsiders like them casually?

Out of their love and admiration for General Li's calligraphy, these people stayed here until night, causing many students from the government schools to watch without realizing it. They finally left after the persuasion of Han Xie and others.

However, when Han Xie and others invited them on behalf of the state capital for the next step of their trip the next day, most of them were unwilling to go. Instead, they said they wanted to go back to school, and each of them also prepared pen, ink and paper. See It looked like he was planning to go and copy the book.

Faced with this situation, Han Xie and others had no choice but to temporarily cancel their subsequent itineraries and then accompany these people to go to the government school. At the same time, they couldn't help but secretly murmur, is General Li's writing skills really so superb and charming?

These guys naturally don't know that General Li's abilities go beyond this. It's purely because their cultural quality is too low, so they usually keep a low profile and are too lazy to flirt with the blind man.

Fortunately, Li Tai still had some ability to win decisively on the battlefield, so he would not have nothing to show in the cultural desert of the Western Wei Dynasty. Shortly after the New Year, his skills came in handy again. Gao Yue, King of Qinghe in the Northern Qi Dynasty, led tens of thousands of troops from Yecheng to Huainan.

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