Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 687 Living up to God’s grace

In the late first month of the first month, Li Tai returned to the main town of Jingzhou. At this time, most of the government officials and the soldiers and civilians in the city did not know that General Li had already gone to war and was defeated by Huainan.

After returning to the General Manager's Office, Li Tai first reviewed the accumulated government affairs, and then asked how the Jiangling delegation's travel arrangements in Jingzhou were going. When he learned that these people had recently been observing and studying his calligraphy at the Jingzhou Academy, While writing the work, Li Tai couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face: "These Jiangling people are quite knowledgeable and have some appreciation."

Coming to the cultural desert of the Western Wei Dynasty, he often felt out of tune with the people around him because he was too good. Because there were no people who were educated enough to sing and sing, many of the poems I planned to copy were quickly forgotten. If these Jiangling people hadn't discovered and appreciated it, he would have almost forgotten that he was also a great calligrapher.

However, he was also a little curious. He had been in direct contact with Jiangling as early as the year before last, and inevitably wrote a handwritten book and sent it to Jiangling. Logically speaking, the fact that he has good calligraphy skills should have been spread in Jiangling for a long time. Why are these Jiangling people still making such a fuss and acting like they just knew about it?

Could it be that because seeing his calligraphy skills was so superb, Xiao Laoqi felt ashamed and simply hid his autographed letters sent to Jiangling from others?

Considering Xiao Laoqi's consistent urine habit, this is not impossible. Fortunately, I was hanging around in the Western Wei Dynasty. If I went to Jiangling, it would be hard to meet such a surly boss.

It is natural to be happy that his calligraphy works are praised by others, but Li Tai enthusiastically retained these Jiangling people and provided them with accommodation, food and drink at public expense, not just to make them flatter him, but to show Mianbei in all aspects. charm, increasing their respective recognition of the local customs.

So Li Taidang decided to personally arrange the subsequent activities of these people and ordered the government officials to arrange the venue as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Wang Fan, who was a close confidant in the general's tent, came to Hongbin Tower with a warrant and invited these Jiangling people to go to the General Manager's Mansion to meet General Li and go to the venue today for activities.

"General Li finally took the time to meet you?"

After receiving the notice from the king, everyone in Jiangling was overjoyed. The more they watched and appreciated General Li's calligraphy works during this period, the more amazed and admired they became. They even wanted to ask General Li for advice on his techniques and meaning in person. The trick.

However, every time they made such a request, they were always declined by the members of the general manager's office, saying that General Li was busy with official duties and had no time to meet the masses.

Some people also recognized Wang Ban's identity. Although he did not become an official in Jiangling, his father Wang Sengbian was an old man in the palace of Eastern Hunan, so there were many knowledgeable people in Jiangling.

"When did Wang Lang come to Mianbei? You have actually served under General Li?"

Someone came up to talk to Wang Fan. When they learned that he was serving as a confidant in General Li's tent, they were all surprised. They couldn't help but ask about his treatment and experiences since he joined Mianbei.

Being able to see so many people from Jiangling in Miobei, Wang Fan also felt happy to meet old friends in a foreign land, and he tried his best to answer the questions raised by everyone as long as they did not involve the military and political secrets of the General Manager's Office. Of course, with his current position, he has no access to any real military secrets.

Through Wang Fan's narration, everyone in Jiangling learned that during the time when they were obsessed with calligraphy, General Li, who had been avoiding them, had gone to Huainan to defeat a Northern Qi army and force back an enemy army!

"General Li is truly a great talent in the world. No wonder the king and his army have to offer their sons as subordinates! Such a brave and majestic master of the palace is really a blessing to the officials and people under his rule!"

The culture of the Southern Dynasties did not particularly value martial arts, but with Hou Jing's rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River, they witnessed the harm caused by military disasters to the world, and they all hoped for a wise and courageous leader who could quell the rebellion and restore peace to the world, so when they heard When General Li was far away from the enemy's territory, these people all made a sound of admiration and envy.

Although the leader of the Jing Mansion in the south, King Xiangdong, is also a young and powerful leader with rich military and political experience and means, and is highly praised by people in the world as the hope of quelling the rebellion and continuing the rise and fall, but with this majestic and outstanding Northern leader, Compared with the leaders of the Jing Mansion, even in the minds of Jiangling people like them, they felt that the King of Eastern Hunan was less elegant.

Of course, such thoughts are only whispered in their hearts, and they absolutely dare not express them openly, so as not to cause trouble or even death.

When a group of people from Jiangling arrived at the General Manager's Mansion led by Wang Fan, Li Tai's guards were already ready and prepared horses, carriages and other means of transportation for their guests.

Li Tai also walked out of the main hall of the Governor's Mansion dressed in military uniform, his handsome and strong figure bathed in the morning sun and seemed to be shining.

After not seeing each other for many days, everyone in Jiangling was immersed in observing and appreciating his calligraphy. They could not help but think about his style based on his words. They felt that his person and his words complemented each other and complemented each other. Now when they admire General Li's style in person, they can only feel that in their minds The imagination I had before the movie still pales in comparison to the real person.

"The general is brave and handsome, like a god!"

Some young people in the envoy team couldn't help but admire him, probably because after observing calligraphy for several days, he felt psychologically close to this general from another country who was both civil and military and had unparalleled grace, so he couldn't help but want to express his admiration.

Li Tai laughed when he heard the admiration, pointed at the young man who praised him and responded: "Mr. Lang is also very discerning, magnanimous and innocent, without losing his innocence!"

Everyone present laughed when they heard this. They felt that although General Li held a high position and was powerful to his neighbors, he still had a youthful and lively personality. He was also elegant and funny in daily interactions, making people happy and close to him. .

Now that everyone has arrived, Li Tai directly ordered to set off. He also got on a horse. After seeing Jiangling, everyone chose to board the car and go.

Although this is also related to the differences in customs and objective conditions between the north and the south, it also shows that the southerners are really not good at riding and shooting. The sons of generals like Wang Huan only came to his command and systematically practiced under the guidance of the robes. practice riding skills.

A group of people left Jingzhou City in a mighty manner, and after traveling for several miles, they arrived at the Caogou Military Camp in the south of the city.

This military camp was where Li Tai invited Wang Gu to watch the military parade before his expedition last year. Now all the soldiers who went on the expedition are still stationed in the camp. In addition, there are also prisoners of war captured from Heluo, and they are all now housed in this military camp. .

Li Tai came to the military camp today to preside over the reorganization and resettlement of prisoners of war. The purpose of inviting people from Jiangling to come is to let them understand a series of procedures for the reorganization and resettlement of prisoners of war by the Jingzhou General Administration Office. This experience may not make people happy, but it will have its uses in the future.

The military camp has already received a notice from the General Administration, and the venue has been arranged early in the morning. In addition to the martial arts school that showcases the skills of archery and horse fighting, various officials from the general administration and some private workshop owners also came here.

"Are these, are these all prisoners of the Eastern Wei and Qi armies?"

When everyone in Jiangling was informed of today's activities, someone pointed at the large camp in front and the soldiers walking between the camps and asked.

Wang Huan explained on the side: "The troops in the camp have their own flags of various colors, and those with plain flags hanging at the gates are the prisoner of war camps. It is not all what you expected. Although the general captured and killed tens of thousands of enemy soldiers during this expedition, Only about 10,000 enemy soldiers were actually brought back to the town."

"Ten, more than ten thousand people? Then, the remaining enemy troops were all killed in the formation?"

After hearing the numbers that Wang Fan casually mentioned, all the people in Jiangling couldn't help but stare and ask in surprise.

These discussions in the team reached the ears of Li Tai in front, and he turned around and said with a smile: "Soldiers are very dangerous, and stopping the fight is the best. Since ancient times, only those who are cautious in using soldiers can be called famous generals. Governance is also the long-cherished wish of ancient sages and generals.

Although I am not talented, I still adhere to this ancient custom. Whenever there is a battle, I give orders. I abandon my weapons and do not kill, but only punish the stubborn thieves. God has the kindness to live a good life, but I cannot bear to harm those who have the desire to live and live in the Tao.

However, sometimes the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and the enemies are surging and killing is inevitable, so it is inevitable to kill to advance your career. Killing is easy, but living is difficult, so for these prisoners of war who were lucky enough to survive on the battlefield, we all hope that they can understand the virtue of God, change their evil ways, and live up to God's grace. "

"What General Li said is really both benevolent and courageous, and it is deeply touching! Unfortunately, not everyone in charge of the army is as benevolent, brave and caring as General Li. There are many vicious and murderous evil creatures in the world. They think they can rely on His ferocity frightens the world, and even if he is cruel for a moment, he will inevitably be punished by both nature and man!"

Hearing Li Tai's words, Na Zong couldn't help but sigh, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

Each of them couldn't help but think of the current domestic situation. Even if Hou Jing's rebel army was really unstoppable and the King of Xiangdong failed to stop the rebel army from advancing westward and allowed the bandits to enter Jing Mansion, for them, Mianbei would be an ideal place. A place of refuge.

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